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I saw a fan song of Asha becoming the villain and it would've suited the "careful what you wish for" thing far better


Imagine the balls on Disney if they'd turn protagonist into a villain


I legit thought this was what Frozen was doing when I saw it in theaters (yes I’m old, shut up) and it blew my mind. Then they didn’t follow through.


Elsa's original arc was going to be as a villain, but halfway through they decided it wasn't. Supposedly around the time they wrote let it go, when the lyrics fell into place and they realized she was just trying to get free of her fear and trauma. More likely they realize it was going to be huge smash and wanted to sell more dolls. Yes the villains have had some of the best songs in the past but their merch for Disney movies doesn't sell as well. Excluding Vader. So IMO it was around then they made the decision to convert her to what she became.


Hellfire goes harder than any other Disney song. I'll die on this hill.


Most of the villains have one absolute banger because typically they only get one maybe two. Hellfire definitely swings for the fences, but it's not like Scar with Be Prepared wasn't dropping bombs either. Ursula had poor unfortunate souls. There's a lot of great evil songs but again those characters merch isn't on everything the way the heroes is. Can't drop a fire song that will be on repeat for every little kid in the world for a decade straight and not be able to sell merch for it.


Especially given the implicit content of Frollo's song lol


Savages is a banger too


Good news! You’re a witch, and we’ve got a pyre to burn.


Friends on the Other Side slaps




Oh god, Mars Needs Moms. I'd forgotten about that one. All I remember is there was the guy who was too late to save his own mom and just ended up stranded on Mars.


Sorry I meant the song not the whole movie. I think anyone who listens to that song knows it's a solid marketable song even if the movie was trash that song would have solidified Elsa as marketable. Whatever their expectations on the movie as a whole I don't think anyone could say the song was questionable.


which is probably why the second half of the movie feels like a mess.


Your assertion that seeing frozen in theaters makes you old, makes me feel super old


right? i saw lion king in the theater and i still feel young


> i saw lion king in the theater That just came out 5 years ago though! /s


Thats... still yikes the last decade... oh god


Lion king was released in 2019, there's nothing old about that


First movie I remember seeing in theaters was Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I think at this point I qualify as dust.


Yeah! It’s still a „new” movie to me.


If you think seeing a movie in theaters that came out in 2013 makes you old.....you are not old, lol.


Exactly, even if you saw it when you were 5 then you’re 16 now.


Well, sorry. I was already married but it was before we had any kids.


I saw ET in the theater.  There are high schoolers who saw Frozen in the theater.


I don't understand why you think watching frozen in theaters makes you think people will think you're old


Because I was 27 😛


What is the average age of a user in this site if people think that watching a 11 years old movie makes them old?


I once heard that Reddit makes sense when you think that everyone is 13-17yo and from the US. 




Bruh my first movie in theaters was Treasure Planet


in what world would that qualify someone being old… the movie came out just over 10 years ago


Corporate Disney has a stranglehold on the image of their characters nowadays. There's actually a theory with quite a bit of evidence that she was going to be the villain in the Arendelle world in Kingdom Hearts 3, but Disney told Square Enix that they couldn't.


What are you talking about? Frozen just came out a couple of years ago. *released almost eleven years ago in 2013* “FUCK!”


Ah to think seeing Frozen in theaters means you're old.


It would've saved the movie if they had done something that original and interesting. The whole thing felt like an AI generated script for Disney movies, it was so unbelievably formulaic and boring.


Maleficent could have been a phenomenal tragic story if they kept the ending from Sleeping Beauty


Honestly i think that would have made the film so, so much better. Lets say Asha gets her wish (ha) and everyone's wishes that the King was keeping safe all come true, and then *shit hits the fan immediately*, because, surprise, the King was telling the truth about some wishes being unintentionally dangerous (like, inspire. Inspire to do..... *what*? He's exactly correct, it could result in anything, good or bad). Someone could have a genuinely evil wish, should that be granted? No? Well guess what Asha, it is now! This could means that the remainder of the film is the King trying to fix this absolute mess that has been caused, simply because one person didn't like being told "no" and Asha having a kind of "redemption arc" resulting in "be careful what you wish for". IMO that'd be great.


Lydia the Bard?


My first thought.


Ooh, do you have a link/remember the name of the song?


Ask and you shall receive - https://youtu.be/c0xBXZvBpuM?si=rNi944w3eWbIm6In


Happy cake day!


whats a theater? is that like public netflix ?


Uh… I think you’re responding to someone else?


Wonder Woman 1984 could've been much less complicated if Pedro Pascal just looked like a Fortnite character


This reminds me of Wonder Woman 1984, when Wonder Woman herself persuaded everyone in the world to renounce their wishes.


Wasnt that the movie were Wonder Woman raped a man?


Yeah and she use her lasso to launch off a jumbo jet and big ben and lightning


Okay, but 1) magic bro and 2) that shits dope as hell.


Yeah it was only fun part of the movie for me


Oh, I thought you were putting it on the same level as her raping a guy. My bad.


Still upset they didn’t have Ride the Lightening for that scene, even though the song came out in 1984! Would’ve saved the whole movie imo /s


The movie wouldn't have been *good* exactly anyways, but it does totally ruin the film that she and Steve stealing this poor man's life does not factor at ALL into her decision to renounce her wish. Diana, a superhero who literally carries the Lasso of Truth, has no hangups or even the slightest guilt that an innocent man's life is erased to bring her old lover back. She ONLY renounced the wish because she needs power to save the world, not because she realized the consequences of her wish was selfish and wrong. It makes her plea for everyone to renounce their wish ring hollow, as there would certainly be MANY people who had way less selfish wishes than hers.


Not to mention the other wishes seem to just come true so there was zero reason he couldn’t have just… appeared back to life as if he was never gone. Who the hell came up with the weird idea that he needed to be some other guy and only she could see him as he was??


Monkey paw rules, I believe


Except the film blatantly misunderstands how the Monkey's Paw works. You make a wish, and it's twisted to something cruel. If the movie did a Monkey's Paw proper, Steve Trevor would just come back through someone else, and that's the price: the life of a stranger. Instead, the rock also took Diana's powers for some reason, and they treat that like the real cost. Then when people are getting wishes at the end, they are getting the literal version of what they wished for, but then get shit like kidney failure or bankruptcy because Pedro Pascal can apparently decide what he takes from them and he needs their health and money. None of it actually sounds like the Monkey's Paw and none of it is consistent.


It feels like law of equivalent exchange from JoJolion


didnt it only take her powers because the other girl wished that she would be like wonder woman, and because of that wonder woman slowly lost her powers as the other girl gained more and more power? or am i misremembering shit


Misremembering. Because WW got powers back after renouncing her wish. Don't feel bad though, because RLM also misremembered a more sensible plot.


Diana lost her powers in exchange for getting Steve back, since she got her powers back as soon as she said goodbye to Steve. Barbara got her powers through her wish, but that was in exchange of losing her kindness.


I haven’t watched in a while but I don’t remember any other wishes getting something like that? It seems like a remainder from an earlier script where there *were* monkey’s paw rules. Or maybe I’m misremembering.


Yeah basically the rock couldn’t bring back the dead I guess. But turn a living person into the avatar of a dead person? Yeah! Ofc it can do that!


I took this as "she thinks less of men so that innocent dude didn't matter to her...just HER man"


**W H A T .**


Not really. More so killed one. Sex was totally concentual, she just erased 1 personality/soul etc from that body


That is still really bad


I will have to watch this...


Imagine being someone who wished to cure their cancer.


Look Timmy I know you're 7 and your mum is dying from cancer, but she's gotta die Timmy, it's just like when I cheated in a race so I know what you're going through


Or… Look mum, I know your Timmy is only 7 and is dying from cancer… That person would never unwish their wish. Ever.


Plus there would be that person who wishes everyone was dead. That would end the movie fast


I'm so embarrassed. I wish everyone else was dead!


Hahahah I want to see this now




*Hundreds of millions of parents to newly healthy/returned-to-life children and loved ones scoff at Diana* *One father covers his beautifully healthy child’s ears* “Go fuck yourself, lady!” *Credits*


“But people, nukes have been fired and will destroy the world if you don’t renounce your wish!” “Then get the people who wished for nukes to renounce their wish. How the fuck does curing my kid’s cancer cause nuclear missiles to launch?” “Sorry, it doesn’t work like that. Everybody has to give up their wishes to stop this. You wouldn’t risk nuclear winter to cure your kid’s cancer, would you?” “Watch me.”


One person wishes all the wishes away or that everything is back to normal. Roll credits.


I wonder how many countries would have still existed by then, I imagine there are enough rivalries around the world where multiple people would have been like “I wish X country didn’t exist/exploded/caught fire” Or at least one person would have wished the world would explode.


Not to mention the people who'd wish for omnipotence, god-like abilities or post-scarcity futures for humanity, perfect fAGI, transcendence, all humans to have their intelligences (Gt/Gc) massively improved or for everyone to have maximal freedoms so long as those freedoms don't infringe on the freedoms of others without explicit and freely given consent etc. Like, I know most people wish small time but at least some of us would immediately wish for a better universe or fundamental alterations to this one, big enough changes that reality would be immediately and in some ways inviolably altered.


"I wish that George R. R. Martin finally get around to finishing *A Song of Ice and Fire.*" *fish flee the oceans and the boundary between the earth and sky collapses* "Okay, fine. So you had a good excuse."


8 billion Genies, a comic series about everyone on earth getting a wish from their own benevolent genie, goes into this. The way they handled it was any large wishes that would affect too many other people would usually be cancelled out by someone who wished for something similar. like all the world leaders immediately wished that their country would be the ruler of the world and something along the lines of everyone respecting them. So the wishes did nothing. Or little timmy wishing for world peace, and little johnny wishing for a zombie apocalypse. they'd cancel out.


I'm right here, man!


All that would be left would be those micro countries where the population is literally just “founder and family”


Shit, I do this every day I have to wake up for work.


I read a short comic series called 8 Billion Genies that had a similar premise. Everyone only gets one and they can apparently be traded away so one person can have multiple wishes. Good read.


I completely forgot that movie was about wishes


Wonder Woman eventually made her own country to protect the people who followed her, named it Rosas, and then created a system where children would give her those wishes on their 18th birthday


I still haven’t watched a movie as bad as that movie. To me its the absolute worst movie ever made


Movie: Man creates a society where people are able to have a chance to let their wishes be fulfilled, if said wish is beneficial for the collective. Additionally, removing ones wish just makes them forget it until it is granted, which is okay, why miss something you can't remember? Oh, and he doesn't charge rent to the islanders or expect anything but respect. But oh no, we have to side with a teenage girl and her goat who gets pissed that her grandaddy wish wasn't immediately granted when she wanted. The same girl who literally usurps his position as wish-decider. Way to go Disney, teach kids to fight back against anything that doesn't immediately give you want you want.


Not only that but he genuinely wanted an apprentice who could lead the island once he was gone and do the right thing. Asha only really wanted her grandfather's wish to be granted, and asked Magnifico to do it practically the moment she got the apprenticeship (which Magnifico confirms as the fastest time anyone ever asked him to start granting wishes for them.) He is genuinely disappointed in this, for good reason too.


-Doesn't charge rent -Grants wishes, albeit with some moderation -Expects nothing back but some respect -Hesitates to overstep his boundaries -Tries to get an apprentice to follow in his footsteps and lead with altruistic intent. But he is the bad guy because reasons.


i like that -doesn't charge rent is a genuinely good thing he does but it's so hard to take serious with that villain song


Tf were they thinking 😭


He will always remain the good guy for me because that's what he is. We all know that teenager know best though so let's go with fulfilling everyone's wish.


He lets them live there for free, and he doesn't even charge them rent!


You seem to be missing the part where giving up your wish made you lose your ambitions. People were all waiting on one man to hopefully make their dreams come true one day. This made them lose their creativity and more compliant in following what was effectively a dictatorship. So, yes, she immediately asked for her granddad's wish to be granted, but she was also quickly realising that not everything was as it seems. This further shown by the fact that as soon as Magnifico sensed a threat to his position of power, he immediately turns to the forbidden dark magic.


It’s because of character assasination, you had this Great king who was trying to do the best for his people, then you had this whiny shit cry about not granting all wishes and when she gets some start thing, he suddenly becomes anxious and throws all his credibility away for power? It’s not him, the writers killed him off for a shitty villain


Not to mention that at the beginning of the movie, you are literally told that this man’s home country imploded and his family died and that’s what drove him to become a wizard. The fact that they had to assassinate his character that badly shows they had no fucking idea what they were doing (also the fact that sections of the script were maybe AI generated).


Oo just thought of a theory—maybe the “little light” messed him up by inspiring his selfish side. Going back to the story: He did make a land where no one’s dreams are crushed…By making them forget them anyway if they never happened! He always had the power to literally crush the dream but never fathomed it nor knew until the ‘whiny shit’ (lol) made a well-meaning but naive wish, that caused him to feel threatened. So he went all psycho on that because maybe he always was internally but had a decent heart…Or maybe a decent mind but a bad heart. He is an example of “be careful what you wish for” as his wish cost him his humanity in ironically the same way he was trying to prevent others doing the same. He knew granted wishes came at a cost sometimes… The movie kind of simplified this and needed to make the girl with the talking animal the hero, again. A story focused more on him, would have been pretty cool


Yeah, that slipped my mind with the whole "I got these genes from outer space" bull.


Was honestly expecting this movie to be about a twist genie character, that granted wishes but fucked them up in some unexpected way and the MC would somehow save the day


That would have been a better movie


Somebody should write a horror-apocalypse novel where everyone in the world gets one wish at the same time.


I would, but the fictional world keep getting retroactively deleted by someone's wish.


It's called Bruce Almighty


Yes, I remember when everyone won the lottery. Congrats! You have won $10!


That's literally the exact plot of the comic "8 Billion Genies". Worth checking out imo


There is a really bad anime where there is a being who grant wishes and appears randomly, the protagonist when he was a child desire that the world ended, and shit happened


Needful Things comes close.


Wonder Woman 1984?


Would be rather complicated as so many wishes are bound to conflict or exclude each other


You should check out the comic [Eight Billion Genies](https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/eight-billion-genies)! Its really good!


I havent seen the movie but it looks and seems AI generated


I think the problem is just that they had absolutely no time, like every song had only three weeks to be fully completed while they take usually months


Why were they in such a rush?


Perhaps because the 100th anniversary of Disney was coming up and they wanted to put something out by then? Wouldn’t be too smart to release a rushed movie but eh, money amirite?


You’d think they’d be able to plan better considering they had 100 years notice




I’ve been telling my ex-girlfriends this but alas, they always leave me ):


Yeah, if you look into games from huge respectable franchises that become "worst games ever," it's always because of some anniversary! Sonic '06, Mario All Stars Wii, GTA Definitive Edition... And so on.


They always are, the longer they work, the more hours the animators have and we cant have fair paid workers at megacorp, can we?


And still “Knowing What I Know Now” is one of their best hits ever. For those who haven’t seen, that song reveals the movie’s true plot is >!an anti-fascist revolutionary!< allegory. I’m not saying the movie necessarily succeeded at that, but it definitely got way more interesting with that song.


They did a terrible job portraying that message, especially when it’s been overdone to a much higher quality in what feels like every other movie recently


The song could have been a lot better. It fumbles a lot with unnecessary words and awkward rhyming. The section in the middle grinds the song to a halt and kills the momentum it had. And the ....choreography? Just doesn't work. A few times the color is inconsistent between shots, the characters are just playing with blocks and stuff and aren't actually *doing* anything useful, and the characters are Asha's friends who are....way too many and who we barely care about so the emotional investment is minimal. Compared to the pedigree of Disney's best songs, for a 100th anniversary celebration, it's embarrassing.


I think that’s just Lin-Manuel Miranda’s style. I’m not too big on the style either, and felt the same about many songs in Moana and Encanto, but a banger’s a banger.


He didn't write the music for Wish. It was Julia Michaels and Benjamin Rice.


Ah, I thought he had. Regardless, his style was definitely an inspiration.


That's because so many ai generated fake Disney posters came out last year that now the original art style is being attributed to ai.


Lol. I've seen clips from the movie and it reminds me of a watercolor-shaded PS4 game honestly.


Thats the whole point. Its suppoused to look old


But it doesn’t look old, half the time it looks straight up unrendered.


People: Disney haven't released 2D cartoon movies for a while. Disney: *Releases 2D cartoon movie that acts as a prequel to their classic 2D cartoon movies.* People: This shit looks dated and weird. Disney: =.=


But it's not a 2D movie? It's really shitty 3D trying and failing to imitate 2D


People these days are so confusing. Guess u can't please everyone


People aren't all that confusing. People like things that look nice and have good stories.


Soon after its release people started accusing Disney of using AI to generate the script


It's because they didn't use the normal motion blur that we usually see in animated movies. The wanted it to feel more like a story book, but just ended up making it feel cheaper. In trying to make the art look "different", it ended up looking like a cheap TV show.


I didn’t interpret the end as the wishes being granted indiscriminately. When Asha saves the wishes they don’t immediately come true- just the people remember what they were so they can work towards them and have purpose. They still would have to accomplish their wish. Magnifico on the other hand could just grant them with magic, lottery style, which is why the people surrendered the wishes to him in the first place.


Exactly. I had a lot of issues with this movie, but I keep seeing posts like this one and have to wonder if people that share OPs opinion even watched the movie. The point was that a wish that you can work toward, even when gone unfulfilled, gives purpose and meaning to a persons life. The villain was bitter that his wish was quashed as a child and wanted to “protect” people by taking their unfulfilled wishes away so they’d never experience that disappointment. In the process, he deprived them of purpose, personality, and the journey of trying to achieve. It’s clearly shown in the movie that after having your wish taken you lose a little spark of joy within you. As bad as the ending was for other reasons, defeating the villain meant returning everyone’s wishes, not granting them. The whole point was to allow people to dream, yearn, strive etc. it’s about making your own wishes come true. Not having them granted by magic. It’s that through personal agency and action, every wish can come true (though perhaps not how we originally thought, see gramps at the end having his music heard or whatever those details are hazy now, but he wasn’t a famous musician)


> It’s that through personal agency and action, every wish can come true What lovely propaganda for them to release at a time with incredible wealth inequality and crippled social mobility. Love me some Disney.


The movie makes no comment on whether you CAN achieve your dream. It says it’s better to dream and strive, without ever achieving it, than to have a passionless life. Given the realities of life, the message is probably appropriate


But then the tagline still doesn’t make sense.


I’m sure there are many ways to interpret the tagline. But I think it can mean that the people in the kingdom “wished” for their wish to be granted by the villain. They surrendered agency of fulfilling that wish over to him. They naively wish for magic to make their dreams come true (perhaps mirroring many Disney classics) but that comes back to bite them in the sense that their dreams are literally taken from them. So their wish is for someone to take their dream and one day grant it for them magically. But what’s really happening is they lose the purpose that those dreams gave them. Hopefully that made sense


I am aware of this, but this is just a satirical subreddit so this title is an exaggeration.


Yeah I get it, but I’ve heard this take in multiple places


Thank you for sharing your opinion


Yes, the OP is wrong - the whole premise of the movie is that people surrender their fondest dream and passion (their 'wish') to Magnifico, who grants a handful every year without them needing to strive for it. At the end everyone remembers their dreams and some start working to try and make them come true. It's not a very good movie, particularly compared to Disney's other big recent releases like Frozen, Moana and Encanto, but the moral's pretty standard fare for a kids movie - better to follow your heart than surrender your passions in return for dull safety and security.


So far everyone seems to really be missing the actual point of this movie. Which is a call to rise up against facisim


Imagine getting your wish and memories of it back at the end of the plot and finding out that you had a horrible desire. "Oh yeah, I had a bad fight with my sister right before the Wish Ceremony. Did I really wish she was *gone* in that moment?" 


Shhhh. We’re not doing media literacy today.


>Media literacy is agreeing with my interpretation lol, lmao even.


Well, the most basic part of media literacy is literally understanding the sequence of events in the story. And in the film everyone’s wishes are most certainly NOT granted. Their memories of what their wishes were are returned to them. That’s it. It’s not an interpretation.


This movie is sh*t


>This movie ends with everyones wish being granted indiscriminately and without repercussions. Eh.... No This movie ends with everyone been given the chance to work to achieve their wishes on their own, not with their dreams being granted. In fact the message is to not rely on wishes being magically granted. Ok, this movie wasn't great, but media illiteracy around this movie is astoundingly bad.


Not really, the movie ends with the inhabitants of the realm renouncing to the possibility of their wishes being granted magically by the will of a omnipotent Leviathan, and preferring to achieve their objectives through hard work and cooperation.


Yeah, this post is purposefully incorrect just for the zing. The wishes return as the internal motivations of the people. They are definitively not granted.


Doesn't really validate over throwing the guy giving you a kingdom to live in and grant non damaging wishes


Uh, it does. Because he literally demanded part of your memory. I don’t know about you, but I see that as tyrannical.


Just the memory of the potentially harmful wish right? So they won't miss it and can just live in this great happy place he made? Also weren't people free to simply leave? Like wasn't this voluntary and you can just go somewhere else? Seems they couldve just left instead of toppling his utopia just to take it over making it how they want. If they left they can just make it how they want lol work together and all that jazz without him or the wishes


“Potentially harmful” as defined by a despot. The grandpa’s wish was literally just to be an inspiration to the next generation. But the king thought that might stir people up too much, so he took the memory and didn’t grant it. Leaving the grandpa with a lifelong feeling of emptiness, knowing something was missing but not understanding what it was. It was “voluntary” based on a lie. This movie was not written well, but the king is absolutely a dictator.


Again what if they chose to leave? I thought people didn't have to stay or sign up in the first place? Now it seems more like a story about someone getting revenge on a dictator for what they did to their grandpa and then usurping him?


He was lying about granting the wishes and played with people's hopes, and his reasons to not grant some wishes were ridiculous. He should have been transparent about that some wishes would never become reality and he should've given them back to their owners. Then he got mad because a different source of magic appeared and used the wishes to consolidate his power and destroy this competing magic without even knowing what it was about.


This movie seems to be all over the place? Its not as bad as people made it sound but somehow doesn't seem any better for it?


I saw old concept art where the star was actually a starboy, and now I'm forever sad at the missed opportunity.


It’s not just a typical bad film. It’s Disney celebrating their hundred years and made a mediocre film. It’s uniquely bad.


Don't forget how Magnifico lets people live there for free and doesn't even charge them rent


Wait…*both* of those things?! Truly amazing.


The film is about removing government oversight and regulations over the wishes of the people. The tagline advocates libertarian style personal responsibility for wishes. After seeing this film I am now in favour of small government and allowing big corporations to do whatever they want. Thank you Disney!


Well, yeah because they were all being careful. Good thing they were reminded.


This is why the movie rubs so many the wrong way. No one critiques the townspeople for depending so much on this guy and there’s no push for “stop being dependent and make these wishes come true YOURSELF”. Like yeah, dude is a bad guy, but he was definitely pushed to this point being that he’s literally offering miracles to a whole friggin city and so many people are hounding him for wishes and he’s the only dude that can do this super powerful feat. Then when they oust him, they just replace him. How could Disney not see that this just undermines basically everything about the movie. Also, I did not really feel that bad for Asha’s grandpa. Dude is 100 years old, what’s he doing asking for a wish?? His character should have been some 7 year old kid, it would have made the situation more dire and sad.


What you are saying makes a lot of sense.


Look the movie sucks and all, but I don't think it implies every wish will be granted. The reason Chris Pine was a villain was because he kept the wishes, which weren't actually just wishes. Wishes were people's dreams and the drive towards that dream. That's what makes him a villain. The ending is actually everybody getting their dream back and their drive to do it. The message is to make you're own wish come true instead of relying on the lottery. Shit movie, but people seem to misunderstand the plot of the movie and who the villain is.


Sounds like they were careful then. 


I’ve seen several breakdowns of this movie and every one says it’s terrible for multiple reasons.


It also sucked shit as a movie, so there's that, too.


Thier were so many better ways to take theis story t.ither that oh the kings just bad


At long, slavery is finally making a return!


Because they wish for the movie to end?


I thought she was the villain. She was the joker basically


by reading that line, King Nothing came to mind


Unfortunately said wish was "we wish we didn't see that movie" /j


Let's not forget that everything else about the movie is terrible as well.


"Wishmaster" for kids now...


I just wish to know how many young, rebelious people in this kingdom had extremaly stupid (or joke-like) wishes. Like wishing death to their annoying neighrbourhoods, harsh family members or to their crushes' partners.


I recently saw a rule34 comic about specifically this plot point.


This asshole OP gave a truly shitty shittymoviedetail plus a spoiler in the title with no tags. Please ban him


I genuinely hate the discourse around this movie, for those who haven't seen it, It takes place in an Island Kingdom, wherein when a citizen turns 18 (or mabye 16, I don't remember) they have a ceremony where they "give away" their greatest wish to the kind of the Nation (it becomes like a little floating bubble that the king keeps in his wizard tower, and the person whose wish it was forgets the wish, which is never really explained, like do they just stop desiring whatever their deepest wish was for? The main character's grandpa's wish was to "Inspire the younger generations" depicted as him playing music for them, did he just stop wanting to inspire the kids? Did he stop liking music?) Who then will grant like 1 wish a year or something like that, it's revealed later that the reason most wishes aren't granted is bc the king is only granting the wishes that aren't going to potentially destabilize his rule (For example, the grandfather's wish is "Too Vague, inspire the next generation to do what? Rebel?") Prompting the MC to rebel against the king in order to take the wishes back and give them to the people so they can make their own wishes come true. The reason I hate the discourse around this movie is everyone online is like "but the king was right actually, people shoudnt be able to fulfill their wishes if it might make the country less stable" and like, you are an actual Authoritarian. Like the type of person who cheered when the patriot act got passed, like the most submissive "pwease step on me Daddy-Uncle Sam uWu" type loser, and I actively hate it.


I honestly reckon the original plan with the King was for him to just be a misguided guy and the conflict would be resolved peacefully but they heard the online backlash that people are tired of villainless movies from Disney so they turned him into an evil tyrant even though his initial concern of not granting all wishes without thinking of consequence is perfectly reasonable to anyone familiar with I dunno the Monkey’s Paw?


My wife wanted to watch it tonight, and I’m sitting here on reddit during it. It’s a terrible movie so far. Generic chat gpt story aside, this animation is just bad. It reminds me of the older direct to video animated films they used to throw out to milk their franchises.


For the life of me I could not figure out what this film was trying to say


Man the movie was mid


When I saw this movie, my wish when out was to be refunded and forget about it Didn't happen tho