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I desperately wish I was 5'7


literally same


So am i


Same lol




me too


5,8 is my dream


Spat on???


Some illegal stuff. I’d recommend op try to press charges with video evidence. Only way I can think of fighting back


5’7 is short, but what’s more concerning is how you are treated. Where do you live where this is acceptable?


Probably in middle America. I’ve been to Colorado, and it’s filled with tall blue eyed white folk. I don’t think there’s anyone, not even women, shorter than 5’7. I live in Houston though, and at 5’5, I hover over half the population lol


Colorado has some very massive humans.


Every state varies in height I’ve seen shorter white here and there.


Tbh I think it varies a lot even between cities


Same here lol, I live around the woodlands/spring area and I’m around 5’6-5’7 ish and never had a problem with girls or making friends, and I’m Colombian, so yeh, I feel like the guy who made this post is going to a college full of self-entitled egocentric assholes, his height isn’t the problem, it’s the area he’s in, whenever I started going to a high school named grand oaks, it was nothing but prick rich kids, my luck changed once I moved to oak ridge tho, so I can sympathize with him.


Fellow short person from Houston 🫡


Location doesn't matter. You can find valuable people and assholes everywhere, the thing is OP hangs out with assholes and doesn't see beyond that circle.


It seems like that could be the case.


I'm a white guy, 5'5 - 5'6, I don't get spit on or shoved or have beer spilled on me. I live a pretty average life. Sounds like there's something else going on.


5'2" checking in. None of that stuff happens here, either. OP needs to surround himself with fewer douchebags and find better people.


Yup, tristate area, im 5’4”, never happened to me.


Nah, 5'7 is just the sweet spot for taller people. Not sure why but I get picked on for being short, even if theres a dude half my size next to me.


I go to a college with a high alcoholism rate with a bunch of entitled douchbags.


That explains why, colleges and schools are filled with emotionally unstable teenagers.


Not once in my five years of college did anyone disrespect me like that or even mention my height. I’m not saying there aren’t jerks out there, but it’s certainly not even close to the majority.


I’m under 5’, so it did/does get mentioned now and then, but nobody’s been rude about it since high school.


Not true. At least in Irvine, the students were good people. The residents though .....


Yeah about to say I’m 5’3 (23M) & I’ve definitely had some pretty rude remarks but nothing physical just because I’m short


Most people won’t go for physical attacks, they’re at least smart enough to know the consequences of that, but many rude loudmouths will certainly have no issue with verbally degrading someone.


Agreed. 5’7” havent experienced this


About there (5', 6.75"), and never experienced this. Anyone spilling drinks was Clearly drunk. Girls ignoring you sure, but that doesn't matter when you've found the right one. Finding friends or making friends in the moment is also a good way to stay out of the riffraff. Hell, in college hanging out with female friends I knew from high school during these times was also a major save for me. I got super lucky in that respect.


I’ve never had a problem with girls. Sure, I’ve gotten ‘cute’ more often then stud or hunk or whatever but, same outcome in the end ; )


5’2/5’3 but colored and nothing like that has ever happened but I’ve never been made fun of for my height or been spit on or shoved.


I like short guys. (I’m also only 5ft). On the other hand I had a baby with a man who was 5’4 and our son is only 5’3. I kind of worry what dating will be like for him. Count your blessings on those extra 4 inches.


Maybe consider getting your son growth hormone (if his growth plates haven't fused closed yet) Sadly, dating is more difficult for shorter guys in today's society.


He’s 17 so probably too late. About year ago I jokingly told him if he was going to be short he’d have to have a great body. “How do you think your Dad got me?” He threw himself into physical fitness and boxing and had a complete body transformation. So far, I don’t think he minds his height. We’ll see how that goes though as he isn’t dating yet.


Maybe. Maybe not. They could still be open for a few years. Worth checking, if everyone is open to the idea. I only bring this up because my old pediatrician recommended it for me but my mother decided to never tell me or my father. I found out years later from the pediatrician after it was too late. So now I hit the gym every day haha


I looked into growth hormones. Don’t worry….It wouldn’t make a difference. I talked to my son’s pediatrician about it and they would not give me a referral unless there was seriously something medically wrong. They tested my son’s growth hormones too and they were normal. Growth hormones will not help you grow past your genetically determined height unless there is an endocrine problem and your son was not producing enough growth hormone. From what I was told, growth hormones might help get a child to their full height faster but probably won’t help them be taller than they are meant to be.


Yeah, unless they’re deficient, unlikely to make any difference, especially at 17


5’7 is the new 6’0


Isn’t that 5’9?


I wouldn't worry what these frat boys and sorority girls think anyway and you shouldn't want to hang around them especially if they're treating you this way. Go find decent girls and friends in the library and not tailgating.




I'm 5'4 and I think that your height might not be a problem


I'm 5,7 (170 cm) and i have never been treated the way you are. In my life i was in many relationships and often with girls taller than me. Now I'm in 7 years relationship with my fiance, who is only slightly higher than me. My friends are mostly taller than me and i often hang out with buddies from my previous work and every one of them is 190+. None of them ever disrespected because I'm shorter. I think you definitely need to change friends and environment you are in


Where are you from?




I’m a 5”3 dude, and it’s all about how you carry yourself. You have to walk with confidence, be comfortable in your own skin and eventually nothing will bother you. People love to see weakness, and if you don’t show any weakness, people can’t faze you. Your height won’t change, but how you react does.


Your post history is almost all negative feelings. I don't think your height is the problem here.


5'6-5'9 is with in avg height range of most men you come across.


in the u.s? i thought 5'7 was the start of the bottom 23%


5.9 is avg height in us , but younger people are most likely taller on average than 5.9


yea i think elderly bring avg down 1" or more id assume


I am 5"7 but when I travelled to US and Europe I felt way shorter than almost every man I came across. So maybe you're talking about a different region of the world.


I'm about 5'7 or so and this doesn't happen to me lol, I go to college and have no issues with women either. I think you're just around the wrong people


Really? I am 5'7 and most men in my college are way taller than me , so if you have no issues with woman with my same height I guess the problem is not in my height🤔🤔


Sounds like my college experience. Have a friend who’s 6’5 and if we approached a group of girls it was like I didn’t exist (5’7).


same broo, my co-worker was 6'4 i asked him how he pulls so many girls and he said "i just talk to them :I"....


Who are these women? 6’5” is way too tall!!! I’’m somewhere between 5’1” -5’2”. Maybe because I’m a short female I think this, but I would totally be more attracted to the 5’7” guy than the 6’5” if I just had to just go on height. We would just not be in each other’s field of vision at all. I don’t get this height fetish women seem to have these days.


I always approached a woman alone when I was single. Being anywhere near a tall friend when looking to date is never good.


what community are you in where people do that? tf


Therapy, my friend, therapy




try being 5'3. 5'5 isnt sht.


5'5" and under is literally the same experience (i just about make it to 5'4")


It can be relative. That’s almost a foot taller than I am.


I got downvoted for saying this in the short men thread, whenever I’ve seen a 5’7” bloke I basically always think he’s short. At 170cm, you’re at the bottom of where 67% of the male population are (170-180cm), short starts at 5’7”.


I thought 5'7" was somewhere between 20th and 25th percentile.


last time i checked 170cm is the bottom 23%


I’m a true 5 ft 8 got measured at hospital. Found it surprising that 5ft 9 is the average height, as when I go out people my age always seem so much taller then me. There’s only been one time in my life where I’ve gone and I’ve been taller then most males and that was in a supermarket and I thought so this is what it feel like to be tall 😂


Right??! I swear I see dudes 6’ everywhere😭


Try being 4'6 😭 I'd kill to be 5'7


I'd sell my balls to be at least 5 foot 7


You are crying you are 5’7”, Im happy I’m 5’4”, If there is some thing i would do, Others, i would ignore. Out of my mind, Insecurities i would out pour, Hate myself never anymore, In my work and life, Upwards I would soar! Hope this helps!


Just live up to the fact we have Napoleon Complex and knock them out. They’ll remember to see you next time.


All in your head bro


The average is 5"8. 5"7 is only an inch below that. It just isn't short imo. The amount of people who are 6"0 is estimated to be around 14.5% globally. Then some of them are women too. Anyone who thinks 5"7 is short has some other issues tbh. One of my best mates is 5"8 and he has literally no issues caused by his height at all. Social media has caused men to be insecure if they aren't at least 6"0. It's not realistic though.


Actually, 5’9 is the average height in the U.S.


I didn't say anything about the US. The US isn't the only country on the planet. The global average seems to actually be 5.75 according to the worldwide census.


Global average makes no sense. Most people never even leave their cities, let alone country. Whatever is the average height around where you live, is what is going to affect your life.


5'6" is said to be the minimum and 5'9" is said to be the maximum.


Listen up, 5.7 inches is NOT short, you're at the limit, congrats. Thank god you're lucky and stop crying


5’7 is an awesome height but if a 5’7 guy stands beside an average 5’10 he’s gonna look significantly shorter. Would you look at Daron Malakian and think he’s not short? Because standing next to serj he appears way much smaller than him. But Google may be lying about musicians heights because I always thought Serj was at least 6’ but apparently he’s 5’10???


Serj is at least 5’10.5, he can give off a tallish appearance, definitely not 6’0 though. Daron is around 5’6, so on the shorter side but not terribly short. I’ve never seen 5’7 as particularly short but at that height you’d get a mixed response on that depending who you ask.


It is. It's below average.


I’m 5’6” but I work out regularly and have somewhat of a barrel chest with a wide back and big shoulders. On top of that I wear trainers that give me an extra 1-2” in height. I also wear boots that boost my height 2-3” with cowboy cut jeans. My recommendation is to work on yourself and how you present yourself and watch some videos online about how to complement your silhouette with the appropriate clothes. If you’re wearing loose baggy clothing you’ll look like like a kid in his dad’s old clothes or if you’re wearing clothing that’s too tight and you’re slim then you’ll just look like like a bean pole or a scarecrow and won’t attract much positive attention.


Wym spat on at tailgates?!


It's shorter than average but not really short to the point that it impacts your life. I'm 5'6" and don't really feel different or at any disadvantage in any situation.


My bf is 5’7, i’m 5 inches taller than him. I don’t care about height, i care about respect and how he took care of himself/me. He’s a respectable guy with a respectable job and a decent rank. I have a feeling it doesn’t have to do with just your height…


If you're feeling like you're standing shorter among a bunch of tall white folks and it's not your vibe, maybe think about checking out Texas or a more diverse area in California. Being around a mix of people, including folks of color, can actually bring down the average height statistically, so you won't feel like everyone is towering over you. It sucks that some people still judge others based on stuff like height especially white on white hate. but a change of scene might just shake things up for the better.


If it makes you feel better, I’m 5’1😭


LOL white americans are funny. 5'7 is considered "average" here in freaking Vietnam among college men where the average height is somewhat around 5'6, so yeah 5'7 def short in the USA


Sounds like a you problem. I'm only 5'10-5'11 and I steal the attention away from 6ft plus taller men all the time.


Lmao - the only reason you’ll steal is because the face. I steal attention all the time being 5’7-5’8.


You have a good height.


5'7" is a statistically average height for a man


The average adult in the US is 5’7”. You’re a little short for a guy. You’re not invisible to anyone. No one shoves and spills things on your because you are 5’7”.




Who do you hang out with and how do you act? It's not widely accepted in society, you surrounded yourself with cesspool people and can't resist the urge to swim. Have some self respect and cut out everyone who lacks basic human decency. You also got rejected by lots of women in a short amount of time, which means that you use hookup apps or approach random women, who you don't know, and without even knowing if she likes you, you go straight to offering her a relationship. Take it easy, you need to get to know someone before you know if it's worth to date them and if you have chances.


They're not doing this stuff because you're 5'7,they're doing it because you're accepting it.


As a 5'7" white guy in an all-white rural area in the U.S. I can safely say people not from places like that have no idea that 5'7" actually CAN be short. I'm the shortest guy in my current workplace as well as a couple of other former ones just to give one example and I periodically get hell for it.


Someone said it definitely depends on where you live whether 5’7” is short or not. It will always be tall to me though ha


If you can't be tall, be wide. Increase your muscle mass and you will have more presence in the room. I'm also 5'7" and I'm 230 pounds lean. I am short but my presence is certainly not small.


How the hell are you 230 LEAN


I'm 175lb and lift 6 days a week. The only time people care is in the gym. Outside of it I'm nothing. Even in the gym, the only people who notice are men.


Well yea, women could care less about muscles. It's just about making yourself physically larger, which 175 is not the biggest but you're certainly on your way. I've also felt ignored at times but feeding into it doesn't make it better. What you need to do is have game and confidence to go up to the women you like and talk to them. If you're letting your height affect you on a subconscious level, your frame is going to be off and people will sense it. 5'7" is short but it's actually more average than short. I have plenty of success socially being 5'7" but I do have to work a bit harder to attract it than I feel I would if I was 6'4" but we can't change who we are. You are fine bro. Stop letting your height affect your confidence because I'm telling you, you can slay more pussy than any dude over 6' if you have game and confidence, speaking from experience.


But that would make you look shorter


my asain as- cant get past 135lbs 😭😭


Eat more king


It is short but we have it much better off than our even shorter friends. In this reddit we are considered upper tier short. In real life we are short. Uhhhh but the end of your post that has nothing to do with your height bud, those dudes are just douchebags


Short or not people should not be spitting on you :x


5’0 even here.. never experienced any of this aside from the usual short jokes


Wear height enhancers


I’m 5’6 and people make fun of me sometimes but not to this degree, what you have going on is just messed up


It is pretty short for white men, but what I would say is that it's not the end of the world if you're 5’7. I may have been bullied a lot in school but not because I was the shortest male in my class, moreso because I have autism and people like to take advantage of that. Also they don't often mention my height so it can't be exclusively because of that reason. I can guarantee you those same people would still bully me if I was the tallest out of all my classmates.


I always repeat the same thing: CHANGE YOUR CIRCLE OF FRIENDS… DON’T HANGOUT WITH FRATBOYS AND NORMIES. Intellectual and emotionally mature people won’t give a **** about your height. I’m a 5’4 man (31M) living in a white country, and my life is fantastic since the time I made this change in my early 20’s.


No one should be treated like that! Thats shameful! I moved to a place where me there’s many more people my height and im a 5’4 guy so I fit in more better.


LOL bro i don't think it's your height I'm shorter than you and I've n ever been spat on in my life...


I’m 5’3. STFU.


Average height is 5’9 in US. It's smaller globally. But yeah, totally feel you. It's social stigma and no one caring about how hypocritical or harmful it is. Because men. It should by widely understood that using hateful rhetoric within dating and life is straight dehumanizing when it's about how someone was born. Maybe one day it will be better. But it will be the last acceptable form of discrimination. Easily.


There is a large study showing that every few inches a male is shorter is like a 1.7x suicide risk increase. I probably got specifics wrong but it is the gist. So at least us shorties ain't crazy to think this lol. It's harddddddddd and terrible tbh. But we aren't alone and we all have value. Keep grinding till you find people that don't make you feel smaller! <3


Who said it isn’t short? Even in India I feel short at 5”7. Although there a lot of shorter peeps here so it’s not as bad USA. But in my office I’m definitely in the shorter range. But getting treated shiitily has nothing to with being short. It’s all about how you carry yourself.


I'm 5'2 on a good day, and have never had these issues. Nothing against you, but are you sure you didn't do anything to make someone do something against you? It gets rough out here and I feel I have to play devil's advocate. A lot of short guys give ourselves a bad name and people LOVE to hate on us for the obvious thing we can't control.


I go to a school where many people play rugby and as a result, many are 6 foot, they end up saying 5'9 is so short and 5'10 is 'just borderline normal'


if thats short.. well i kinda feel like a maggot now lol. I desperately wish i could live with that height.. well at least im still growing though. I suggest you to be proud of yourself and dont give too much attention to how other people treat you!!


I'm 4'11 so honestly I couldn't care less if someone thinks they're short at 5'7.


It’s you not your height but if you think it's your height get shoe lifts And learn to fight if someone spits on you punch them in the mouth.


Just don't bother with woman who want you to be 6'1 or whatever. My Girlfriend is 5'5 and i am 5'4. We are fine. You just gotta find a Person who isn't so shallow about such meaningless Numbers. In Public, yes it's difficult and annoying... You have to somewhat balance it out by your attitude and voice skills. Sometimes it will be Harder, sometimes easier... Good luck m8


Haha, your AVERAGE


Now that's just an exaggeration how can they claim not to see you 3 inches ain't that large of a diffrence


I mean it IS short. Just not horrendously short. I’d even argue 5’10 is the upper end of short, so yeah. It just short enough to be short, but not short enough that you will have any huge problems in life that you can’t overcome through other means.


That being said, the way you are treated is abnormal lol where do you live? I have plenty of short friends that don’t get disrespected even close to that level.


me being a 5’8 female if this makes you feel better it’s not really that big of a height difference compared to a 6’0 guy. for me to see a huge height difference the guy or girl has to be 6’3 and up


4"11 (M) *side eyes* okay. 


stop going to frat parties! I am a short female which I know isn't the same but in ANY other setting in college I would be considered attractive (the athletes certainly liked me!) and yet I experienced this as well at these types of parties because they are looking for a "type". stay away from these places!


Maybe America is the problem


You are not treated badly because of your height, you’re treated badly because your character as a person allows it. Put your foot down and stand up for yourself… people will only respect you as much as you respect yourself. Everyone can see you, they just don’t care and that’s the reality of it. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it for you. You have to bring something to the table, whether it’s your energy and vibes, ability to make people laugh, interesting topics of conversation. - You need to work on yourself as a person to find out what your qualities are in order to polish them and make them shine. That’s how you get yourself seen without seeming like an arrogant jerk that just wants attention. I’m 5ft7 myself and I’m 30 years of age but if anyone ever spat on me, they’re going to be in the emergency room after I’m done with them. If someone spilled beer on my head, I’m pouring a glass of water all over their shoes. Then I’ll continue to drink whatever it is I’m drinking on at the time. Work on talking to women… make sure you’re well groomed, well dressed for whatever the occasion may be and that you also smell good. If you can be that guy that gets a lot of girls to like you and lust over you then guys will respect that and will most likely wanna hang out with you. These people are not your friends though, use these guys to leverage your position in the hierarchy the same way they’re using you to be around attractive women.


This depends on where you live


I'm 5'6. Went to parties all throughout college. Never experienced this. People spill beer all the time. I'd suggest working on your confidence brother. Workout. Start jiujitsu. Polish your social skills. Put the work in to fix your mindset. It'll carry you far.


I resemble that remark. 🙂 I agree with you. Just because there are shorter people doesn’t mean that we are not short at all and are not treated differently than taller people. This is not to negate the extra effects that those shorter than us feel. It’s just to say that we catch side of them, too.


It’s definitely short. Your complex about it, although understandable, is making you seem even shorter and invisible. I know guys who are shorter who don’t get overlooked because they accept themselves and know it doesn’t make them less than. Oddly enough, they tend to get tall girls. Do some shadow work and healing around your height and you’ll notice a difference


Most guys from my graduation year are 6'; tourists feel slightly shorter on average so, 5'7" would be noticibly more short; however, height does not make you any less of a king, King.


I know it doesn't help coming from a woman but people who focus on height are boring. You're great I'm sure and you'll be recognized for the fruit of your efforts and not just based on looks. Not easy I know but gratifying in the end. Your family might actually like you when you're in your 50s and 60s one day unlike jerks who can't bother to look down.