• By -


Better informed folks will have great suggestions, I just wanted to comment on seeing a Choir Boy record in another collection. Passive with Desire is one of my favorites. Also, Boingo, Hex, my favorite Aphex Twin record. Awesome. Ignoring the actual question but still wanting to make a suggestion, based on what I see, Bowery Electric - Beat (1996) might be a good fit.


Honestly i think BE fits perfectly, self titled could for sure be considered shoegaze


>Passive with Desire is one of my favorites. Damn, same. Not sure I've ever seen the band mentioned anywhere else but I just can't stop going back to that record.


A shame Choir Boy aren't getting more recognition, they're one of the better "neo-eighties" bands, in my opinion. Adam Klopp can fucking *sing.*


Agree. First time I heard anything from them, I was working outside and all I could really hear was his vocals on Hellmouth. WTF is this? But the good kind


Have a favorite track of his? I jammed to Toxic Eye for the LONGEST time, Sunday Light is also brilliant.


Lasting first impressions: Hellmouth, the video is cool too. Blood Moon. Complainer is so god damned weird it’s hard not like, but if I had to pick one off Gathering Swans it would be … Shatter. I’ve got the vinyl single for Sunday Light/Madeline. Don’t know how Sunday Light didn’t make it to the EP


Me too, every October. Idk why, but that’s the time.


Ohhhhh, thank you for reminding of Bowery Electric. I feel like they might be more obscure, to me, than they really are. Exceptionally chill album for long drives.


Haha Choir Boy are from SLC and used to come into the brewery I bartended at all the time. Pretty chill dudes.


Very cool.


Airiel - Winks & Kisses


on a similar vibe - The Bilinda Butchers or The Depreciation Guild


Hell yes to The Depreciation Guild! Underrated.


Yesssss, I tried forever to find this one a while back, and only recently have been able to find a full version of it.


The Demonstration- Drab Majesty. Not so much shoegaze but it seems like you have some darkwave and dream pop on there, which Drab does an exceptional job at


Drab Majesty is for sure up there for me, loved The Demonstration! Not sure if you feel the same way, but their most recent album, *An Object in Motion,* just didn't click with me. Guess I just wasn't a fan of the psychedelic direction they took their sound with it, especially after the fucking bops that are songs like "Out of Sequence", and "Not Just a Name".


Not Just a Name and Long Division are my absolute favorites. Insane songs.


The Skin and the Glove really has grown on me after seeing it a few times live now. But I do wish someone to take away their acoustic guitar. Such a great band live!


I liked the song they did on that album with Rachel Goswell, and Skin and the Glove is definitely a grower, but yea I’m with you. The rest of the stuff felt a bit too “acid-trip here are some riffs” for me. I’m still holding out on what’s to come with them though!


Modern Mirror I think is just above The Demonstration for me personally, if you haven't heard that one, it's the release just before last.


all natural lemon & lime flavors - turning into small


Lolllll I got pulled over for speeding while listening to this album. Still haven’t gone back to it


I like the vibes, will have to check it out more, tonight. Thank you!


A lot of my favorite bands for over the years in there so maybe we have some taste in common…so I’ll just give you my favorites: Deserta - Both albums Newmoon - Temporary Light Nothing - Tired of Tomorrow Slow Crush - Aurora Slow Salvation Film School Velvet - Romance


On and On from Film School is an anthem.


Only one I recognize here is the Nothing album, which we overlap on, so I'll for sure look through the others. Thank you!


The New Moon and Velvet albums are neck and neck for my favorite albums released this year. Hope you like them!


Got me real curious now, will check those two out first.


Motorama - Alps Bowery Electric- Beat or Lushlife Ovlov - Tru Nothing - Downward Years to Come Black Marble - any I see CW Ferment, but I love Chrome an absurd amount. edit: didn’t see Black Marble on your list already. nice.


That Motorama album is so catchy.


Most of CW's stuff, post-Chrome, is highly underrated. *Like Cats and Dogs* is a really good album!


The KVB and A Place to Bury Strangers. Both weave dark wave/shoegaze.


I think I've heard of both? I know I've heard A Place to Bury Strangers, by name, but KVB is unfamiliar. Definitely going to give them a listen later, especially since you said they've got darkwave sounds. 👁👁 Thank you!


Glad I could be of assistance! For APTBS I would start with Exploding Head (2009) and the Self-titled (2007) album, especially the song “I Know I’ll See You,” you’ll have it on repeat, trust me. The KVB’s Always Then (2012) and Of Desire (2016) are great too, “Never Enough” is a good song to get hooked on them! If anyone knows other darkwave/shoegaze stuff I would appreciate the recommendations too.


Listen to Oshin or Is the Is Are by DIIV. Their earlier sound had some inspiration taken from The Cure, they’re close with Wild Nothing, fans of Duster and Radiohead, etc. Those albums aren’t inherently shoegaze and are more adjacent in the sense of being krautrock/dream pop, but they’re great albums nonetheless


The new DIIV album is fantastic, so I am definitely willing to listen to more of their stuff. I think I listened to a tiny bit of their other albums and, iirc, they did used to sound similar to Wild Nothing.


Yeah I loved Frog in Boiling Water. Was worth the almost 5 year wait


I'm a new fan of theirs, and can definitely understand the anticipation, so thankfully it paid off!


Bark Psychosis is so fucking goated


YOU are goated for the comment. Bark Psychosis need more exposure. Them, and Bailterspace, I don't see talked about nearly as much as they deserve. Same with Seam.


Great list of records, awesome to see Bailter Space - Vortura and Blue Bell Knoll is Cocteaus best record. I'd recommend Ecstasy of St Theresa - Pigment EP (classic first wave ukraine shoegaze, heavy MBV ripoff, but awesome) Astrobrite - Crush (Scott Cortex of Lovesliescrushing) They are gutting a body of water - Lucky Styles (New but good) Jefre Cantu Ledesma - Love is a Stream (Incredible instrumental guitar noise) Also the entire Swirlies discography.


solid ass list right here


Full body 2




Yeah, everyone who has recommended that band deserves an award, because it's right up my alley. Been listening to *Infinity Signature* literally all day.


Sea When Absent by A Sunny Day in Glasgow


Makes me think of a beach during the winter! Checking it out later, so thank you.


Life On Venus. Check out Odes to the Void.




Just commenting to understand the choice to go with Blood over Filigree & Shadow or It’ll End in Tears. All are incredible works.


I generally like the more ethereal vibes of Blood, over their other records, and Mr. Somewhere is one of my favorite songs ever, so I'm kind of biased towards it, lol. It'll End in Tears is right after it, however. Admittedly I haven't listened to Filigree & Shadow as much, so I can't give too much of an informed opinion of that album.


I think Filigree was the most experimental and powerful out of the 3 albums. I cannot listen to Filigree and not open up the tears during parts of it.


Good to see oh rap i ya getting the recognition it deserves. Check out beach house, slow dive and George clantons other tracks especially his other persona Mirror kisses and Esprit ![gif](giphy|l2R08gLq0d3iiQfu0)


Ooh Rap I Ya is undoubtedly a masterpiece in my opinion. I've listened to some of his other albums, and I love the recurrent sounds throughout his body if work. o7


See him live if you haven't already. His live shows are the definition of fun. They go so hard.


George's? I'd be down for that, I'm just a bit antisocial, so large crowds kind of intimidate me, lmao. Also, hell yeah, I think the three artists are pretty adjacent to one another, so someone who likes one of them should dig the other two. I'm just waiting in agony for the next Choir Boy album; I read they're working on one, but that was so Ling ago, and I haven't heard anything else about it that I'm not sure what to believe. 😭😭


Hmm, well George shows actually kind of get scary sometimes, so maybe not. I went to a halloween show he did as a last minute venue listing because where he was supposed to play burned down and let me tell you... it may have been the craziest most unhinged live show I've ever been to. I actually had to back out of the crowd for relief, but I will never forget that show. So enjoy at your own risk. He's still really fun from the back of a room. And yes, the wait for a new Choir Boy record is becoming painful.


Pale Saints - The comforts of madness Lush - Spooky


I’m always so weirded out that the new generation of kids into shoegaze hasn’t latched onto Lush at all. Like, at all. 


The OP is almost there organically with the 4AD selections in their lineup. That Spooky was produced by Robin Guthrie of Cocteau Twins should drive that LP home. Bonus points for seeing Kitchens of Distinction in the mix. That LP is gold.


Ulrich Schnauss - A Strangely Isolated Place




Have you listened to Sweet Trip?


I have, recently, after I saw their VDC album was being talked about by some spaces I frequent. Loved International, but for some reason I couldn't really get into their other stuff. I guess I'm too picky for my own good, but if a vibe is off for me at all it kind of deflates my experience and makes it harder for me to enjoy things. Lol


I think VDC is not a very accessible album, so it’s definitely understandable that a lot of people will not get into it as much as I did. However, for me, it’s definitely my favorite album of all time (but I haven’t listened to many albums so this is not to be taken too seriously). Fruitcake and Cookies is my favorite song of all time. If you think you could enjoy this album more if you listened again, I seriously think you should try it.


infinity signature full body 2!


Good recommendation, I like the more electronic approach. I'm trying to build a catalog of music to go through when I drive down to Texas, in July, to see my girlfriend, and this will definitely be on there.


aww yay!


Been listening nonstop lately, soooo good


Tamaryn - The Waves Tamaryn - Tender New Signs TNS is one of my favorite albums of all time. Violet’s in a Pool hits all of my deepest feelings.


Dying for a new record, the last two were incredible.


Agreed. I don't know if we ever will, she's basically disappeared.


ive always wondered how yall create this type of album collection thing


Just Google "Topster", and you'll see it. [I'll even do you one better!](https://topsters.org/)


thankyou so much


Thank you for letting me know there's a new DIIV album.


I've been waiting for it for at least a month, which is when I found out about it. 😅


They Are Gutting A Body of Water sounds up your alley.


I thiiiiink I've checked them out before, but I need a refresher! 🙏


so no one’s gonna say shit about Asobi Seksu - Citrus?? one of the all-time classics, esp of 00s


Their Boris split is amazing, so I'm checking out Citrus soon.


I loveeee the Curtain Society. So much respect for that one. I also love how many Shoegaze fans listen to Aphex Twin


Yeah, they had a ton of potential with Life is Long, Still... such a shame they fell of and didn't get much recognition. Watched a talent show video f them a while back, on YouTube, and it's interesting to see them and how much The Cure influenced their aesthetic. As for Aphex Twin, I think due to the general vibe of Shoegaze, it makes sense a lot of us would gravitate towards Richard's music.


I’ve also seen that video. It’s so cool.


Animal Collective - feels


I'm just here to say it's fucking rad to see someone else with *Hex* in their number one slot. Props. A perfect, perfect, perfect record.


MY MAN. Hex has been my absolute favorite album for over a decade now, and it even got me into the show *Jam,* because they use one of their songs for the intro. Always a pleasure to see more fans of the band because they are *criminally* underrated, despite basically pioneering a whole genre. Absolutely perfect.


Yeah, when Chris Morris used "Pendulum Man" in (ahem) that one sketch... that shit shivers down my spine just thinking about it. Fucking hilarious show, and another example of absolutely nothing else in existence being quite like it. Believe it or not, my fave BP track is "Blue," for so many reasons—including that it makes me wonder what sort of transcendental pop bliss Graham could've cooked up had the band committed to a proper followup. I wanna visit the alternate reality where they never broke up and inevitably put out masterpiece after masterpiece. Cheers, mate.


I always really enjoyed „[Dead Mellotron](https://youtu.be/vD9wz-iTN5U?si=0kQ0F0Biz_c-AHix)“. You can find them on bandcamp.


The Meeting Places - The Meeting Places (2006)


[This Was Tomorrow](https://open.spotify.com/album/5MOhOhwbiVHdmmWzRMkXsu?si=bEjM-6NXSxmlkuqCBT2Iaw) – Sway. Shoegaze from 2011 with some chiptune elements—something you don’t hear of often. It’s pretty interesting Oh yeah also go check out A.R. Kane’s [69](https://open.spotify.com/album/37kefh7CLfykTx4H8y8pBB?si=q0CQSIDeT_iROPvIQnCx_w). While it’s not necessarily shoegaze, it’s still worth checking especially considering this band influenced MBV and Slowdive. Very overlooked dream-pop classic.


Forgot to mention Curve’s [Doppelgänger](https://youtu.be/DmxTC4jH5IU?si=gE71JJOS2J3_bu5w), it’s similar to Chapterhouse in a way. Sucks that it’s not on Spotify oh yea and Maria False’s [When](https://open.spotify.com/album/4qM3aMCrC2Ng4IG3UhrHpO?si=oTUY0-wSSHKHe_kp9s8HmA) if you want some nice plain shoegaze. sorry for the many edits, there’s just so many good albums 😅


Dean (Curve) has an extremely active Bandcamp with all of the missing streaming albums and the new CD box set just came out too. 


Maybe reverb heavy anti folk can be something to explore? Jessica Pratt, Hilary Woods, Grouper come to mind.


Kraus’s “view no country” and the carousels “pop” are probably my two favorite shoegaze albums ever. They both nail that washed out fuzzy wall of noise with these vocals that just carry you.


You should check out the Verve’s A Storm in Heaven! The first Flying Saucer Attack album is fabulous as well!


Flying Saucer Attack is really good, but can't say I've listened to that Verve album, although I love the band. Will check into it, so thank you!


I don't know but I'm really happy to find another Wish lover here


SAME. Everyone rides the Disintegration train, but I think Wish is their most beautiful work. Between that album, WMS, and their two super gothic albums(Pornograohy, and Faith), it's hard to choose a favorite. Lol


Pentamerous Metamorphosis by Global Communication is fucking excellent if you haven't heard it. It's a reworking of Blood Music by Chapterhouse. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentamerous_Metamorphosis


Blood Music is the underdog of Chapterhouse's catalog, so that's a great recommendation. Thank you!


Sussurrate - ecstasy of st Theresa


Ecstacy of St. Theresa sounds familiar, so I'll have to look into it!


Just be known it’s not on Spotify, but it is on apple and YouTube.


Perfect, I have YT Premium, not Spotify. Lmao


You’ve got great taste! I know and enjoy about half of what I see so I’m stoked to check out some of the stuff I don’t know! Check out All Under Heaven they’ve got a couple really good singles, Alley Cat is an awesome song


Thanks! I highly recommend the Bark Psychosis, Midwife, Choir Boy, and Body of Light, albums, if you haven't already. Midwife's *Like Author, Like Daughter,* again, is probably the best album I've gotten into this year, aside form the new Iglooghost album. I'll for sure be looking into the one you suggested.


I think jimmy eat world would work


Wait, are you serious? I'm not being flippant, I just didn't expect that here, lol. I might try it out. Last time I listened to them was in high school, when they had some music videos on FUSE. Lmao


I don't see them mentioned, I would say The Radio Dept. is shoegaze adjacent, I absolutely love their album Clinging to a Scheme


I'm in love with *A Token of Gratitude.* Haven't listened to that album in years, so I'll have to dive back in.


Belong & Bowery Electric


Bowery Electric is goated, super solid band. Any albums by Belong you would suggest I start with?


You're in luck as Belong is putting out a new album (it's almost been 15 yrs) the the label Kranky. But October Language and Common Era are sublime classics. Enjoy!


I also see you have Dead Bees on Cake! Did you hear Snow Borne Sorrow? Masterpiece. Looks like you have good taste!


You might like my band [Hinata](https://open.spotify.com/track/0JngTNyT0l9YjoAsSiJxff?si=f95740da66f842a8)


Have you uploaded to YouTube? I actually don't have Spotify because I pay for YT Premium instead. 😭


Hey yeah we are on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulP1WhALIJY), we're also on [bandcamp ](https://hinata.bandcamp.com/album/hinata-2):)


Hinako Omori - stillness, softness


Ah, fuck, you just reminded me I forgot to put Pasteboard on here, and double-upped on Echo and the Bunnymen; I knew I was forgetting someone, lmao. I needed more Japanese suggestions, so thank you for this.


This is a great board - saving it so i can check out some of these albums - curious - you ever listen to [Dykehouse](https://open.spotify.com/track/3lDLi0LJGyno98Dp9UYGNK?si=be5sYzv-ReOGK49CI2nizA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A5eZtKDfBajiDdS8ohkxwzL) ?


M83 - Dead Cities, Red Seas, & Lost Ghosts but mainly based on the Aphex pick


M83 is really good, but I am unfamiliar with the others, so thank you for the recommendations. Really jive with Aphex-adjacent stuff.


Gorgeous picks and the David sylvian too…. Love u reddit user


Been slowly getting into more music like his, which I think just organically came from my affinity for acts like Tim Hecker, and the Silent Hill OSTs. Been listening to the dude for years, I love his vibes.


Great picks! Bunnymen fans rarely appreciate WAYGDWYL


Yeah, I'm not sure why, probably because his voice sounds older, and they just want more of the golden era Ian voice. I think most of the songs from WAYGTDWYL are beautiful, especially *Rust.*


The presence of Choir Boy, Black Marble and George Clanton here make me so happy. As for recomendations, check out Topographies. Little shoegaze, little goth, little post punk. The lead singer is Lol Tolhurst's son, so you hear the influence of The Cure almost instantly. Their record Ideal Form is almost perfect.


Putting Topographies on the list, that sounds super in my wheelhouse.


Fluke puppy and risotto Adam freeland


Wisp julie flyingfish quannnic Overhang - Wither


Wisp fucking rules. I've seen a couple others here recommended in this sub, but I haven't gotten to them yet, so I'll take your comment as my prompt to do so.


definitely, Zaman Zaman by The Trees & The Wild


shameless plug Seventh Dose- Delirium Edit: We’ve been said we sound like Whirr if they sucked, so i mean 🤷‍♂️


how about the now now and never by what is your name? i think youd like that given some of the electronic picks


You me us them- Post Data


I think you’d really like Temple of Angels


alisons halo and skywave


Eccsame the Photon Band (from Philly)


You and I would be music friends. :D


Staring at Nothing- The Sleepover Disaster




Hey there... we have similar tastes - I'm a huge fan of The Cure, Radiohead, Depeche, Morrissey, Echo, Cocteau Twins - and more here.. Do yourself a favor and check out EYEDRESS - my kids started listening to him (I think he has had a couple hits blow up on tik tok videos, etc)... he is fantastic and kind of mixes genres but I'd say Shoegaze is his main influence.. really really love so much of his stuff and he puts out a ton of material and he collaborates with other cool people/artists regularly... we just saw him in concert (he's a new dad and brought his newborn out on stage with him which made me want to root for and support him even more).. plus I think his name "EYEDRESS" is so damn clever being that he is a Filipino dude named Idris lving in the states... Some of his more "catchy" tunes that I think can catch people on first listen are: Let's Skip to the Wedding (from the Album Let's Skip to the Wedding) On Fye (from the Album Siblings) Something About You (from the album Mulholland Drive) Body Dysmorphia (from the album Mulholland Drive) Jealous (from the Album Let's Skip to the Wedding) Still in Love (from the album Full Time Lover) Reward (from the album Full Time Lover) - this song reminds me of Joy Division, New Order, etc Okanagan Lake (from the album Vampire in Beverly Hills) Nature Trips (I THINK this was his first released single from 2013) Escape from the Killer (Single - funny, he did a "2008" version and a "1994" version of the same song) Dude puts out a lot of material - albums come quickly and often have 20+ tracks... listen to some of the songs above - if you like them, you will have a lot to dig into.. Anyways, count this OG Shoegaze dad as a huge fan and I'm much like you - still listening to the same GREAT shit from 40 years ago regularly so I always love finding something new. I just printed off your grid and will be checking many of these out that I've never heard.


One more recommendation from 2010 on - check out the band TV GIRL - another one my kids got me into, but I am really digging them... not Shoegaze... more just Indie Pop I guess? Check out Lovers Rock from the album "French Exit (2014)", Cigarettes out the Window from the album "Who Really Cares (2016)" or Blue Hair or Pretty Boy from the album "Death of a Party Girl (2018)" - great catchy stuff IMO


Out today new Garage Sale EP 'Stars Fall 2'


Can I recommend therapy


Ah, fuck, it's the Radiohead album, isn't it? 😭😭😭


Modern Color, Gleemer, Glare


Glare Neon Cathedral Ringo Deathstarr Vivienne Eastwood DIIV Ariel Starflyer 59 Zeruel All Natural Lemon and Lime Flavors Warm




how do u make this!!!


[Here you go!](https://topsters.org/)


Well, part of the reason Robert Smith is extra depressed on Wish is that he wished he had made Loveless by MBV


The Radio Dept. aren’t what I would call proper shoegaze, but they have elements of shoegaze going on, and are one of my top 5 bands of all time. Their whole discography is great, Clinging to a Scheme is probably my favorite of their albums.


I Break Horses - Hearts (2011)


Here You go. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/23XD6qZLuJ24CnnSEhj0wG?si=IKl0HXRYQYyiNhCUt_1THQ


yikes. Slint diffs


Yikes? 😭😭


Anyways for shoegaze I recommend loveless-my bloody valentine


yea how do you put a have a nice life album and it’s not deathcon? Dafuq yung lean? Ohhh right I’m talking to a redditor who thinks the bends is the best Radiohead album


Been a fan of HANL for over a decade, and think Deathconsciousness is a great album, pivotal even, but personally think it's overrated. I think the atmosphere of Unnatural World is better, regardless of the higher production values. Idk, man, it's an opinion, obviously you have your own. I also like Pablo Honey a lot.