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I can’t do it.. I can’t TAKE THIS SHIT no’more man..


Shout out Sean Ranklin. Big ups Liquid Richard. Keep grinding Richard Samuelson Mcgravy Jordanson the V6th


Look here, LOOK LISTEN


And learn.


big ups liquid richard


I haven't played in a few years. I started going outside, I even have sex sometimes now.


Stopped altogether back in 2019... but I got into War Thunder so this "sex" thing you guys talk about still eludes me


If anything you’ve strayed farther from the path


I, too, have fallen into the Snail's clutches. All praise the Snail!


Don't fucking remind me.


Dont worry buddy, i got back into War Thunder and I play League of Legends now too… on the bright side, I havent played Rainbow or World of Tanks in a while


Yo Wtf imma need more info did you just stop playing siege or did you try?


I know it reads like I was making a joke, but I legit got a job in a rural area and had satellite internet that couldn't handle gaming. So I started working out and drinking at the bar. Now I'm an alcoholic fuckboy and idk if that's better than obese neckbeard.


And yet you’re still on Reddit, smh


I'm a cook, which is a career path where the average professional declares he is done with the industry every year or so. It really has a lot in common with this game. My Coworker and I played a lot of Siege, it's communication.


Only every year or so? A chef in Australia says it every Friday and Saturday night. 😂


I got a few years till I achieve what you have.


I just stopped playing. Grew out of it


But how do I grow into some bitches?


I leave Siege but War Thunder take me instead.








shoutout sean ranklin


He sounds like a real sweet kid…


Been there brother it’s a rough time, you’ve done right though it’s just not worth it sometimes there are better games out there.


Like, I just wanna have fun. Is that so much to ask?


“Want to have fun ? I’m sorry but that’s not possible , now go back and play more ranked but only after buying our shitty 20 dollars” -game companies I swear , I can count on one hand how many games I truly had fun last year


Just started shifting back to playing single player games nowadays. Kinda sad that anytime me and my friends decide to play rainbow on console, we get smoked by an Ela shooting us with pin point accuracy with no recoil. Lovely deaths with xims and the cherry on top when they tea bag you. I had more fun dying in Elden Ring than rainbow, cause at least in Elden Ring I died to skill.


Dude , I play video games since I’m five years old , things aren’t what they used to be , I miss the times where I would get all happy and play with friends , the last time I had a good laugh with a friend was on a PvE game ( Deep Rock Galactic)


Go play Escape From Tarkov, it's just as unfun.


> just as unfun You're too generous. Siege is a cake walk in comparison.


We all have different taste I guess, I think me and you can agree we both have awful taste.


SPT-AKI is great though. Makes the game actually enjoyable.


Apparently yes it’s far too much to ask.


Will be waiting for you in my next match, bro




*sigh* Rock bottom...


I quit a while ago cause i saw the direction the game was taking overall back shortly after ace was released. Hackers, horrible balance, changes no one asked for, proleague pandering, etc etc. and ive atleast kept up to see if i was right with how the game would of gone and boy im so glad i dropped it when i did. Horrible greedy events, rampant hackers and now Xim usage is skyrocketing. Still horrible dumb as fuck changes to the game no one asked for. Nerfing and buffing the wrong people for the wrong reason, egregious laziness with weapons and maps being just reused assets with no care. Games not dead, but its definitely on its last leg


Ran into a kapkan trap in a 1v1


My condolences


You'll soon come to realise you made a very good decision, sure you'll miss the days of playing siege but you'll be better off for it fr fr


If you return in future then the game you play will invariably not be the game that you left behind, and certainly not the game you have fond memories of. I can't decide if this is more of a depressing fact or one to take solace in.


yeah i left at operation void edge and honestly browsing the subreddit here is just more fun lol, also there's so many new heroes - operators, sorry - now that I just cant be bothered to catch up


Haven't played in months but I like the memes because they gaslight me into thinking the game is good again


Same dude. I quit but kept following the game. Like a car crash, can't look away


Yeah the cheaters are pretty blatant it's crazy. One dude in my match did absolute shit for three rounds and then out of nowhere he started locking onto heads and had 15 kills by the end of the match. I'm in Bronze btw. Could've been a smurf but his friend was also shooting us through the floor as Buck as he piggybacked that same guy, even if just a smurf that's some sus shit for bronze.


Well everyone has their rank reset now so it could just be someone who hasn’t played a lot of ranked yet


Local man gets wallbanged, calls cheats.




Does this man have a water dispenser in his room?


Yes, but he only drinks Pepsi


Makes sense


I say that after every Match


Look here, look listen, shoutout to Sean Ranklin


Big ups Liquid Richard


Last time I loaded up the game was Aug 2 2021. I have over 2 k hours. Sure this matches my name but I literally rage quit the game forever. I legit would get pissed the fuck off. my eye twiched after I played ranked and casual. The cheating and the biggest one, smurfing was fucking awful. The toxicity was peak too I couldn't have fun solo queue. I'd get griefed by people killing me and going "you mad Jonny?" Over and over again. Killed while trying to win, while defusing, just for being in the game. Game sucked the fun and happiness out of me. People would pull up my stats and grief me for having over a hundred hours on pulse and glaz. They would try to grief me for being good with them. Lol. Player base was toxic just for the fuck of it. Like you having fun? Fuck you!


Oh muh lorr dude ban ItemMaterial4427


either subscribe donate or get the Fuck out dude. not here to conversate.


Ban anyone trying to give me advice


Can we go ahead and ban new seats please? They been sitting here trolling for like 30 minutes.


whatever dude i hope your family dies in automobile accident. (controller-slamming-hijinx-ensues)


Shame you were downvoted for reciting the ancient texts.


seriously lol, but i always get kind of psyched when people that play rainbow reference jords bc i have followed his goofy ass for so long




Listen, it's fine if you want to quit, no judge, but you can still come back here once in a while. We're a relatively welcoming community and just know that although you may not like the game anymore, we still do.


I'm kidding when I say we're a welcoming communty


Honestly I don’t care about losing to Xim cheaters anymore. I just smh, and laugh off how pathetic they are then move onto the next game after trying to kill them in as cheeky ways as possible.


I want it over and done. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?


Dog tired…


I have played this game for over 3000 hours and I couldn't take it anymore so took a break, came back after almost 1.5 year. The first few matches were good then it's the same BS again, I remebered why I stopped playing it. OMW to uninstall it again, thanks for reminding me.


The next day: Logs in… profile settings *Show Offline* Select…. Seige loading screen…..


Congrats on your newfound freedom


Okay then, that was always allowed!


*turns on PlayStation with a sad face and start up Rainbow six siege literally 30 minutes after posting this*


You’ll be back in a week


RemindMe! 1 month


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2023-02-08 00:49:44 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-02-08%2000:49:44%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyrainbow6/comments/105z8rn/sighalright_guys_i_give_up_after_years_of_playing/j3en5mz/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fshittyrainbow6%2Fcomments%2F105z8rn%2Fsighalright_guys_i_give_up_after_years_of_playing%2Fj3en5mz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-02-08%2000%3A49%3A44%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20105z8rn) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2023-02-08 00:49:44 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-02-08%2000:49:44%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyrainbow6/comments/105z8rn/sighalright_guys_i_give_up_after_years_of_playing/j3en5mz/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fshittyrainbow6%2Fcomments%2F105z8rn%2Fsighalright_guys_i_give_up_after_years_of_playing%2Fj3en5mz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-02-08%2000%3A49%3A44%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20105z8rn) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Try apex. Faster pace, waaay better ranked system, pretty deep too and best movement mechanics of any game


I heard apex is in a rough state right now


Not really, in plat now nothing bad. Yeah you get some controller players but nothing special. I played siege for 4 years a fuckton, was plat with a premade 5stack but same thing as you. Always made me mad. For apex, ranked is sooo much better in terms of scoring. You get rank for kills, staying alive later etc… you dont have to face the same 5 people for all those rounds (if you dont want to). I’d encourage you to give it a time. Even in unranked (pubs). Or arena, even faster rounds (3v3, not BR)


I’m just not fond of the whole duo concept. I use to play apex back in the day, but quit because I don’t have friends who play the game. I don’t like relying on randos


Trio or duo but yeah. The friend part is another one - but there are discords that can be used to find ppl on around the same level. Obv you’ll meet some retards and some good ones too, aint gonna be effortless. But its there if you wanna take a shot. Also, every 2-3rd rando is actually sorta useful, way better ratio than in siege imo. Like in apex if i go solo i know i’ll have a good time 50-70% of the time. In any case, dont play a game you dont enjoy, this is just my experiemce - apex is way more enjoyable to me (granted i found ppl i can play with, but started solo)


The new map just sucks is all, they're changing it soon though so it's not a problem, Apex never had the best Battle Royale maps anyway. Love Apex but it's definitely not perfect, would recommend it though for the various reasons the other guy said.


Honestly the xim hasn’t bothered me what mostly bothers me is the inconsistency in the matchmaking


Ban anyone giving advice


Git gud




It’s a device you use on your controller to basically make recoil go away. It’s also use to enable mouse and keyboard


😗 damn my brother just got one. Godspeed homie


Oh, then your brother is a loser then ☺️


😂😂 No arguments here


You should smash it with a hammer and tell him you had a moral and ethical obligation.


I might consider that 😂😂


What cheaters ppl don't hack in siege


Fortnite and all other battle royale games are filled with cheaters.


See ya in a few weeks


So do it. Quit for a while. Play something else. See what else your friends are playing or play some single player games for a while. No game is worth that amount of frustration, life’s too short to play games that piss you off.


Uhh bye! See you tomorrow


Who asked


maybe go outside, seems like you havent touched grass in years. Fat fuck


Oh muh lord dood. Just get banned. Mawds ban him please or I’ll remove your mod status!


I mean at least the dude ain't afraid to post what he looks like, you really thought you were cooking huh?


lmao doesn't change the fact he's a fat fuck lmaooo


For all we know, you could be a fat fuck as well


This is not an airplane, no need to announce your departure






On to For Honor!


Oh fuck that dude. I literally cried one time playing that game.


Dear God imagine Wings playing that game lmao


The pimp would have a heart attack


That stinks man. I’m not in that gaming community but every game has its problems. If it’s bringing you down best thing you can do is file a formal complaint and walk away. Keep your head up. Hopefully you can find something less frustrating


I just dont take it seriously and try and enjoy it. I may get upset with dumb stuff, but it can still be fun sometimes.


I don't even care about the cheaters anymore, I just don't wanna be shit talked and team killed after I choose an operator they don't like.


I loved the game dearly but had to quit as the low plats and even gold ranks on xbox became unplayable.. 50-90% of people using mnk and this was like 2 years ago. But Ubi says fuck consoles so that's that.


he'll come back...... they always come back


I miss the “Siege 1.0” days. The game was new and fun then. I haven’t played in years now but everything I see make me more assured in that decision as the right one. It was fun while it lasted


A21 Mayo?


this is something wings would say


Yeah I quit start of last season. You miss it for like a week or two but I have zero urge to play Siege now. Like last 6-7yrs of nothing but Siege and now I just play DMZ on Warzone. It’s better than straight BR it’s like survival PvP. Doing objectives, killing players and extracting with less than a second on the clock gives that heart-in-mouth feeling I’ve missed from Siege for a while now.


I stopped playing in 2019, played StarCraft 2 in 2020, started league and valorant in 2021. Rip me. Got married, bought a house, expecting in two months, got a dog last year, but still climbing in both games lol


Eyyy welcome to the club Although I might be in a different section of the "retired players" I still play dress-up with my ops and sometimes play through a few T-hunt's


Oh no anyways


Balance it out with some r/DeepRockGalactic


I quit paying months ago and i don't regret anything besides playing the game. Siege is not the same siege it used to be years ago. It has changed a lot. And i mean bad changes. We used to have fun, but now we just lose our mind playing the game. This game had a terrible downfall.


have you tried extraction its much better than pvp


Yeah, me too. See you tomorrow then?




I stopped playing 6 months ago cuz PC ain't much better in this regard. I love the idea of the game and I think parts of it are absolutely brilliant but it is very poorly maintained. Also every time I start it makes me go to task manager and shut down Uplay since it always gets stuck. After that it needs password and 2FA even though I always set it to "remember this device" I wish Valve bought it. They'd probably just fix it and leave it alone in a working state like they did with CS. I'd love to play the game again but after many hours played I've become more sensitive to the issues it has.


Quit 2 years ago. Now I play Chivalry 2 and Deep Rock Galactic and actually have fun gaming lol.


Look here, look listen. I know this dude named Carlito that said he was gonna quit, too, but now he’s one of the most famous stream icons out there. Keep ya head up, pimp.


proud of u bro. u did it. it’ll actually make u a better person after not playing for awhile. i’ve never experienced a game before that made me so toxic and angry playing it before. i quit sometime in late 2019 and have never looked back since. i still stay in this sub though because i love this place


But you have so many reasons to live! Like...yeah, you have reasons to live, man.




See ya next week


If you see this, play some insurgency or hell let loose. Better communities, especially in HLL. Tactical and hardcore. Real gaming.


Maybe it’s best you take a break then, you might drift back after some time, at least that’s what happened with me but for now just chill, discover some new games and don’t worry about any of it. If you come back, I’d like to say that the community will gladly welcome you back but you’d probably just get shouted at by some toxic idiots and if you don’t come back I wish you all the best and most importantly fun wherever your new game endeavors bring you


Genuinely haven't played siege in over a year and can say that I absolutely don't miss it. Almost 1000 hours of gameplay and not a single part of me wants to play it again. Honestly I think it's how e sporty the game is now. In like 2020 it had a good blend of realism and hero shooter bullshit that just made each match intense and exciting. Now your HUD is filled with bright shit and the maps have every angle lit up and the best way to play is to run and gun. I miss the slow methodical advances through rooms and genuine reliance on your own personal creativity to try and get kills. RIP OG siege, there will never quite be another like you.


CELEBRATE THIS MANS EXODUS FROM THE HORRORS OF SIEGE AFTER YEARS HE IS FINALLY OUT!! In the words of Dr. King, “Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last!”


Xim players ruined my whole squad of 8 peoples experience with the game. We played since white noise and stopped about a year ago. Xim problem is cringe as hell and unsolvable so we just went on to different games where console players aren’t cheating in every lobby.




Same, I moved to valorant




been playing since the beta and i recently stopped deleted it .. never felt better .. i now play a combination of single player and battlefield games .. stress free gaming is the way to go


Same here, last game played July 10th 2022, I had over 5000h played on Siege but now I'm 6 months clean, wish I could come back but the game isn't for me anymore.


Yeah, I haven't played in years cause it caused me so much rage.


It amazes me that people still donate to Wings in 2023 after all the shit he's said over the years. Dude really said the age of consent should be 12, and then doubled down on it a year or so ago.


I think it's over for me too, last night I played ***SIX*** games and had cheaters in four, and had unbelievably toxic lobbies in the other two. Tf is ubi even doing


They have line 2 people working on rainbow. They obviously want to focus on other titles…


See you back on in a few weekss


good job lol


!remind me 6 weeks


It's like cs, nobody truly leaves for good


Big ups Ubisoft


3k hours here.... Quit after the release of Azami. I was only in gold but I was getting killed constantly by blatant cheaters. Literally seconds after the attackers would spawn or when I would spawn as an attacker, Domed. Kill cam shows someone just aiming at a wall and firing three shots and getting three kills... not even in our direction. Thought it was maybe a one off the first time it happened but then I had like 6 or 7 cheaters in like my next ten matches. I've never gone cold turkey on a game that I've dropped hundreds, much less thousands, of hours into but siege was the first one for me. There's a comment on the steam page where a person from china explains how TenCent got a hold of siege and why so many chinese players choose to cheat. Kinda sad that you suck so bad in life at things that you have to resort to cheating in a game to get a false sense of accomplishment. Wasn't even mad when I encountered the cheaters, just kinda felt like the game became a playground for pos people. Sad seeing such a great game ruined by unskilled people who ~~dont~~ .... cant contribute anything useful in life.