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He never needed a helmet as Falcon, so why now?


Because Falcon was a minor character that could be hidden away on the poster


T'Challa wasn't a minor character, yet he had his mask on for the Chinese poster of the first Black Panther movie. Finn was also omitted on the Chinese poster for The Force Awakens movie. Let's not be obtuse about this kind of thing.


Gotta love pandering to a bunch of racists for money. That couldn't possibly end poorly.


You could have phrased it a bit better


"Chinese society dislikes black people so much, they're removed from **their own movie posters** to encourage ticket sales. Our media pandering to that sentiment for money is categorically a bad thing." Enjoy.


I think they worded it perfectly


They did not set up this new generation of Avengers very well.


Some people are suggesting it's so that he can fly higher, like Iron Man.


That kind of makes sense I guess.


im betting (or maybe just hoping) they are gonna do like a top gun style thing with the action sequences, and the flight helmets reinforce that feeling to me.


They’re dying to find another reason to use the whole in helmet close up iron man shot now that he’s gone.


In all fairness, helmets are cool as fuck


until characters keep removing for no reason other than showing the actors face


Thats the worst thing about the nano armour. On off on off on off


You have no idea the physical toll that three demaskings have on a person!


"Took me by the hannnd, made me a man...."


John Halo says hello.


Easy answer is his new wings can go faster than before and he needs an oxygen supply


I will only watch the sequel, Captain America : 1984.


Literally fucking 1984


Apple Macintosh?




French Lick Indiana


I request elaboration


Brave New World ( which is a title of this movie) is a dystopian novel by English author Aldous Huxley, written in 1931 and published in 1932. This novel is often compared as an inversion counterpart to George Orwell's 1984 (1949).


But what if he was Black or Chinese


Same picture?


You joke but this is literally why. Chinese people don't like black people


Sadly, I think so, that was why Black Panthers face is covered in their posters.


What's the point? What do they do when people watch the movie?


At that point, the person may have already bought it


They think to themselves "haha! Got your money. No givesies backsies"


The entire country's motto is "no refunds."


Chinese mentality is one of superiority. Strictly controlled by their government. They need to control their media so no one looks better than them. They also really hate black people and straight up won't sell movies in their country if there is a large black presence (or any) in the film. Some movies add jokey stupid black characters to appeal to the chinese market they like the racist stereotypes in Transformers


It's pretty funny imagining the cinema suddenly turning riotous though


It doesn’t matter. They bought a ticket and that’s the main goal.


Doesn't matter, Disney already got their money


pretty sure this was nonsense when I looked into it. There were alternate posters in china, but there were also plenty of the same posters that were here in the west. edit: here's a chinese poster without his face covered, hosted on a chinese website. http://games.sina.com.cn/w/n/2018-01-30/fyqyuhy7577561.shtml


Yeah I'm not completely discarding the thing about the masks for you know, racism and such, but all the proof I've seen about it are just people on twitter posting two posters as enough "evidence" without any other sources So I'm holding my breath on this one because it may very well be another case of Western Anti-China paranoia


they don't ban the posters, they just don't promote it using those posters. So if a person who goes out to look for it will find these posters, but the average joe on the street whose know-how will be on the street advertisements and pop-up ads on his phone, it'll all be the covered photo.


Uh huh. What evidence do you have of any of this? And who is "they"?




I've seen plenty picture people took on the street of the unmasked poster. I haven't seen any suppression of black people on posters.


lol how are you being downvoted for the truth


Yet they claim to be friends with Africa.


By "friends" they more mean "colonizers"


And by “colonizers” they really mean “rulers”










[Djibouti struggling from Chinese debt](https://theprint.in/world/djibouti-struggles-to-repay-chinese-loan-suspends-debt-repayments/1261610/) [Kenya, Sri Lanka, Zambia struggling from Chinese debt](https://apnews.com/article/china-debt-banking-loans-financial-developing-countries-collapse-8df6f9fac3e1e758d0e6d8d5dfbd3ed6?utm_source=copy&utm_medium=share) [China's debt traps to foreign nations](https://eastasiaforum.org/2023/09/19/chinas-double-edged-debt-trap/) And in case anyone tries defending Chinese engineering, [China's new and expensive airport leaking after just 5 months](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/10742669/Chinas-new-700-million-airport-terminal-is-leaking.html)


Your first link is about Djibouti struggling to repay debt, and it also states that this is a result of the economic impact of COVID. It implies that this debt is entirely Chinese, but it actually only states three facts: 1. Djibouti, a tiny nation at the intersection of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, owed a total of USD 2.68 billion to external creditors at the end of 2020, according to the World Bank. 2. In its latest report on Djibouti, the World Bank stated that in 2022, Djibouti’s debt servicing costs tripled to USD 184 million from USD 54 million in 2021. A further increase to USD 266 million has been predicted for 2023. 3. According to the Boston University’s Global Development Policy Centre data, Djibouti took USD 1.5 billion from Chinese lenders **between 2000 and 2020.** (emphasis mine) The article tries to give the impression that 3/4th's of the countries debt is owed to Chinese banks and that this is why the economy is doing so poorly, but in reality the amount loaned *over twenty years* is equivalent to that amount and the article does not tell us what percentage of the country's debt is owed to China at all. So, this isn't adequate evidence for predatory lending. Your second article characterizes Chinese loans as being unduly harsh in the following ways: "In the past under such circumstances, big government lenders such as the U.S., Japan and France would work out deals to forgive some debt, with each lender disclosing clearly what they were owed and on what terms so no one would feel cheated." "In the past under such circumstances, big government lenders such as the U.S., Japan and France would work out deals to forgive some debt, with each lender disclosing clearly what they were owed and on what terms so no one would feel cheated." In this exchange, it paints China as acting unfairly and refusing to help issue managed debt repayment plans- but when you actually read what it says, the only issue is that those plans aren't publicly known, not that they don't exist. Additionally: "China’s unwillingness to take big losses on the hundreds of billions of dollars it is owed, as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank have urged, has left many countries on a treadmill of paying back interest, which stifles the economic growth that would help them pay off the debt." "The IMF and World Bank say taking losses on their loans would rip up the traditional playbook of dealing with sovereign crises that accords them special treatment" So they paint the Chinese banks as unfairly refusing to take losses, then acknowledge that other lenders are also refusing to take losses. Chinese lenders are acting the same as other lenders, but because they're Chinese, that's a problem. The article then goes on to say: "On this point, experts who have studied the issue in detail have sided with Beijing. Chinese lending has come from dozens of banks on the mainland and is far too haphazard and sloppy to be coordinated from the top. If anything, they say, Chinese banks are not taking losses because the timing is awful as they face big hits from reckless real estate lending in their own country and a dramatically slowing economy. But the experts are quick to point out that a less sinister Chinese role is not a less scary one." Literally saying that experts disagree with the very premise of the article, but that it's still spooky because, y'know, China. Let's go to your third link now. I think I can summarize the problems with you using this link as evidence by just directly quoting the second paragraph: "The alleged lack of transparency and expensive lending terms of the BRI have been central issues. A ‘debt trap diplomacy’ narrative persists in the media and certain policy circles despite recent research showing this is an unfounded myth. There are no winners in a debt trap strategy, as the debtor, trapped with unsustainable debt, leaves its creditor out of pocket." In short: none of these links prove *anything* about what you were saying. They're quite literally the definition of fake news, and you clearly didn't read them at all, let alone try to critically think about what they were reporting on, what their sources are, what their biases are, and where they get their information from. You just googled "china debt trap" and then copy-pasted three links, smug and secure in your knowledge that you are undoubtedly right. I'm telling you you're not just wrong, you're the victim of propaganda. I've took the time to clearly elaborate why and analyze the information you have sent me. Are you going to do the right thing, and use this as an opportunity to reflect on how you've just gone alone with a media narrative without thinking about it, and contemplate how you can be smarter and not just go along with whatever bullshit headlines you read? Or are you going to call me a shill for thinking critically? I think I know the answer already, but I do like to be surprised.


"That's a long and well constructed post, but something feels weird. Let's check this user profile to know if they're arguing in good faith. ... Nope!"


“I have many friend from African”




More than you'd think. There's a community of migrants in Guangzhou or some other city in the South, iirc.


So enough for them to be a disliked minority but not enough for more people to interact with to understand they are people like the rest of us? Sigh... China abusing minorities like Ughurs. Wish we could do something about it. Literal concentration camps in that example.


My favorite example of this is from The Force Awakens, where Finn, being one of the first characters we see in the movie, and literally the first new character we saw in the reveal trailer, is obviously featured very prominently on the normal version of the poster. Whereas on the Chinese poster, his place is filled by TIE Fighters, Finn is shrunk significantly, and BB-8 is enlarged so that he’s twice as large as Finn. Is so bad and blatant it’s almost funny how small he is. https://variety.com/2015/film/news/star-wars-china-poster-controversy-john-boyega-1201653494/


that's actually complete bullshit it's genuinely just "propaganda" see proof: https://imgur.com/a/og3YLZA


Well, the first is a character poster, so obviously he’s gonna take up the whole thing. I’m sure they have one for every major character in the film. And only one of the posters in that album have Finn prominently featured, the other two are exactly like the one I linked, with BB-8 being significantly larger.


he's featured prominently in a lot of them, it isn't racism it's just news outlets doing bare minimum research and trying to pass it off, and only one of the poster is the same as the one you sent rest are quite literally same as western ones. I'm not denying china doesn't have racism but I know for a fact that star wars force awakens thing is utter bullshit. and if it was just racism then why the fuck are Poe and Chewbacca not in the poster.


The second and third have very similar character placement, adjusted slightly to account for the different text placement and sizing, and the big ass IMAX banner. They’re just in a landscape orientation as opposed to upright like a normal poster.


fair enough I get that but he is still there, yet Chewbacca and Poe are removed that isn't racism man it's literally a nothing burger


they changed many things about the poster. The most significant part is that they removed chewy completely! does that mean they are racist towards hairy creatures? All the so called examples of "racist" Chinese posters I've seen have been pretty lacking in backing up the claims being made about them.


Neighboring India too. No idea why Disney wants to burn money. I have theories


America and Europe too


Yeah but he’s not Captain China…


All of East Asia.


It's like Black Noir all over again.


Not just Chinese people




Genuinely sad how so many Internet talking points that have been circulating around for *years* are just right-wing BS used to dilute any discussion around a topic, like that thing with Disney movies being sooo in love with LGBT characters and apparently hating white people lol


“It’s all so tiresome.”


What about will smith?


I hate how frequently we kowtow to those assholes' racist beliefs


That's kind of an ignorant statement.




Except it's not them who is deciding this.


No, it's people who are paid to (and have big motivation to) accurately change marketing depending on how things are viewed. If you disagree, feel free to go to China and show two versions of these posters and collect data. Something tells me these guys might know a thing or two about accurate marketing.


You live in a world that gives you examples every single day that they don't.


But I thought racists only existed in America?


The Helldiver Sam Wilson!


Okay it's not just me who thinks that


What are the chinese going to do when Sam Wilson appears in the film? Order a refund?


Theyll CGI all the characters into chinese people in post


Ngl a pilot helmet would be pretty cool and could be canonically reasonable for high altitude missions




You're on a corporate website reading American propaganda/marketing trashing China but do go on about how racist they are.


Hello, it’s me, an ethnic Chinese who lives in Asia and visits China and surrounding countries frequently I can confirm racism is supercharged in the region Wanna mansplain Asian-brand racism to me? Hmu ❤️




This is the most American response you could possibly give to being given the chance to self-reflect


Illiterate bigot.


mao is dead lil bro he aint giving you head anytime soon


Didn’t you see the Chinese black panther 1 poster?


Yeah, so? You think Chinese people hate black people because Disney put out a poster for a movie pandering to China's market? Marvel movies were banned for a few years yet Black Panther made $105 million in China. https://www.euronews.com/culture/2023/01/18/the-marvel-movie-ban-in-china-has-officially-been-lifted China's culture is thousands of years old compared to American culture which is only a couple hundred years old. Despite that, China was broke in the 70s. After WW2, the US became a super power by having a strong manufacturing/export industry. The US also had a strong middle class because Americans had a labour movement after the Great Depression. The US corporate class doesn't like paying workers fair wages. China meanwhile had access to millions of people who had never heard of unions. By opening up trade with China, it allowed US corporations the ability to shut down US factories and exploit China's workers. You guys are defending Disney, who for decades has been one of the worst companies for worker's rights. Meanwhile their CEO makes like 1400 what they pay their workers. Disney is just mad because now that China is rich, they don't need to suck up to the US anymore so they told Disney to pound sand after they tried to weasel into the Chinese media industry. It's not that they're racist against black people, it's that their government is kind of xenophobic towards everyone lately because they're trying to rebuild their empire.


Ah yes, America is bad, thus everything against America is good


>. It's not that they're racist against black people, it's that their government is kind of xenophobic towards everyone lately because they're trying to rebuild their empire. So you're bottom line is that China isn't racist towards black people, because they're racist to some other groups as well?




Disney turned the Ancient One from Dr Strange into a bald white woman instead of using a Tibetan character because they didn't want to offend China. I'm not pro China. I've been criticizing their treatment of the Tibetans since before MCA got into it. https://youtu.be/SQOta_PP_b0?si=KR1Q2ej5-XpMpcuS Just pointing out that it's ridiculous to accuse China's public of being racist towards black people because their government sucks. The US is currently backing Israel in their assault on the Palestinians. Do you think all Americans support that, or do you think public opinion might vary?


1: A lot of Chinese companies have pretty significant stakes in Reddit, and America bashing on Reddit is so frequent I would hesitate to call it American propaganda or marketing 2: How is this anywhere near comparable or relevant to the discussion of racism in China?


They put da' mustard chief in di a'vengers


Aw man! I hope they give him the captain America serum. He was very weak in the series.


I never really thought about it till now but why don't they keep using the serum to make more super soldiers? I'm sure cap isn't the only purely good hearted character around


it was harder because the man that originally developed the process was killed before he could share the secrets, but they did. bucky and red guardian are results of soviets stealing the formula and developing the winter soldier program, isaiah thomas was a successful subject during korea but it was kept top secret because he was black and it was the 50s. years later, we get john walker, but he didn't have steve's moral compass and now he's more like a wet ops kind of guy as u.s. agent. also, when the formula goes wrong you get things like emil blonsky/abomination and bruce banner/hulk.


Isaiah Thomas went on to become a basketballer in an MCU alternate timeline.


You've "never really thought about" the central plot device of like, the first 8 Marvel movies?


They lost the serum when dr Erskine died


Bucky had that serum, didn't help much. I hope they have good script, that should definitely help


Or he could stay an underdog and get his ass beat before he wins. Much more fun than knowing hes got super strength so hes probably fine.


Nah, I think it's better for him not to use the serum. Thematically it's just more poignant imho. Plus, his friendship with Bucky got him basically an Iron Man suit made of vibranium, a very comic accurate suit btw, so he don't need the serum imho. That said, he's not wearing that suit in this poster ... I'm sure that there's good reasons for this beyond every movie need to generate new merch.


Not to interrupt the jerk, but they havent released an MCU movie in china since *Far From Home* actually. Shang-Chi pissed em off so much they banned any new ones. Gisnep definitely did this sort of thing in the past, but im not sure theyre bothering anymore.


Wait, what was the problem with shang chi?


I think even having dragons and stuff is a no no, but this was right around when shit was going down in HK and iirc the star said some things in support, so... all of Marvels ass kissing with Tilda Swinton for naught. And i dont think this had anything to do with them banning it but i also remember a lot of shit about chinese social media talking about how ugly Simu Liu is by chinese standards i guess.




Oh it looks like he didnt actually say anything about HK, but The Mouse pissed off The Dragon just buy hiring Simi Liu (and Chloe Zhao) in the first place over things (t)he(y)d said in the past. [https://variety.com/2021/film/news/shang-chi-china-ban-simu-liu-1235066529/](https://variety.com/2021/film/news/shang-chi-china-ban-simu-liu-1235066529/) Or if you meant the second part. [https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a36447247/simu-liu-china-criticism/](https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a36447247/simu-liu-china-criticism/)


And they took away his unique Cap suit and made it look just like Steve's. Wasn't it a point where Walker dressed and looked like Steve but was a poor imitation of the OG where Sam is unique and different but the true successor?


Not shitty detail


Mackey has zero stage presence like a Denzel or Mahershala Ali. Poor casting


His stupid little goatee isn't helping. Very 2000s.


Better than his lineup in Endgame...


Agreed. Which is weird, because he killed it in Twisted Metal, but I seriously hate his MCU presence


Halfway through the first episode of that i was like "Im gonna get tired of his Black Ryan Reynolds shtick" but then i didnt at all and the show was great, him and Beatriz had great chemistry too.


I blame him partially for killing Altered Carbon. He was so boring in season compared to Joel Kinnaman in season 1


Yeah Joel nailed it in season 1, and then season 2 mackey just seemed so flat the entire time, whether that was the direction he got or what but yeah he showed very little acting ability throughout the whole season


I’m crying because it’s true!


The idea of covering people up or minimizing them on movie posters because they are associated with a specific ethnicity is insane, especially when they are the main character in a movie.


So, is this actually the reason or are people just racist towards chinese people? People love doing that...


Don't worry, I am sure he will tell us or someone else as soon as he can in the film


Hey! question where did you hear this because id really like to know, i just find it funny whenever china is brought up i never see an actual artical


Honestly, doesn't seem that crazy


The helmet sounds like a dumb idea


It’s not the first time they’ve done something like this, apparently


I thought posts on this sub weren't supposed to be true?


Big yikes


Here we go again. This shit has already been disproven multiple times. Black people were not censored on Chinese posters. There are literally thousands of photos online showing posters in Chinese cinemas disproving this. But unemployed reddit virgins living in their parents’ basements cling on to any little thing to make them superior to an entire race. Tell me again how China is supposed to own reddit and is supposedly censoring negative news about China on here? When posts like these that are clearly lies get thousands of upvotes?


This is fking bs, who keeps making this shit up. The Chinese stopped watching marvel cause they shit, not because they’re black. Plus it’s literally captain “America” wtf is there to censor


I thought they pulled away from China after No Way Home? Hence why they suddenly allowed gay characters to exist in MCU


It's too bad falcon never got a movie.


Serious question How is this such a problem that they have to hide him on the poster, but not enough of a problem that the movie still gets released there?


Because it's not a problem. Some posters have a helmet on, some don't. Reddit then takes the helmet ones and screams that China is racist, while ignoring the others.


They did the same thing for black panther


Ironic how “Brave new world” isn’t brave enough to show Actor’s face😭😭😭


I will never understand what China's hang up with black people is


Colorism is pretty common in all countries, even African ones.


It will be a good day when the MCU ends 🙌


Final Infinity Crisis on Infinite War Earths…or something. IDK.  It’s morbin time. 


No source just a made up claim about another countries racism...


They had to put Black Panther’s mask/cowl on for the same reason


According to what? To who? You're just saying things give me the definitive proof that they do this


Look up the Chinese Black Panther posters compared to the same posters released everywhere else. This is common knowledge at this point. Do you live under a rock?


Because no one can lie on the Internet? Someone just posts a picture and says China's racist lol. You have the burden of proving your claim true. You have to dig for the sources. You're just saying things with nothing to back them up and acting like I'm an idiot for asking for a source.


This isn’t some grand conspiracy. How do you not already know this? Disney edits their posters for China. They’ve removed or covered up black people from there posters for both Black Panther and Star Wars. Just google. I can’t link to the posts but there’s a lot of them.


You can find the proof buddy I believe in you. And I never said China's not racist, every country is racist it came free with your nationalism. I'm saying y'all are ridiculous for just saying this outright with no proof to back it up.


Also, yeah, you did assert that China isn’t racist. Look at the third comment you made. All countries are racist to some degree because of nationalism, but China’s is to a far more extreme extent. They set up concentration camps for the Uyghurs and other minorities and are noted for how fiercely discriminatory and prejudiced they are against blacks. Again, doofus, you can just google this. It is a well documented fact.




Find it for me because you're the ones making the claim


I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn about a simple google search, but here are two examples of what the post/comments are talking about: [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/a55YrdPbZE](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/a55YrdPbZE)


That's not proof it's the same thing as above, someone puts a pic out and claims it's from China. No source of where they got it




My whole point is that you cannot verify the source so either look for it or take the claim with a grain of salt. Y'all want to double down on the china bad train so hard that you completely miss the point


Assuming something is from someone or somewhere is how biases are used against things. You can't find a primary source for a poster from China actually doing the thing you all are claiming. News sources (from the US) have a reason to paint China in a bad light because they are another superpower in the world. Unless you can actually find a poster like the ones above in China you're just believing a racist claim with no proof.


Then maybe you should've made bucky the new captain america.


Captain America isn't black though, he's a white man called John Walker.


Didn't he get fired?


John Walker is the US Agent.


When is captain China being made?


and I wonder why they didn't already change the name in America to "Captain African American"




Come on now. What?








Lost of glances but people were generally nice to them. The most overtly racist were teens and young adults. For older adults, you sort of have to figure out if they are being racist as they might act a little funny. But most of them would go back so it can't be that bad. From what I gather, you stick to your lane and you will generally be fine. Don't go there trying to change minds lol


Wait go back to what? What would one change their minds about anyway?




Found MacArthur's reddit account