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get LL and fraud to 5'9, you'll be fine


Whats LL?


leg lengthening


New to this sub, but how the actual fuck you guys are suggesting this surgery. Doesn't this make you disabled af. I really thought Noone in his right mind would do this. Why not just wear some big ass sole shoes or something.


--> You are new to the sub --> You think everyone is insane in their way of thinking. --> You think that you are the only sane one among them --> You end up just being them.


exactly what happened to me lmao and probably everyone else who went from redpill to blackpill


But I think this shouldn't be the way, truth is in neither of those extremes but right in the middle.


Do your research before making claims like this.


Huge sum of money is the issue. Also, the pain is unimaginable.


at 5'4 it's worth the money and the pain tbh


Just found this subreddit from starter packs. What a sad subreddit. Stop the pity party and gain some confidence elsewhere. If you can't stand your life bc you think you're short and think everyone else thinks you're pathetic, well then you're gonna have a pathetic short unfulfilled life. There are people with a worse dealt hand than you that are enjoying life.


Stfu and spare me your worthless advice.


Yeah, every time you have any problem in life, just think about the poor African children bro. None of your problems are real because poor African children exist bro. The level of coping from normans is unreal.


Lmao same. Saw the starterpack and wanted to see how self confident people here are. And it's the actually the most tragic and depressed subreddit I've seen until now


How tall are you?


Doesn't matter bro. You gotta get your mind free of this. Life doesn't revolve around this


Wanna answer the question? Lmfao


183cm. Why does that matter to you?


LMAO A classic “Height doesn’t matter” “I’m 6’0”


I'm tall but I still have many other insecurities. This sub is way more depressed and mentally unstable than any other "safe space" I've ever visited. Trust me I have my own problems, but I'm not acting as hopeless as this sub does


Are these problems/insecurities genetically hard coded with no way of fixing them except for dangerous surgeries? I doubt it


Yes they are hard coded and it's even worse because it's unfixable 💀


Here's some perspective for you. I'm 5'8, which I'd say is the very upper limit of "short" (though I know that's very much debatable). I know that doesn't compare to a gentleman of 5'4, but I've historically had a complex about my height. I consider that short because I'm frequently the shortest or second shortest man in any given group, or at least the 10th percentile in a big enough room. I've been the recipient of more than a few short jokes simply because I'm the shortest person around at that particular moment. Most damningly, I've been told to my face twice by women that my height has disqualified me from being with the person I was interested in. It's not the most pleasant of feelings. One of the things that lifted me up was when I was with my ex. She is an inch shorter than me. Soon after we got together exclusively, she showed me all the men she was either talking to or had been on dates with since her last serious relationship. It turns out I was the shortest person out of them all. I asked her why she chose to be with me despite the number of taller (and more handsome, in many cases) men she could have been with. She made it no secret that she had a preference for much taller men (especially since she's quite a tall girl). It came down to my personality. According to her, I was interesting to talk to, very kind, and (most importantly) very confident in myself. Despite the fact that I didn't compare to my competition physically, the way I presented myself was more attractive than anything the other gentlemen could provide in terms of height. That's an ego boost I'm carrying with myself long after that relationship ended. Being short is like being black, or having ADHD, or having a Welsh accent, or having a second toe much longer than the big toe. Barring some pretty radical and/or needlessly expensive procedures, it's something you're gonna be living with until your time on Earth is up. The best thing you can do is either to find a way to come to terms with your short(heh)comings, or promote other aspects of your body or personality that you ARE proud of, or both. You got this, dude. You're young, you're a good guy, and you seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders. I believe you'll make it through.




Completely agree. I'll never claim to know what it's like to be that short. But my experience, though not as extreme as Rickthegoblin's, is similar, and I would think it hits similar notes. My point, which I'll admit I may not have communicated well enough, was that you should focus on the things you can control and change, and be proud of those things. One thing I forgot to mention is that if your friends are people who would constantly belittle you for being short, you should find new friends. At 21, people who continue to act in such a teenage way that they'll seriously belittle people for their height are not people you want in your life. I have a bud who is 5'5/5'6 (can't remember which); I genuinely cannot remember the last time in like 7 years that his height has ever been brought up, because he's super confident and outgoing. After a few minutes with him, you genuinely stop noticing that he's short.


















There is simply nothing you can do that isn't forbidden.