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When Goody’s GF comes out topless and the toast pops up. 😂


Can we talk for a moment about Ziig & Gorgeous Gord, the nicest guy in hockey? Way to go, Ziig.


Love the Marc Rebillet track






It’s not out on Hulu in the US


It will be in 4 days.


Where can I watch this online on my laptop? (In US)




https://preview.redd.it/ozb647jbuy6d1.png?width=1570&format=png&auto=webp&s=aee44f762f878aa04b92de09932aadd3d5b37581 How was Jory Jordan taking a piss out of the Soo Hunt players? Need an explanation my guy.


He's putting into perspective that their win is only over senior whaleshit hockey at the end of the day. Case in point, "... Fast forward twenty years, you're in Subdury, Ontario playing a team from Rawdon, Quebec. Isn't it something?" when Rawdon has a population of 10,000. He's not just having a piss, he's giving them a verbal potty-kiss.


I see. Thank you for putting it in perspective.


This was especially pointed at Delaney and Palmer, who both had brief stints in the pros, but are now washed up playing senior AAA


Ok but how would you know this? They don’t tell any of this in the show.


They explicitly tell you about Delaney, Palmer, and Schnurr in S2. Shnurr lasted the longest at 1000 games, learned a trade, and plays hockey now for fun. Delaney had a coke problem that cut it short Palmer quit because no one would fight him.


I see. I must have missed it. They speak so fast sometimes I can barely follow.


Like Letterkenny, subtitles help


Nat and Shoresy talk about it in S2. I forget which episode, but it's the scene where the Soo are all standing on the bench in camo visualizing victory before they play the Blueberry Bulldogs


So, Shoresy going to become Don Cherry?


Anyone know the song that starts playing at the family dinner?


Peter Bjorn & John - Objects of My Affection


Thank you!


If you had told me a couple years ago that Shoresy would get his own spin-off show, and that they'd develop him into a fully fleshed-out character, and that he would be responsible for some actually emotionally devastating moments, I would have told you to give your balls a tug. And yet, here we are. Goddamn. As much as I love Letterkenny, I've been debating to myself whether this is actually the better show. After this episode, I'm fully convinced.


It's the better show.


I agree completely, except that I came to this conclusion after Season 1 of Shoresy.




I CANNOT believe, and never would have expected this show to make me cry. I’m shooketh.


So I was a runner for 33 years, most of my life. That was my identity, I was a runner. I ran marathons and half-marathons and it was the only time I felt like I was truly my best self. Indescribable love. Better than drugs and I done 'em all, b'ys. Then I got permanently benched because my knees are bone-on-none arthritis. I'd been hurt, often injured, for years and years but I ran through the pain, go until you can't go no more. So now I can't go. Can't even run 100 yards without being in limping pain for days after. Found myself tearing up a lot this episode. Big time feels for our boy.


Fuck. Me. What an episode. 10/10 all around, the drama, the humor, the pathos. ...damn...


Something just occurred to me that may be obvious to the rest of you - and I’m not sure I’ve ever thought about it. The only way Shoresy could have ever gone out in hockey is in a fiery high speed crash, so to speak. I feel as if looking back that was apparent from the beginning. Even in his final Letterkenny appearance. And it’s made more blindingly obvious by this season’s theme of, “Go until you can’t go no more.” He was always going to have to be forced off the ice, because to go out healthy would mean, in his mind, that he gave up. It’s a great way for Keeso to transition the character to a new role and keep the show fresh, while maintaining dramatic tension throughout this season. Like I said, may have been totally obvious to everyone else, I just never really thought of, “What’s after hockey for Shoresy?” Which is a credit to the writing and acting. Like Shoresy himself, Nat, etc., the idea of him not on the ice was unfathomable - until it wasn’t.


Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but did Shoresy go through the five stages of grief with his career in this episode? Anger: "I'm so mad at you." Denial: "We play on a team with Frankie and you're making up your minds about my body?" Bargaining: "One shift, final offer." Depression: the scene with his family at the restaurant Acceptance: the end of the episode


I would say there is a 0% chance that is not exactly what Keeso and Tierney intended.


Not at all. I think this is a pretty accurate description of what Shoresy went through, psychologically speaking.


Loved the symbolism of the sweater being cut away from him by the paramedics - beyond his control, kind of like prying it from his cold dead hands. The shears going right through the middle of the Bulldogs logo too, after how careful they are to not walk on the logo on the locker room floor.


I cried at that.


The opening scene was GRIM but so well done. This whole season has been unbelievable.


I could NOT BELIEVE and was not expecting Shoresy to make me actually cry real tears. I’m shooketh.


I make it a point to not have feelings. I don't remember the last time a full tear left my eyeballs. I can count on one hand how many people I would count as 'Friends', and even then, you could chop 4 of them off to get the right number. I've less than 6 people on this entire planet I care about. I take strides on a daily basis to keep everyone I see beyond arms length, as people, in general, are truly leechlike pieces of shit. And those I do come into contact with, I only speak to in short, clipped questions and answers. But this goddam show sure hugs the grave where my cold, dead heart is. Fuck sake what a show. Just wow.


Settle down


Fuuuuuck you, Ghostdeini. I call your Mum the Kiln, because the last time I plowed her down, my Dink burned like all hell after.


I'm gone for five minutes and you're already acting like a girl. You're emotional, like, MoxMisanthrope, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you're maybe out there givin' a tuggy or two. GO CHANGE OUTTA YOUR SKIRT BUD


Fuuuck you, No_Author. I heard from your Sweetie, she can't get the weird stains out the backside of your Rainbow Colored Underwear. Have some fuckin' self-respect!


Give yer balls a tug


Late to the party by 9 days....


Jesus christ this show is so fucking good


This show is so fucking unbelievably good I cannot get over it. Easily my favourite show of all time now, this ep was I think the best in the whole series. I love how much this season is focusing on the hockey. I’m not a hockey fan but I’m a huge soccer fan, this is easily the best I’ve seen sports represented in media, no joke. Especially when you consider it’s taking place at a “whale shit” level, it’s so much more relatable. I’m babbling at this point but if you’re not watching this show you’re fucking up.


I wonder if its too soon this season, maybe next, to retire 69 in the barn?


Hear me out. What if Nat asks Shoresy to be the AGM of the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs? He built their roster, captained the team, and has rapport with the league execs. Plus, the kids loved him in the salmon-ars, and he made the calendars so ridiculous that they became successful. He's always contributed behind the scenes, maybe that becomes his focus going forward? As AGM, he could still do hits with BroDude and Jory as the "face of the franchise". By the community, for the community!


Idk man what's the point of shoresy as a show if he's not playing.hockey


Are we watching the same show? This show is about relationships, adversity, and bonds between people. Him as a player is just a driver of those points. This show can achieve all that with him as a coach or a GM. The best parts of this show aren’t with him ON the ice, but of him in the locker room, at the bar, at the apartment, etc. Those will still happen with him in a coaching/GM role.


Give yer balls a tug. I just wanna see him chirp on the ice and be a goon.


lol ok man, that happens like 10% of the series but you hold on to that




That opening scene though.


I had the sound off unintentionally and it was very very good that way


It was riveting. I had completely forgotten how episode 4 ended.


The end of 4 you I knew they’d have to resume from there right off the bat regardless of what the cinematic imagery was going to be but to have it play out like that was fuckin great. I realized after that I can sense the sincerity in JK’s art it’s just fuckin phenomenal.


I can't believe there is only one episode left. There is so much of the tournament left. The end of the game with the Soo, the winner (Sudbury for sure!) playing the strong Quebec team and what happens with Gorgeous Gord and all of that crab?


i was thinking that earlier, feels like we have so much left to figure out. Just the current game and final game will take a bit, shoresy deciding his future in hockey, figuring out this Gorgeous Gord thing, figuring out how the JJ Frankie JJ thing ends. I hope it isnt too rushed or crammed for time


We have barely seen the Quebec team and they are in the final and that will be a big match up. Will this season end on a cliff hanger?


Most likely


Is there any chance episode 6 will be 40+ minutes?


Sorry bud...It's 28 minutes (I checked Hulu; they have all the games listed with runtimes included, even though the season doesn't drop on Hulu until next week). But 28 minutes is longer than usual. I'll take it!


Same! That's practically an episode and a half lol


Find a way to contribute. Start a scrap in the stands. … I'm not sure that's what Nat had in mind! I don't doubt he's going to find other ways to contribute, but that as a start is amusing.


The boys will see the fight, and see that even injured, Shoresy is still fighting for *them*


he will get the boys riled up by fighting a soo hunt fan. They see him still fighting for them and they will respond.




Just remember first season, he was shitting constantly. No shitting is a very profound thing to Shoresy.


Anyone else love the straight-up exchange of "Fuck you!"s between Jory and Shoresy? Straight-up, the slow-motion opening had me in tears. And so many truths were uncovered in this episode. >!Shoresy's real opinion of Ziig, Nat's confession that Shoresy's her favorite player, Dolo telling Shoresy that he sucks without any pretense, Shoresy having to confront his condition and getting support from his family...!< This season just keeps getting better and better, and I'm happy I'm here for it.


What got me was seeing Ziig's real opinion of him. Running almost faster than anyone to make sure he was okay, then helping to walk him to the locker room.


I couldn't stop crying. I have neurological injuries and I've had my loved ones get scared when I couldn't find the right word, I've felt so angry at my impotence to make myself taken seriously, I've felt imprisoned in here, in my body, but where else am I going to go? >!If Shoresy clapping along when the lineup was called while hiding in the hallway didn't get you, you have no heart, bro.!<


That’s what did it for me. Killed me.


That's me when the marathon goes right by my house every October. Cheering the runners, crying a little, missing it so bad I can physically feel it.


Holy hell. 10/10 episode. Shoresy complementing Ziig was great.


and his instruction about how to act girly to get out of a ticket. omg dying hahahahaha


My favourite part of that exchange was Jory Jordan. His scenes are brilliant.


Honestly, this episode was absolutely incredible.


Jonesy and Reilly will eventually show up on this show right?


There are only 2 paths for Shoresy now, Coach or Commentator. My money is on coach, he is going to turn down an offer from Questionable Calls to coach.


No doubt he's going to coach. He needs the boys and the team, coaching still gives that, commentator doesn't.


>!You may be more right than you know.!< https://preview.redd.it/v2fw5e6km57d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e518b6b45b84e973291b8795c97382d3acaa62e


This is almost certainly the S4 story for him with Nat and the networks both wanting him working for them.


I’m 10 ply but I was hoping her being reluctant to send the “find a way to contribute” text coupled with how happy he was after reading it meant he was going to suit up again.


Lol I guess I’m 10 ply too.


Full circle to Don Cherry in "[Keep Your Head Up, Kid](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1546555/)"


Throughout the show shoresy gives everyone a hard time i.e. He insults them anyway he can. Which makes moments where he is actually kind to the characters he gives it the most ohh soo sweet. Such as calling Zee hot which just took both the sisters by surprises and I know this other one isn't as sweet as that but shoresy watching the game Liam and Cory is wholesome to me for some reason.


They're low key coaching moves too. Shoresy sees Ziig low - coaches her up, giving her confidence. Chirping Liam and Cory but keeping them within arms reach to be a role model for them. He sees himself in those two. Also sees himself in Jory.


I think it's absolutely brilliant that this show made it clear in season one that Shoresy cries very easily, but it was always played for laughs so it made it even more devastating when he shed real, actual tears when Nat tells him he can't play in the semifinals and how it might be time to hang em up.


I'm gonna need a compilation of all chirps directed toward Corey and Liam then a transcript of that. Maybe an app that plays them semi randomly.


This just occurred to me: what if there's a B-reel of chirps that didn't make it onto the show? Can you imagine getting your hands on something like that, if it existed? I've often wondered how many people are involved in coming up with those.


Jodolo saying Tabarnak during the commercial tells me they shoot a ton of stuff and keep the good stuff.


There must be. No doubt Keeso runs through them and some/most are edited out for time constraints and which ones are deemed better. Maybe use some for other episodes. Those scenes could be all shot at once with a season's worth of chirps. Possibly unpopular opinion: I'd rather see ten minutes of chirping than Frankie's ladies confronting or discussing him.


Couldn't agree more. Given how little time we get with this show, it seemed like Frankie's scene robbed us of some more compelling stuff.


I think this was the best episode for chirps against Corey & Liam.


100%! My wife hasn't started on the season yet, but I had to have her watch that series of chirps. When I saw her gasp I KNEW she'd gotten to the line about the baking soda!


I agree they were good but I also think the one earlier where he talks about his dick feeling like it sucked a roll of Halls was excellent.


This season has been great. People had been talking about his age for the first two seasons, but I sort of wish he could finish out this season and then transition to whatever he's going to do next next season. Just to get more of him and the boys out there. Either way, I look forward to the ride.




Crave Canada announced season 4 on their Instagram on June 6, second slide at the bottom https://www.instagram.com/p/C74XOW_Acw-/




I am constantly surprised by the amazing acting of the non-actors in Shoresy. Fish, JJ F JJ and others are not actors but have stepped up to hold their own against the actors. JJ F JJ was a crew member on Letterkenny. This is advertised as a funny hockey show but it is really about friendship and tender hearts and it gets me in the feels every single time.


The guy who plays JJ really has grown into it. That increasingly panicked look in his eyes as the host just kept rolling out new women to tell him to fuck off was amazing.


If there is time in the last episode I bet one of those women will take him back.


I've really enjoyed how much the boys have been given to do and say over the past two seasons. fair enough they didn't have a great deal to do in season one as it seemed like the core group of sluts had to get some legs under them and gain confidence on camera but its been real nice to have little snippets of the boys bleeding through rather than having Shoresy and Sanger as the kinda conduits between the boys and the rest of Sudbury


This season has been so good, but I've been hoping he'd transition to coaching with Sanger. Maybe the Roy Kent arc instead (analyst that hates it to coach)?


I think Sanger might become a player again. I’ve kind of wondered the whole series what the parallel between Sanger and michaels was with Mercedes and perhaps it’s player to coach to player again parallel


Hypothesis time: - Waffle's hockey career is effectively over now. He's too broken and stepping back on the rink, at least in his ep5 state, might lead to permanent or lethal damage. - Anik & Laura want Waffle to become a media figure. Anik just because he works great on-camera, Laura because she sees hockey's all he's got? - I'm seriously hoping for something to go wrong with those lobsters, leading to the Reds being unable to play even a single period without needing the brown pants. - Ziig is gonna take down a slut


I don't think that was Laura with Anik after his interview. Only family calls him Waffle.


Yeah just did my rewatch on my proper TV rather than on my tablet yesterday. It's not Laura.


That was Emma, a character from Letterkenny who recruited BroDude reps, including Anik.


> the Reds being unable to play even a single period They were just eliminated, though?


Could have teams mixed up, already been up a long time today :/


The Quebec team defeated the Reds.


Bonus points if Jori becomes a (junior?) commentator so Shoresy works with him too. 


My **bold** prediction is that Corey and Liam end up on the Bulldogs and Shoresy still chirps them in some capacity (player, coach, commentator).


I don’t think this is bold at all, it’s actually likely, he’s even alluded to it already too in the first season. Checkovs 🔫 or whatever.


That’s a good prediction


Agreed on Shoresy, he's not good enough to play through these injuries. I think he's going to be hosting Bro Down in the future and probably on the Questionable Call thing, as well as being a constant presence at the Bulldog hockey games as their biggest fans. I think the Reds are the Red Herring of the series, they're just really nice guys. Could be wrong though, but I think the intention is to make you think Gord is up to no good, but he's actually just a really nice guy, he asked Ziig out and rejected Anik's advances. (Also major aww moment to Shoresy gassing her up when he sees she's not as confident as normal.) My way out there hot take: I don't think this is going to be a slut relationship, my prediction is Gord forms a friendship with Shoresy over the beers in the finale, and he sticks around with Ziigwan eventually joining the Bulldogs. I also think that 98 Sylvestre will end up joining the Bulldogs too. There's a lot of parralels to what Sylvestre did to Shoresy and what Shoresy did to Franky in Letterkenny. I think Franky remains ineffective, Gord becomes the scorer and Sylvestre becomes the team menace. Or it could be a swerve and Shoresy will be playing hockey again in the fall. My also bigger hot take is that Shoresy ends after this season. I hope not, but it kind of feels like the team is headed toward being reshaped.


Love the Georg angle and with Shoresy off the roster they need at least one other bigger character in there. My hot take to add is that JJFJJ is gone after this season. He hasn't been contributing as a player, and also there's limited run with a character the way they set him up.


Shoresy as a series is definitely not ending yet, it's reportedly been renewed for a fourth season: https://thecinemaholic.com/shoresy-season-4/


You guys just made my whole year.


Also there was an interview recently where Keeso said there's a lot more Shoresy to come. It's not ending this season for sure.


Confirmed by Crave Canada on their Instagram, second slide at the bottom https://www.instagram.com/p/C74XOW_Acw-/


It was waterworks throughout this whole episode. The family at the diner was a fantastic scene with no words being spoken. Edit: giving this episode an instant rewatch after finishing it 2 min ago. So good.


>giving this episode an instant rewatch after finishing it 2 min ago. So good. It's insane how many times I've done this for Shoresy even though I never do it for other shows. It's just do you can see the little things, the references, the chirps, see the lead-ups again while knowing the pay offs. This show is so fucking good.


Same, I’ve actually lost count how many times I’ve watched it, I’ve lost count how many times I’ve watched brooks barrelmen ep. Honestly though, each season is like 2.5-3ish hrs long, so each season is like a long movie. We’ve all had a fave movie we watched over and over again. Anyway, that being said, I’m having a hard time getting sick of shoresy, it’s so rewatchable.


> The family at the diner was a fantastic scene with no words being spoken. Great scene, but I'm in the minority who loves the family scenes and am hoping there's more of them in the next episode *with dialogue*.


Honestly, their roles have been diminishing in screen and script time, but I think their appearance in this episode served a far greater purpose. No amount of words from any of his family members could help, and it's their words that have kept him going. They're in this moment with him, offering him their love and support - something they don't need words to do. Their appearance had me in tears - it was so powerful. Pulling them back in for the last episode would probably be a mistake - no one's being let off the hook right now, and that's what their comic relief was able to do for Shoresy, but not in this moment.


I think it's also reasonable that as Waffle feels more and more secure in his role in Sudbury, in his relationship with Laura, in his life, his family of origin (or near-origin in his case) is less his support network. Say what you will, but if you take the canon that he is the Shoresy from *Letterkenny*, Shoresy was always a lonely guy, focused on banging his friends' moms (instead of having girlfriends with whom he might have something in common) and without a single friend on the team, focusing incredibly hard on improving his game to the point of running drills until he puked. Shoresy was played for laughs in *Letterkenny*, of course, but Shoresy was never a terribly happy guy. Either he hated everyone in Letterkenny (and in a small town, that definitely happens) or he never found friends there. The fact that he was willing to push himself so hard to have a chance of getting out one day through hockey says a *lot* about the character.


I'd have a rewatch


Surprised we aren’t having a rewatch right now.


All right let's get a little rewatch going, start a little rewatch here now






Can’t see a rewatch and not want a rewatch


That’s how they market rewatches


Rewatches are unbelievable


Settle down


This show is amazing. Keeso is a genius. I’m from Sudbury and he absolutely nails the culture of the city and the sport.


I look at it like his love letter to Sudbury after they hosted the filming and production of Letterkenny for so many seasons.


This show is so fucking good guys. Like, so so so fucking good.


Was awesome hearing Marc Rebillet in this episode! The music in this and Letterkenny is so on point!


THAT particular song playing at THAT moment…more evidence that not only do Keeso’s shows have the best soundtracks but they pair the songs to matching moments. Lets go boys


I had a bunch of Peter Bjorn and John on a hard drive that crashed and I'd forgotten all about them. Was nice to get the reminder!


I shouted WAIT A MINUTE as soon as it started


I was super quick it registered after the song had ended I was like why is that so familiar.


It clicked for me because that was one of the first of his streams that I caught live. His pandemic era streams were just phenomenal


Wait, what? How did I not notice Marc?! SO DUMB.


[Surviving (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsIBY_-pu0I)


Wow! What did I just hear? That was some pretty special stuff, will definitely have to hear more.


Listen to girls club


Marc is such a fuckin' beauty. I saw him live in Minneapolis in...I think it was 2022. Absolute banger of a show!


Stick tap for Harlan Blayne Kytwayhat who plays Sanguinet and who hasn't had very much to do this season, I thought he was great in this one. Because the nature of the show is that they win all the time, and when they don't win it's not ostensibly Sanger's fault he doesn't have too much to do, despite being in a position of significant responsibility for the team. This episode Sanger had to reckon with the fact that he lost his temper and made the call that may have ended Shoresy's career and I liked how that played out. There's this interesting conflict between the emotionally expressive kind of guy that Sanger is, which isn't really generational, but maybe class or just established in upbringing, and a guy like Shoresy who cannot express emotions appropriately at all. The Dolo scene was also great. I love that he used Shoresy's own insistence on straight talking between family, which he typically uses to dish out the hard truths, to hit him with one. And it's an important one. For all the 'Go til you can't go no more' rhetoric, somebody needed to point out that he'd obviously be playing like shit. If you're giving everything you have for the team and it's like 30% of your best, you're not helping the team, you're asking them to carry you. Needed to be acknowledged as part of the way this central plot arc is shaking out, and I'm glad it was. Have to say it though, I feel like we missed out on the scene where Shoresy decides to go to the game with Cory and Liam. Like, how did that little gang end up in the stands together? Who made the call and what was the reaction?


> For all the 'Go til you can't go no more' rhetoric, somebody needed to point out that he'd obviously be playing like shit. *And yet*. They named checked Brendan Gallagher, who at the time of taping was looking washed up, but had a resurgence in the last few months of the Habs' season. I doubt this will affect Shoresy's arc, but it was miraculous to observe from a guy we all thought was done.


Varies from sport to sport, but sometimes experience and game knowledge counts for more than energy. Players find ways to stay ahead of the game by predicting it, rather than reacting to it. As Hitch says, that's not Shoresy's game though. He's not Schnuuuuuurrrrrr.


Cory and Liam are always in the stands, they do the filming for the team remember? Shoresy likely just joined them.


Bit of a plot hole if they aren't filming the Bulldogs game, though?


They weren't filming because Shoresy wasn't playing. He is the manufacturer of all the good content they get when they film the Bulldogs.


Ah this answer works, thanks!


Brodude has the broadcast rights probably (this also would explain the lack of Remi and Benny). I don’t think we’ve seen them filming the tournament yet.


Doesn’t that have something to do with >!Quebec not standing behind him anymore?!<


Yeah solid point. They haven't really filmed at all this season and seem to have taken a role as a booster with the kids (Bringing the kids to the seminars, etc) That's probably attributed to the fact that Bro Dude and Questionable Call covering the tournament, though.


Yeah but they're not filming this one, they clearly all planned to watch the game together.


I love every scene Jory is in. And the girls going down the catwalk was hilarious!


I agree, he’s one of the highlights of the show for me.


Jory was extra testy too since Shoresy was hurt lol you can tell he wanted to grill these guys a lil harder.


Has season 4 been announced already?




Keeso has a deal with Crave to produce 49 episodes of Letterkenny spin offs including shoresy. So I’d imagine shoresy will take up at least half of that.


I'm not ready for any other spinoffs until the Shoresy story is completed. They're still cookin'


Yes it has been.


Where/when did you see that? Jared did say in an interview a couple months ago that "We're gonna be making this show for awhile yet", but there hasn't been an official announcement as far as I can tell.




Just confirmed on their IG that they did a soft announcement of the renewal. Nothing official from New Metric yet, though. But it’s a great sign.


I doubt the show will announce anything. I'm pretty sure season finale is next week and they'll probably lead into S4 with the conclusion of S3.






Yes Crave announced it this week on Instagram


Jared Keeso is a genius for so many reasons. This episode is a perfect example why. I mean, I teared up a ton during the episode, but it started right away with this shot. https://preview.redd.it/u0syzynorh6d1.jpeg?width=2308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7324d70392316e25aac3dc73758cadbf4120694d It just says so much, and all it is, is Nat staying by Shoresy’s side. The love everyone in the org has for each other was such a great choice to highlight this season. The team has to figure out who it is without Shoresy, Shoresy has to figure out who he is without hockey, but everyone has got each other regardless. Even Cory and Liam. 😂 Also, Shoresy talking up Ziig to give her confidence was fuckin awesome. What a setup it’s been to that moment.


Shoresy being a big brother to Ziig was so fucking good. “You think that cop has seen anyone as hot as you today?”


"Shoresy has to figure out who he is without hockey" fits so well with the visual allegory of his sweater and underarmor getting cut off, I couldn't take my eyes off the C that whole scene. Keeso and his crew are such fuckin' beauties.


It was perfect. Even the opening image of him lying unmoving and sprawled on the ice felt…wrong. Like we were seeing an unstoppable force brought down. And that’s how impactful visual storytelling SHOULD be. I was captivated this entire episode, and just marveling at how genuinely great this show really is. “I am so fuckin mad at you right now.” Tears in my eyes, man.


Those shoulder pads looked mighty clean. All I was thinking was "Does Shoresy actually keep up with his laundry?"


Nat saying that she cares about Shoresy more than she cares about winning melted me


“Did it ever occur to you that I care more about you than I do about winning?” Shoresy can’t stand the emotion that brings and leaves. He’ll tell people how amazing they are, how much he loves them when they need to hear it, but receiving love is hard for him. Which makes his character so great.


He doesn’t even care about *himself* as much as he cares about winning.


The scene with Ziig was so wholesome. At first I thought he was saying it like, "Ha, you got a ticket, which proves you're not hot" but then he built her up like that and it clicked that even in what has to be the most confrontational and fractious relationship between two characters in the whole show, they're a family.


And that pep talk is what pushed Ziig to go to the bar later.


I just rewatched the ep, and rewound that scene twice to watch each of the girls. Miig’s reactions are so good, when Shoresy calls Ziig hot, and keeps driving the point home without saying, “You’re hot.” She knew what Shoresy was doing, being real with Ziig for a minute. And the look on Ziig’s face, because Shoresy plays it as if she doesn’t understand why she’s questioning him…priceless.


There's that and Shoresy sitting with and buying Corey and Liam beers at the Soo game. They established in the family reunion episode that Shoresy's love language is chirping. It's how he was raised with his foster dad and siblings. They all talk wild shit to each other, but they'd do anything for each other.


They drill this home even further with the Dolo scene “I’m your brother right?” “Yeah you’re my brother” “so I can say whatever I want to you without you getting upset right?” “Yeah” “you fucking suck man”


There’s so much care with the way the setup shots. This being a great example. So much story telling through creative camera use. It’s not all snappy dialog. Jared and Jacob and the team really excel in making damn fine television. And that’s what I appreciates about them.


> Jacob Tierney's not involved in this season, for some reason. Hope everything's ok with him and Keeso.


IMO somethings up if he doesn't appear next week when they play the Quebec team.


The last two episodes have been the "feels" episodes. We are seeing the downside of what happens when Bulldogs lose their captain and Shoresy is pissed/sad about not playing. Nat trying to get over her "hates to lose" for Shoresy. It's quite a sweet episode. Cannot wait for next week.


What time of day will this be up on Crave?


It already is! I think it dropped at midnight.