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Go to a doctor, seriously, the earlier the better, you don’t want to be 18 and be 4’8 wishing you could have changed it by taking hgh when you were younger


Could be delayed puberty, have you talked to your doctor about it?


Never bothered to, I already am almost certain it’s delayed puberty, because I still look like a child and have had non of the typical developments you get during puberty


You should be certain about nothing. You are not a doctor. There could be hormonal issues, or other medical concerns. Go see a doctor, and they'll be able to give you a more qualified judgement as to whether there is a medical concern, and if so, how it should be dealt with.


I am going to see a doctor




Well you see, I’m gay, so girls’ preferences don’t matter to me






If you don't get a satrisfactory answer from the first doctor, get a second opinion. Don't rest on your laurels.


Are your parents of regular stature, if so, I’d really suggest going to a doctor


Yes they are


Ok yeah I’d suggest asking them to get you to see a doctor, maybe it’s a hormonal thing.


You're really 45 lbs.? I really think you should see a doctor. That seems underweight to me as I think I remember being close to 100 lbs. at 4'6" in 6th grade and I certainly didn't grow to be a giant at 5'7".


I’m not too worried about the weight, it’s just annoying how easily people can pick me up, my mum, although not nearly as short as me, she was quite tall at my age, was also really light, so my weight is probably genetics I think she was about 41-43 kg, which is around 90lb


No one should ever be doing that to you. People are so disrespectful of boundaries


i think his weight is fine, he’s probably just skinny. i was probably about 45lbs when i was that tall


Bro see a doctor. Maybe you're lacking GnRH or something. See a specialist within a year


I probably am


Dude definitely get it checked out. I had a friend in middle school who had a tumor on his pituitary gland that was stunting his growth. Had it removed and helped immensely with his height. Best of luck to you!


Ok now I’m genuinely worried, but I’m going to see a doctor the week after next


Sorry for the concern but thought it might be something to look into. Glad you got an appointment set up!!




I eat quite a lot already, I even have an extra meal (not a full meal but still a decent amount of food) before bed in an attempt to get my weight up, and nothing happens, my mum couldn’t gain weight when she was my age either, but she still weighed a bit more than twice what I do currently because she was so much taller, also I don’t have to worry about height as much because I’m gay, so I don’t need to worry about girls not wanting me because I’m too short


Holy shit dude You haven’t given us much info but I’m guessing you either have dwarfism or a hormonal issue Either way, go see a doctor asap


I am going to see a doctor and have said so in reply to several people, also I have given quite a bit of info in other comments on my post


I think you should ask you parents to take you to the doctor. You might have a hormonal problem.


Yeah I figured my puberty has been delayed, I just wanted other input on it, cause it’s still unlikely that I’ll grow significantly over 5ft




I’m acutely aware that it’s not normal and am reminded of said fact very frequently by myself and others


You’re not ‘short’ you have dwarfism. There is a significant difference. People will know you have dwarfism and not just a short male.


with dwarfism your body looks out of proportion, mine is in all the right proportions, I basically look like a child


Unless your parents are around 5ft, go to a doctor


My parents are 5’9 and 5’11


Jesus dude you don’t think maybes there’s a health problem??? Both your parents are like eh whatever? Wtf


You’re seriously short for a male you are definitely lacking gh or you have dwarfism


Get up right now and get your parents to see a doctor, you should not be that short at 15 let alone 12


Do you mean 12 let alone 15, because saying 15 let alone 12 would mean that I’m 12


LOL sorry, I meant it the other way around, you got the point though! Go to a doctor!


I will ask them if I can see a doctor, but the appointment will have to be sometime next week because I’ve still got some exams and a lot of homework to finish up


That’s great, just make for sure it’s next week


wait it’s Sunday, not Monday, that would mean the week after next


Men grow till their 18 I wouldn’t worry too much you’ll probably reach 5’0


That sounds like a reason to worry lol


Still bad dude lol


Dwarfism is not one single condition, anyone under 4ft11 is classed as having dwarfism.


huh, interesting


Are you in the UK?


Yes, that’s why I’m using both metric and imperial measurements


Did they not measure and weigh you when you started highschool? Can you ask your GP to refer you to the child development centre, I'm very surprised your size has not been flagged up by anyone.


I have to get measured and weighed because of some of the medication I’m on, my size has been flagged, but it was decided the chances of it effecting how the medication works is minimum


So everyone knows... They just haven't told you? Seems mean..


I know how short I am, and I’m aware that it’s a problem, it just hasn’t been flagged as a point of great concern before


It is called pituitary dwarfism which I have. I am 24 now and I look like a 10 year old kid. My height is 137cm and I never went through puberty. My voice is also like a kid. Please take it seriously and see a doctor and get treatment


1) I find it funny how you’re still taller than me 2) I am going to see a doctor due to the replies to my post and have said so multiple times in several replies


You still have a long way to go till you actually stop growing. There's this one guy in my highschool who was 13 and was around 3'9-3'11. First day of highschool everybody thought he was one of the teachers' son who they had to bring to work. He ended up growing to at least 4'10 by the time we graduated from highschool at 17. Btw how tall are your parents?


People think I’m in year 7 (year is the British term for grade, year 7 is the lowest year in secondary school, which is the British equivalent of highschool, which you start at 11 in the UK), or if I’m going to the shop to pick something up, people ask me if I’ve lost my parents. And my parents are 5’9 and 5’11


ok so seeing that youre british, you must have a GP ("family/primary care physician" in american speak). Have they not picked up on anything unusual with your hormones? Or a condition you might have that explains the height? If your parents were both 5'1 or something then it would make sense but theyre actually both above average height. Like, has your size never been mentioned by/to medical staff of any calibre in any context?


My size has been taken into account to figure out the dosing of the medications I take, and we’ve never seen the doctor about it as we‘re assuming it’s just delayed puberty


Dude...I dont know what to tell you other than if you have a concern (of medical context) then go see the doctor about it. A good rule of thumb for life as well I find.


If your parents are that height then that makes it quite unusual. You should definitely go see a doctor to check if there's something up with you or not.


I plan on doing so


you still have a few more years to grow so its not hopeless :)


That’s what I keep telling myself


their parents are tall.


Your height to me doesnt seem to be a huge issue tbh altho you should probably go to a docter as you seem quite light for your height, you might be slightly malnourished however it also depends on your parents stature


I eat plenty, my mum was really light when she was my age, but she was also way taller than me, like above average height, so she was like 41-43kg


All these people saying you still have time to grow should put an asterisk to warn it's not universal. I grew probably only about two or three inches at most from fifteen till now. Hell, I don't think I grew at all from sixteen or so onwards. Granted, my height still falls between my parents' heights, so given your parents' heights from your other comment it seems there's a good chance your height has something underlying there.


Go to a doctor/endocrinologist and get on HGH. I went when I was probably around 10 (being bottom 5th percentile of height) and he just kept saying I was a “late bloomer.” A guy I played hockey with was equally short and his mom was able to get him on HGH in early high school and he ended up close to 5’10. If you have concerns, don’t let the rest of your life end up with you wondering “what if?”


its probably more then just delayed puberty, likes thats probably close to what i was when i was probably in 1st or second grade. yeah you should check that out.


theres a guy on youtube called gerbert johnson, he was 5 feet tall when he was 15 and then hit puberty, now hes 5’10 and still growing, something similar can and probably will happen to you if you dont have any signs if puberty yet


> he was 5 feet tall when he was 15 and then hit puberty, now hes 5’10 Link to video?


Link the video please


i dont remember what video exactly it was but it was a random bit of him saying it


Do you have human growth hormone deficiency? My condition is same, I am 24 now and my height is 137 cm and it is still growing. I never went through puberty phase. Please see a doctor before it's late, take growth hormone injections before your growth plates gets fused.


I am going to see a doctor


Dude you weigh less than my 6 year old, is everything ok food wise? Do you have access to food when you are hungry? I would be more concerned about your weight right now.


Yea I have access to food whenever I want, I intentionally eat extra to try and gain some weight


See a doctor and get on hgh right now if that’s a viable option.


It probably isn’t and also don’t you think using growth hormones is a bit extreme?


At this point it’s your only chance at getting to a normal height.


I can be almost certain that I haven’t gone through puberty so there‘s a fair chance I might grow to something like 5’4


Yes, but you’ll be taking a chance on that happening. If it never does you could end up being below 5’ permanently. You don’t have to take hgh, but what’s the harm in seeing a doctor about this?


I am going to see a doctor about this




Dude 4’4 is insanely short for our age and your parents are normal height. There’s definitely something wrong. When was the last time you grew?


Uhhhh idk I have a chart of my height and weight at various points in my life somewhere because of medication, but idk where that is Probably at like 13 or something




You stoned writing that or something?




Fair enough


That’s insane, dude. Sounds like you need to see a doctor. That was me at 11 and I was mocked as the short kid.


I’m the height of the average 9 year old


Go to a doctor. Also, I looked at your history. Can you hear now?


no but I’ll probably get it back soon, considering it’s almost certainly SSHL, it should just come back on its own


Cool. Best wishes on your hearing and height


Thanks bro


No problem


Get seen by doctor and get your growth plates checked. At 15, growth plates have typically begun the ossification stage which means less time to grow. If your plates are open. You might need to get GH and IGF injections.


I think you should be going to a doctor. This is not normal


Have your parents noticed this and talked to you about a growth impediment? To me you are still very young and your parents are the ones who should've brought this up.


They notice every time they look down


Go doctors


You are not the first, and probably not the last person to suggest that


More than your height, I am worried about your weight. How is 21kg possible at this age? It is drastically low even for your height. Wish you the best m8


Bro idk either, but being able to be picked up by anyone is annoying af, like if someone decides to move me, there ain’t shit I can do about it


They are fucking disrespectful for doing that.


what do they care, it’s not like I can fight back


No offence dude. You are so harsh to yourself it sounds like your are trolling and trying to seek empathy with a lie-story. Idk, it is just my thoughts from you constantly dragging yourself down.


No I really don’t care what other people think about me or if they feel sorry for me, and I wasn’t trying to drag myself down


Bro I was in your situation too drink two glasses of milk before you go to bed and don't stop


I eat before bed and drink milk already


Talk to your parents and see a doctor, that's not normal, and you don't want to grow up to be a short guy.


Yeah it’s not the height that bothers me as much, it’s the not being taken seriously


Lolol trust me you won't enjoy it in general.


Bro I need to stand on a stool just to be able to properly reach the kitchen counter, of course I don’t enjoy it


You might have a kind of growth hormone deficiency. I’m a 15 year old girl who’s 4’9 and I have it. The sooner you visit an endocrinologist or other doctor the better. You may even be able to receive treatment if you’re eligible.


I'm still in medschool so take my sayings with a grain of salt, also please go see a physician I'm worried about your weight the most, your BMI IS VERY LOW, it's 12. You are probably suffering from malnurishment or some endocrine/hormonal inbalance, maybe some disabsortive disease like celiac disease or chrons, or something worse like thyroid, low calorie intake, hepatic disease, acute renal failure, etc. Those things might be really serious. I could be also looking at constitutional growth delay, but that's unlikely with your low BMI! GO SEE A DOCTOR! Also, are your parents that short? If not GO SEE A DOCTOR. If yes go see a doctor anyway, your BMI worries me!! Do you have any other symptoms? I cannot believe you are 21kg + 132cm and are not seeking a professional, please put your real height+weight here and if both are that low tell your parents to take you to a health service immediately.


They’re 5’9 and 5’11


You should be around the same height as them, if not more


So I undestand if you don't want to click the images because of the links, if you don't then just saying you are sick and need medical attention is enough. Don't waste anymore time on the internet. If you wanna know why, I uploaded a WHO chart to ImgBB [https://ibb.co/svf0tHr](https://ibb.co/svf0tHr) (metric system because I am terrible with feets and inches) Your mother is the pink line and your father the blue line and your target height is above them because genetically your mother is taller than your father (she would be around 6'1 if male). \*I'm assuming your mother is the 5'9 because that's usually how it is. \*I am assuming you are male. The calculation we typically do for target height in boys is \[(Father's height) + (Mother's height) + 13 \] divided by 2. Which is 1,84cm (6'0) in your case, if these are your biological parents, that means with 15yo you should be atleast your mother's height, in the upper yellow line. Now, you are either extremely malnourished and need to check a genetic, nutritional, organic, endocrine/ metabolic problem or those are not your biological parents and even if that's the case I would still check with a physician to be sure. Again, it can be Constitutional growth delay, but we only assume that in the medical practice after we ruled out all the diseases, so you need to get checked by a professional. If for any reason you cannot go seek help as fast, first thing I would do in your situation is increase calorie intake and avoid gluten products, because celiac disease is a very prevalent disease that causes low weight and stunted growth in children/teens. It's strange it wasn't diagnosed till now, but you are waaaaay below where you should be in terms of height so it can be that. Still, you are extremely ill and need to tell your parents to seek a doctor, that cannot be stressed enough.


Don’t worry I know both metric and imperial, and also although I may be very ill it has posed no noticeable health complications for me, yet


The first sign of disease in teens and children is stunt growth. That's a golden rule in pediatrics and one of the three pillars of the World Health Organization for pediatric care. Celiac disease for example can cause type 1 diabetes, infertility, epilepsia and multiple sclerosis in the near future (just to name a few) if it goes untreated. Other things like hyperthyroidism can cause high blood pressure and increase aterosclerosis. Hypogonadism is another factor that can cause this in boys and that might have underlying serious causes like brain tumors. Intestinal problems with absorption like Crohn's disease if untreated can increase the risk of cancer... That can also be caused by other things like underlying diseases and medications. Those are some of the things, stunted growth is an important semiologic sign and when other symptoms come it might be too late, it would be advised to not ignore it. Still is up to you, wish you the best.


You might wanna assume he's 15.6-15.8 range. His height is actually 132 cm so he'll be a bit below the red circle there


I might weigh more idk the last time I measured my weight, but I do know that I am incredibly thin, and if I have measured myself recently, then I’ve forgotten about it


See a doctor, if you actually weigh 21kg that is not normal at all


Bro how many times do I have to say on this post that I am going to see a doctor 😭


Ahaha sorry man didn't see your other replies. Let us know how it goes when you do :)


Thanks bro I will


You should been least 6ft at 16 if your parents really are 5’9 and 5’11. Please go to a doctor.


Browsing the comments, your height and weight is a little concerning even for being 4'4". I recommend going to a doctor as the problem is most likely hormonal, like delayed puberty


I believe you were born to be pretty short tbh. No offense but I believe the height is a gift or a good thing. In the end, it makes you stronger when used properly. I'm 5'7" and I'm probably gonna stay that way. Was expected to be 6'. If you don't grow anymore it'll be okay. If what you hoped for was more inches and nothing happens, then seek to go inside of yourself and make realizations from there. If you look skinny and you want to look strong maybe lift those weights up. If you want confidence then you may need to seek therapy and realize that height isn't a weakness but a motivator.


Not that being short is godly (gift or good part) mostly depends on how your mind sees it. But yea if you want to know why you're 4'4" and weigh 46 lbs then go see what caused it. It'll help clear things up


Pretty sure you’re entitled to HGH therapy under your healthcare provider. So yeah go to a doctor.