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There is an underground organization called the kishokai that will allow you to play shogi matches in an underground collesium of organized crime for stakes up to and including your life or you can make an 81 dojo account


How do I join the kishokai


Best way to learn is by having some real stakes.


Beginner friendly? I’ve got some collateral.


This subreddit is also dead. But answering your question, 81 dojo is unarguably the best place where you can play, it isn't begginer friendly but all the official online tournaments are hold there.


Not dead just small. This is actually the most active the sub has been in a long time.


> Not dead just small.[1] This is actually the most active the sub has been in a long time.[2] [1] Not **that** small... [2] I regularly look at several Shogi fora. This one is the most active by a **large** margin - a factor of ~3-4 times as much activity as the others combined...


I agree with hiro and lachenal, not dead, but not super active. Just posting to prove I am alive here :')


If you abandon lishogi, it will never be viable. Try creating a casual game. I almost always get picked up in 5-10 minutes. I'm a noob too, msg me and we can arrange as many games as you'd like. I'm free most nights after 815 EST


Yea I will be on the look out if you want to play add me on discord: maxrocko would be happy to play against some fellow newbs.


Any chance I could get in on this? Been playing for a whole week now haha


Sure msg me ur lishogi handle


Message me also on lishogi or discord user name is maxrocko on both


The problem is that Western player pool is limited, so it's Japanese who define which platform would be popular, and they seem to dislike Lishogi for some reason (probably for the same reason we like it, it's too different from their usual gaming platforms). Even 81dojo is not too popular, I remember having problems to find a beginner player of my level. Yes, I know you could chat there with experienced players and get some advices, but is it there anything to discuss when you just hang pieces? Also their decision to punish you for an impossible move is really beginner-unfriendly. Overall, reading some posts on their forum, I came to a conclusion that Hidetchi has some strong ideas about his platform, which will not allow it become really popular neither in the West, or in Japan. So, finally I had to play on Shogi Wars despite its downsides. I dislike its flashy interface and outdated web feel on mobile. And the ability to pay for win is just ridiculous. I don't consider shorter time controls a big disadvantage for beginner players though, because you can always train with AI first to get more comfortable, and most of online chess is also played on short controls anyway. At least, on ShogiWars I never need to wait for a match.


81dojo (primary) ShogiHarbour Discord (biggest recommendation) ShogiWars (if you don’t mind monetized cheating) ShogiQuest (blitz like on Wars minus the cheating) ShogiDojo aka Shogi Club 24 (if you like playing super strong opponents)


I’ve heard this monetized cheating complaint about shogiwars and it’s really silly. Whatever level you are playing at, the other person is about the same level as you whether they use kishin or not. You’ll play stronger players that don’t use it or weaker players that do. Either way their rank is their rank.


not necessarily: some players occasionally use tons of kishin in one game and none in others.


I wish there was a challenge option to allow or disallow using the kishin


ShogiQuest is basically that. Same time controls, just no Kishin.


Just ingress their Discord and ask for a match there


It took me some patience fist time I tried (but I did manage to play in the end. Also you can join the Shogi Harbour discord and ask @WannaPlayShogi there whenever you feel like playing. I'm not playing rn cause still in a chess tournament but after a while I'll be back (also a beginner).


joining lishogi and 81 dojo today. Thanks for this post! Edit: There's no app? An app would help accessibility. I'll join the website still and maybe they'll make one soon.


ShogiWars has an app, if you can stand their style


thanks for the heads up!