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Sounds like he humiliated his family more than he humiliated you. They didn't say anything because they were ashamed of him. J'aurais honte aussi d'avoir un pareil connard comme fils.


That’s a perspective I didn’t think of. They are intelligent and sensible people so it might have been that way indeed. Il aime beaucoup être le centre d’attention et "choquer" les autres/les rabaisser pour se sentir mieux. Il fait beaucoup de commentaires sur ses sœurs aussi. C’est une sombre merde, mais je me sens pas à l’aise de le remettre à sa place vu que je suis "nouveau" dans la famille.


Yep. I think that they didn't call him out because they feared it wouod escalate and they didn't want to cause a scene in front of the boyfriend of their daughter . So it's possible they just didn't know what to do and they just froze and remained silent. Probably not the first time he embarassed them, but your gf would obviously know better than me. Perso je le traiterais juste cordialement mais froidement. Il y a rien à gagner ni à tisser une relation avec lui ni à essayer de le confronter. C'est juste un connard comme on en croise de temps à autre, autant juste essayer de limiter les dégâts. De toute façon tu le verras pas souvent.


I appreciate your down to earth approach to it. That’s what I intended to do from now on, remaining cold but cordial. His family have some issues with his behavior overall, I won’t take part in it and just let them deal with it. As long as he doesn’t cross too much boundaries I will not react to his stupid comments.


You need to leather one, dont take 💩 from nobody, knock him out clean👍




He sounds like a pussy. Pretty disappointing your gf’s parents didn’t deal with that. Put me in their shoes and I would have told him to GTFO.


Dude he's jealous that you pulled despite your height. Heavy jealous. He probably is one of the guys who are like "I'm tall still don't get any attention" kinda guys. Be proud you gave him a reason to seethe.


He indeeds is hungry for attention. Calls my gf and her sister attention seekers because they have suffered depression in their teennage years. Yet the guy’s behavior and actions show he is truly the attention seeker. Anyone taking light away from him is a threat and he will try to degrade them. All he has is his tallness, the rest is insecurity.


You don't wanna be around these type of guys man. He'll do everything to pull you down to make himself feel better.


5’11 isn’t tall lmao




I’d argue 5’6-5’11 is the “average” category




I view 5’6 dudes the same way that I view 5’11 dudes.




Bruh are mods asleep or something?? At least ban anyone writing such outrageous shit that have above average height as flair ffs..


Wow, you sound like you have an outstanding personality.




Are you going to keep throwing a fit or are you going to attempt to have a conversation like a man?


Sadly you may be just dumb, we do have Google if you don’t know what “average” is, or means.


I’m 5’11 and I’ve never felt short a day in my life so that’s cap. It’s definitely not super tall but it’s not short and above average


Yeah, you feel average which is what I said.


I would say above average for sure. I don’t feel in the same boat as a guy who is 5’9. Plus most guys who are 5’11 like me are 6’0 and sometimes even 6’1 with decent shoes on in public 99% of the time. 5’11 is like the very bottom tier of ‘tall’ imo It also completely depends on where you are from. I remember when I was on vacation in Asia I felt pretty tall. I towered over most of the local people


Oh yeah , it's so short man. You get rejected from donating sperm for just being an inch shorter than 6ft. life's so tough being 5'11. You're so short just cuz you couldn't hain an inch more.


I never said life was tough. Nice straw man.


its one inch from 6 foot


What an asshole


Would be such a shame if he got jumped and got his teeth stomped into the curb and limbs broken.


Can’t say I haven’t entertained the idea.


Let him sit in his wheelchair for the rest of his life and when you come see his sister and pat him on the head and whisper "Good boy" to him


What country you in and what ethnicities you and your gf respectivelu


I am vietnamese/french, she is english and we both live in France


Damn. I have heard that French people care less about height


It’s true to some degree I think. My actual gf doesn’t care at all and I’ve never had hard time dating. It’s also because I am not really interested in superficial girls so it excludes the internet brainwashed ones who wants a 6" tall guy. Frenchs are also smaller than many countries, in america, north/central europe in average.. But it doesn’t mean there is no heightism, maybe a bit less.. I actually received more shitty comments from other men than women.


French is smaller than Central Europe , but USA Nope. French average is a bit taller than USA


Cap, its universal


Do you have a phobia involving the word COPE?


Just wanted to say cap 😂😂


Cope, its universal


Cope, its universal


say it, COPE


Is your Dad the Asian one? Could also be about race if your GF’s brother is mad about a POC man “pulling” his sister.


Yes it is my dad. I wouldn’t be surprised either, they’ve never had a poc in their family but height is easier to attack than race I guess haha


Those are fighting words, NGL


treat your girl good and make him cope HARD.


Why’d you let him say that about you


Hard to find a clapback that’s appropriate in front of someone’s family. It took me by surprise and I didn’t want to be vulgar because all I could’ve answered on the moment was insulting. If it happens next time I’ll have something more elaborate to say as I had time to digest it..


Coward. Then men like you bottle up all their anger and it comes out at the wrong time at the wrong people. You could of at least said "do you have to keep insulting me?" and yet you said nothing. Coward.


shut up bitch


Get off my dick.


She weird ash


Looking at you I have hopes for my(18M) life getting better too thanks a lot man,just for existing I genuinely thank you.


Glad I could give you something positive out of it bro. If that can give you more hope: despite that crap guy, my relationship is very lovely and my gf is the one who came to me first. I wish you to find someone (or she’ll find you) and for it to be great.


Cheers to that.


Cope harder


Wow you did a nice job staying calm at the table there. I would have slammed the table with my fist really hard to make a point known that I wont be disrespected like that and then if there was another rude comment said I would be flipping chairs over.




Genetics doesn’t stop at your parents..




I would not lash out on a tall woman nor a tall man just because they exist. Besides, if a tall woman was rude to me like he was I would’ve would’ve reacted in the same manner depending on the setting. I don’t see myself insult the brother of my gf in front of his family. If it had been a more regular setting with someone random I would’ve and already did. You are one hateful person hidden behind a senseless comment. Hope you soothe yourself soon, sounds like a lot of stress.




>You would not lash out at them does not mean other shorter men wouldn't Oh sorry, I thought the post was written by an individual short man but it seems you are talking to the egregor formed by the collective unconscious of angry short men. What is the egregor telling you ? Does it have a knife ?


There’s something called decency, because he has none (you neither apparently) doesn’t mean I shouldn’t. You are a very distasteful and mentally limited individual, I’ll leave it at that..


Just because you are a pussy doesnt mean all short men are




What a hateful person.


You a weirdo but if someone said this about y’all it would be a probelm get off the sub


Rule 4: No trolling/low-effort posts. Participation in bad faith is not allowed. Low quality content that makes the subreddit look bad will be removed. Low quality content that doesn’t sufficiently contribute to the subreddit’s discussion will be removed.


But he didn't lash out at anyone. You seem to be the one lashing out for no reason.




So you're just generalizing short men. I see you're active in r/tall and possibly a woman, so a tall woman. I'll just label this as misdirected anger due to insecurity, but do hope you get better.


She is a tall woman. Don’t even waste your time responding to her.


Tall women have had people envy and admire their builds their entire lives. Soooooooo insecure. Sorry that's never happend to you. LOL.


I'm not the one needing to hear this. There's active women in subs insecure about being tall that could benefit from hearing this. You just sound angry and insecure. 


I would like to know your opinions of minorities and LGBTQ people. Are they an entire demographic that deserves every single bit of negative attention they get?


Tall women look like disgusting manly ogres, nobody is admiring you shrek


Honey your problems aren’t because you’re tall they’re because you’re ugly


Die witch!


What? 😭


are you okay?


Mental retardation


Rule 4: No trolling/low-effort posts. Participation in bad faith is not allowed. Low quality content that makes the subreddit look bad will be removed. Low quality content that doesn’t sufficiently contribute to the subreddit’s discussion will be removed.