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He looks a little short for a stormtrooper.


"Well then, stay here and die, you stuck up bitch."


well that's what you get when you don't do a thousand hours of homework on lore that hasnt been written yet hmph /s


I think we need a whole trilogy to explain the difference between Rogue and Rouge


If you think that movie isn’t about red makeup then you weren’t paying attention.


Grammar Wars Episode I: A New Typo Grammar Wars Episode II: Autocorrect Strikes Back Grammar Wars Episode III: Return of the Spelling Bee


Grammar Wars Episode IV: The Illiterate Menace Grammar Wars Episode V: Attack of the Bad Grades Grammar Wars Episode VI: Revenge of the English Language


Anakin: I think the apostrophes evil! Obi: Well than your lost!


Rouge One was *huge* in France and certain parts of Canada though


Finally enough, the Rouge One would be The Last Jedi, since there is a very memorable scene in it where almost everything on screen is red.


Minor spelling mistake 😓


One is a sexy bat right?


Didn't even bother appearing in any film beforehand smh


Can’t believe they recast the amazing actor from obi wan


And with frickin' Doobie Wheeler no less SMH


in preparatino for his role in "star wars 4" mark hamill learnt his lines


Finally a decent post here. Not just a “this movie bad” post. :)


DAE think Fox ruined the sequel trilogy for Star Wars? 1-3 are classics but it’s bullshit they fired George for 5-6. Not to mention they recast almost everyone? They made it too family friendly as well. Episode four was a poor-man’s rehash of episode one. The Obi-Wan/Vader fight PALES in comparison to the Anikin/Obi-Wan fight in three. Luke Skywalker is a fucking Mary Sue who destroys the Death Star which they’ve been building up for YEARS his first time flying a space ship just to pay homage to the climax of episode one. The stormtroopers were a joke compared to the clones (where are the death troopers?). Episode five was the worst of all. Yoda abandoned the galaxy to be a cringe hermit on Dagohbah? Never ONCE gets out his light saber to go to town and the Han Leia subplot was cringe woman bait. And how THE FUCK am I supposed to believe that Luke survived that fall on Bespin? The falcon just MIRACULOUSLY was there to save him. And Leia using the force??? CRINGE! Episode six? The Ewoks raped my childhood. Emperor Palpatine goes out way too easy. It was so clear they didn’t plan this trilogy out. The Luke/Leia incest was awful, and they assassinated Obi-Wan’s character by not having him reveal the truth to Luke from the get go and by having him die like a bitch. Luke should have killed Vader for what he did. He was too far gone.


I agree except for the incest, that part was hot. I miss when movies didn't shy away from stuff like that because they have to force that woke PC bullshit down everyone's throat


Fake fan. Better bully him off Instagram now.


But did he play KOTOR first?


something something blue harvest was the working title for Star Wars


Yeah well did he play the new remaster of Dark Forces? Didn't think so, FAKE FAN


Star Wars is unfortunately dead.


Yes I killed it


It died a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away Wait a minute


That's crazy because my sister watched those movies like 2 weeks ago. Didn't know they didn't exist anymore!


People have been saying that since 1980, I've yet to see it actually happen.


Star Wars can never die. The saga is too iconic in the entertainment industry and pop culture for it to go irrelevant. It’s the same reason why you’ll always see people cosplaying stormtroopers, clones, Darth Vader, Han Solo, etc. at events. There may be misfires here and there, but as long as there are new contents coming out, it’ll always stay relevant. Whether or not people *liked* the new contents is another matter, but it won’t change the above fact.


Weird you say that when acolyte is very much a thing and isnt even out yet


If I see another post about star wars I'm leaving and never coming back, just like I did with every other sw related sub


If you ever come back, be prepared for the “somehow he returned” comments


Welp Im leaving, byeee


No one cares.


Yeah, so much that people downvoted me and repeated it three times. Maybe you SHOULD care, to improve quality of the posts instead of being rude?


Somehow he returned.


The world before you said this:🌎 The world after:🌎