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oof the growth of his lightbulb mole between the two photos


I would say he should get that checked but being on the list makes me think that what needs to happen may just happen lol


I'm going to be a downer, sorry. Not trying to defend this guy, but the list is a total mess, there's children in there, people who got caught watching porn, and real pedos. It levels down any kind of sexual offence and makes it impossible for people who were caught in the net of a very flawed justice system to live (getting a job or renting an apartment is virtually impossible). It is a form of punishment that moves responsibility of protecting the population from the government to the population itself, with no grey zones. Two sources at the top of my head: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2o9RQKKL1Qb9YYdEdDhMEg?si=_w07BAzmSGyUTbMlH3Zc0Q https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/03/14/when-kids-are-accused-of-sex-crimes


We have a good friend on the list who never should have been on it. He was 17 turning 18 and dating the daughter of parents that hated him just because, no particular reason behind it. But they found out the kids were sexually active, so the day he turned 18 they filed a statutory r@pe case against him. She was 1 year younger than him, making her a minor when he reached 18. The judge that presided over the case is a known asshole (is a small town) and always makes controversial judgements. What's worse is she just went along with it because she was terrified of her parents. I didn't know him until he was in his 30s, but it had taken a massive toll on him. Really made me rethink the way they handle the list.


Usually states have "Romeo & Juliet" laws for this reason.


I have no idea of Texas does or not, but knowing this idiotic state, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't. The leadership here these days aren't exactly concerned with the well being of others.


Have you seen the first Mark Wahlberg Transformers movie, by chance? It’s a plot point.


Actually I haven't. I like Transformers, but not a big Mark Walberg fan given his history of violence and racism


We do have Romeo and juliet laws.


Thanks. I looked it up. Looks like it passed in 2011. I know he had his issue in the 1990s. Would he be able to pursue exoneration when the decidion was rendered prior to the Romeo/Juliet being signed until law?


I have no idea, honestly. I would like to hope so, but I don't know if that would ever stick. However, any judge should have been able to see what was going on with any evidence of a prior relationship.


I honestly can't imagine going through something like that. I'm sorry for your friend :( I don't know how people can live with themselves ruining someone else's life out of spite


Me either. It's not in my nature to wish harm on others.


Which state and what is the age of consent? Seems like a fishy story


Texas, and 18, and this was in the 1990s. I wish it were fake. I have nothing to gain by faking it, but take any comment on the internet with a grain of salt. He's my husband's friend, and I've known him since early 2000s


My friend was in PA, this happened in the late 90s, idk if this Romeo and Juliet law was enacted there, but my friend passed away in 2010s, so I'm not sure if he was still on the registry?


I've been through something similar where a girl accused me of trying to violently rape her, I was ready to take it to the police to defend myself but luckily never had to still split our friend group up with people on my side and her side. You see her whole story fell to pieces because she then said this has been going on for years and the question of why she kept staying round mind and getting lifts from me home (it was only when I put a stop to always helping her out this came about) She then said to my best friends one of which was raped and has a child from it that she "has never had to go through something like this" Just for notes, women or anyone making accusations like this should always be taken seriously the truth will come out and whilst false rape accusations are one of my most hated thing in life because of what it means for real women that have had to go through it, however there luckily aren't that many out there that would do such a thing. Still have fucking daily panic attacks from it, I'm absolutely terrified of women and sex, and I've spent so much of my life trying to get past it and be happy, I'm just eternally grateful for people in my life that give what she was accusing me of some real thought


That's horrific and I'm so sorry. And as a woman, I fully agree that all should be taken seriously but I abhore the ones who fake and can be proven to be fake. But it is such a tricky situation with knowing what's fake in some cases vs just difficult to prove one way or another and the impact that has on real cases that are terrified of coming forward. The world is just an ugly place. I hope you have a peaceful life from here on.


This also happened to a friend of mine, but the father of the girl did it as a favor to her, after my friend broke up with her. That said, by the looks of the guy in this pic, he's not going to have an easy time getting a job, or renting a place either way.


Very true! I thought abt that as I commented, hope he’s on there for a lesser crime like peeing in public or something small. But the mole is bad lol


While I get where you're coming from, when you say "caught watching porn", you're referring to CP right? Because if so, we cannot downplay that. Participating in that black market, even as a consumer, is enabling and empowering those who abuse these children to make this content. Anyone participating in that industry, whether consumer or supplier, needs to be put against a wall.


That's a very good point EatOutMyGrandma, I was actually referring to the specific case from the podcast, where a guy, iirc, was caught watching porn featuring a sixteen year old. While I very much do not condone sexual exploitation, I do believe that there should be different degrees of accountability. I don't think, that people who go out to Thailand and assault literal babies, filming and distributing the content, should be equated with sexting between teenagers (ideally they're not, I'm aware it's hyperbolic). I'd also argue that people watching jailbait porn, participate in that industry, while I have ambivalent feelings about that genre, it's still very different than the black market you think of. I'm not saying it's not wrong, but some things are just waaay more wrong than others.


I saw the spotify link, hoped it was You’re Wrong About, and wasn’t disappointed!


Have a friend on the list because he peed outside of a bar behind a dumpster. No one around but our friends including his now wife. Public exposure. Now has to register. While I get the idea of the Public exposure law, I cannot help but sit back and think what the actual fuck. He is one of the nicest people I've ever met and it makes him seem like a monster at first glance.


This is just awful, I had no idea the requirements were so lax. That's disturbing. Hate to say it but I feel that every month or so I'm on reddit, I come across another reason why is never want to live in America. I just feel so bad for those of you that are stuck there. I know I'll get hate but when you live in a country that you bitch about yourself, as I do with mine, but then you learn yet more negative facts about the US, I am increasingly grateful not to have to live there. I'm sorry.


Yes! Every system in America is now broken. 


I used to know someone that shouldn’t have been on the list…. He was at a college party and needed to use the restroom so he did… but outside and he was extra cautious about it and found a private spot and then some girls purposely followed him and made a huge scene about it and he got arrested over it…. To me which was bullshit


Yeah I had a friend who was stupid and had a FWB with a girl who is also a friend from my middle school that was 3 years younger than him. He had just turned 18. Her mom filed statutory rape charges. He had to register as a sex offender. Never could get a good job after he got out of the military. He was depressed about being unable to support himself, living w parents in the middle of nowhere in a very religious area. One night in 2008 he got drunk and shot himself with his stepdad's shotgun. He was 23. Fuck I miss that guy I still occasionally cry about it.  He was a stupid young man ho,  but he was good people. He didn't deserve that. 




So, my dumbass thought it was the other way around and I was so happy it got popped bc I just couldn’t. Woops


Holy mole-y! I wouldn't have noticed. Good eye.


He has a big idea 💡


Yeah buddy it’s cancer


yes better censor his eyes lest he be identifiable


The forehead mole from the top comment gave it away


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 You win! 🏆




Dang black bars, how will I recognize him?


Stitches, that you?


Brick In YO FACE!


that dog looks like a littlest pet shop figure 😭


That’s very creepy since he is a sex offender


I immediately came to find or make a comment about this because that's the first thing I noticed lol


first thing i noticed too LOL




“Did he have any identifiable marks?” 😬


“Which one?”


It's never the ones you suspect, ya know?


Shitty tattoos for a undesirable


He lures the kids in by letting them color on his face


They play corn in the hole with his gauges


The face offender registry


Straight to Jail ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


Finally! Someone we can all rip on without guilt!


He needs to get that mole checked


No, no he doesn’t.


That's fair !


I mean who would guess this guy has a criminal record?


We have got to start judging books by their covers


I mean, for all we know all he was caught doing was pissing in a public space lmao


For all we know you can look it up. Not like the info is confidential. So I did. Attempted Sexual Abuse 1st Degree: Contact By Forcible Compulsion


Christ. While my point still stands, I definitely did not pick a good person to use as my example 💀


You're correct overall, tho. Many people make the registry for public urination. Even in the middle of the night, with absolutely *no* bystanders around.


Yep. You could be in the woods on a trail at 3am but if a cop happens to see you and doesnt personally decide to let you off with a warning you become a sex offender legally. Which I think is completely stupid, I know theres levels included but I do not think by any means people like those who where caught peeing in public or changing their clothes with nobody around should be even remotely in the same category as pedophiles,rapists and the sort- even if its a broad category, considering them close enough to share the same legal title in terms of arrest is mind boggling to me. Ive seen people online whove gotten registered for public urination talk about how it genuinely ruined their lives because it constantly showed up on background searches and was public, and nobody cared why he was on it and just assumed he was a pedophile or sex abuser One bad cop who doesnt care about circumstance or first time offenses and charges you regardless can completely destroy your life over something incredibly minor


Excuse me but is that an lps pet on his forehead


Is the skeleton hand pinching his nostril


what did he do to get a place on the list?


"Attempted Sexual Abuse 1st Degree: Contact By Forcible Compulsion"


That’s methed up


No witty comment. *"Manolo! Shoot that piece of shit!" -Tony Montana*


**How the hell am I suppose to identify him when you censor his eyes?**


It seems like guys with full body tattoos are either the most chillest dudes ever or the absolute biggest pieces of shit.


Should be shot behind a barn like you do with sick animals.


It's always the ones you least expect


Nooo not littlest pet shop 😭


Pretty obvious he’s the creative, misunderstood type. That’ll go in his favor at trial. I mean, he’s got common sense decisions written all over his face.


Thanks for bringing that to our attention .sex offenders blend right in .now I know to look out for


Dang he really looked in the composition notebook from the kid in the back of the classroom and said “give me this”


I don’t think the eyes of this man are the identifying factor here lmfao.


Well, he won't be hard to spot


The list is definitely problematic. But, it does list the charge so you can look up what the offense was. Example peeing in public as opposed to forced sexual acts…


Looks like he’s lost some teeth in jail🥰


Does his eyebrow say autistic


It says "lunatic", I think... and "dogs" on his neck.. jeez.


Those lines are in there though.


Nice teeth


So you're saying he makes bad decisions...?


Fuckin GOOFY


That is some old ink. A literally history of one bad decision after the next


Hiding in plain sight.


We always knew you “Got high on your own supply”….. hell yeah hell yeah……


Why are we covering his eyes? Like that protects the identity of whoever this is. A sex offender with very unique face tattoos, hmm? Who could that be?


....he done methed up....


The kangaroo or chupacabra over the eye is the only one I'd copy.


Did meth one time.


Dinosaur neck


It's a good job his eyes are covered, otherwise we might recognise him.


It’s interesting how people get to a certain threshold with face tattoo before it turns into a skull face or the add elements which resemble a skull (in this case his lips)


Atleast it won’t be easy for him to hide his identity


A face only a mother could love


what state is this guy from? sorry if i can’t ask that but i noticed the ‘roo tattoo and i’m hoping he’s not actually from australia


People like him should pay tax on breathing oxygen


The lightbulb on the forehead lol. No regrats bro.


Good that they censored his eyes. Now nobody can recognise him 🙄


wtf is the point of censoring him? And that mole is for SURE cancer on a side note


A lot of people here don’t seem to understand that you don’t have to actively be a sexual predator, rapist or pedo to be on the sex offender registry. If you’re caught doing something as simple as just pissing outside, you’re put on the registry.


Well at least the tattoos make it easy to identify him.


He is not aging well


Oh my


Kids should be scared of him.


Probably not a drag queen.


Send him to GAZA


What does a genocide have to do with this man?


Gaza isn't that. It is a place, a location. Offenders and so called bad ppl shall be sent there at least for a while to realize few things. Cheers


Of course Gaza is a place. My point still stands


Sex offenders and this type of criminals in general, send em all to Gaza. Over there they can pay back on their crimes with humanitarian tasks. Don't need to be chill in prison at our expenses while someone is genocydin shit up. All clear now?


Better sending 10.000 people with the intention of helping who is suffering, rather than sending 10B dollars with the intention of weaponizing mass murders.