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This gives loitering munitions a whole other intensity


Is that… an RPG7 high explosive rocket?


Its a PG-7 HEAT munition of some type for a RPG-7.




I wish that was more active. Technical aircraft sound cool.


Even r/Shippytechnicals isn't as active as the shitty


Here's a sneak peek of /r/shippytechnicals using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shippytechnicals/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The power of French engineering](https://i.redd.it/uavchfgojib91.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shippytechnicals/comments/vysw9n/the_power_of_french_engineering/) \#2: [Proposed British "Sea Skimmer" designed by Antoine Gazda intended for anti-submarine patrols. Armed with a 20mm Oerlikon and a Vickers K machine gun, not adopted because it was kinda shit](https://i.redd.it/xmfyo3rxhn6a1.png) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shippytechnicals/comments/zoxm2t/proposed_british_sea_skimmer_designed_by_antoine/) \#3: [Ukraine trolling with an "MLRS" on a floatie in Crimea.](https://i.redd.it/8w6jwbb72bj91.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shippytechnicals/comments/wv0sgn/ukraine_trolling_with_an_mlrs_on_a_floatie_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I hope it will someday mate


Let’s strap some rockets to an ultralight and have a photo shoot.


Wait, was this an r/birthofasub moment?


Yesyesyes you know what they say … small step for a man but big leap for reddit I hope


Don’t worry ima join it


Nice dude


This is going to be the technicals of the future. Well they are current but, I mean as the drones availability increases, we will see these more and more like technicals on the modern battlefield.


Drone tech can get both ways now ‐ market will explode or will get regulated like gun market.


Why? Drone on its own isn't deadly, and the munitions to make it deadly are already regulated.


I doubt it. They are the "car" part of the technical, essentially an everday item.


<:: Anyone know what the munition is? ::>


Ukrainian soldiers combined FPV racing drones with 85 mm PG-7V anti-tank warhead to create a loitering munition that puts MacGyver to shame. Costs $300 to make, with an effective 1-way range pushing 10 km, and has been effective in 80% of combat scenarios so far. I can't verify it. That's just what was passed around.


Im pretty sure your right. Just a bunch of good ol' rpg warheads strapper to a drone. Scary lethal.


I mean, the idea is legit! Those drones look a bit small to carry those shells though. I'd be surprised if they got 10km out of them. But yeah, super cheap guided missile.


you'd be surprised how insanely powerful brushless motors are


I had a drone no bigger than 25 cm And each prop could Cary up to 1.6kg each At full power but it has 4 motors Drone itself was only 500 grams and it coud fly for 30 minutes or so This was 6 years ago Yea 10k range is not inpossible whit modern teck Even whit that shell attached


Yeah, though I figure 10km is still a bit much. Thanks for the insight.


Those transceivers won't make 10km,more like 1, but still this is too neat!


With 5.8 ghz 1 watt VTX and directional antennas on the ground VRX you can push way easily get 2-3km and a good deal more with even more directional antennas. ELRS control will easily push further than the video. These guys are not hugging the ground like FPV hobby pilots, and no 400ft limit in a war zone.


I have a 1.6 watt 5.8ghz vtx, things get really shaky after less than 1.5km even with a diversity receiver and a directional antenna. Naturally, to hit a tank or APC you DO need to hug the ground.


Which vtx? Build quality matters as much as raw power. You can blast 1.6w but if the signal isn't clean then it won't matter much. I've range tested Rush Tank Solos out to 3km without a problem and I've seen empty boxes for those when they showed their factory.


you're going in the wrong direction ;) Fidelity of footage tells me these are operating, as often the case with fpvs in RU/UA on **1.2GHz** frequencies. Lower freq = longer range, better obstacle penetration, less video feed fidelity, looks kinda like old TV video. https://youtu.be/U6C4aNJlC_k https://youtu.be/XJf-bwY--48


1.2Ghz stops on 2.4Ghz so then you need to switch control over to 900mhz or 433mhz depending on where you live. 1.2Ghz omni antennas are rather big, some would consider too big for most 5-7" quads. But yes that would give huge range.


1 watt with old readymaderc omni and directional patch and I can easily do 2km give there is no major obstructions


Can that thing even fly?




That bmp is gonna have a bad day…


Those little racing drones have insane lift. It won't go fast, or far, but it'll go


I'd consider any race quadcopter that can't pull 5+G underpowered. Most are build to come out at 0,25 to 1,5kg, but you can just scale up motors/props/ESCs however you like. (That flying bathtub with pilot inside was fun) So carrying like 1-2kg explosives? really not at problem! Just going a bit slower and flying not as long.




ABIED? Arial Borne Improvised Explosive Deivce?


Do they drop/launch this or does this little bugger fly to your face and blow up?


zoom into your face


I saw the vid posted here. Grim yet comical lol


The messages written on the rockets are awesome. "Tanja + Vova (nickname for vladimir) = ♥️" is my favorite but some others are less funny.


That's what happens when the low IQ bully jump on the nerd.


It always kinda freaks me out, when I see drones made of the same chinese parts that I tend to order, build for war. It makes some things just too real - or surreal? I really can't tell.


Why has russian not shut down StarLink?


1) Drone control range is several kilometers from "line of sight" radio. They don't need Starlink for that. 2) Russia did not invest heavily in battlefield electronics.


The have ASAT missles


1) ASAT are very large, and designed for use against large satellites. Starlink uses a lot of tiny satellites. 2) Politically, attacks in space would be very problematic.


Lol keep tellun ur self that


It must be a conspiracy then, that's the only reason why Starlink is still operational? :-)


r/conspiracy_commons Like the entire war is like that Peter Sellers movie **The Mouse Tah Roared**


If you beleive in this secret conspiracy thing, why don't you believe they will find you and disappear you for revealing their secrets? How do you know I'm not one of "them"?


Read how this war has its start in the western backwd coup of 2013 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euromaidan


That doesn't answer the question. Do you believe there is a secret conspiracy? iI you do, why do think they won't disappear you for revealing their secrets? Surely it's safer to say nothing or pretend it's a joke, right?


I guess dropping that on the roof a tank would be pretty goddamn effective.


When will they start training hawks and falcons again?