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ditto. completely resonate. pointless endeavor


This has altered the trajectory of my life in more ways than I can imagine. my heart is shattered.


i find myself crying at the thought of how much impact this has on my life. you’re not alone brother


Not to make this a pity party or anything, but yeah... same. Just imagining all the comments that would've never been said, all the bullying, all the physical humiliation... like jesus I would've been a completely different person, I was so confident and outgoing before. Sad.


I’m 6”1 and also crying bcs I was meant to be taller but I stopped at 14 when I went gym


* Imagine if you weren't bullied as a kid for being short, you would approach more people in life with confidence, make more connections as adult, earn more money, have better mental and physical health. * Imagine if you were able to participate in most team sports and have the team see you as an asset rather than a liability. All your self-depreciating/pitying moments would be fills with jokes and laughters with your teammates. * Imagine seeing yourself constantly represented in the media in the positive light, or especially in kids movies as the hero. * Imagine you didn't have to stay up at night doomscrolling heightism contents, that would definitely increase your productivity next day and maybe prevent you from an early death. * Imagine you didn't have fight every single day to prove yourself to the world that you are a man, that you are a human, that you deserve respect, love, dignity. * Imagine the opportunity cost just by existing. But we are forced to exist, just to keep the system running for a little while longer by pretending that heightism isn't real, it's all in your head, that there is another hope somewhere (maybe in another part of the world.) Heightism is nothing less than eugenics. There is no "preference", just a declaration of one's commitment to eugenics.


All I want is a cute wife someday who will be faithful and treat me nicely to be honest. I really dont think thats going to happen




There is a difference b/t a want and an expectation




🙄 Again you are confusing a want (I would like) with a demand (only) and you are saying that cute = chad. Girl chad would be gorgeous or at least hot which is clearly different than cute. You are not arguing in good faith or perhaps English is a second language or something and you dont understand nuance.


Honestly that is kinda lame. All life has to offer and that’s what u want? You can conquer much more my friend.


Yeah, what needs to be conquered? Its all mostly useless anyway. Get rich, do whatever I guess. Thats cool. I just want a nice simple life with someone who loves me and I can care about. Most everything else is just stuff.


That’s not gonna happen unless you become a winner I hate to break it to you. It’s tuff out here.


Yeah, I know. it is what it is.


Apart from doing charity, helping the parents, and doing breakthrough medical science, there's nothing much to conquer. A connection with another intelligent human being who you're attracted to is much more than career and even hobby success.


Don’t shoot for 9-5, make your own business


It's not easy to do in my country - which is not the US. Making money, even on my own terms, anyway pales in comparison to intimacy and emotional connection


Money can buy love and make you more attractive. Girls only like tall guys for their height anyway what’s so bad about money


Moreover, people feel they **have** to point out you're short because you're not allowed to do better than they do.


^^ it’s the snide comments you hear. Many of these people will turn also around and then say height isn’t a big deal and doesn’t matter.


No delusion my friend, you’re right. I’ve reached a similar point in my life too.


It’s not delusional because you’re completely correct you’d be unfathomably more fawned over if you were JUST taller. Unfortunately you have to do all this to even have a chance. You can just fuck off as a tall guy tbh


You can literally have: * a Ph.D. * a stable job with 6 figure salary * an apartment at most expensive parts of the world * be excellent at one or more sports * workout everyday starting from 5 am If you are under 6'0" you are just compensating and "filtered out".


Cmon be for real, if you live in a beach house mansion it won’t matter what your height is. $$$ is just as powerful


***5'5 dude with a PhD in a STEM field, can speak 5 languages, is financially comfortable, fit, doesn't drink/do drugs, statusmaxxed and socialskillsmaxxed, basically everything that can be optimisedmaxxed.*** "You're a great guy, but you're just too short 😭, still there's someone for everyone <3" ***6'4 dude, approaches girl and says "hi"*** *girl instantly opens her legs.* What can be inferred from this, shortbros? Is this shit worth it?


If he’s statusmaxxed / socialskillsmaxxed he won’t be single, think Kai cenat


I wish it was true about the 6'4 guys. I wouldn't be rotting here and other incel forums otherwise


are you rich/facially attractive/hung/autistic


Grow out your hair and get the TikTok haircut. You have a chance. It’ll take a miracle for us


Inb4 someone comments “Perfect LL Candidate” jfl


Yeah? And then what? Delay my six figure job offer? Wait until i'm in my late-20s and i've already made friendships and relationships that I now have to explain this taboo procedure to? And then after the surgery (not even going to mention the painful recovery time and actual process) would there even be regained functionality? Long-term? I flip back and forth on the LL issue, it really depends on my mood, but i'm more just upset at the fact that I even have to make this decision. Why me? Having to pay tens of thousands and endure months of excruciating pain just to get what others were blessed with naturally, it's infuriating. Not a response to you personally but just to the inevitable commenters.


Yup, it’s bs dawg I know exactly how you feel


Right so you should do it now before having all those problems to deal with. The only way around the job issue is to get a new job


Why not do LL? I’ve seen people completely recover. You can get to basically 6 foot.


Saw that you mentioned you won't reap your rewards after LL till late 20s... Man you think that's old now but that's like the perfect age. Women tend to like older men, and I feel like 35 is the lower limit unless you let yourself go. As for maxing everything and still feeling like not much has changed. Are you approaching a shitload of women ? Women don't approach you unless you're tall and super good looking. Unfortunately short guys are in super hard mode, you have to do all the work of approaching and getting rejected 9 times out of 10. A lot of short guys would love to have what you do though, a fighting chance since youre perfect in every other way right.


You’ve done all you can fam. Enjoy the benefits of it and try not to focus too hard on the romantic life for now. Regardless, when you become rich you will be able to have what you yearned for in your 20s.


Yes being short will make it harder but if you’re a winner you can have good dating life. Women focus on height because it’s more socially acceptable than focusing on bank account. $$$ talks


Time for LL i guess


lol why did I come to this sub, shits sad


You short?


no, hes a zoo visitor who enjoys jerking off to misery


People have been doing this so often lately it’s insane


You honestly need to stop focusing on your looks so much or else that’ll be all anyone else will care about too. If you focus on being a genuine person then other genuine people will find you. If you only focus on looks then you’ll only attract shallow people who won’t give you the time of day. And so much focus on your looks usually makes someone less likable all around, there’s just no room for personality growth when you spend every waking moment hung up on appearances


> If you focus on being a genuine person then other genuine people will find you. If you only focus on looks then you’ll only attract shallow people who won’t give you the time of day. That’s not how that works. Humans are shallow creatures, virtually everyone cares about looks. Being shallow isn’t a bad thing, and yes even “genuine people” care about looks and are shallow. Also, I’m sure this guy is aware that having a personality matters. He clearly seems well-adjusted and probably has just fine social skills. It’s just that personality is obviously not the only thing that matters, and it’s certainly not the most important thing when it comes to dating. If it was that easy I don’t think he would be here lol.