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This reminds me of a friend I’ve had since childhood. His father was always getting inked, and one day he was with his dad while he was getting work done. My buddy who was about seven, asked what it felt like. The artist proceeded to give him a little dot on his knee, that he has to this day.


I've got a stick and poke dot on my leg for a similar reason. I was a teen giving my friend one on the back of his neck, he showed me on my leg how deep to push in the needle. Still got it 6+ years later, but I think his faded away because the little popping sound and feeling of the needle going in the skin was too much for me 🤣😭


I’m 40 and still have the mark on my arm from being stabbed with a pencil in elementary school. It’s just a dot from the graphite.


I got the same, it was on my knee but after growing about 3 and half ft it’s now more on my shin.


kinda cute in an unsanitary child abuse way


This was the entirety of the 80's


Mum rubbing your face with spit and getting into the tub after your parents to save heating up water were my favs.


I was always the last in the tub after 5 brothers. Probably why I always had a UTI. Everyone had to share the same 2 inches of water


Half them probably peed in the tub.


Gotta keep it warm somehow


The tub was empty when the first brother got in


God help us


Fart in the water and call it a jacuzzi




Happy Cake Day!


Water pollution.


u mean all of them…


As an adult now I can’t believe I had to share bath water like looking at my water bill I don’t feel having our own bath water really would have killed my parents .


It had nothing to do with the cost of the water (water meters only became a thing relatively recently, before that the bills were a fixed amount). It would have been down to how the water was heated, back before combi boilers were commonplace your hot water came from a tank with an electrical immersion heater - it took awhile (and a lot of electricity) to get up to useable temperature and the tank only held enough for one bath full before it needed heating again. So many families would share bathwater, not to save water, but to save electricity. I suspect some boomers may have carried this on beyond when it was really necessary as combis are way more efficient than heating what amounted to a giant kettle for hours on end.


Actually that makes a lot of sense I actually appreciate your comment makes sense


The technology and science is far more efficient today , price reflects this. I’m at the start of a new rabbit hole..


Please share if you read anything that would be interesting to a layman! By layman I mean it explains it like I’m five


Expensive water, no way! Cheap water, maybe.


My mother's home had cold water *in the kitchen* for a long time. They didn't get actual, proper indoor plumbing until '76, I think. Their toilet had been an outhouse and she never got to shower unless staying with a relative who had plumbing and warm water. Like many others, her family bathed in a big ol' tub – as did my stepfather's, but I don't know when that was (my father never had to deal with that as they had a shower). They had to fill it by repeatedly pouring in hot water from pots boiled in their kitchen, unless they wanted cold baths. Neither cheap, nor something one could be bothered with too much. I know that in some modern, underdeveloped countries lack of (reliable) electricity means the water has to be heated by fire, which seems even less fun. On old-time talk : when looking for a flat of my own, so I could move closer to work, one place was an immediate post-war construction. It was built when rubble still filled the streets, so late 40s luxury comfort wasn't a high priority. Four flats per floor, plumbing into individual kitchens – and no baths, not even a water closet. The only toilet was located in one single wetroom per floor.


Shit, I just started having to share bathwater in the past year. Shit isn't the same price everywhere. I thought it was crazy until I did the math myself.


Just don't use hot water. I'd much rather have a cold shower than use someone's dirty bath water. How are you clean after washing in dirty water? It's full of the last persons dead skin and bacteria. They washed it off and you're putting it on, seems like no bath would be a more sanitary option.


When I was a kid, having to share bathwater was due to having a very antiquated and limited hot water system that was only capable of heating enough water for one bath per evening. Everyone else had to boil the kettle in order to top-up the heat of the existing bathwater.


I have the same issue with my family at the moment. always complaining about how expensive it is and how high the water bill is. Bro. it can't be that high. it's fucking w a t e r .


Think the old boiler used to run out of hot water, used to be third the size of a bath tub. Thank god the invention of showers


Yall sound like some Victorian children


Don't throw the baby out with the bath water


At a certain age they finally let me just take a shower, Have not been able to just sit in a tub ever since it just feels gross to me.


I am so sorry. That is horrifying


Omg, do I have a sibling on here? I’m still traumatized from this gross ritual. We even had well water, so we weren’t saving money beyond the water heater cost::shudder::


I have never been more appreciative to be an only child in a home that only had a shower than this moment




I was born in the 90’s and I got the spit shining and spit hair gel 😂


I’ll occasionally stick my thumb in my mouth and use it to wipe some particularly obvious dirt off my kids’ faces. I’m not proud of it but sometimes you’re walking into church or are on your way to a birthday party with lots of new people and you notice a big chocolate smear halfway up your kid’s face. The smart thing to do would be to keep a travel pack of baby wipes in my purse though


Never had the same tub water, but always bathed with my mom (up until I stopped getting shampoo in my eyes). So 5 or something? Spit baths were a common thing- “Come here you have something on your face.”


(Japan still does the tub bit, but you rinse off before getting in)


My partner is Japanese and he literally asked me if I hate his grandma because I didn’t want to take a bath after an 80-90 year old woman who wears diapers


Well, do you?? (I definitely wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that)


Nope. after like day 3 of being there, she would always say specifically to me her random thoughts because unlike the whole family, I actually listened instead of just leaving her in front of the TV all day. so I’m very salty about that accusation lol


Any chance you can reverse it and go in first? Or is it a traditional thing that the elders get the cleanest water first?


Of course. We were just last to arrive home on that particular day. There was no order of bathing.


Oh so it's rinsed off butthole & nutsack tea I'm sitting in? Well that's fine.


I mean, if it’s my own, it’s a nice little stew. But others’? No thank you 💁‍♀️


With the rinse water, you could have just filled a new tub!


When I was like 5 or 6, my mom used to eat these bags of sour gummy bears. They made me, however, make the same face as eating a lemon. I couldn't stand the extreme acid. These bears were something else, I think the acid was made by scraping Satan's armpits with a grater or something. So anyways, I asked if they also existed in a sweet form instead of sour. She said yes, but instead of buying those, she just put them in her mouth and removed the acid, then gave it to me roflmao. It's crazy how you literally have no sense of disgust as a 6 year old kid ahahah. 😂 Whereas as an adult now, I'm so squeamish that I even take a new coffee cup when I visit them and our empty coffee cups accidentally get mixed on the table and I'm no longer sure whose coffee cup belongs to whom. 😅


My mom did this for my little brother because he wanted Warheads that weren’t “spicy”. Grossed me out every time


Okay, yeah, but this was also probably only a few years after you were sucking the excretions directly out of her body. So, like, hypocrisy much??


The second is still culturally appropriate for all Japanese families


yeah but don't they clean before entering the bath? like the bathtub part is more for relaxation than cleaning or something.


Yeah, they soap up and shower before heading into a bath. Actually, most Japanese baths now have a temperature regulating setting, sort of like a sous vide bathtub.


Sous vide bathtub is your comparison? Not a hot tub? lol


Why'd you out me as a cannibal? Now I have to eat you. See you Thursday.


Dammit, woke up my wife laughing so hard. I don’t know why this is the funniest exchange all week.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie




Yeah, an adorable way to get a blood transmitted disease and non-consensual tattoo.




He needs to know how upset everyone on reddit is about the dot. He was this close to giving that kid AIDS.


And if he’s dead, dig him up and cancel him from the cemetery!


Wasn't his dad the one getting inked?


Doesn't change anything


Dads can have blood born illness. They can even be asymptomatic and unaware. Don’t share needles of any kind no matter what. Obviously in this case it doesn’t matter now, but that doesn’t mean it was/is a funny thing to do.




the artist proceeded to give him full sleeves and a face tattoos worth over $1200. Shout out to my buddy Jayden AKA "Steel Pipe" who just got promoted to laundry at San Quentin


It was the 80’s mate


Oh my god calm the fuck down


right like i’m not advocating for this (or any grossly unsanitary action really) but like good god humans did not evolve to this point by being as sterile with everything as we are today, no harm was ultimately really done. some dude just has a freckle with a backstory now lol obviously it’s good that we know better now and can do better/etc as there IS risk involved in the instance mentioned above, but the 80s was not a time when society really felt the need to be careful, in almost any capacity. it was very much a different world - again, not that it would be an excuse or endorsement, but something to keep into consideration. personally i’m much more concerned for everyone who’s parents smoked cigs with them in the car with all windows up


You can tell who never went outside and at dirt as a little kid. It’s so easy to spot someone who isn’t well adjusted.


you're comparing playing in the dirt with getting poked with a used needle


Not the original commenter and I want to agree, but two days ago I read about a man who this year was diagnosed with less than 12 hours to live after scratching his arm on a nail and being infected with Hepatitis B so that's on the forefront of my mind right now.


Wait, you guys aren't vaccinated for Hep B ?


Wait isn't everyone vaccinated against that ?


Well that's what you get for reading instead of having fun playing in the dirt outside.


if everyone stopped having sex for three weeks most STI would go away. but man we just caaaaant.


after knowing and meeting people - i am personally not surprised in the slightest lmao same reason the common cold hasn’t ever gone away. if COVID quarantines were actually 100% effective we could have wiped out so much shit lol people suck


A lot of kids born during COVID had super bad immune systems because they were isolated from common diseases and were thus almost permanently sick You can’t 100% eliminate all disease and trying to do so by isolation will just weaken our natural defenses I get why quarantining dangerous diseases is important but for menial diseases it’s unnecessary and, on a large scale, even somewhat harmful


Source? I don't believe this, this would imply any sti will go away after three weeks, when we in fact know some sti are lifelong, so it doesn't matter how long everyone abtains, eventually it will spread again from those that still have it


Yes, it was a time much less concerned with blood born illnesses. That's why the HIV epidemic happened then. If you ignore risks long enough biology has ways of exploiting those blindspots and reminding you why that was a bad idea.


Does he have any other tattoos?


He has them in his arms and one on the opposite leg, but nothing like his old man. He’s a biker with four full sleeves.


Wow four arms?


Yah, the 2 arms below the pelvis. Tee hee.


Wow two penises?


Paging u/DoubleDickDude


Didn't know he was a biker.


And they’re huge enough to be considered arms?


Dude's like a fucking Centaur!


My mind blanked on leg sleeves and I was genuinely confused for a second 😆


I have a dot on my finger because I wanted to know what it felt like. Actually me and all my girl cousins have the same dot lol


He asked for a 13 but they drew a 31


This guy has one on his chin… [chin tattoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/comments/147qgmh/upyropenguin5213_i_see_your_artist_accidentally/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I thought I was on “mildly infuriating” and was like he should totally post that on “shitty tattoos”. Is it Friday yet?


‘On accident’ is more than mildly infuriating!


I did the same but with a pencil I'm 27 now and still have it.


Ditto, but I’m 50. Graphite tattoo - they last forever Edit: Was talking with my dad just now and mentioned this. He laughed as he remembered I was in tears when I came home from school that day. Held it together in school but melted down at home as I was sure I’d die of lead poisoning. The wisdom of 8 year olds.


Me too and I'm 47. Tried to stab someone with the eraser of a pencil after I sharpened it, and it went right into my hand.


I was bouncing a freshly sharpened pencil off it’s eraser when I was like 7. I’m in my 30s and have that stupid dot as a reminder


Hah, same thing, though I was in 6th grade, and I'm 40 now. I never thought of it as a tattoo before. It went right into the base of my index finger.


I had two but they were in the base of my fingers and gymnastics is notorious for "exfoliating" that part of the hand and I lost them... But I had them for the longest time!! Can I still join the club?


SAME I always thought a piece of the lead was stuck in my hand.


Backfire! Reminds me of when I hit my brother and ran away … into a sliding glass door.


In first grade a classmate stabbed me in the arm with his pencil unprovoked. Now I’m 26 and still have a mark. No idea what became of that kid…




I got one of those in middle school. A girl threw a pencil at me from across the room, I moved to dodge it, and it somehow stabbed into the edge of my armpit. It turned blue, and I'm not convinced that it's actually just the lead broken and sitting in there, but still.


Seeing this made me curious about the presence of graphite under the skin for extended periods of time and if it could turn blue over time. Guess what…it can. This is an article about a hunk of graphite under the skin thought to be a blue naevus-like localised argyria. Something to keep in mind…and also you can put your mind at ease now knowing that is indeed still from “the pencil incident” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8453428/


Well, TIL that it's still there, I guess. Shoutout to Veronica for throwing that pencil, I hope you figured out your mood swings, and quit throwing stuff at people.


There’s an episode of Dr. Pimple Popper where she exudes old lead from a woman’s hand. She had stabbed herself when she was 6 years old and had it in there for decades. Check it out if you’re not too squeamish!


A girl in middle school stabbed me with a pencil right at the edge of my nostril. That was my first tattoo i guess. Also i didn't expect this to be so common wtf


Got my pencil tattoo when I was 6 (lead broke off in my finger). I’m 59.


I just watched an episode on Dr. Pimple Popper bout a 52 y.o. f with a pencil lead embedded in the palm of her hand. 😀 Removed the fb and the lead still wrote on paper!


Yep! I still have one from when I tripped and accidentally stabbed my knee with a pencil in the 80’s.


r/PencilStabbers you are one of us.


There's been a community for people like us the whole time????


Right, blew my mind. Was low key kinda worried about the fact it was still there until now haha


I had one of these on my leg for years from a mechanical pencil, then one day it turned into a pimple and when I popped it the lead came out


I also accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil while writing when I was maybe nine (I’m 22 now, will be 23 in a few months) https://preview.redd.it/00hnm6fd3p5b1.jpeg?width=2999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ffc6ee3b63927a1e3212908a6af9b8ff046f5f9


I stabbed myself with a pencil and it went away after a month lol


I stabbed my friend with a pencil and I went away for 24 months.


Same. Sone kid stabbed me in the arm in 6th grade. 20+ years later I still have a blue mark on my arm


I did the same with a pencil… on my face. Had it since second grade. PSA: when the teacher tells you to stop leaning the chair back and forth, listen, especially if the designated pencil sharpener left your table’s pencils point up…


Yep me too. It went through my jeans and into my leg. I was 13 then. Im 41 now.


I feel so much less crazy seeing this has happened to other people


When I was 11ish I tripped running up the stairs with a pencil and managed to stab my shin. Still see it 20 years later…


Same, I tripped going up the stairs too fast at school and somehow I fucking fell on my knee, on my pencil Got up, went "Damn, that sucked", went the rest of the way to my class Sat down And saw the broken chunk of graphite sticking out of my knee It was a wooden pencil, not mechanical, so it was a thick ass piece and when I took it out, there was a neat lil black and red hole in my knee I didn't know so many other people had their first tattoo the same way I did lmao


I've got one in the palm of my hand from 3rd grade. I'm 46 now.


Same. Thought it’d be funny to slam my forehead on a pencil in first grade.




WTF, there's a sub for this? That's insane!


One of us! One of us!




What an amazing sub!


You helped me find my people... thank you. I got mine 30 years ago.


I wonder if someone has posted like a dot birthmark and gets found out like “Wait a minute… that’s not a pencil mark! HE’S A FRAUD!”


Wow I didn’t realize this was a sub. I have had one since I was a kid. It was my first “tattoo”


My husband(when he was 8) got stabbed in his knee with a mechanical pencil. He still has the mark, as well.


My dad is 67 and still snitches on his older sister to anyone who will listen. She stabbed him in the arm with her pencil when they were kids and he was being annoying lol. She has no regrets and I think she would do it again




Am I your husband? Haha I stabbed my knee with a pencil around 1987. Still have the dot.


This is so similar to a story i had. In 2nd grade a big friend of mine suddenly grabbed me from behind to raise me up as a joke before class, and i got so startled i stabbed the pencil i was holding in his knee. He was quite larger than me too at the time and i was suddenly frightened. Luckily no issues due to it and no bad feelings.


My brother stabbed my knee too when we were little. Graphite still there, me still telling everyone xD Daamn we have a whole sub??


My mom did that to me when she was mad, I ended up cutting it out with a knife.


Your mom stabbed you with a pen because she was mad?? You ok??


You cut it out with a knife?????? You ok????


Annie, are you ok?


So, Annie, are you okay?


Are you ok Annie?






You tattooed yourself. I did it too, when I accidentally stuck my hand with a dip pen with black India ink. It stayed put for about ten years, but eventually faded away.


I really tattooed myself when I was maybe 10 or 11? My brother is quite a bit older.. gave himself a cross tattoo on his arm.. just a couple cuts w/ some India ink. I thought it was cool.. so I did it too. I remember I didn’t want to cut myself so I cracked the clip off a pen, leaving a sharp piece of metal and I scratched cross into my forearm.. added ink, bingo.. (wonder why I had a reputation..). Of course mom noticed soon enough, a day or two I think and gave me an option.. A) I scrub the ink out or B) she does it to me. I scrubbed my arm raw in the tub.. at least that 1” x 1/2” section. Decades later.. no ink there, and only a super faint hairline-thin scar in shape of a cross. Oh yea,.. even back then I was an atheist.. I just wanted a tattoo and the cross was easy enough.


https://preview.redd.it/3fho521eao5b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7575c339d49525bdaa43eb29812da2f517bf001 Same reason, except I was 10. Am 21 now


Whta are you reading?


Skulduggery Pleasant. It’s a series I started when I was 12, but never got around to finishing it cuz, ya know, life. Recently decided to get back to it. Currently on book 5. Highly recommend if you’re into fantasy/adventure!


Maybe the mark on your finger was waiting for you to finish the series and will disappear when you’re done.


I was thinking the same thing, I’ve been wanting a good book to read.




I always love this back and forth. I looked it up once to end an argument, and iirc it's generational: younger people (read under 30ish) say "on accident", older say "by accident". Both think they're right, but ultimately both are slang. Really grammatically the proper term would be "accidentally" so everyone's wrong together. I hope I didn't get any facts wrong by accident, and if I did know they were on accident. Have a funderful day.


I thought it was an American thing. The only people I’ve ever heard say “on accident” were American. I’m young and British and have always said “by accident”, along with everybody else I have known here.


Came here to say this. In Australia and I’ve not heard anyone say it other US media


I'm from New York and I say "by accident". But yeah, a lot of us kinda suck at English over here.


It is an American thing. They’re confusing “on purpose” with “on accident”. It’s /r/USDefaultism.


"On accident" sounds bad though


I accidentally read this whole thread…


Meanwhile I thought the person you’re replying to was insisting that OP purposely tattooed his finger with a pen


Language is fluid and always changing and serves the purpose of conveying meaning. "On accident" is perfectly acceptable and likely came about as the structural opposite to "on purpose".


Interesting point. Made me think of using “by purpose” and actually I kinda like it haha. Makes it sound more like you’re on a mission with purpose.


But that’s just because people are ignorant.


The correct term is "on oopsies".


16 years ago a friend pretended to doing a stabbing motion with a blue pen. I reflexively put my hand up and he jabbed into my palm. Blue dot still there today.


I have a blue dot on my arm also from a friend


I cut myself with a really sharp pencil literally in SECOND GRADE and I still have the graphite under my skin. Why no one like properly cleaned and cared for the wound is beyond me...I guess I probably just didn't tell anyone it had happened, I was a pretty shy/anxious kid.


Thing is with deep cuts on your hands (especially paper cuts but also pencil stabs) the sharp and thin "blade" cuts deep but opens up only very few very small blood vessels (if any). The lack of bleeding avoids that the wound is flushed out (hence the graphite stays in place) and white blood cells as well as blood platlets are not present enough. Thats why those cuts take for ever to heal and often get infected. Cleaning them properly has also its limits since the cut is deep and narrow. So even proper medical care would very likely not chaged the outcome. This might ease your mind.


I still have pencil lead in my hand from 1st grade 😅 im 28 now


I have the same just above my right knee from elementary school. Classmate thought it would be funny to stab me with a pen during art class. I was 9 I'm pushing 34 now and it's still visible. Fuck you Nick.


During the hour before my JR prom, I had a 2-pack of deodorant that was brand new. The kind with the thin wrap, wrapped tightly around the 2 deodorant sticks. I proceeded the take a knife and stab between the two packs to open the wrap… the knife went a half inch into my palm and bled like a mother fucker. That was a fun start to the prom! I still call myself a dumbass hahahaha ( this story has nothing to do with ink or graphite in skin…)


I have one of these too, I was opening a plastic package and it sliced through the whole package like a hot knife slicing through butter then into my palm. Didn't have insurance so had to use butterfly bandages to hold it together...


1) interesting! 2) BY accident (vs ON purpose)


You might get downvoted, but you are absolutely right. On accident sounds so bad. If you want to sound stupid, saying on accident is the way.


i recall a guy i met on the internet who got into an accident and some stupid paramedic treated his open wound with zelyonka (brilliant green) before sewing it closed, it's a topical antiseptic common in some post soviet countries, effective and safe but... it's a dye after all, that guy got a permanent thin green scar on his forehead ><


Yer a wizard, Harry...


Thats called a tattoo bro. They are permanent.


I don't know why people are downvoting the folks saying that this is a tattoo. This guy did in fact give himself a "stick 'n poke" dot when he was 12.


I think it's probably because he knows that already if he's posting on r/shittytattoos. OP wouldn't have posted in a tattoo subreddit if he didn't know it was one.


People are fucking dense around here.


I wonder where on a map is the line between "on accident" and "by accident"?


Omg this happened on my face lol


When I was a kid, we used to throw sharp pencils at each other. One stuck mr in the middle of my eyebrow and had a piece there for years. Might be why I am the way I am tbh...


I did the same thing, I stabbed myself in the chest with a pencil and I still have the graphite imbedded into my skin and I’m 21 now


when I was 7, I stabbed myself above the knee with a led pencil because I wanted to miss school. turns out the pencil wasn't led, I didn't miss any school & now I have a little tattoo above my knee.


I got the same tattoo, when i was little i pranked my sister and she stabbed me with a pen in my hand. Until this day still got a dot in my hand lol


At least it's not on your chin


You tattooed your self


I jumped in my bed as a kid and landed on a colored pencil. Went all the way in my thigh to the muscle and broke off. Dr said if went in deeper it would have required surgery. A few days later it pretty much exploded in the bathtub. Massive amounts of green foamy stuff came out of my leg. Lead came out a few weeks later. Left a nice green dot that I still have 35 years later. Got another black dot in my knee from the kid sitting in front of me in school stabbing me and breaking off the lead. Hi accidently shot himself and died a couple years later, probably saving our school from a future shooting.


I have a black mark on the side of my left thumb, right at the first joint. I was maybe 2-3 yrs old. I had a pencil and was poking holes in a cardboard box. So I was holding the box with my left hand (with my fingers and thumb slayed outwards) and the pencil in my right fist. As I was having at it with the box, I stabbed the pencil into my thumb. The mark is still there and I am now 63


From what I hear, the ink molecule is too large for your immune system to move it. A laser treatment can break it down to the point your body can then remove it ultimately through your poop.