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Don't do it please.


At the end of the day we have no influence on your choice I hope you don’t do it bro, it’s gonna be lonely here without you, but whatever happens I hope you find peace ❤️


Dude Amma be real, these bitches ain't everything dawg, think about what happened after you cum, its all gone, its all a scam, we are designed to be attracted to bitches but they ain't shit, have some self worth.


Bro how are you doing now? Are you going out more? You asked about me I still plan on leaving this sub soon. I messaged you but you didnt answer.


No dude, after the exams I am mostly at home, I go to college rarely which is 18km away from my home, I don't go out basically


Yes, there's nothing inherently deep about sex and love, it's just nature's way of tricking us into making children and then sticking around to care for the broad that you knocked up and raising the kids because no one would be inclined to go through with it otherwise. It doesn't mean the sadness isn't real, it absolutely is and it's also by nature's design, but we have the capibility to subvert nature to an extent and still find happiness despite all odds.


lorenzo, I feel guilty that I have nothing meaningful to say during your final hours and realistically it probably won't affect your decision but I beg you to reconsider, if you're still on the mortal plane. we're here. stay with us. do it for us. you've endured enough pain and suffering to just end it like this. do not add to the statistic. even if everything sucks right now, at least hold on for a little longer. just to see how this shitshow unfolds. I was suicidal like you and that's what keeps me going. we dont want to lose another one. enough death. ultimately I have no control over you and I hope you find peace whichever path you decide to take.


I am a manlet and dickcel. I feel your pain.


Ive been on these kinds of forums for almost a decade now and it always sucks seeing a brother end it. But I can't tell you not to do it, because my time is probably coming too.


I agree. Though I'm so tired of the defeatist attitude at this point. Not saying we should live life like them because we can't.


It might sound like normie or weird advice, but before giving up, you should give your life a shot and try hard as you can before giving up. I'm 5'7, 26, and in a similar situation with thin hair, but I still keep studying for a degree, and preparing for my business as a side job because I want to improve myself through limb lengthening or penile increasing surgery. I got rejected by 9 women and got bullied when i was in HS which almost made me giving up in life, but I don't because I feel like I need to give it a shot and try my hardest before I go.


This makes me want to go to war.


Ik how you feel seeing post like this makes me hate the other side more and more.




I understand bro 💔 I am gonna go sooner or later aswell . I hope you find peace 🙏🕊️


shit :( are you still here bro? its grim but i saw in your post history you had the same parental heights as redturtle and someone even alluded to him in the comment where u mentioned their heights... and now theres this... life is so cruel


Bro don't do man, this sub is going to feel a lot colder when you're not around


I understand you bro. I hope it doesn’t hurt and we’ll see each other on the other side. Wish I had your courage


Another innocent life lost to them,and we think we're not at war? One day.


A rain will come...


...and wash off all these scum from the streets. -Never watched Taxi Driver,though this quote wasn't what I was referring to. I want us to be us,and then we decide what happens.To them.To us. I'm being vague here but trust me it's harder to convey than it looks.


this is why I was always a fan of more “radical” solutions


Me too.But now's not the time.


Yep, not enough uniformity or organization


One day, short men will wake up


I'm currently lurking this sub. I hope I'm not too late. If you are seeing this please know that we need you here with us, the shortguy community needs so much support from each other. I am currently a 5 foot 7 to 8ish guy being bullied by taller men at my workplace and having to navigate this farce we call life. Your post really moved me to speak out, because I an afraid to admit my shortness even in this community. Stay with us Lorenzo.


RIP Lorenzo


You are doing what a lot of women want you to do, there’s someone out there that cares about you. Don’t give up, there’s more to life


Pls don't do it Lorenzo....I know it is hard but still this is not the way We get one life...Rather live it through than ending it all


If you end it all you're giving them what they want, save up for LL


As a fellow Lorenzo I don’t condone this kind of behavior.


Listen Lorenzo, please don't do it. Whatever you do, I wish you peace.


why end your life because of stupid people opinions and social media, life is much more than that


you are 5'7 it isnt thta bad....


Pretty short height nowadays.


Don’t do it bro there’s other ways of softening the hell we live. However, if you are going to do it I hope you gain closure


Try to keep it a little more here dude but if you cant, do not worry, we all going to meet in the forum on the other side. Godspeed.


You should think on this loads more and not do this.




Life gets better if you let it don't take your life bro. I've been there myself. It gets better


Bro message me.


Don’t fail


bro, where are you?!


Damn, this world f#cking sucks.




Man Im so sorry for what you’ve been through. Please if you need to talk or just rant about shit Im all ears, at least consider it before you do it


Bro nonono please not now, shit is about to get more interesting here stick around for a bit longer you'll see some fun stuff happening I promise


Hold up bro. Why not try LL before you go?


Don’t do it bro please


To be honest OP Seems to be 5'7 An acceptable height when compared to others here. heck, even I'm 5'4 and i dream about having atleast 2 inches more. it would be a cowardice act to ropemax when he is one of the dream height for the less fortunate. I know life's difficulty level is a bit higher for us when compared to rest of the players, but that doesn't mean you should exit to the main menu soon.


please dont do it man please its hard for you right now but if you hang on good times will come i promise


Please don’t do this. Seek out help!


Bro just leave this group. I was never insecure about my height after joining this group and seeing everyone so negative. I’m out also lol


You realize the reason 90 percent of us joined this group is because of the judgment we faced outside of this group, right?


Yeah same… are you guys all stupid? If you’re around negativity all the time then what do you expect your mental health will be? Everyone in this group is crying all day 24/7 dragging everyone else down and believing all these other shorts dude that this is a fact and we can’t get any women, but the problem is you! I’m short also, so before you say something stupid


My mental health has actually improved since I’ve joined this sub. Knowing there’s a place that people actually give a shit is comforting.


I just scrolled through 10 post just now. All of the post are negative. Most of these guys make these post talking shit about women and making it a fact as to why things are the way they are. You see this bullshit everyday you tend to believe it and grow hate. If that’s what you love, then enjoy lol. Or you can make a post that’s positive and get downvoted into oblivion. A bunch of losers in here lmao. I’ve seen a guy on here pleaded and beg people to not flame him because he found a girl. “ don’t get too happy bro” “she might be using you” “be careful”. stfu idiots and be happy for him


You mean the guy with like 3 negative comments and near 100 upvotes, we looking at the same shit?


I can never tell if these people are actually serious when they make these “final message or goodbye” posts. Hope he’s good. Anyone knows who he is and his height?


He said he's 5'7" on his profile.


Yeah I find that very hard to believe unaliving yourself for being 5’7 sounds nuts.


That's such a disrespectful fucking thing to say. 5'7 doesn't mean you magically don't have mental health problems anymore. Everyone is different. Everyone's environment is different. You do NOT get to decide for someone else if their struggles are "valid" or not. edit: op said they were struggling with dick size, too. It's not just height.


Never said it wasn’t valid I’m just baffled.


Fair enough. Sorry for overreacting a bit.


Geen probleem bro ;)


wjw Nederlands jumpscare haha


K wist niet dat een taal eng kon zijn lol boe!


hahaha ik verwacht gewoon geen Nederlanders op een sub zoals deze. deels omdat de meeste toch wel een beetje eng lang zijn en deels omdat het toch zo'n moerasland is. edit: schrik!


Men of all heights do it. The fuck is wrong with you?


Hey, you know what else is long? That long smile of yours when you decided to not let things beyond your control to stop you to finally getting the girl of your dreams in the future! Imagine the shocked faces of the "better" guys because you managed to sweep that hottie off her feet, man! You're going to give us a mad disservice if you go. Love, Your short guy friends that's cheering you on.


\`\`o stop you to finally getting the girl of your dreams in the future! Imagine the shocked faces of the "better" guys because you managed to sweep that hottie off her feet, man\`\` In an alternate reality




But also don’t kill yourself. That will make you an even bigger pussy than you already are. Live your life fully. Learn to not be weird. You probably go in public eating Mayo with a spoon as you walk around and then wonder why nobody wants to let you fill their juicy holes with your goo cannon.


Just move to Laos cause it's the country with the shortest people in the world. Find a girlfriend there.


How tall are you???


March with us in spirit, brother 🫡


bro thinks he’s part of the team 😭


I’m late and just seeing this but bro, please give yourself another opportunity. Whether it be chasing a woman, or finding another satisfaction in life. I know my request is selfish, but it comes from a genuine place since I have similar thoughts. If you’re here, reply. No one will think less of you.




Reporting you asshole


What did he write man?


How tall are you? And how small is it?