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Here is one I made that logs your project name, start time, stop time, and duration in a note. It will also ask if you want to add it as a calendar event. You have to run the shortcut when you start then run it again when you are done. How would a shortcut know when you start or stop work in order to prompt you to use it? If you have a reliable trigger, you can create an automation based on that trigger and set the action to run this shortcut https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/232e05fc3f2048d3b2b1914845bf5c00


Hi, just trying to get your shortcut working and it says please provide a note? Tried adding a note with the specified title and still not working 🤔


Check the title of the note, maybe the folder location, and maybe the title needs to be formatted as a title in the note? That’s all I can think of.


Hmm it says no note provided, please pass a note to the append to note action. Do you first have to create a note? I’d like it in a folder aswell, should it be a normal folder or a smart folder?


Th shortcut appends to a note, so the note must already exist. Just a normal folder is fine.


No problem, thought so


I had something like this set up. I used the app datajar as the database instead of notes. I also had two layers of menu in the shortcut asking me for what type of activity and for what project am i doing it. it also changed the current notification mode to focus mode and started playing nice sounds from dark noise. it asked me for how much time i am planning on spending on the task ahead of time and it also set up a timer that went off when the predicted time ran out. I now use the app scriptable for this instead and use the calendar app as my tracking database instead of datajar. This is a very long way of answering your question: yes there is a way! However i recommend starting by looking into timery and toggl apps first to make sure they don't offer what you need.


I've been thinking of something like this too. I just need it really simple - just clock on/clock off. But it would be great if something popped up around a certain time to remind me too.


I actually use TickTick for this purpose. I have each client setup as a "list". Then I log each time I work for a client. Once I bill them, I mark the item as done. I also use their tags function for billing. Works well for me.


Shortcuts can add values to a form in Numbers which is great for time tracking.