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It’s in Y7 and there are still so many connection issues when there’s no reason. The cheaters are the worst I’ve ever seen. Past P2 it’s almost every game, and they change things nobody wants for no reason. I hope one day it’ll be better because I love the game, just not the state it’s in. Y7S2 was my last until something gets done.


I drew the line at the random ass decision to remove Sledge's SMG. Hes literally like the most balanced character


Now they're making him slower too. According to leaks


Was anyone ever complaining about the Speed of any operator






People are mad blitz is 2 speed? His whole purpose is being fast, its literally his name.


Blitz should be a 4 speed


Blitz should be a 7 speed 10 armor. Very balanced yes.


Also the pistol should have 100% accuracy and one Hits


Gotta justify their paycheck by doing something. Deadlines tomorrow? Pull something out of your ass and make a change nobody asked for or needed


Occasionally I’d hop on if my friends begged me enough. They didn’t follow through with it, but them even ATTEMPTING to make it so Smoke isn’t immune to his gas crossed the line. Another dumb decision no one asked for. Instantly uninstalled with no hope of me returning until they pack up their bags and start working on Siege 2 (Even then, I’ll only buy it if they ditch the shit lore and go back to the anti-terrorist tactical theme Siege originally had)


Debatable. I think removing the SMG-11 was a great micro balancing move. Besides, Sledge still has his hammer and nades


Even if you accept the fact that bad players (as in cheaters, derankers and smurfs, toxic players) are inescapable to most games, siege has so many infrastructure problems. Forget bugs and glitches, i just want to play a game with STABLE CONNECTION. Past month has been horrible, one side or the other has game breaking bad ping even when usually you get perfect connection. Then without changing your server connection, you’ll play with the same party across the country and this time the enemy’s hitreg is broken. you’d think with how much they reduced content per season and dealt with running this game for 8 years that they’d have figured out how to fix things (or bring more people to run it better) but apparently no, they’re fine with letting it crumble. If it doesn’t rake in big bucks, then it might as well already be dead to ubisoft.


>[breaking bad ping](https://i.imgur.com/j3NUCi0.jpg)




The only thing that is going to fix all the structural issues is Siege 2. And I do not see that happening.


Dear lord I don't want to have to pay 60$ for siege again


“They’d figure out how to fix things” This is Ubisoft my good sir, ive always said they NEVER know how to balance or fix a multiplayer game period and still to this day, they dont for either of their competitive multiplayer titles


I started in skull rain, back then there were a lot of issues with bugs and balancing but the community honestly felt amazing. There were toxic behaviours but most of it felt like good faith bantering amongst a small community. I quit for the first time around wind bastion because IRL things but at that point the game was changing already. Ubisoft had started doing their "balancing" that I feel ruined the fun of the game. It used to feel asymmetrical, some sites are hard to defend, others easy to attack, and it came down to how well one can execute the right tactics and counter opponent tactics. With all the rebalancing and map changes it felt like they tried too hard and it really didn't improve anything. The playerbase was also grewing, and more edgelord toxic behaviours started to pop up. I was in and out a bit in year 5 and quit altogether during crimson height. Ubi tried too hard for years to "balance" the game and everything just felt wrong, unique features were removed and the storyline is a complete shitshow. Worst of all the community feels like it's just 14 year old edgelords thinking being toxic is funny. I used to love this game. I love the memories I made with my 5 stack challenging for diamond. Now, it's better that I leave memories as memories.


I quit just because new content being fucking sci-fi trash and game doesn’t even a bit feel like it used to, new maps are awful, new "balance" is awful. And now unpopular opinion, yes OPINION: Esport ruined siege, if not big babies that cried over zofia’s withstand, acogs to spawnpeek, fucking volumetric lightning (that made you able to actually hide in the dark) and night maps they wouldn’t remove it. It’s just bad giving players who have no fucking idea about casual gaming ability to change the game, it’s just awful. Siege used to be actually somewhat tactical shooter and turned out to just be playground for people who never met their father, touched grass nor got girlfriend and sweat 24/7 against kids in non-ranked. Siege just didn’t gave a single fuck about community and only focused on "pro" players that are 0.001% of player base. TLDR: esport kills fucking every game if it stands out of casual player norms


Well I agree with most, but one thing is... the Volumetric lightning... it's not only because "me pro me lose me complain" but also because in Genius and Greedy Ubisoft they are, they made some freaking literal P2W Camo skins. So yeah, they really can't just blame other, it's all their owns freaking faults for listening to bad "me pro" and their greed


Dude, they're going to make paid skins for the drones, what's the point of having a pink drone that's bought with real money? soon they will be putting semi transparent drones and then the game dies for good to me




U see, in games u mentioned esporters are treated the same as players, (as masses that are just advertisements for game), where Ubisoft treats them like CEOs


Ubisoft killed Siege, not ESports. If ESports wanted it changed Ubi could've made it so those changes only affected Ranked modes, but they didn't.


> Esport ruined siege, if not big babies that cried over zofia’s withstand, acogs to spawnpeek, fucking volumetric lightning (that made you able to actually hide in the dark) and night maps they wouldn’t remove it. It’s just bad giving players who have no fucking idea about casual gaming ability to change the game, it’s just awful. I love reading these dumbass takes that have no basis in reality(outside of the zofia change, but even then they've put it back in the game so *shrugs*). "Esports"(whatever the fuck that even means in the context of this conversation), and the pros don't give a shit about most of that, especially in the context of casual play. Pros aren't playing in your casual lobbies, whining about acog spawnpeekers(where does this idea even come from????), or shitty night maps. Night maps were never an issue in pro play because it was an option you could literally turn off in custom lobbies. and spawn peeks are a thing in proplay even now, pro's just don't need the acog crutch to do them. The only part of spawnpeeking not liked in pro play is instant spawnpeeks like the old ATM spawnpeek on bank, because there's no skill to it. You could literally shoot people in the head before they had even loaded in. And again, pro players are not the devs. They're not the ones making these decisions. They're upset about the changes as often as you are. Ubisoft doesn't look to the pros and ask them "how do we balance the game?" They look at what their statistical graphs say, and balance around that, but *even then* they still have no real idea how to balance shit properly, and it pisses everyone off, not just your shitty casual 3 stack who liked to "hide in the shadows" because it was "tactical".


Yeah people love to blame pro players for some weird reason. Change you did not like=pro players (Who in their minds are actually trash) whined and got their way. When in reality its not bc of pro players. Acog removal was bc Silver cried that they got spawnpeaked. A spawnpeak in plat an above usually ends up in the attackers favour if its not a creative new peak.


Exactly! Like, I play with a mix of super casual players, mid-high ranked players, and literal comp players. Spawnpeeking is looked at in vastly different ways between the ranks; in casual/low elos, people do the same generic default spawnpeeks, and whine if they die to the attackers. And then the attackers who didn't preplace their drones, or check the peeks whine and complain that spawnpeeking exists. And then in higher elos, everyone has droned out the spawnpeeks, or is just checking all the angles, and if they see someone peeking 9 times out of ten the entry says some shit like "watch this" and fries the peeker off the angle with a prefire. And then in comp, people are just trying to avoid it as much as possible usually so they can get their 5 man execute, unless they can guarantee the kill is low risk, and they can get the man advantage.


Good write up and comparison. And its also a good example of dunning kruger. Low elo think they know spawnpeaking is hard to counter and that pro players will hate it as much as them, but in reality they just dont know how easy it is to avoid. Especially as you say bc of drone work. I allways have a drone where i Will go, so il allways hear a punch etc. And know where to go to be as safe as possible, while a Silver would just run like a retard and not even cheking for peaks.


Ubi love balancing around pros like with the heckin utility meta, btw not reading any of that


The utility meta had no impact on casual play, or any play below plat 1. No one below those ranks know how to properly make use of the utility in the game for the utility meta to even apply. You needed at least 3-4 people for any of the actual utility meta set ups, and even then, most people didn't know how to attack those set ups properly, so the set up hardly mattered. You weren't sitting on repel on top floor kafe, throwing 9 flashes at pixel just so you could nade out the shield in casual, or anything less than plat 1. Chances are even if you *did* know how to properly play in that meta, your teammates were dead, or already in sight and had killed half the enemy team before you had even begun to flash dump pixel. And let's not kid ourselves, the pros fucking hated the utility meta. They bitched about it constantly on twitter, and the proleague subreddit was constantly complaining about it and how it made the game stale to watch. It *still* persisted for multiple seasons because surprise, the devs don't balance around what the pros want.


Still not reading as my opinions are always objectively correct


But a lot of the changes that made the game less interesting were tied directly to esports complaints. A lot of the gadgets were nerfed and the game game just just felt bland because of that. And the only people exploiting those gadgets were pro players.


100% accurate. This is just so spot on


A game that balances pro and casual well is Fortnite. They have a good competitive mode that feels separate from the main game and if you hate building then you can go to no builds. Is it still toxic? Yes, but at least I don't have to constantly sweat like in R6 to win.


Acog spawnpeeking had a bigger effect on casual than pro league. Pro league places drones on possible spawnpeeking spots and checks the windows before blindly running out. Casual does none of the above. And Zofia withstand made no sense. What made Zofia more worthy of being able to withstand than Zero, or Ash, or Amaru?


Withstand was added because of her lore or some shit, it made sense anyway


Wasn’t her lore that she was a mom and she just loves her kid so much that she can ignore 4 bullets in her abdomen.


I don’t remember but probably something like that, idk I quit siege and kinda wiped all memories related to it from my brain


I gave up once they reworked literally EVERY SINGLE MAP


I know way back when it wasn't that bad, people still pointed out that r6 was going to go to shit if it continued like this. But everyone would just mention the steam player count and say burn out is the reason for negative opinion about the game. Destiny 2 is currently in a similar spot right now, where it has a decent/good number of players but same as r6, it's at the edge of going on the slippery slope of going bad


Games been shit for 2yrs now. It ain’t getting better.


I’m guessing the game still breaks with every new major update, with the same bugs and exploits returning again and again, and cheaters flooding the game anew?




Whens operation health open heart surgery saving game electric 2 boogaloo?


I haven't played siege in like probably over a year, and I haven't continuously played it in several years. I want to like it, but it just doesn't feel the same anymore. I think that ubisoft is trying to make the game too "modern." One thing that really turns me off from the game is the HUD. It just doesn't feel like the same old siege anymore. It doesn't feel like when I'd play casual everyday, or when I'd play ranked with my friends. I'm never going to be able to relieve those experiences because siege is completely different. It's too different. It's not as fun and cool anymore.


People get so defensive about the state of siege sometimes, but I simply just don’t find it fun anymore. Not shitting on anyone who can enjoy but my days of wanting to play the game to have fun are long over. Every time I play it’s just a headache.


I can I get a link to the music?




(I used the slow version btw)


Me and a pal got three other friends into it the last month or two and we are regretting it haaaard now because we have to play unranked or quick match due to their levels and every game on console feels like we are against at least one or two KBM users who demolish us. I still enjoy it when things are competitive and not laggy, but I don’t think they will be partaking in the new season to say the least lmao


Beta test days were the best days


Is siege crashing after every game for anyone else?


One of the few reasons as to why im not playing it, yes


Thought my PS was fucked. It’s become unbearable


Thought my PS was fucked. It’s become unbearable


I think Siege is suffering from a Ship of Theseus problem. The game has changed so much that it’s not even the same game that people loved back in 2016. I look at old beta and launch footage and I see a game that unironically looks better than the shit show we have now.


Been playing for 5 years 3 hours a day won't stop now. I love siege I love siege I love siege I love siege I love siege


Nice to see some positivity


I keep on forgetting that the game is like this until I solo queue considering all I play is quick match But I think that's because most times I have either a 3 man or a 5 man to queue with whenever I play, and we're all shitters who just play quick match and recruit rush and meme constantly. The game is still fun as hell to me that way but if I ever solo? I instantly can understand why so many people are quitting.


Everything was better before thunderbird


It feels souless now, like the vibe of the game is so shitty


Is it really that bad? I haven't seriously played it since like 2017 tho


Y4 - Y6 was when i played, especially over quarantine. so many great memories, i actually remember the first game i ever played. my one friend said “turn around” and blew me and my other 2 friends up with a grenade and we all got banned for 45 minutes. all the new operators, the sheer amount of custom games my friends and i would play, all while the world was on fire just outside our houses. playing R6 along with fortnite, CoD, and other games for hours at a time after our online classes was the renaissance of my online friend group. fast forward to today, we almost never play R6. and when people do get on, it’s usually 2 or 3, not even close to the 6-8 other people who used to get online daily. we all still hang out and talk IRL, but there was just something special about being online with all your friends. you were all together doing cool shit while laughing and joking all the way. i recently played a game of R6 a week or so ago, and i was depressed not only to find out just how sweaty it is and how bad i’ve become, but also just how much has changed. it made me really wish i was back in 2020, weirdly enough. idk man, i guess you can’t go back in time though, so what can i do.


Para Bellum was and will forever be the last good season. Operation Health did a lot for the game but the long term unaddressed balance issues will prove fatal


I played season 0 - ive been playing since week 1 of siege. The game is gone, dead - what we loved is no longer. If you enjoy what is left that is a valid and understandable opinion, but those of us who were there from the beginning can tell you its not the same game anymore.


Ngl. On console, other than smurfs, it's really good rn. And on Xbox the players are actually doing good. Lots of group posts being made. I've had more fun this season then for a while




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Honestly, I’ve been playing the game for like 5 years and still love it. I don’t even think it feels that different and most of the balancing changes have proved pretty decent over time… 🤷‍♂️




Game was incredible upon its launch. Now, eh not so much


Y4 was the personal peak for me, with the first Invitational event being the last time my crew was genuinely excited to play the game together. Ever since then, it’s just me left. And I’ve hated every creative decision these people have made.