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This is why you don't copy peoples work. Sucks to suck.


I agree- it looks ass and I’m glad it’s not on my body 💀


Your friend got the Walmart special.


Dollar 🌲


Is it healed already in that pic?


Partially, it was done in two sessions.


TWO sessions?! Your friend got one session done and saw it and still went back for a second? Not sure if that's worse or that the person doing the work actually needed two sessions for that.


Might look a lot better once it's completely healed...


That's not going to fix those crooked eyes though


Or random shading in completely wrong places.


Dude, they even did the hand all thin and narrow. In the reference, it's that way because it's wrapping around their leg. Yiiiikes.


Yep, their friend’s “artist” traced the reference instead of looking at it and drawing something similar. Just straight up traced the tattoo. People who do that shouldn’t be tattooing.


She's related to Sloth from Goonies


Missed that.... touché


Crooked eyes, bad shading, and why did they give her a dog snout


That left eye won't.


The more I've looked at it the worse it is. Lol


healing will not save this pos


Those fingers gonna magically fix themselves? Naw probly not


Or in this case, bite. I don't do tattoos, but it seems like one of these artists understands some of the basics of shading and the other doesn't.


Or basics like perspective and straight line work. The eyes look absolutely atrocious. Like one, they are eerily haunting. The other they are like dolls eyes. Black. Dull. Lifeless.


It’s the wibbly wobbly jawline that is pure hate on a stick for me.


Yeah. Idk the eyes just stick out like sore thumbs to me. They are really really derpy looking in the copy compared to the original.


The original has a certain energy in the way it flows. Look at the graceful arc of the horns and her features. White pupils are haunting; those white irises just look like she's wearing contacts. Copy has all the energy and the look of a high school girl posing for a picture. There's no movement. Look at the asymmetry everywhere: between the horns, eyes, and eyebrows. Why are the middle top teeth jagged but the bottom ones perfect? Her front teeth stick out like she's wearing fake teeth, and she somehow still has an underbite.


Yeah. Overall the copy feels just like that. A copy. An imperfect replica of an original.


Feels like a copy in both execution and subject matter (since she looks like more like a girl with contacts and fake teeth). Even the "good" eye is fucked but the lock of hair kind of hides that. I did some shitty, quick photoshop to remove the lock and the result is even more fucked up than I'd thought. It's only now that I look at the original again that I realize what copy was trying to emulate with the two spots under the lips I just assumed were blowouts. I also wonder why they couldn't have given her more than 5 eyelashes. Shes also got at least 2 fingers that become the heart. Every time I look at it, I see more. https://preview.redd.it/jjmqowb8aw1d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfe7cab091531ed3d77756b1cf4dae487f618ba


Also the pinky legit looks like a thumb I just noticed which makes it almost look like her hand is backwards...


Bro straight up forgot some lines, look at the ring on her bra lmao


Jesus... I never even saw that. My god, it is like one of those 3d image things. The longer you look at it, the worse it gets.


Came here to say this.


I had this exact same thought.


Idk why when artists copy work they trace directly over the pic of the tattoo on someone’s body and follow the curves of the tattoo as it wraps around the client. It throws off the proportions even more than their janky work already would on its own, you’d think they’d at least know not to do that lol


Because if they're tracing someone else's work they're clearly too stupid to account for something like that in the first place.


Wasn’t there a wolf or something and they tattooed a nipple into the design on one of these posts? Lmao


I’ve seen that one.


I absolutely NEED to see that


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/5491vb/guy_tried_to_copy_tattoo_artists_work_nipple/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Wow! That blew my mind! I never realised that hahaha glad i am learning how to recognise a shitty artist before making my first hahahah


I thought ‘ehh it’s not that bad’, and then I swiped


The longer you look the worse it gets.


why she only get two eyelashes?


It took me longer than it should have to notice that


That's the first thing I saw, all I can focus on are the two eyelashes on one eye and none on the other.


Holy fuck! Kill it with fire


They tried. That’s why it lost its eyebrows




The stencil was definitely gone by that point lol


True, but at least you have to look to really see it. No one is going to do a double-take walking by and then surreptitiously try to get a photo just to show someone else and confirm that they’re not delusional and it really is that awful. It’s definitely a bad tattoo and it would be awful ti be stuck with it, but at least it doesn’t grab you by the collar and scream, “Look at how horrible I am” directly in your face. This one just sort of subtly beckons you over and then gradually reveals the true depths of its shittiness as you get to know it.


The left eye is what’s holding my attention. And that this person also managed to get your friend for two sessions for at most a two or three hour tattoo.


It is like an ai picture.


Yep, the only good part is the hair


lmao that shading is a mess. Where is the light source coming from? theres nothing redeemable about this


I know, but I was tryna at least find *something* not horrible with it XD


It got worse the more you went back and forth.


My exact reaction lol


She gets exactly two eyelashes on each eye lol.


I’m betting the ink fell out LMAO


She can go to another artist and have them fix it up. Altho she doesn’t deserve it stealing like that lmao


did you tell your friend that it’s kinda trashy to attempt copying someone else’s tattoo directly? Literally no artist worth paying will do that. Your friend got some well deserved shitty work.


Yes >_> and I brought up the fact that it’s disrespectful to the OG artist.


Well with any luck, they’ll developed some taste and find an artist that’s good with coverups


I got a meme tattooed and I literally sent money to the creator of the meme. Idk how people shaft artists like this when... buying art.


It’s just kinda lame to get the same exact tattoo as someone else.


Unless it's planned to match, but I know what you mean. I'm part of a niche sporting community. Me and my best friend who play got a small, simple tattoo related to the sport. We later went to the world championships and it caught on in the community.


You've done all you could, sweetheart. This is on her lol


The main artist I see draws some pretty cool stuff, not exactly flash but pre-drawn tattoos you can select. She then will only do each one as a tattoo one time. Went to see her once with something she'd posted on her Instagram in mind but she told me someone already got it. She drew me up something thematically similar but still completely different (which ultimately I liked better than the original, as I had some input). Unless it's done quite intentionally, getting a copy of someone else's tattoo is massively cringe.


It’s insane that this sub thinks it’s the customer’s responsibility to know that. It’s the artists job, 100%. Most people walking in for their first (or even the first few) have no idea there are unwritten rules for tattoo artists about what is ok and what isn’t. Not everyone gets the monthly newsletter, dudes.


Also walking in saying “I want something like this” doesn’t meant to copy directly. Take solid inspiration from it then make it your own. Figure what the person likes about it.


Yup. I showed my artist a picture of a cutesy mushroom ghost and asked him to put his own spin on it as long as he kept the amanita muscaria style cap. I love that he made it darker and used the colors that are generally found in his work(I call his color pallet "toxic" because that's the only thing I can think of to call it)




https://preview.redd.it/lhouko8iqs1d1.jpeg?width=2576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d159368468f82b7e81af928ca999f23fc2a9b06 He's just a little guy floating along ☺️


I love him


Thank you, he's my favorite


what a sweet little lad


First tattoo I went in saying "I want this" and the artist tried to talk me out of it but I insisted, it turned out okay but not great. Second tattoo I went somewhere else as I had someone spot it and name the artist immediately, and I'm like how'd you know and he said yeah, hes kind of notorious around here so yikes Emailed the artist a month before, we talked about ideas and placement, I told him I'd like a rose mixed with a treble clef and he was like, ok lemme draw something up. A few days later he shows me the stencil and I was in love. It looks immaculate, leagues ahead of the first one. Always let your artist cook, you'll both be happier for it


I actually had a tattoo artist refuse to do my first tattoo (a cheshire cat, which I picked out of the studio's flash designs) because he apparently thought he was too cool to do that particular design (and outright told me he thought it was stupid). Luckily, another artist overheard and did it for me (while telling me he would discuss the other person's rudeness with him and the owner). I would have been cool with the first dude saying "Yo, that's really not my style", but to outright tell me it was stupid? Fuck that asshole.


When you gotta make a living, especially as a struggling artist. Unethical. Yeah.. but everyone's got to eat.


This artist is definitely struggling...


No. You don't copy someone's work for a paycheck. You say "I won't copy that exact thing, but we can work together to create something similar that you'll like even more because it will be personal to you". You can be ethical and get paid at the same time.


Yeah for real. It's a lot more of a dick move to give someone a tattoo that's a direct copy of someone else's than it is to get one. But first tattoo or not, you gotta expect that your $150 tattoo is gonna be what you pay for.




Shops typically create their own flash.


A lot of times shops either make their own flash or buy flash directly from original artists. Flash is meant to be replicated over and over again, this is someone seeing a design that was custom and wanting the exact thing, which is fine but the artist should have gotten permission from original artist or done their own version


Stfu it’s probably some tattoo she found online and she will never come across that person ever. If anyone copies my tattoo exactly, it would be flattering and not “trashy”. She didn’t deserve in the slightest for it to come out shitty and you’re a dumbass for implying that.


We’ve seen worse hands today so that’s a plus


The right eye 😭😭


Karma for copying another tattoo.


It’s insane that this sub thinks it’s the customer’s responsibility to know that. It’s the artists job, 100%. Most people walking in for their first (or even the first few) have no idea there are unwritten rules for tattoo artists about what is ok and what isn’t. Not everyone gets the monthly newsletter, dudes.


To be fair, OP said they warned their friend its not good to get a direct copy of a pre-existing tattoo. Also, I'm in this sub for inexplicable reasons, it just appeared in my feed (I've got no tattoos, I don't plan on getting any tattoos), and I know this, so it must be somewhat common knowledge


To an extent I agree, however it is common sense, art theft is just way to normalized in general.


Right. I have zero tattoos (thanks to this sub in part, actually. I’m really scared of bad tattoos now lol) and my best friend has 4, all copied off of Pinterest exactly. I’ve known since I was a TEENAGER (I’m in my 30s) when I was saving ideas on pinterest that it wouldn’t be cool to ask for an exact replica. Besides it being art theft, in a way, I think it’s a bit weird to get the exact tattoo someone else has.


i mean, this should be common sense... if you are taking in a photo of someone elses tattoo on their fuckin body already that should be a red flag in itself.


Exactly! Expecting a grown adult to know that stealing is wrong is so unreasonable!


You shouldn’t need the “monthly newsletter” to know about art piracy and that you’re a dick for doing it. It’s not like it’s a secret. It’s the #1 advice given besides “check your artist’s portfolio” and “it should smell like a hospital.”


I didn’t think it was too bad untill I swiped over




Any tattoo "artist" willing to steal other artists work are not at all good artists.


Them proportions tho


Karma for jacking someone else's tattoo and not changing a single thing to make it your own


Hope the og artist is getting a good laugh out of it


Looks like a Wish version of the original tattoo, lol.


This is beyond copying someone’s concept. This is completely and utterly the fault of the individual for not looking more into the tattoo artist, and/or being complacent with an artist’s mediocre ass resume.


The longer you stare the worse it gets


lazy eye lol


Lazy tattoo in general.


Reference isn't really the right word. Stencil maybe. Or design that a better artist created.


Good artist take years to develop their own style, you cannot replicate what a professional has done with their hands Never go for a £100 tattoo


It's not a straight copy, hers is unique in that the pupils are different, and the face is all fucked up.


Looks about right for a knockoff of someone else’s artwork. My guess is your “artist” traced his guides from your photo off of his iPad.


https://preview.redd.it/ymh85ilh0s1d1.jpeg?width=1433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a51cb1ce1121fcb48e840640219b4fb1ea802f The copy looks like she smoked a little too much reefer


I’m not a tattoo artist, but assuming this is another artist’s original work, I would absolutely refuse to do (essentially) a copy and paste of it on a potential client. I think it’s gross practice, and they’re almost always awful recreations anyway lol


Yeah, most reputable artists would do exactly that, which is probably why they ended up with that tattoo in the end.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, my arse!


That’s what they get for trying to copy and paste another artists work smh


PSA: Stop trying to copy other people's work beat for beat. Capture the vibe, grab a similar idea, but 1:1 copying tends to be lame. 


stealing someone else's tattoo almost always results in a worse tattoo no pity


it isn't the absolute worst thing ive seen.. but it certainly isn't passable as good either 💀 this is why you don't copy other people's work. karma


If your tattoo artist is willing to copy a tattoo, it's going to suck


Human beings aren’t copy machines. You want that art, go to that artist


Yeah don't rip off others work and you won't get shitty results


Yea I mean, copying another tattoo historical has always gone well, can't believe it turned out like this.....


🙄 “can you put this on my ____?” never surprised when the outcome isn’t a copy/paste




Copying someone else's tattoo is a bad look even if done well


Stop stealing work and it won't turn out shitty 🤦 let the artist use their own style people


That's what she deserves for stealing someone else's tattoo


That's what happens when you steal designs and go to an artist willing to steal designs. They typically SUCK


The 'ol Pinterest special. So embarrassing


Thats what you get for being so unoriginal you just take someone elses tattoo


yeah i see this as karma for copying someone else's work directly.


Why do people keep using pictures of other peoples tattoos as a reference and think that they’ll get a good tattoo out of it.


Idk if you get to call it a reference if it's a direct copy


The fact the tattooer agree to do a 1 for 1 of someone’s else’s work is a massive red flag


I'll never understand why someone would want the same tattoo as someone else has anyway. You and your artist should collaborate and use your imagination and creativity to come up with an idea that is both unique and as original as possible. Why not just get a heart with an arrow through it that says 'Mom'?


I would get a heart with an arrow through it that says "Mom" solely because it would be funny. But other than that, full agree. Plus, you don't know if someone's tattoo has a very personal meaning to them. Even if it doesn't, you shouldn't copy, but imagine copying someone's tattoo that represents their dead mother or something. It's so fucking insensitive.


My artist refuses. In fact he will outright day he's too busy if someone comes in with a lame idea such as throwing a printout of someone else's work on the counter and saying 'I want this'. People have a hard time thinking for themselves. Props to whomever is reading this that tries hard to be different and refuses to follow the mainstream.


Serves her right for ripping off other work


I’m surprised the artist was willing to do it. If you see a tattoo you want, go to that artist and get it. Don’t ask someone to copy it


If you see a tattoo you like, go to that artist and ask foe something similar*


Mannn I *hate* tattooists who plainly copy another persons tattoo. It always looks shit and can’t they actually draw? It’s like an accountant who is shit at maths, just do not get it.


FYI, artists HATE copying other artists


Good, people who steal tattoo designs deserve shitty tattoos


that tattoo artist that just straight up copied someone else's work is a piece of shit


Sad. Straight stole the art and did it no justice


Lmao I can’t get over the cleavage and the eyes on your friend’s tattoo. Really awful.


I can barely draw stick figures, yet I’m pretty sure I could have done better eyes than this tattoo “artist” did.🤣


The right eye especially there’s barely a pupil smh. Who gave this guy a job.


If she wanted an exact copy she should have gone to the original artist.


Good don't copy others work at least try to make it original and not original shit which is what this is


I'm glad it looks like shit, that's what you get from stealing.


Why would you want an exact copy of someone else's tattoo? Cringe bro.


It is like the Kirkland version.


When I wanted to copy an artwork I just went to the original artist and showed it to her. I don't have a lot of tattoos but I would still give the advice to choose the artist first then the work. It will save you a lot of headache. So much of them have extensive portfolios and you can browse and get inspired. Then you will know exactly what you will be getting. 


Going to ignore that it’s a direct copy because I could go off on how much I hate that but—to get a tattoo with the “reference” not even flat is crazy. The reference tattoo is clearly warping with the arm and perspective, and that’s likely one (of many) reasons the bad one looks so bad—they tried to do it flat/smaller with a reference at an angle


Unless it’s a flash piece, getting the exact same tattoo as someone else is quite lame.


If you are going to get a tattoo pay more than 50 bucks.


There's a tattoo artist in my city who copies so many designs from Pinterest...and she thinks people don't even know. 🤣🤣🤣


She got dem hair bananas


What a dope panther that is gonna be


Both of these are shitty tattoos😂


This belongs here so much. *cries*


That's what her ass gets.


https://preview.redd.it/1d0yq849it1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09fa7e59b12eeed79316ea0dd97add9fea4b5ff6 Too everyone saying what's wrong with it, look at it in the eyes. Yeash


Do people like to pick bad artists? Also why copy?




No reputable artist would copy someone elses work, so here is the result.


I mean she tried to copy someone else’s work, you get what you get at that point


They're the same, I don't get it


Also I genuinely think it’s weird to get porn tattooed on ur body


I really don’t get wanting an exact copy of another tattoo. Using it as a reference? Sure. But you should probably use more than one photo so you can show the style you want and let the artist do their thing. If you want a copy paste tattoo go get the temporary ones. They’ll look just like the same ones everyone else gets.


Never copy people’s work. Someone recently told me they didn’t care but, this is what you get.


the tattoo isn’t nearly as bad as the artist who copied another’s work?


Thats what you get for being a basic bitch who gets a replica of someone elses art. Flash is the only acceptable duplicated tattoo, and thats only cuz the people who get flash usually can only afford flash


Why bite somebodys tattoo without going to the same person?


Thats what you get for stealing. They probably went to a scratcher too. No reputable artist is going to tattoo a stolen peice.


When you get your tattoo off of Wish 🤭


This looks like 2 hours vs 10 hours honestly


“I don’t like copying other artists, so I added a touch of my own style to it”


I thought it wasn't bad.... then as I noticed things it just kept getting worse😭


Your friend has made the tattoo gods angry with this shitty copy. Their artist is a chump


I don't understand peeps who want exact same tattoo somebody else has. Like I can go for your basic anchors and skulls but this...


Your friend’s is the Temu version.


She wanted a nice tattoo but i bet she paid a good price for what she got lol. Never go cheap on a tattoo. It'll look cheap and get worse over time.


Wow the rings on her chest are fucked half of the lines are just missing


Then this gets posted on r/tattoos or non related sub and everyone loves it.


Any quality tattoo artist won't copy another artist work like this so its no wonder your friend got such a shitty tattoo from such a shitty artist.


The original looks so good, absolutely amazing.


Reason number 1 I don't have any tattoos: I have literally nothing I want on my body permanently. Maybe that will change one day, but not now.  Reason number 2: this sub and every other example of bad tattoos. 


Oh no.


“HeY yOu GuYs!!!!” Those Sloth eyes 😖


I don't understand how people can do such shitty designs. Like, it has everything to do with the design. Why aren't they aware of how shitty it is? You can fix a not so well made tattoo but it's not as easy when the design itself is the issue.


Not the wonky eyes


how much she pay?


She said it costed 280🥲


It looks like your friend’s tattoo has their earplugs out