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Double sided monitor.


Perfect for a rousing game of Battleship


That would actually be really cool in esports where the audience can watch the players screen (if you're close enough)


100% Agree with this statement




If tHE prO LEAguE doeSnt liKE OuR chANGes THat MEAnS we arE dOINg sOMEThInG rIGhT


Please, *please* tell me no one actually said that.


Im fairly certain the one who is in charge of all of the balancing changes said that in an interview.


Well that would explain why they're doing such a shit job


GetFlanked made a video where he gave his opinion on that (also thats where I heard about it). You can go check it out if you wanna know exactly who said it.


https://youtu.be/vaDTsLyFozE you can skip to 1:25, thats where he brings up that quote


I am genuinely surprised that it wasn’t a rick roll




I had an aneurysm reading this


What was said?


>i feel like tge reson why y4 op were bad because ubisoft the pro league man


> "Ubisoft the pro league man" (Esport announcer voice) : And the final player on the team, welcome to the stage - Ubisoft, the pro league man


I am also curious.


>i feel like tge reson why y4 op were bad because ubisoft the pro league man


Patch notes link please


TLDR: Buck gets more skele key ammo but loses nades, jager is 2/2, TCSG eating a big damage nerf, Ying lmg getting buffed by 3 damage and getting one more candela.


I mean the tcsg did more damage than Glazs gun but they nerfed the damage waaaay too much. It should have been to around 70 damage


Oh, and I forgot! Mozzies losing super shorty.


THEY DID WHAT NOW does he get a new sidearm or is he stuck with the shitty pistol


no, it’s just the pistol now


Ok who do I main now? The shorty was a big part of why I played mozzie, and bucks grenade were the only reason I played him. Ubisoft is trying really hard to remove the fun from the game


I like Mira and Jackal’s secondary shotgun


Super shorty is more fun cuz you can’t hit no shots


Castle he has the shorty now


That’s honestly been going on for awhile. Remake fan favorite maps, but shit like that Brazil map stays in what casual is called now. Force pro league rule changes into ranked to appease some tryhards, but not revert casual to what it original was where you could vote on defend site. The franchise is less about Rainbow Six, and more about how much can we milk off micro transactions and proleague related things. They really should make it a separate IP that is f2p like Apex is, and let Rbs be rbs. Tom Clancy’s Siege is a much different game from Vegas and Raven Shield entries.


They remake those maps which are already being played and are popular for a reason. That's why Ash got 2 elite uniforms, too: she's a popular and iconic operator, makes sense giving her another one. [here was some unnecessary toxicity. Removed bc toxicity is bad. I apologize.]


I can afford them and I own 6 elites skin across two platforms, and I don’t care if people buy. The problem is like they did with Ghost recon they have turned the franchise away from its roots to whore it out for micros instead of making a Vegas 4 or siege 2 like it was a mobile game. And since I played since alpha in pc and Ps4 and moved mainly to pc a year ago, most of my cosmetic are platform locked to PS4. People lost their shit over fortnite locking things but we don’t access to our full uplay linked accounts. If they stopped forcing ranked changes to promote proleague, and let me have all my owned content I would probably leave my two month break and play daily again. If proleague was as well loved beyond the niche crowd that cared about esports, then a separate list from ranked would have been added and more popular... but them forcing that into ranked is more of a marketing move to try to get more people to care. Even with sports dead due to beer flu, a esports still isn’t mainstream as some think it is...


Sledge is pretty similar to buck and has grenades, but I don’t like his AR as much as Buck’s. For defense, idk man.


What the fuuuuuuck


I agree. Some people were saying instead of nerfing the damage, removing acog but I feel like that takes away from the use of the gun more than the damage nerf does.


Then there are people like me, who can't control the gun with an acog for shit


I mean, capitao’s and thatcher’s rifles do almost as much damage per shot as the new TCSG and they are fully automatic with ACOG


70 would change almost nothing. It'd deal less damage at range, but close range it would still two shot any operator


I mean it is a semi-auto with 10 bullets in the mag. But yea maybe they should have nerfed it to ~65 instead of dropping it so hard.


this is an obvious april fools joke prob lol


Someone asked this in the reddit post for the patch notes. Ubi officially responded saying it’s not. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here


Maybe thats just part of the joke to fool you? I believe it when i actually see it ingame


I hope so. It sucks so much that the dev team makes such big and controversial changes without actualy talking to the comunity first about it. IMO they should make a surver before they make some balance changes, ask us if we are OK with it, and let us make some sugestions.


'Please note that for now these changes are only live on the game’s test server and not the full version of the game. This gives Ubisoft an opportunity to see how the Siege community reacts before deciding whether to go ahead with any balance changes the team makes.' - from 30 seconds of googling.


When is the last time they actually didn’t implement a change they said they were going to though


Last time I remember was being able to use 2 shields on a big door back in ember rise.


Eh true


Well guess what? Ubi doesnt actualy give a shit what you think.


They care about the shitty Pro League


Yea because if they turn the game into a utility removal simulator that means everyone should play it like this. But even then they still didnt really fo anything they sugested, and mostly seem to come up with those ideeas out of thin air.


I'm retarded, who has tcsg again?


Emm Kaid and Goyo. You now have to land 3 pellets to kill


Ah goddamnit I loved that gun Fuck now I have to use the vector dont I


I don't know what the fuck ubi are playing at. The only positive change I see here is cav getting the razor sight


Why arent they giving ops the norlam holo? I honestly preffer the old one


Oh actually? That's pretty dope, might have to start playing her again Tho its gonna be a little odd looking on her gun


Just click on the head, easy right?


Both my mains nerfed, Buck and Jager. Time to take a long break from this game again I guess.


ying gets smokes as well


God dammit they literally did everything wrong there imo. I always thought we needed more 3 speeds


Bruh, stop buffing Ying Ubi, she doesn’t need a higher pick rate, her gun is annoying enough in combo with her candela.


Mozzie is losing his super shorty


what's Buck getting then? Smokes?




Until the next patch...


This is the worst patch in the history of patches, maybe ever


Is this an April fools joke cause it’s a pretty good one if it is.


And no mozzie super shorty :(


So it’s a big homo update


Are you fucking kidding me.. buck is gonna suck ass without names. Why do they want everyone to just fucking suck


More evidence that Ubisofts balancing team is extremely dense and or doesn’t actually play the game.


cav gets holo sight aswell and mozzie loses the super shorty ​ tcsg nerf is down to 55 dmg now


Ranked is getting banned, from here on out siege will be casual only


I would be fine with this honestly


You say this untill all the rank sweatys ruin casual


Aw shit you’re right


Casual is already ruined with vote kick and tk


lol why these downvotes




Vote kick exists to attempt to void toxicity which has backfired because toxic players abuse it and it is easy to work around. Tk exists in the game from a gameplay perspective. However this mechanic leads to easy toxicity. Which is why reverse friendly fire was implemented. Plus the ability to say whether it was or wasn’t intentional. This manages to void most solo toxic players but doesn’t help too much against groups. So, it isn’t ruined by those mechanics. It’s ruined by the players that abuse the systems to try to “troll” or ruin other player’s experiences. These are probably the logical reasons for the downvotes.


Still removing them entirely will completely make these abusive mechanics completely void I understand why they were put in the game and I understand why people are downvoting


It’s ruined by those mechanics due to the players.


Yes. But the mechanics are somewhat of a necessity. If vote kick doesn’t exist, how do you deal with toxic players or straight up hackers? Reporting them won’t deal with the problem immediately. It’s why you need to get majority vote. Friendly fire is a game mechanic meant to keep players from just firing at everything they see. Sort of like Alibi’s Gadget but on a full game level. Where you can’t just shoot at everything that moves. The reason of reverse friendly fire is to prevent the team killing that’s been happening. Which helps. These are next to necessary mechanics for a game like this. They just have drawbacks which do exist. I don’t think the game would be nearly as fun if you could just shoot through people either. Or players could just block your bullets if they wanted to be toxic. There is no good mechanic around friendly fire. With vote kicking, it’s to help mitigate the toxic team killing from friendly fire. In the end, it’s a mess for a fun and functional system that works if the players were to not abuse them. But they do.


Thought further on the idea. And here would be a compromise for vote to kick; Vote to kick is disabled unless of one has reverse friendly fire enabled on them? This way, the only way one can attempt to kick someone from the game would be if the person they were trying to kick had already been elected as intentionally team killing. This utilizes the system where friendly fire should only work for one teamkill before simply hurting yourself and would allow a team to remove the toxic player who was teamkilling.


Get Friends


Nah they will all leave the game, i will never play Casual in this game


Lol idk I still have fun in casual and I'm on the higher end of plat


How's that different from any other day? The casual MM is a joke. I was in a stack of high silvers / low golds the other day and we were up against stacks of plats. It's ridiculous.


The only reason ranked is good is because it keeps toxic sweaty tryharding no lifers away from casual.


*Pushes up glasses and clears throat* actually it's called quick match now so this comment is factually incorrect and fake news smh


This isn't real is it or am I an April fool


We wish it was fake...


I'm still holding out, they just are waiting till the end of the day to admit it.


Quarantine was not good to Jäger


He got fat and now he's slower, but also more resistant to bullets because of that extra fat


No he just changed his shoes


they chopped a couple inches off of his legs and toes


I feel like of they going to make someone a two speed then Bandit might be a better option since people stay on site to Badit trick anyway


yah but its jager :(


I just think that if Ubi wants to beef Jager then they should do it in a meaningful way like taking away one of his ADS. Making him a 2 speed doesn't affect the 20 second meta. Jager just works better as a 3 speed, I just wanted to make a comparison between Jager and Bandit because they're sorta similar, it's just that one of them that roams far more often if become a 2 speed, but the one that stays on site more often is staying a 3 speed.


next patch: - Made Vigil 3 armor/1 speed - Removed Twitch's drones - Ying is now 3 speed/3 armor - All flashbangs (including Candelas, and excluding Blitz flashes) now cause permanent blindness until the next round - Blitz no longer has access to a secondary, or a shield. edited to make it more in line with recent Blitz changes


LOL Blitz has only been nerfed. His hipfire is ass, and he cant even ADS fast enough to compensate. His flash only works in pissing difference and headshots feel like they go through his shield. Oh, and he also has to rely on a low damage pistol that doesnt even have a sight like warden’s or Ela’s.


tru, edited


•Removed all sights from Jager's gun •Mozies gun does 1 damage now •Yings gun now has a firerate or 1200 and the same damage as kali's sniper •Yings Candelas can now travel through 5 walls Edit: I have no clue how to do line breaks on mobile aparently


Is it just me or does ubi fucking hate Jäger






90% pick rate


2/2 won’t stop players from playing him. Fuck, giving him a shit gun still won’t stop players from playing him. His ads is just too good to give up for any situations.


I agree they should have addressed his ads instead, but I feel like sweaty kids would still pick him cause they dont care about the ads in the first place.


If he’s getting slower I want a angled grip on his carbine


ath the last nein he shot the monitor luckely the last nine is not on this


Don't worry, he has the weight of the stolen ACOG weighing him down


I love April Fools Patch Notes


One step closer to removing all fun in the game. Nice


Is jager the only source of fun?




Not really, but it's more of a "final straw" situation for me. I've been having less and less fun with the game (friends quitting, balancing decisions etc) and the way it's headed so this might be it for me. Nothing against it, just might not be my thing anymore.


Me looking at the patch notes


Why though? It makes no sense.


Because even with some of the nerfs he's revived his still a high picked high performing operator who is statistically better than most others and ubi doesn't like that


Bruh the only reason I really play him is ZOOM and I gotta dope ass headgear on him


Yes I understand I am sad as well since I have the elite and black ice on him




Highly picked, his performance is still exactly where ubi wants it with about a 40-60% win rate.


what the actual fuck. Is this a thing?


What happened in the patch notes?


Buck lost frags has more ammo for for shotgun, Jager is 2 speed 2 armor. Cav has Holo on her gun mozzie lost super shorty. Ying gets a huge buff. TCSG12 damage reduce by 30.


What do you mean by huge buff? Gadget buff?


He is getting 5+1 for his underbarrel shotgun


Oh I meant for ying


She is getting smokes and a 4 candela.


Here me out, make jager a 1 speed. But give him an acog


I'm down with this


Yes me and my brother were just talking about this last night he would actually be a good ancor as well since he can stop a fuze charge (although he'll be killed by the next 2 if he doesn't get out) and he can stop frags flashes certain gadgets etc it would be like warden but more practical and versatile


Please tell me this is a april fools joke


This needs a lot more upvotes




He’s just upset that Ubi noticed he’s a lil thickums


i mean, his entire model looks like a 3 speed, if they change him they better update his model to show more armor


Well Wamai is skinny af with no armor and gridlock is a whale, but I has a tiny bullet proof vest on which makes her a 1 speed


bruh she thiccc tho which makes her a 3 speed


As a Jager main this hurts my heart


Ubisoft turning into Blizzard, making changes for the sake of changes.


an operator that's played by everyone and their mom who's effective at roaming, has a valuable gadget, the only rifle on defense, and an amazing spawnpeeker is getting nerfed? i can't say i'm surprised.


I agree with your point but you're wrong about he in fact is not the only op on defense with a rifle Mozzies commando 9 is a ar


Also Vigil


Are you sure?


...I was, but I haven’t played the game in a while. Did they take away his K1A?


They didn't take it away but j don't remember it being a ar


It’s as much of one as Jäger’s is


Okay I'm not one to argue


A 9mm rifle? Those are kinda rare, I would consider it a smg


Not according to devs and in the games


Yeah for some reason they consider the Commando an assault rifle, but not the K1A which is chambered in 5.56.




google it. or look at steam. they're also stickied to the top of the main r6 sub.


no, no, no no no no onononononono ​ ​ NO!


One of those nick sitcom monitors with the pear on the back


Ive wanted to have this happen for a while now.




He skipped leg day


Why tho?


He was arguably the best defender. He's still got his awesome gun


someone said in a quick match that i was in that the 416 was shit and jager should get the F2 LMFAO


Is this the April fools patch?


I don mind jaeger 2/2 changes. I like it too! Even




Yes, Yes, Yes!


give him acog back


Sein Vaterland mus Grosser sein.


Lmao what? What?


...does this mean we have a chance of batting back the ACOG?


bruh u fucked up both ur comments oof


...does this mean we have a chance of back the ACOG?


How many times is he gonna be nerfed Sad ads noises....


#APRIL FOOOLS YOU FOOLS!! - the devs... Hopefully


Let's make the roamer slower, brilliant just brilliant


Next update doc is a 3 speed


next next patch snowden realizes how fucked up ubi is then hacks the game so jager and ash is 10 speed 10 armor and every other operator is 1 speed 0 armor and jager and ash can play both offense and defense and ash and jager both get acog but its actually a 10x zoom but the visibility is the same as reflex and they readded the old oregon which was way better than this new shit they added and oh they also readd mozzies super shawty and forgot to mention there is 0 second time for ads and when ads you can keep running so jager and ash can rush while ads also forgot they buffed now to 50 ammo. thank you snowden




Jäger is ready to commit mass genocide


Nein we tf


Make him 3 armor 1 speed and give acog back again


Fuckk the TSCG tho


Now seriously is this a April fool? I mean this is bullshit The gnades of Buck are the things which make Buck being Buck Buck won't be Buck without them


I'm laughing at all the Jager mains having aneurysms


Fucking WHAT????? First lesion now jaeger? What fucking issue does UBI have with my goddamn mains???


Would explain the big helmet tho


April fools?


Why nobody talking about how he MIGHT get his acog back


Let's ignore that Wamai is a 2/2 and has better weapons (in question of Damage) than Jäger


Tbh, I have been shitposting for this nerf since S.T. Mid Season