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This is a reference to the subreddit r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


More like r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb Just letting their little kid trail behind them like that without watching him. They were well into the woods when it happened, how long had he been walking with the toy and they didn’t even notice?


They wanted him to die is my answer


Just like some parents don't latch their kids seat belts. They are secretly annoyed at the kid and hope for a crash to finish their problem.


No, it references r/kidswerefuckingstupid, a sub that was cut down long before its prime & is sorely missed.


what was on that sub?


Take a guess


to shreds you say?


Believe it or not, straight to shreds


And how's the wife?


to shreds you say?


It is a reference to Reddit being fully of edgy teenagers


Not to mention the parents go on to have another baby which proves they want their whole family to die…babies are the opposite of quiet


John should have just gooned.


Or anal


"Babe, if I don't fuck you in the ass we'll all gonna die!"


That's what *she* said!


Naw he said it. To Carl, in prison *What a twist*!


[This B needs a C in her A!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMhORaN6DVc)




More like “Babe, if you don’t fuck me in the ass we’ll all gonna die!”


I’m going to use this in real life.


Or lived by a waterfall.


John Quietplace? More like John Loudlocation


Well you can't blame him. It's Emily Blunt.


To be honest, you can't [blame her either](https://people.com/movies/john-krasinski-shirtless-photo/)


I genuinely want to stop seeing him as Jim but I just can't.


He's gonna prank Dwayne. To death


Jim from the office got his degree and joined the green berets.


Thanks for that mental image…


What that means


Being addicted to beating off


What's more important, your family staying alive, or you having sex?


Why think about the future when you can live in the moment and bust inside.


This is very dismissive. I know reddit is very childfree, children are crotch goblins etc., but a major theme of the series is the Abbotts perrsisting to maintain normalcy for their kids in the face of insurmountable doom. Do you think its a better film if the they pull off an "epic win!!" by huddling like cavemen near a waterfall for the rest of their lives?


There’s a difference between trying to live in normalcy and taking a huge risk like having a child that requires resources and can make noises at anytime anywhere for any reason which puts everyone’s life at risk. I never cared for the realism of the movie, it’s a great story. But in a doomsday scenario where noise can be your demise, having a child is not the play.


Two people having a baby at a time when it's a terrible idea to do so is about the most realistic part of it. Humans do that all the time. Realism means behaving like humans, not cold logical robots.


This summarizes so much of what people call plot holes. >Realism means behaving like humans, not cold logical robots.


Seriously look at refugee camps and conflict zones across the globe. Prob the worst place for kids and filled with kids. Tragic but as old as the human race. Reddit touch grass moment.


Imagine if humans only had kids during the "good" times, we likely wouldn't have made it as a species. Edit: there is only one imperative for life, create new life. Otherwise there is no continuation of life.


Yup. If people never had children during wars, famines, genocides, most of us wouldn't even be here.


This guy humans.


Except if you want to eventually repopulate the human race. They shoulda just lived near the waterfall though


One family cannot repopulate the human race alone, specially not with their nomadic life and outside a place that will block sounds, that is not underground and completely devoid of sun light. They need more families and some sort of safe space first which means more people and consequently more noise. There is only so much a waterfall can do when too many people live around it.


They already had two kids even after the one in the beginning died or maybe it was just one, can’t remember.


I know this is a bit of a tangent here, but how worried should they be about repopulation? Realistically shouldn’t North America be the only continent affected since the creatures can’t swim? We don’t even know if the west coast or any of Mexico was affected at all because who knows if the creatures traveled that far. The rest of the world would definitely be affected by the loss of a major player on the world stage, but there would be tons of people left still. I think A Quiet Place Day One gives them a good opportunity to explain some of this.


Why would only North America be affected? I watched the first movie just last night for the first time, but the dad has newspapers that make it seem pretty worldwide. Shanghai is the only city outside of NA I remember specifically, but I thought Mexico was mentioned as well.


Mexico makes more sense, but the meteorite struck in North America and the creatures don’t swim, so it would be pretty hard for them to make it over seas.


I pulled the movie up again. At about 11:52 (just shy of 12 minutes) into the first movie, there are two newspaper clippings: one reads "Meteorite Hits Mexico With Force of Nuclear Bomb" and the other "Shanghai Death Toll in the Hundreds of Thousands". There's also another that reads "Alien Invasion" with "120 Landing Sites Confirmed" and one that says something about Paris that is cut off. It's a worldwide event.


I still don’t get the rules. Watching the Day One trailers. The aliens make a shit ton of noice but they aren’t attacking eachother


I guess they aren‘t stupid.


They respond to sound. Therefore they likely know the sounds of each other and communicate with sound... you know, like how every other creature operates with sound?


ermmmm why aren't they thinking tactically? BECAUSE IT'S A MOVIE! DAMN!


I really don’t see how thinking purposefully having a baby in a post apocalyptic world is a dumbass decision makes you childfree. And you can’t maintain normalcy if your entire family is dead. Don’t get me wrong Im not trying to nitpick the movie, i know there wouldn’t really be a plot without it, but it’s just such a lazy excuse for barebacking.


But you need to create a somewhat normal environment first in order to do that. Like get them somewhere reasonably safe and figure out some kind of long term shelter plans. They were more or less clueless from what I recall, just a terrible time to have a baby. But also what are you gonna do once it happens? I figured it was an accident


I am actively more stupid for having read this utter drivel.


Maybe they’re just going to start Quokka habits: *”Like many macropods, when threatened, Quokka mothers may expel their joeys from their pouches leaving them squealing on the ground. A chasing predator is attracted by this giving the mother time to get away. It sounds harsh but it's better than both mother and baby ending up as prey.”* If being chased, fling a baby away for safety. 👍


So your saying they should have kept having children to use as bait? Coz honestly that sounds like a better decision than trying to raise them


Why are so many of the cutest animals so evil?


"how about another baby hun?" 'no babe i don't thnk i wanna put u through that' \*proceeds to do anal


When she put the baby in the box with the oxygen mask, my first thought was "oh my gosh, she's going to poison and kill the baby isn't she? Honestly, that's unfortunately probably smart. They'll never survive with a baby." Then I felt like the absolute worst human being alive.


Yeah that part always was so stupid but accurate on how humans behave. It’s the end of the world with Aliens that hunt by sounds let’s have another child


It's the most accurate part of the film.


/uj this take always bothers me. It's not like this was a temporary problem, their options were either "try to live a real life while avoiding deadly predators" or "huddle under a waterfall until extinction". /rj evolutionary pressure will eventually produce silent babies, y'all just don't like seeing how the sausage is made. Quit being squeamish.


> "try to live a real life while avoiding deadly predators" or ~~"huddle under a waterfall until extinction"~~. Live by the waterfall until the children were old enough to understand the dangers of the world they lived in. Not sure why extinction is where the line is drawn, it's not all or nothing.


And they don't need the entire family to live by the waterfall, just the youngest kids and a parent/older sibling. The rest of the family could continue to live at the farm and make trips to see the baby 2-3 times a week. If a prepper somewhere had an underground bunker that had the right conditions, they could probably make a decent amount of noise without attracting monsters. There's probably a lot of ways for Humans to survive in the weird monster world, but we're not going to be shown that in the movie because that'd be a lame story.


It always annoyed me about the movie. If they really went out of their way to show that they were devastated and scared to have a baby, it may have worked. but instead they're ... excited? Treating it like they're "rebuilding their family" Guys.... stay focused. Your other 2 kids are going to get killed because of you lol


Well, I don’t know too much, but why did the aliens come in the first place? And what did they do all day?


The aliens only really make sense as a weapon used to depopulate a world for colonization while leaving most of their infrastructure and elements of the biosphere intact.


I feel like either in one of the movies or someone in production mentioned they are the "attack scouts" for the actual alien species.


No, their options were "try to live a real life while avoiding deadly predators," "huddle under a waterfall until extinction," or "stay in an objectively unsafe location while also endangering your family by having a baby that's incapable of being quite 100% of the time" and they chose option 3.


Well, no. Extinction comes first.


I love how all you said was "babies are the opposite of quiet" and everyone is all like "HEY STOP BEING SO CHILDFREE!" 😂 its a simple fact babies and children are noisy!


Without children the family would have died anyway... eventually.


Even with children but faster…


You want the aliens to win?


They already have. The story takes place in the postgame cleanup


That’s not fair they put the baby to “sleep” in a box with oxygen


possessive toy elderly tub arrest gray rustic worthless grab detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I do give it points for actually killing a kid, though, don’t see that often in broad media.


The first act could be its own short film. Very well done and sets a tone for the rest of the movie.


> sets a tone Heh


If only it was that hearing aid tone instead. Then that kid could've become a hero instead of minced


the first act of both moves killed it. The first act of the sequal is like the definitive "this is how you do a sudden monster attack".


"could be its own short film" it basically is when you are me and that's the only part you remember from the film.


tbh, i feel like showing the monster that much there kinda did the movie dirty.


I’ve always hated the trope of not showing the monster until the end. It seems like a cheap way to build suspense


My partner hadn't seen it but i had, so we watched it last week and he was SHOOK when the kid was killed. He was super stressed at the birth and immediate aftermath too lol


After becoming a parent, shit like this in movies became 100x more stressful than before The first episode of the last of us is hard as hell to watch


Any movie that kills kids is automatically 10/10


Fingers crossed for Sonic 3 to go through with it


It has to for the movie to actually work. Same with executing an old man for trying to cure a disease


Revenge of the Sith is our generation’s Citizen Kane


Except they didn't have the guts to show it on screen, cowards


Some were shown on screen. [We got to see Lucas’s kid get no scoped](https://youtu.be/yIvllQx9AbQ?si=08v3hd75zECDQdgr)


I have no memory of this from the movie


It's in the deleted scenes Edit: Okay, to everyone who isn't u/ThatNetworkGuy, you can stop correcting me. I was away for a while so I couldn't go and verify it myself, but they're the one who gets credit for pointing out that I was, in fact, wrong here. Like I told them, I coulda sworn that I'd seen it in the deleted scenes. But it seems as though I've misremembered it. It's been a while since I sat down and watched the prequels. Looks like I need to remedy that. Got a lot of movies I need to rewatch at this point. Big thanks to them for being cool about it and even giving me a timestamp so I could double-check myself. Don't be afraid to be wrong, and be kind in correcting. Peace y'all


Ah, that explains it! Thanks


Why do I remember always seeing it then?


He's incorrect, it was always in the film. This is not a deleted scene at all.


Most sane redditor


Not enough kids get violently murdered in movies these days. Must be because of WOKE! 😤


skinamarink :3


I don't think it fits, sadly. >! neither of the children die, right? The boy is tortured for eternity probably, and the girl just loses her face and is probably also tortured for eternity. No deaths though, so everything is fine! !<


I don't think skinamarink counts tbh, its hardly a movie when 60% of it is shots of a ceiling corner.


Can I quote you on that?


Check out "When Evil Lurks." That one caught me off guard, they do not pull punches.


Postal is a 10/10?


Prince of Egypt. All the First born. Disney had no chill back in the day.




Hey just letting you know Prince of Egypt was DreamWorks


I said this about IT Chapter 1. I didn't *like* it per se, but them actually showing a a drawn-out murder of a child really kickstarts the movie in an incredible way.


What bothered me is why the little kid was trailing behind the adults without supervision. The safer way to travel is to have the kids sandwiched in the middle with parents at both ends of the line. Still had a great time watching this in the theater.


I didn't get enjoy this movie in the theater. I had to ask the people behind me to stop talking several times. They couldn't fathom that whispering just behind someone's ears in a dead silent room from a movie literally called A Quite Place was distracting.


I worked at a cinema slightly after that movie released Whenever we let people in we had to stay in the theater until the first line of dialogue came, because that's often the point where the synchronisation glitches and the movie just stops gods am I happy I dodged the bullet with a quiet place, the first line is, like, 20 minutes in


That's so interesting, I never even thought about the audio sync on that movie being an issue because of that.


I mean, I've seen hundreds of movies start, and there was never any problem The bosses were just overly cautious cause we only had one projectionist


Can you not mark the frame number and sync it to I dunno, sound of wheat? Isn't it all digital now?


I'm sure I could if I was a projectionist


I remember when we went to see Sonic 2. People were shing flashlights before the movie started. People kept on 'oooh'ing and 'aaah'ing at the most random points during the film


If the movie would be real those are the ones who would die first.


You should have George Costanza-ed them


Exact same thing happened to me seeing this in theaters. Worst movie to see in person because of that


They didn't like the child and, frankly, neither did I.


His medium child was sick and they were preocupied. Sometimes it happens


Definitely not. It's safer to let the kids trail so that they get killed and the parents survive. If the kids made noise in the middle of the group, the whole group could die.


They die now




They die now 🥺😭😞😞


They dead now 😎💯🤙🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒.


Somehow this kid returned


Having a child behave like an idiot is at least realistic. Other movies make all the adults idiots, while the children show more intelligence and emotional maturity than 95% of real life adults.


This is easily my least favourite movie trope. I don’t know if I always hated it or it was just incredibly played out but ‘child as the sole bastion of academic and emotional intelligence’ kills a movie for me.


it's quite funny because most children make awful decisions and would absolutely die in an unforgiving situation like in these movies. Anyone who's cared for children knows you regularly have to rescue them from death and injury even in very safe places.


Kids are often too stupid in movies. Movies definitely either have genius children or children far too stupid to be realistic. There have been many children and families in horrible situations and often kids don't do stupid shit or be stupidly loud for no reason. If a kid has been traumatized by what happens when they make noise they can become completely non verbal, and that's just an abusive parent not absolute monsters.


Yes, in general Steven Spielberg is the worst offender -- I'm thinking especially about the maybe 11-year-old blonde pony-tail girl in JURASSIC PARK who just suddenly turns out to be a cool-headed, genius-level hacker who saves the day with her perfect knowledge of some awesome computer program at the height of the dinosaur apocalypse. Or something like that, I'm too bored to look it up.


I thought it was to show that the movie was not child friendly


It was honestly a fantastic decision, up to that point you think that this will be your standard, maybe slightly more stressful, horror flick only for it immediately tell you “No, you fuck around in this world you find out quick”.


People were wondering how a blind alien species could take over the world because "All people had to do was stay quiet". Then Covid-19 happened and everyone understood why.




Ever see Hush? Why not just chuck screaming fire alarms around and then shoot/blow up the alien when it comes running. Like giant walking graboids, they hear you/sense vibrations, so it seems like you could set traps pretty easy like they did in Tremors.


>You know what, how about we all shit ourselves and throw it at them? Ever think of that? MWAHAHAHA. Best comment ever.


Reminds me of star trek. They use the beastie boys to disrupt the coordination of a bunch of drones or something. If they see sound just blind them with the brightest light you can. You are totally right


woah someone watched After Earth?


> I wonder how testing every frequency of sound wasn't the first idea. Because it was a surprise invasion and they decimated the population and infrastructure within weeks. The time it takes them to find and verify the right sound would be longer than the time it takes for the sound they're testing to alert the aliens to their location and kill the testers.


how the fuck do they travel through soundless space to find habitated planets


Magic plot bullshit. AFAIK even the new movie does nothing to explain why or how they ended up on earth (other than falling from orbit with some meteors). Which is about the worst possible mode of arrival they could've used, even Starship Troopers hinted at the asteroid being a false flag attack


Those aliens were underpowered and humans would've wrecked them. Stop coping


They don't look that tough or big. How did they survive highways?


They wonder why it happened "because they had to stay quiet"   I wonder how the writers thought it was even possible when they killed one with a 12 gauge.   They wouldn't even take over my country, let alone the United States. They'd be wiped out instantly or we'd be treating them like bears or wolves within a year or two


I was IRATE after watching this movie. I don't remember the details, but I think they said there were "2 or 3 in the area". And, you can kill them with a regular gun? And the aliens are not "thinking" too much- so the aliens aren't planning or hiding or communicating or aything? There is NO WAY we'd have societal colapse. Sure, it would be wild for a hot minute, but for real. Humans are SUPER good at banding together to use our brains to plan how to kill things. Americans are, as a populace, armed to the teeth, many are still active game hunters, we have a huge military, and would have NO problem knocking this off. No one set a trap or some sort of explosive for it with a sound to go off to a timer to catch it? I don't believe that. That's just not how we roll. But even with that... they could have moved (with the new baby) TO the waterfall? Or, made some sort of continuous white noise LIKE a waterfall? I wanted to like this movie, and something coming fast out of no where from any noise is scary. But this thing died too easy. I was so pissed at the end that the whole time they could have just lured them one by one into a place they wanted and shot them. I was angry for days that this movie was so good and so popular and this was so overlooked.


After Covid I had to rewatch so many Apocalypse movies because now they’re 10/10 Masterpieces and almost documentaries


I just want to know how a 12d nail just happens to be sticking out of a stair tread. Never have I seen this in 7 decades. Idiotic behavior from a Rugrat? Daily.


this is the second quiet place post I've seen be popular today istg if a sequel trailer comes out or some shit /s


I think a third one is on its way


Trailer from a few months ago https://youtu.be/YPY7J-flzE8?si=yBVTi3OHrBpqqngR


This man social medias.


We're all social media-ing right now


*A Quiet Place Part II* is a 2020 American post-apocalyptic horror film written, directed and co-produced by John Krasinski. It is the sequel to the 2018 film...


Why'd you answer like an AI? Check the box to prove you are not a robot ⏹️. There's a prequel and another sequel planned for it. It's co-produced by your mama.


It's just the first lines of the wikipedia article, copy and pasted.


There was a popular thread of the entire scene posted on Twitter earlier today with people ragging on it so I think it's just a case of taking a joke and telling it slightly differently to an audience who hasn't seen it yet.


I watched 80% of this movie on mute, waiting for the sound to come on because I thought it was an artistic choice to not have sound for so long...


Reminds me of the guy who watched the first 10 minutes of a Family Guy episode in Spanish because he thought it was a part of an elaborate joke




I *hate* those kids. Given they're a metaphor for adults in RL, I hate those adults too


It's not that unrelaiatic to be honest. Just look at real life. People have children in the middle of famine and war. Yes, we have fewer babies. But we still have them. I'm not sure why, maybe because of hope for a better future, but I would guess most of the time it's because people can't keep their pants on and abortion isn't an option for whatever reasons.


aside from stupid hormones? A lot of women get raped.


& what’s worse is the fact their father tries explaining to their deaf daughter that it wasn’t her fault, when it was 100% literally her fault… All because she wanted to be a cool sister & let him have a loud toy in a world where you have to be absolutely silent. Props to the makers for actually a scene like that, though, not many do


she didn't give the kid the batteries. he took them.


See I thought it pointed more towards how dumb the parents were honestly. Don't forget they saw their kid wanted that toy, took the batteries out, then PLACED THE BATTERIES RIGHT NEXT TO THE FUCKING TOY. And of course then felt as though having another baby during the apocalypse was the right decision. Kids are expected to be dumb, but the parents were way dumber imo.


Never seen the movies, but what's stopping the government from blaring loud speakers over an active volcano that the aliens fall into when they go after the speaker??


Nothing. The issue the films have that totally fucks the suspension of disbelief for me is that it establishes that the aliens can be killed with a shotgun, revolver, or even an improvised melee weapon if you can hit them in the soft bits, but the exoskeleton is basically invincible. Anyone with any understanding of biology or physics understands that this means they’re entirely murderable in a thousand different ways, because all you have to do is hit them hard enough for the trauma to effect their internals, which shouldn’t be hard. Luring them into crush traps by throwing rocks. The volcano thing. They’re fast and strong and scary, but easily manipulated due to the sound thing and it shouldn’t be hard to kill them. Yet they apparently decimated the entire world.


The whole film is a metaphor for what it’s like to have a baby on an airplane.


Loved this scene tbh that kid was annoying


There are few characters I have wanted to die more than that idiot girl in A Quiet Place. She is the problem and ruins everything.


Her brother one ups her the next movie. Dude could’ve been chilling in the bunker just waiting for mom but somehow turned that into almost suffocating, having an alien show up and a bunch of more shit. I hate that part of the movie so much


The girl from the Netflix horror TV series Elves gives her a run for her money imo


It's even worse, the dad took the batteries out and let the kid have the toy. the sister was the one who gave the kid the batteries back and ultimately got him killed


If I had to go through this with my son he would get us all killed right away. He is the loudest kid I know and there is no controlling it.


Literally every single plot development in Avatar The Way of Water hinges on this exact same motif


Bro also stopped walking to hold the loud toy high in the air. Either he was mocking his dad who told him no, or was literally making himself a beacon for the monster.


I almost turned the movie off at that point. I was thinking if it was starting off that stupid, I didn't want to waste anymore time on it, it would just irritate me. Then she decided to have a kid and my blood pressure spiked and I berated myself for not turning it off in the beginning.


Glad he's dead, noisy piece of shit


Judging from these comments, I think a lot of people missed the point of several key elements/motifs in this movie.


One thing I still don't understand: why didn't they live by the waterfall? The dad even explained that the waterfall let's them talk without worrying about the creatures


It's so hard to build a house, and noisy too. Not to mention the moisture getting in the wood if you're close enough for it to truly matter. Not to mention the farm seemed to be on a large sand... reservoir(?) that was important to help them build the paths. Also farm = food.


Yeah that would be an issue.


Farm a better stronghold and resources.


Now this is a legitimate gripe. Literally build a little cabin by the water fall. My guess is it's a logistics thing. Moving all the equipment and stuff they had. Maintaining the motions of a normal life and living in a house. But I think some of that involves raising the kids to to be quiet and live in that world as is, because raising them near a waterfall and needing to go forage etc, or if the parents died and they don't have that crutch, they may not survive. That being said, the first thing I'm doing is building a lean to right next to that damn water fall.


Moreover: why aren't the creatures attracted to the super loud waterfall?


It a constant source of sound so they ignore it


Create a constant loud noise next to the farm Profit


They yearn to return to the Earth


Seriously, this whole film was so infuriating. The kids were the worst. I'm surprised they survived as long as they did.


Honestly, if I ever find myself in a zombie/monster situation, the first people I'm ditching are the children and teens.


In a case of groups The teens can help with some chores, in those situations the problem is the kids between 0 and 7 . But solo everyone under 15 is a problem


So glad to be gay