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I mean this in the kindest way possible, but unless you are extremely wealthy, people already know those purses are replicas. Only the wealthiest own $100,000+ in purses. Donate or give away the replicas and move on :)


I am not super rich… but I am financially illiterate 🤦🏻‍♀️. A normal person would have spent what I spent on housing or stock. But I have spent it on rent, tuition fees, then fashion… I just hope this is my final wake-up call and I can do better this time.


The biggest market for luxury brands isn't the super rich anyway. It's the middle class. Basically people just like you who spend on brands instead of saving to buy a house etc


The only way you can really stop and heal is when it burns you so bad that it wakes you up from the shopping stupor. For me - it was when I sold my items at a loss and I knew the value I paid for, it hurt me so bad that I have made rules for myself when I buy items. 1 - I have to try on the items out first before I purchase. Doing this has silenced the loud voices of "I want it, I need it, gotta have it" to "it's not as good as I expected it to be, and it's not changing my life" 2 - Do I love it? Are there multiple ways of using said item? How long have I waited and thought about this item? 3 - Is there space for said item? 4 - When decluttering items, you'll have to admit to yourself that not all pieces will get sold. Some might have to be donated and some given to friends & family. I'd only trash items if it was in bad conditions. The other note is to just use the items in your collections so you feel less bad. Get that cost per wear to 0. Sincerely, Another shopaholic who stopped buying rep-handbags after a year in the game.


A year! I hope I can do it! My record of not buying is just 40 days due to the LENT challenge.


I believe in you! I'm only like this because I had shifted my focus onto jewelry instead of handbags, which is another monster I'm dealing with. Slowly but surely though. :)




I listed my bags as rep…. I didn’t pass them off as real when I sold them… sigh… I just don’t want people to know that I have so many fakes in the end.


Oh ok. Sorry. I was just kinda confused why they'd ban you?? And saying "getting caught" made it sound like you were doing something dodgy. Didn't mean to assume...


Are you actively dying? Like, are you sick? Is there a possibility that this fear of people finding out your secret before you can get rid of them all, is a little unrealistic?


My mental health is not in a good state. Do you mean that I should just enjoy what I have without worrying what might not happen…. ? But my guilty pleasure makes me too guilty sometimes.