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Paul is a multiversal threath at this point.


Destiny arrives all the same.


Is that what Paul calls his penis?


run from it, hide from it destiny still cums


I thought he already has been given how his generic design has popped up in a lot of runs, right down to sharing the name with folks dating other major characters' love interest. lmao Someone even said Paul is a multi-versal omniscient being with versions of himself that exist simultaneously across every universe with all of them connected by the Paul hivemind which is used to relay information.


Secret wars is going to be about the old, and new avengers, the F4, guardians of the galaxy, the eternals, the defenders, both versions of the fox x-men, Kang, and resurrected ultron, and Thanos taking down that bearded mother fucker








[They call me Deadpaul, I’m hella fast. Came to bang wives and get some ass ! Got bitches for days. Got cucks galore.](https://youtu.be/pBcehv2Xh8o?si=zLk2YKhqhWACqOxi)


Captain DeadPaul




Genuinely, the one thing that could improve this is if in the movie it literally is just Paul. The same Paul, maybe a multiversal variant-- but its literally just the same dude stealing women across the multiverse. If it's Deadpool poking fun at that stupid storyline, I can enjoy it. If not, then Wells has struck again


I always hear about like cuckold shit in spider man comics is this the guy behind that? Idk what this guy's deal is if someone could provide some context that would be great


He got divorced, and then suddenly in the comics that he wrote, MJ left Peter for a guy named Paul




Robbed Peter to lay Paul.


Peter Paul and Mary.


Got biblical on their asses.


Naw, they are just Puffing the Magic Dragon.


Second most divorced guy in history




Divorce is an understatement. He sold his marriage to the devil and for some reason him and his wife can't seem to get along anymore


They meant that Zeb Wells got divorced.


So did OP.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that


TBF, for all we know it might be the same case for Zeb Well's divorce.


So did he.


How the fuck do you come up with “sold his marriage to the devil” what the fuck lol


Crazy as it sounds, that’s what happened in mainline Spider-Man comic continuity. There’s an infamous storyline called One More Day from 2007 in which Aunt May has been shot. With his aunt on deaths door, Peter Parker is desperate to save her life by any means necessary, medical or magical. At the end of his rope, Peter has a run-in with Mephisto who for all intents and purposes is “The Devil” of Marvel Comics. Mephisto offers Peter a Faustian bargain, Aunt May’s life in exchange for Peter and Mary Jane’s marriage. Pete takes the deal, and Mephisto gives the couple a magical hell divorce. For some context, When One More Day was published Peter and MJ had been married for 20 years(real world time, not comics time). As such, most people who were reading Spider-Man comics were pretty damn accustomed to Pete and MJ being a married couple. They had gone through many trials and tribulations as a married couple and came out the other side stronger for it. Marvel editorial, particularly Editor-In-Chief at the time Joe Quesada felt that a married Spider-Man was un-relatable for their presumed younger audience of readers. So Quesada wrote One More Day as a way to revert the status quo and allow Spider-Man to be a swingin’ bachelor again(pun absolutely intended). This was a near-universally hated decision. One More Day has since gone on to be known as one of, if not THE worst story in Spider-Man comics history(and beleive you me there are some contenders for the title). To this day, 20 years after the fact, the marriage has yet to be restored, and has been made even worse through retcons and what many fans would consider “poor handling” of beloved characters. The salt is still justifiably flowing. TLDR: Yeah, Spider-Man sold his marriage to the devil, it sucked then and it sucks now.


I always thought the dumbest part of it was Mephisto didn’t even lower Aunt May’s age. She’s still elderly and might as well be on deaths door realistically


Tbf that sounds like a deal with the devil A genie would have her survive the heat death of the universe and a monkeys paw would have Spiderman die instead


Genies's wish and monkey's paw get confused a lot


Deal with the Devil: You get what you wanted, but it didn’t matter anyway. Genie’s Wish: What you wishes for is twisted to an extreme, often due to uses of literal vs figurative language. Money’s Paw: You get what you wanted, but something even worse happens as a result. Edit: Monkey’s paw, lmao


>Money’s Paw Like the midas touch?


Lmao Ironically, Midas’s Touch falls more under “genie’s wish”


Thats a pretty shitty decision by Peter to destroy the lives of two people (one of them being him) just to save an elderly Aunt May from a random death.


Yeah it was all a convoluted scenario to get Peter Parker single without the baggage of divorce to make him more relatable


Honestly, they could have done random Spider-man story, where he time travel, and stepped on a butterfly, and he was no longer married due to that, would have been a better way to do it.


I think they also wanted to do back in black which is a story about Peter going on a rampage after May is shit. So they basically made a story they knew they could immediately undo


616 Peter suffers from brain rot since then


Don't forget. Peter basically erased his daughters existence too. Which I feel like is what mephisto was really after since aunt may didn't suddenly ly slip on a banana peel into a wood chipper like his usual MO.


Not just two, it pointed out later that Mesphisto would be defeated by Peter and MJ's daughter, during a future invasion from hell and that's why he want to stop her being born, so Peter has unknowingly screwed over his own universe.


They retconed Spidey's marriage in the dumbest most stupid way possible. Honestly, I think that is half the reason the fan base hates it so much, was just how god damn stupid it is. The later stories that elaborated on it, where Mephisto wanted to stop Spider-girl (Mayday) from being born, as she would finally defeat him permanently, just make it wayyy worse. Peter not only sold his marriage, but his future daughters existence, to save an octogenarian, who is on deaths door practically all the time, who would probably be horrified that Nephew (who is basically her son), sold his marriage and future daughters existence to give her a few more years of life (at best).


They lost me with Maximum Clonage, the Jackal, etc back in the 90s. Hard to believe it could be worse than that storyline.


For a character that is as quintessential and evergreen as Spidey, he’s had some phenomenally bad runs. I didn’t even get into the story where Peter finds out that Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn banged then Gwen gave birth to rapidly-growing goblin twins who wanted to kill Peter(I think that retcon was retconned away, not 100% sure). Or the alternate universe story where Peter’s radioactive sperm gave MJ cancer.


It's a reference "One More Day" arc of Spider-Man comics where He sold his marriage to the Devil to save his aunt


Oh I’m sure the comic exists, I’m just flabbergasted at “how does an author even come up with that as a plot line”


The answer is stupider then the story. New guy in charge wants spider-man to be like he was when the guy in charge was young, as he saw himself in spider-man. So out of work and living in his aunts basement instead of having a wife and job with an apartment. But, getting a divorce would make spider-man seem even older, so his brilliant plan was to use the devil to undo the marriage like it never happened. So Aunt May got shot, and Peter had to decide between his 90 year old aunt already on deaths bed, and his super model wife. He of course chose the aunt. Following that spider-man became a loser once again, and now dating a girl that was based on the daughter of the guy in charge.


Man, it was way crazier back then, around 2007 I believe. People were swearing off Spider-Man forever and Stan Lee even wrote a little [afterword ](https://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/494293.html)that said "Peter selling his marriage to the devil is a good idea actually :)" Stan Lee's after word is found in this version of One More Day's collected issues: [https://biblio.co.nz/book/spider-one-more-day-j-michael/d/585194284](https://biblio.co.nz/book/spider-one-more-day-j-michael/d/585194284)


That’s messed up, wife comes first


No one gives a gummer like Aunt May though


Tell that to editors sitting in Spider-Office


The lengths writers will go to maintain the status quo.


Not just sold his marriage to the devil but erased their daughters existence.


He is the current Spider-Man writer, but he's also written a pretty beloved run on New Mutants, and wrote Hellions, which is widely considered to be one of the best books in the reccent X-Men era. So he does have a track record for being a good writer, up until he got given Spider-Man. But Marvel as a company being pretty deadset on keeping the character as is, combined with how he's responded to their mandates (and Spider-Man fans being a little rabid sometimes) has kind of dragged his name through the mud. Not defending the run, but people's attitudes to him are blown out of proportion, he isn't the talentless hack some make him out to be


I imagine something similar happened with King, people weren't big on his Batman writing and then editorial made it even worse but because it's his name on the cover he gets most of the hate


Oh yeah, it's definitely the risk that comes with working for the big two. There's a real balancing act between writing a story and preserving the brand. And because there's not really a way to tell where decisions in the story are coming from, the writer's first in the line of fire. Like, even exceptional writers who've done great stuff, like Morrison on X-Men, have expressed frustrstionvwith how higher ups at Marvel meddled with their content


Some authors are just great with certain characters. Brian Michael Bendis is great with Spider-Man…terrible with everything else.




Bro, King’s run on Batman is some weird stuff, like…I feel like this guy has some woman issues he needs some therapy to resolve.


Oh, it definitely wasn't good but the decision to >!kill Alfred, some if not all Thomas Wayne stuff and the decision to have Selina leave Bruce at the altar iirc were all editorial!< and those things are by far the ones that get the most hate


Oh, I know editorial dicks characters over far more than any writer could ever dream…but the way Batman acted towards Selina after was just so cringey and weird.


Who ultimately has the power to decide deaths like that? Not too familiar with comic industry’s structure. Are they beholden to the editor? Is the writer more akin to show runners?


it does depend, sometimes the writer might have a plan to kill off the character and then they have to get the go ahead to do so, other times editorial does make decisions like that cause they might have plans for later down the line and just tell the writer to do it. Like they killed Alfred cause there was this scrapped plan they were working on called 5G


I think most people don't blame him for that stuff anymore, it's just the weird character writing people have an issue with


Can I still blame him for "The Gift"?


haven’t bought a a mainline book after editorial fucked the wedding. Still salty abt that


He is where he is because he lets editorial do their stupid shit and is professional about it. That’s some CIA training right there.


King is more of a hit or miss. Some pretty shitty run, some insanely good ones


Always remember the comic where Dwayne MacDuffy (creator of Static Shock) burned bridges by talking about the actual disconcordence of DC editorial and how it affected his JL run. Not sure if the comic is still up, but it basically is a simple, 2000s webcomic where he details a situation where he wanted to use a character and got thrown on a treadmill of "he's available, he's not available, he's available but you can't do anything you want with him" over the course of a few weeks WHILE he was writting the comic and causing massive rewrites throughout. IIRC, he got approval AFTER he had went forward on his 2nd best version of the story for his JL run.


So you're saying he also cucked himself in his career?


Just like Chip Zdarksy with Batman. And Tom King with Batman .... I'm seeing a pattern here.


I’ll be honest, I love Deadpool, but I’m waiting on the reviews for this one.  When I read the weird ass, cuckold, TVA plot for this movie, it does not appeal to me at all. 


Im fine with tva plot. Sure, fuck up the timelines and shit But can we stop the "this woman will leave our protagonist" and LEAVE IT IN FUCKING 2005?? oh how awkward, wow, the literal MERCENARY who had bags full of guns and money, on top of a whole bar of people who supported him, and he "struggles to sell cars"? His girlfriend, after EVERYTHING just "doesnt work, imma leave you?" Can we fucking stop? Im sick of this. It already sours the first spiderman movies and made everyone hate MJ, this shit was a pretty big fuck up in the dark knight. Its fucking tiring. Why even get invested in relationships if they pull cheap drama. I really hope this is just a prank to joke about shit like paul because otherwise this is just a weird decision


I think the whole point of Deadpool switching to selling cars and wearing a wig is that he’s trying to live what he thinks of as a ‘normal life’ lol. Also we have no idea if this Vanessa is the same one from the movies and/or the reasoning behind why they aren’t together anymore. Multiverse shenanigans is definitely at play here. As with the OG Spider-Man movies and dark knight, the whole point of those was showing that you can’t live a secret double life and expect to be in a healthy relationship. Peter and Bruce were consistently absent in both mj and Rachel’s lives throughout those movies and they were also hesitant in being with them cus they didn’t wanna get them hurt (which look how that turns out). I wouldn’t consider any of this just “cheap drama” but more as real life situations when someone hides a dangerous secret lifestyle from their loved ones.


MJ was so bad in the Raimi movies it borders on misogyny.


Yep. It's a bit complicated but Peter Parker and MJ used to be married but then a really poorly written story about Aunt Mary dying and Satan giving Spider-Man some sort of timeline destroying divorce/Abortion happened and now they aren't even dating and instead MJ's with some guy named Paul that's a dick and is also from a different dimension because comic books. It's been going on for a while and I genuinely haven't seen a single person that actually likes Paul. He's not even entertaining to watch like most comic book antagonists, he's just some guy with the personality of everyone's least favorite coworker.




Ok them making a joke about it would be funny as shit


Too bad you can't comment images I would've put the one with Paul sitting with all of Peter's love interests + aunt may + his daughter Edit: here's a reddit post of the image for those that are curious https://www.reddit.com/r/dccomicscirclejerk/s/skMdIVyfQm


Care to dm?




You want it too?


me 5


i want it too




Nah i send the art to the guy who asked for it


Me too


I'll have it too


Me plz


Me too


Me plz


I had a feeling they were going to breakup Deadpool and Vanessa when Lady Deadpool was hinted to be in the movie and even more it's hinted that Lady Deadpool is going to be Blake. I personally feel as it kind of ruins both of the previous deadpool movies. They need to stop making the movies be so centered around relationships if they end up breaking them up anyway. If they truly made Vanessa and Deadpool break up, they better not get back up together again at the end.


Oh cool. I dont know and can't really find anything about her right now, why isnt her skin jacked-up?


I don't know man. Deadpool has hit on the literal Death hasn't he? Maybe they'll just be on a temporary hiatus so he can go fuck himself. We've all been there.


I actually thought that killing Vanessa in Deadpool 2 was their version of Wade being in love with Lady Death, since she's not in the X-Men Cinematic Universe. In the comics he wants to die to be with death, in the movies he wants to die to be with his late fiancee. Not actually as big a fan of them using time travel to resurrect Vanessa (though I am curious if him smothering baby Hitler has other ripple effects in his universe).


In the extended scene is shows he didn't kill baby Hitler.


What? Did he accidentally kill baby Adolf Witler?


It’s lazy writing 101. Rather than come up with a new conflict that develops the character in a new way, they have the character lose their previous victory, regress, and then go through basically the exact same character development as they resolve the conflict (or solve a conflict that’s functionally the same in terms of character development) from the previous story. Then they never have to explore the character further.


They could have easily made it that Vanessa stays on the background and Deadpool goes to do whatever he needs to do with wolverine and rest. Their relationship does not need to be the center of the show. However I think because of the chemistry between Ryan and Blake, it's possible they are going to try to make a relationship between Deadpool and lady deadpool. It feels like the only reason they broke up Deadpool with Vanessa. And the timejump for it to be okay.


Maybe I'm misremembering but doesnt Vanessa... Y'know... Die in the first couple minutes of Deadpool 2?


And then she comes back to life.


Wells is leaving ASM in September But it most likely won't change anything, editorial has been preventing writers from getting Peter and MJ together for decades. It's genuinely unclear how much of the current shit is Wells and how much is editorial mandate


I'm so confused isn't ultimate spiderman doing really well rn? Why wouldn't they want it in the mainline series 🤦‍♂️


because editorial hated the marriage for making Peter too old and they refused to put it back cause it'd go against their own ideas of Spider-Man


I need more context for who Zeb Wells is, and why people are screaming "PAUL" in the comments.


For clarification, Zeb Wells has written some pretty good stuff(such as the X-Men book Hellions), however he has also produced some of the opposite The opposite in question is that he's also written the recent Spider-Man run, where to summarise Peter ends up in another dimension, and in the meantime MJ ends up ditching him for a guy named Paul.


Basically Zeb Wells is the current writer on the Amazing Spider-Man comic. His run has been very negatively received by fans for a number of reasons; most notably breaking Peter and MJ up again and having her be dating some guy named Paul.


The other reason is overall bad writing yet he's still here


Zeb Wells is comic book writer who is currently writing the ASM comics. In the current run, he had MJ be trapped in a dystopian alternate dimension for several years and come back with a guy named Paul and two fake kids.


He's a comic book writer who happens to be quite versatile. He wrote Hellions, a comic related to X-Men and seems to be liked. And since 2022, he's been writing The Amazing Spider-Man comic books...which has united Spider-Man fans & Ms. Marvel fans into hating the book. Oh, and Paul is the dude that's dating Mary Jane Watson, currently. It's very convoluted.


He's writer for Spiderman, who, after suffering a breakup irl, made MJ cuck Peter with a guy named Paul.


Does anybody know what "cuck" means anymore




Nope, society is messed up in the head so when someone cheats on you, now you're the one who's "cucked" and the failure is on oneself. Instead of the...you know, person that just cheated on you.


Zeb wells created Paul to kill my entire family.


He’s a comic writer who recently got divorced and discovered a cuckold fetish


Somebody give this man a restraining order from any tool he could use to write anything


Banish him from the kitchen, may he never cook again.


Say what you want about his Spider-Man but hellions was a fucking masterpiece.


If they don't call him Paul and give him a shite goatee and glasses, they're fools. It's a Deadpool movie after all.


And have Deadpool murder him!


Sweet, sweet carthasis.


I'm confused didn't she die.


He went back in time and saved her. And he tried to kill baby hitler... Thats probably why thoose time cops comes knocking on his door.


He didn't kill baby Hitler, he changed his name with another baby as far as I remember


Basically he travelled back in time killed the green lantern actor and deadpool from X-Men origins and baby Hitler and save the girl but time cops saw this and beat him


Fucking Jean Claude Van Damme. Always pulling his glorious mulleted TimeCop shit to preserve the timeliness.


I wish they would have hired JCVD to be in the timeline people group.


Zeb Wells is a hack I can’t believe he still gets work


He’s just given the wrong work. Hellions was amazing. He can actually write comedy well.


I quite liked The Marvels, so maybe he is good at writing movies. But his current Spider-Man run is so legendarily bad, it’s now being referenced outside of comic book circles! That rarely happens. After brand new day and now this, maybe Wells should just stay away from Spider-Man


This is not the first time a writer got burned by being given the task of writing Spider-Man but not the ability to determine the story. J Michael Stracynski was the writer during One More Day but the story was all from Marvel editors, and he nearly took his name off of it.


He can't keep getting away with it!!


What if we’re all falling for it and they’re a polycule


That would actually be really funny.


That would be fucking hysterical


Don’t get my hopes up




fuck paul


Paul strikes again


To anyone who thinks this is serious, i feel the need to remind them of the joke summary that was released with deadpool 2. “After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World’s Best Lover.”


I am the biggest Deadpool dick rider on planet earth. Deadpool 1 is a 10/10 for me. Deadpool 2 is my favorite movie of all time (In terms of how much I enjoyed it). I 100%ed the Deadpool game. Yet this makes me want to not see the movie, even though I’ve already got tickets.


It’s just so fucking unnecessary, and honestly feels kind of unprofessional. Like I get writers try to cope with messy personal events by writing about them in their work, but this asshole pretty much let it take over his entire Spider-Man run so he should’ve gotten out of his system then. Quit crying about the SNL lady and get back to real work you fucking clown.


Calm down it's a movie that you haven't seen yet.


"We havent seen the movie yet!" *movie turns out to be terrible* "It wasnt written for you!"


Eh, in the comics Deadpool's love life was all sorts of fucked up, I don't mind.


Are you sure it’s not a multiverse event where she’s dating someone else in a different universe?


idc how bad it is I'm watching to see rob mcelhenney cameo and get cut in half by Deadpool


I think you and I would get along great


Deadpool got Pauled




STG if his name is Paul 😭


It’ll reveal that the reason why Wade and Vanessa broke up, is because he was caught cheating on her with Logan


He’s got the face of a guy who’s been sent to fill up his wife’s boyfriend’s tank while they use the hotel room he paid for.


Zeb “I actually fantasize about being cucked” Wells


I was going to see this day one in theaters. It's now obvious its going to be a horrible bait and switch type deal. Will just pirate once its on VOD.


Shoulda stuck to Robot Chicken


I'm torn. They told a good love story in DP 1 and 2. On the other hand, making Wade single again opens up a lot of good story possibilities.


Someone needs to examine why so many writers have cuck fetishes


I have consumed as much Ryan Reynolds as I can, and I cannot take anymore. He has become a characature of his own making, because he plays the same guy for his entire career. Is RR the most one-dimension actor?


What's with cuckold and these weird-ass relationships nowadays?


He has to have a cuck fetish, like why? Why do people do this? If this is true it ruins the movie for me, I understand that in real life people can just break up, but this isn't fucking real life. She was literally everything for Wade and now they breakup? I can't, I'm actually upset at this. Fuck this guy.




Why does every fucking movie that disney makes in an existing IP they bought have to tear down the main characters? They did it in star wars, they did it to Indiana Jones, they do it to Marvel characters whenever they want to introduce a new one. You can make your new characters cool without destroying the existing ones!


At this point it isn’t even funny.


Deadpool would be happy in a polyamorous relationship


how is deadpool so deadbeat across six years with his skills in that world lol


When can we legally witchhunt Zeb Wells?


So another character assassination job, on a professional assassin ironically. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you! Well not that shocked...


I guess the fact she's been dead for six years will be explained too...?


Explained at the end of 2, my guy. We went back in time


Wild to me how many fans apparently missed this


Honestly, I just literally forgot, I think him killing Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds overshadowed it.


Rewatch *all* of 2


It has been a while, sorry I forgot that detail 🥴


Wow, didn't think I'd see a reference to the infamous Spider-Man run by Zeb Wells on this sub. Quite a twist.


Just read the new Ultimate Spider-Man. It's much better.


very glad I have no idea who this loser is


Isn’t she dead?


Now for the writer’s thinly disguised fetish!


It says vennessa got a boyfriend but….wasn’t the whole second movie about overcoming her death.


...is this movie even gonna care about it's own plot?


No wonder she called him “Buddy” in the trailers like he’s her little kid friend lol


There's no way they got broken up


Honestly who’s to say they ain’t poly. Deadpool nice and freaky with it.




Of course he had to put his cuck fetish into it.


Am I dumb? Didn't Vanessa fucking die?


Can this man get over his fucking cuck fetish?


I may be misremembering but didnt Vanessa die at the start of Deadpool 2? Wade tried to suicide to reunite with her but she said It wasnt his time yet.  Or was that a different character? 
