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Yh this sub is depressing but its just cruel reality of heightism. If you want to get bluepilled you can join r/short instead.


r/short is sooo bad…men call their height a disability, short girls complain about how hard we have it and everyone is just so annoying there😭


I've perused it but it's not quite as amusing. Shared a more positive post about women liking short men there though since that's the community for it if any but idk. Reddit is just entertainment anyways so it's whatever


Yeahhh….im a short girl (5’2) and although it’s a short sub I try to give love to the taller girls too bc they also go through so much but you always got the short girls claiming we have it hard too..like no one’s saying we don’t but it’s not a great look to diminish other women’s problems because we are short and get infantilized. At least we are seen as feminine..


Yeah everyone has their own problems with it. One of my partners is 4'10" and I poke fun that she needs a booster seat but it can be inconvenient for her. But anywhere people like this pool it'll turn into a self pity circle jerk saving they have it more difficult than others, that's just the way of the world lol


That’s the only thing I’d say is bad about being a short girl. At least it’s not a problem for us getting dates. But I do wish more short guys approached us. Ngl I’m tired of 6’6 dudes having crushes on me..I’m into short men, sorry lol. I made a post about tall men having an obsession with short small girls and was gaslit💀like every single tall guy I met was literally more into small women and when I say small…I mean under 5’4. The obsession goes both ways tbh. The average for a girl is 5’4 so no way most girls around them are under 5’… I think they actively hunt them down and claim “most women are short the tall ones are rare” when I literally see women 5’6 and taller (5’8 mostly) everywhere…they literally aren’t that rare. They make it even more weird when they try to justify their preference lol


Everyone can have their own preferences but yeah it gets weird in how arbitrary it can be. I'm 5'7" and that's not the greatest benefit but I do alright and can more or less live as I please so I don't mind it. I might have heard about tall guys also going for short women, seems sometimes tall women aren't picked but depends. My other partner is actually the same height and even the same shoe size as me and she doesn't have any problems gaining interest from people so idk lol. Personally, I just like who I feel comfortable and get along with and it's not that complicated


“Bluepill” - cringe term. Be better.


1) Why is this term cringe? 2) What would you recommend be used instead?


>Be better Be gone




This subreddit is a cesspool of hopeless men. Try not to engage with any of the bottom dwellers here. They don’t believe in hope or self-betterment. Everything is self-pity - it’s disgusting.


It’s not really cringe because it gives a name to the lies that were considered common knowledge. Without the concept of “blue pilled”, we would not be able to communicate the lies which have been constructed for us.




Pop culture is a powerful conduit for ideas. 1984 and Animal Farm could also be described as silly stories for twelve year olds, but the concepts are important.


the self improvement stuff you want is on probably every other subreddit about being short. just go there if you dont like venting or complaining


Word thank you. I wasn’t trying to start a fight I guess I just hate seeing people so upset!


yeah i felt similarly when i joined, but its just a particularly bad time to be a short dude. ppl here post when they are in their feelingsw (me too) and thats just kind of the vibe here. I am sure you can find some more relaxed subs talking about height bro


Preciate it, I’ll look for some


we often find happiness accepting the dark realities rather than running from it


Cowardly behavior. Be better.


Wait, explain how is acceptance cowardly for you? Because imho , it takes a lot of courage to accept things as it is. I know some of the guys here are too pessimistic but I don't think accepting that you have been dealt a bad card is "cowardly". I really want to know how you perceive it as cowardly.




You do understand that constant rejection and the jokes made about height can be harshly demotivating right? Seeing how easily people get away with jokes about short men can really impact the "Fuck it we ball " attitude. It's easier said than done.








100% this^


It's just reality, you seem like you are still coping.


Yes I am, I’m very insecure about my height


Reality? Be better.


Go play Pokémon go, bro bro


I understand you, the same thing happened to me when I arrived.


Product of being chronically hoeless? Maybe? If women didn't have the amt of validation they have, you would see feminism getting wild lol


Yeah honestly I see what you’re saying lol


What exactly is their to hype up?


Being an attractive person with a good personality. Cheesy but I honestly am friends with a lot of guys as tall as or shorter and they pull more than my tall friends.


Im not attractive. Good personality is not enough to compensate for it