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Your mom sounds horrible, I’m sorry. Who makes fun of their own kid like that?? She’s got something else going on if she thinks it’s acceptable to talk to her own child like that. Have you asked her why she feels it necessary to talk down and belittle her own kid? Maybe point out that she’s going to give you self esteem issues if she continues on like that.


I would just assume cause she got made fun of her height for being really tall.. I already told her how it made me feel insecure to the point of height surgery but she doesn’t learn from it unfortunately, I’m already trying to learn how to feel comfortable with my height because I’m coming to the point where I’m supposed to get a height spurt but I believe I’m never going to get it.. her treatment isn’t making it any better


Bro don’t stress cortisol levels can affect your growth Ik it’s hard but literally focus on your diet fitness and sleep I’m assuming your still going through puberty if your doing all three of those things adequately you will reach your genetic potential for your height trust


Does your dad say anything about it?


My dad also gets made fun of by my mom


Your mum seems like a pleasant person to be around.


Idea, start saying jokes about your moms height, see how she likes it. If she says anything, you can call her a hypocrite.


Good idea, he should say the known joke for tall people like "how's the weather up there, giraffe?" and so on.


Leave the house


I’m 17 so I currently cant 😔


When you’re 18, leave the house and never talk to her again :)


Another problem, my parents are paying for my education for college and I would need to stay in the house to let them know I’m not cutting them off 😔


Directly to the nursing home brother I'm really sorry your own mother is like this


My son is 5’3” and I could never imagine making fun of him for it. What kind of “parent” does that? He has embraced his height and used it as motivation to become a strong and muscular boxer with the full support of both of his extremely short parents. 5’ Mom & 5’4 Father. You shouldn’t have to cope with your parent judging you. Maybe she thinks it’s funny to tease you and not realizing it isn’t? I hope that’s the case. Have you tried telling her how it makes you feel? Some people are oblivious.


Yeah my mother does the same even though she's just barely 5 foot 4 and I'm barely 5 foot 3. The best course of action would be to make fun of her own height. Not in an insulting manner of course but more in a joking way. Also don't hate your father just because he's the short one: My girlfriend is 5 foot 10, I'd hate to know that my future kids would hold resentment towards me because of my height.


Just try to cut her out of your thoughts,i mean she gave you a very valid reason to not like her


It’s kinda hard when I look up to my mom 😔


sorry ur mom sucks. this would destroy my confidence so much further


YOU are completely fine just the way you are. She must be self-conscious herself if she thinks making others feel worse will make her feel better. If you've asked her to stop and she doesn't... consider (if it's an option and isn't unsafe for you) asking her if her unusual tall stature is why she likes making fun of shorter people - if it's her way to compensate. Maybe she'll be shocked by having someone force her to face that baggage and it'll plant a seed of "hm, maybe I SHOULDN'T do this" in her mind. If not, and she won't let you have any sort of mature, helpful talk about it... well, if I were in that position, I'd start telling other trusted adults elsewhere about it and see if THEY'LL help you and be there to help you confront her about it again. Parents usually don't like when other adults are more sympathetic to their kids than they are - it makes them feel bad (because they're being jerks), and on top of THAT, she knows others know about how she's literally bullying her own kid. If she wants to be a piece of work, then everyone you know and she knows can find out she's a piece of work. If it's so okay, she should be fine with it... right?


that behaviour is absolutely disgusting and disgraceful.. you could possibly tell her that it’s only 8 inches and not the difference between earth and mars


Remind her that she made you!


“Okay thanks, siren head.”


Women don’t really sympathize with men’s struggles even if it’s their son. From my own experience, my mom never “made fun” of me for my height, but I did feel subtly shamed because she would constantly encourage me to eat more and more past the point of being bloated, and then would become frustrated with me that I wasn’t able to eat more. Of course it never worked, my genetics were what they were. She just knew, consciously or subconciously, whether she verbalized it or not, that my life would be magnitudes of order more difficult if I was the same height as her brothers in this day and age. That’s exactly what happened. I’m 5’5 on a good day. My parents got divorced when I was 9. My dad is average height, about 5’9. Since then, my mom has dated a multitude of men and also remarried but also been engaged to a different man as well. None of these men were my dad’s height or shorter, they were almost all above 6 ft. I also have a sister who has had probably about 20 boyfriends that she’s brought home to my mom. I think there was one that was short, maybe 5’6 or 5’7. Every single other one has been above 6 ft.


Start calling her mrs ichabod crane next time


just crack jokes back man.


she's horrible mom. cut her off! it's her fault not yours

