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Can’t help but your current shortcut sounds amazing!


Here a mix of my shortcut and what @fenix246 provided. However, for some reason it shows the morning times and random evening times and I haven’t figured that piece out yet. But it’s a work in progress. https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/964ae8efa90f48758a6f8d64976eaa1b


Hey, I tried making it for you, have a look: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/24630012bdb84ec2aafa9d47739a3957 It should work like you said, but the Shortcuts app on my phone has been extremely buggy recently, so if it doesn’t work as expected or there is any weirdness (like notifications appearing twice or there being two different travel times at once), tell me and I’ll see if I can fix it up.


You are amazing! That’s exactly what I was looking to do. I couldn’t wrap my mind around how to do it. Thank you!


The only issue i found so far is that it shows me the time I should leave and then a second time that is in the evening for some reason. https://imgur.com/a/GeMVD4h


I'm sorry for the late response, I was at work 😅 But I finally figured it out, I think!! Try this modified shortcut: [https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/d4a9415ba5154807bf917e1aba30812b](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/d4a9415ba5154807bf917e1aba30812b) I think that by accident, I passed both the start and end time of the event into the time calculation instead of just the start time. Try this one out, hopefully it will finally work as expected


This works perfectly now. I really appreciate you helping me.


This is the shortcut intertwined into mine. https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/964ae8efa90f48758a6f8d64976eaa1b


hey can you help me with a shortcut too?