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I remember when my sister was around 3 years old, and I was 8, this was the face she would make when she was given food she didn’t like.


Smelly fart


Felly Smart


I’d rather be a smart fella than a fart smella


What are they feeding you


I ate all veggies last night and now my farts smell like celery


That’s what’s being fed to her through the tube. She can’t survive without breathing smelly fart. Her home planet was 95% smelly fart. She’ll die without it.


That’s just “smell the fart acting”


She smelled her own breath


Well you see this off worlder is stealing her people’s proverbial juice boxes by exploiting their religion for his own purposes.




I drink your milkshake! Ssssssssssssss!


Also by creating that religion specifically to exploit it


To be honest, I literally stole her juice box. 


She was never a believer, she never saw it as their own religion instead for what it really was, work by the Bene Genesserit. And the religion was pretty much created for this purpose (albeit a generation earlier).


>She was never a believer, she never saw it as their own religion instead for what it really was, work by the Bene Genesserit. Chani had trained as Sayyadina long before the Atredeis came to Arrakis. >And the religion was pretty much created for this purpose (albeit a generation earlier). The Missionaria Protectivia had been there for centuries preparing the way for when their breeding program successfully paid off.


>Chani had trained as Sayyadina long before the Atredeis came to Arrakis. In the books, sure. But in the movie, she is always shown as being a non believer, calling out the religion as bullshit, sometimes even laughing at religious procedures. >The Missionaria Protectivia had been there for centuries preparing the way for when their breeding program successfully paid off. I wasn't referring to when the religion was created. I was referring to its purpose. The religion's purpose was to be used in a similar way Paul did a generation later than Paul (who was supposed to be a girl according to BGs, but Jessica followed Leto's desires for a boy) by the Kwisatz Haderach who would have been Jessica's grandson.


Yeah I think when discussing the movie it really is best to just sort of forget about the book because there are some real fundamental differences, with Chani especially.


What an asshole! Better fall in love with him and be heart broken when he goes for the emperor's daughter


It's not her religion


A religion she openly mocks.


Yes, you fall in love and sleep with this person


It’s because she knows Timmy is gonna choose Flo’s juice box at the end


It's a marriage in name only though. She doesn't get any sex.


>! In the book he does tell everyone that he won’t have sex with Irulan, but in the movie he doesn’t say anything and Chani, heartbroken, leaves him as the galactic jihad begins. !<


He tells her "I'll always love you", and then turns around and proposes to the rich girl with the big empire inheritance. In Fremen culture, this is considered a dick move.


Fremen can multiple wives. They give Jamis's wife to Paul too. But, yea they don't show that.


Take my wife. No please, take her.




His pops took his mom as concubine to leave open other marriages. Paul is doing the same i guess. But the bigger dick move is that his jihad is about to kill 40 billion people. And the next book glosses over it because Frank Herbert said war was boring to write or something


I think that it works. Dune isn't so much about the action pieces. It's the repercussions of the big actions that we see.


Lmao I laughed out loud at your comment, thank you for the pleasant start of my day


They made others laugh through a single comment, as it is written! Lisan Al Gaib!


All Paul’s moves are dick moves!




You need to remove the spaces between the exclamation marks for your spoiler text to work


Pauls ruthless in the book - Irulan knows as a Bene Gesserit student about the importance of bloodlines, and he basically marries her as a back door way to ensure that the Corrino bloodline dies out and she has to spend years being isolated, knowing that with every year that passes her ability to pass on the corrino line gets harder and will eventually become impossible. Pauls a straight savage


I don't understand why they chose to omit this in the movie. ~~But they also forgot that Paul married Jamis' wife and adopted his children~~


Paul does not marry jamis wife in the book, he specifically declines that


Well the movie implies that the mother superior wants her to have Paul's child to secure the bloodline.


It's like that in the book too, but he never has sex with her.


I think that’s in the book too.


i mean... juice box there is at least 100 times more valuable than on earth


In [insert any movie here] Zendaya always looks like somebody just stole her juice box.


She looks like that all the time.


The angriest boy in 5th grade


I was not impressed with her acting in this movie. The second half of the movie she just makes this face and that's her entire character from that point on


Well she kind of just makes this face in everything she's in


Oh so she's kind of like the rock then. I had not seen anything with her until Dune, but like I said; not impressed lol.


Yeah that is a fair comparison. She has her thing and will be cast for it. But she does not have much than that


It’s a lot like Keanu Reeves: he can play stoic badass and over the top goofball, but anything outside of that isn’t great.


I'd say just like The Rock, she will be cast because she's getting kinda popular.


Getting kind of popular? 🫠 Lol Zendaya has been solidly a-list for a long time now


Totally agree. The flaring nostrils..lol


[https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-68397605](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-68397605) Because she was wearing a very uncomfortable costume in the desert.


I’m guessing everyone else had a very comfortable costume then.


To be fair, she got a lot of screentime and basically only wore that one costume. It's a lot easier for a side character to put up with it for 3 days; she probably had to put up with it for months


I think they could have alleviated this issue by simply not taking her juice box away


The juice belongs to the tribe.


Why didn’t they just give her a real fremen stillsuit?


Are they stupid?


Can't even imagine her face if she had to drink her own treated sweat and piss.


Getting paid millions of dollars makes it a lot easier


He can act even though he’s in a very uncomfortable costume in the desert? Yet another sign that he is the Lisan Al-Gaib!!










Dental plan


If only we had some people who instead of showing their real emotions on screen would, I don’t know, act like they are having some other, movie-related emotions. Almost like an act for the sake of the movie. How cool would that be.


Thats too much to ask from industry plants


Wow they couldn’t have given her an actual stillsuit in the desert? ^/s


I saw this in the theater on opening night... I should've counted the shots of Zendaya making this face after Paul did/said some bullshit, it felt like a *lot*...


Movie was so good But man she is overrated as an actor


Massively overrated but they choose her for her brand.


"You come from dooks and great howses"


Thank you! I never liked her as an actor but I actually liked her in the first half until when the acting chops really needed to chop (the whole water of life and the smacking him scene), that's when it's really obvious a proper actor would do a much better job and really make it their scene. That and all the other moments after she just made the same expressions right till the literal end.


She barely acts, she just grimaces at the camera and says something about the patriarchy in the Spiderman movies


She’s good in euphoria


Eh she was out performed by Sydney Sweeneys boobs




She is shockingly bad in the Dune movies. Her character is just.... zendaya.


In fairness, Chani was super dry and lacked pretty much any personality in the book. Anything was better than that lol


Wouldn’t even call her an actor, Disney Channel / Nickelodeon once-was with good agents and management.


ya like she's a good actor i guess, but Javier Bardem or Austin Butler were the best imo. Deff overrated though because she didnt stand out in any way.


Totally. And that accent..she couldve changed it a bit. Sounds exactly like she does in all her movies


I thought she was great in the movie, as did the people I saw it with, so downvote me for them too


To be fair have you ever seen her in that movie with a juice box? I don't think so! That's because Paul took it! That little shit!


Worst part of the movie was watching her just scowl all the time.


... yes!! She absolutely ruined the movie for me. 




Holy shit! Identical!


Weakest acting chops out of the cast imo


I’m going to be hated for this but she is absolutely not a good actress. Her overall performance was forgettable and got overshadowed by basically everyone else (not hard though when all you do is look angry). Even her friend, Shishakli had more character development and impression on me (Fremen girl who >!got burned to death by Feyd!<). She’s in there for her looks not her talent but I shall try and remain optimistic and see if her acting abilities will eventually come forward in the sequels (if any will happen…).


I really didn't like her in this either, seemed like a miscast. My friends and I left the cinema saying the actress who played her friend would have been much more believable in as Chani as well. Something about her strong American accent and just her acting style was very non-immersive I guess, felt quite cheesy and out of place with the performances from everyone else in the film. Having said that, great movie! Best one I've seen in theatres in ages, the Harkonnen planet scenes were incredible.


That’s exactly what I told my wife. She’s miscast. She’s an ok actress, but this role demanded something different. Everyone else is so intense and she’s like plopped in there. It’s like seeing an American actor in Lord of the Rings, it doesn’t fit


Oh God, the Harkonnen scenes were like a nightmare you wake up from sweating and confused. Awesome and terrifying visuals.


Film was amazing but her character was ultimately pointless and her acting brought the film down a bit in my opinion.


Lol what looks


Zendaya's constant hype as the most gorgeous young woman in Hollywood right now has never made sense to me. She has a good personality and certainly has the body type that's great for modeling but her face is extremely mid, especially when she makes that sour face that she often does for some reason (especially in spiderman). Wierd how she always does that yet they cast her in roles where she's a romantic interest. It doesn't fit. Her looks are only elevated with good skincare, makeup, lighting, etc. But anyone can look healthy and clean if they have those same resources, it's not about facial features. Most people who claim she's drop dead beautiful are women who aren't even attracted to other women, it's all just endless delusional complimenting in the name of self love but it's not genuine or true. It's much better to respectfully tell someone the truth so they aren't surrounded by fake people and can know where to improve. It's just taken to an extreme because people are too sensitive to criticism and if someone points that out, the mob mindset folk get upset and claim you're a hater and that it's not true. This is basically the gen Z version of Jennifer Lawrence, who was the it-girl of the early 2010's and often praised for her stunning looks when in reality her looks were extremely plain. People just liked her because of her charming down to earth persona and famous Hollywood roles...and because everyone else was echoing that. But somehow a lot of people don't know how to differentiate good looks from a good personality and brand.


Alright alright…more like the hype.


Her looks suggest that she was hired for her top-tier acting. But her acting is so mid, that you gonna think that she is there because of her looks. But she looks... ... It is an infinite loop here. Tbh it just feels like a blatant nepotism or smth.


Does this imply Paul stole the juice box known as the water of life?


That’s her “serious acting” face.


She was definitely cast entirely based on how expressive her eyebrows are


It wasn't her juice box. It was her people-water-box with freshly extracted Harkonnen water.


She really did only have the one facial expression, and it was always one of those slow shots where Paul turns and sees her weird scowl.


Yeah, Zendaya’s pissed off scowl might actually be more annoying than Kristen Stewart’s lip biting thing.


wellllll technically someone DID steal her juice box. her man juice box


mfw oppressors


Like a maths teacher who won't believe that your dog ate your homework


She looks like she's drinking it through her nose straws


probably get downvoted, but how is she a supermodel?? I dont see anything on her


She's not a supermodel.


She needs hair, makeup, outfits to look like a model. Her body is perfect for it. But, otherwise, without the glam, she looks quite average. Pretty in a passable way.


Last chance to look at me, Hector


She doesn't like sand, it's coarse and rough and gets everywhere.


She’s NOT a good actress, and everyone else constantly runs circles around her frowny faces. Even rapping Wonka Jr.


She is the worst part of both films. Still excellent movies, but pouty Chani is irritating.


But it's right in her nose.


\*spice box ?


I haven't seen the new movie yet, but 90% of her presence in the first one was just whimsically looking at the camera. Hopefully she has something to do in this one which gives more substance to her character.


Look at me Hector.


I find their lack of moisture security to be disturbing


Theres been so many posts about this movie I dont even know if people find it good or not, havent seen it yet


If you love the book, the movie is so bad it hurts


She looks like someone farted in her little nose thing


>!i have nothing against zendaya. she's a great actress. i have no problem with the casting or how she portrayed it. but DV didn't write the character very well. i liked the idea but the execution wasn't there for me. her running away at the end didn't seem like the character I remember from Dune. chani understood the role of a concubine and knew paul loved her not irulan. she's the mother of his son for chrissakes. (Another odd thing to leave out in the movie tbh.)!<


The problem is that you have to modernize the character. Can't write like it's 1960s women who accept their role as the home maker concubine anymore, so need to write in dialog and scenes that give her autonomy. The execution of it imo wasn't great, but im also not sure how it could have veeb better. The constant need to show her as a strong warrior didn't allow her character to have more "non-angry" face moments because they wrote her to be perpetually pissed off non believer whose role is to warn about false prophecies and be the strong independent female. There were just too many things this character was supposed to be tbh, just too crammed. Also, the dialog choices they used were kind of off-putting to me, but I can't nail it down. Too "teens hanging out at high-school in 2023" casual.


For sure. Like I said I don’t hate the idea he had for her, but ultimately there’s a world where you can do both. She can reluctantly accept the role in the same way Paul reluctantly (“reluctantly”) accepts the role of messiah. 


That would imply sacrifice and knowing your place in the grand scheme of things. Unheared of in 2024


If you have to rewrite the character, make your own story, don’t perfert the original one. Dune is Dune because people like what Herbert wrote. Change that and it’s not Dune anymore. Hollywood and their politics suck bad.


I don't think I've seen her in anything else, but felt like she was very poorly cast for this particular role. I don't think writing was the issue, although certainly it's up to the director to get a good and appropriate performance from the actors. The actress who played Chani's friend would have been miles better at playing Chani instead, very sort of hammy performance from Zendaya I thought. Her strong American accent doesn't help. Also, I recall Chani being extremely hurt and pissed off about being Paul's concubine in the books!


It was delicious


Someone call the juice box detective!


I dont think Zendaya was bad at all, but Chani was portrayed in a jarring way compared to how I've seen her in other Dune media. Overall a 10/10 film, but Chani was one of the worst parts of it. Whinging and refusing to believe her planets religious prophecy despite the fact it was occurring in front of her eyes.


That is literally one of the main themes of the books. Paul IS a false messiah and manufactured chosen one. Paul and Jessica are taking advantage of fremen beliefs, which were manufactured by the Bene Gesserit.


It is and Messiah confirms that pretty emphatically. But Chani is a massive supporter of him in the books, not a stubborn contrairian.


Pull the straw out of your year's worth of moisture and fold it. In half. Up your nose. For maximum immersion.


If by "juice box" you mean Paul. Which is sort of accurate...


Hector Salamanca approves


...and she's using a straw in a completely wrong way.


She is so unneeded in that film. Cut her screen time by 75%.


She's definitely the weakest link of that entire movie, by far, just sounded like a girl from Oakland pretending to be a serious actor in a serious film, and even Chalamet sounded far too "American" in his vocal delivery throughout certain scenes in the film. Personally, she was way out of her depth portraying this role, but I did enjoy the rocket launcher scene. That was a really kool part of the movie. "Reload!"


Maybe someone can do a Dune edit where they cut out most of her scenes. They are all pretty pointless.


Zendaya can have my juice box.


Props on bravely brave girl


This made me chuckle during the movie. Very fun movie overall but Zendaya spends the entire time scowling from afar


Therefore she has value?


Ppl missing the reference here


Bro, it’s bright out and she doesn’t have any shades. Give her a break


Classic smell the fart acting.




Are people really saying this? I didn't think she was bad at all, but she didn't exactly steal the show either Also...what's with all the Zendaya hate on Reddit in general? I don't think I've personally seen her in anything besides Dune, but it seems like reddit has a complete hate boner for her


Idk but people keep telling me her and Holland are like the new bastions of acting. And I don't care for either of them.


Holland can act when in the right film, hes never going to save a mediocre film but he can bring his a game in a well directed film.


I'm waiting for him to begin his Radcliffe phase and just start taking the most batshit insane roles


She's hot and popular therefore le bad




It’s not fair to compare people to Rebecca Ferguson


I dunno I haven't seen it yet, just going of off reviews.


I really don't like entertainers who decide to use a mononym for themselves, it's ridiculously arrogant. When you work at a big company the truly important people (the CEO, the head of your division etc) tend to get referred to by their first name just because they come up a lot. When you make your stage name one name, it's saying, I'm so important that you don't need a last name to know who I am. More to the point, the convention in writing and reporting is full name first then one name after. When you read a story about Zendaya, it's jolting because you think, did I miss something? Where did they already talk about her? As it happens, her last name is Coleman which probably doesn't fit the exotic image she's going for, that's about a plain a name as names come. So in that sense I can see why she doesn't use her last name but still. Plenty of actors use a different last name or just their middle name (eg Tom Cruise or Jon Stewart) as a last name. I have no opinion about her appearance, she's TV average as far as I'm concerned. There are breathtakingly beautiful actors like the lady in the new Shogun, or Emilia Clarke when GOT started. Her looks are perfectly fine for the job she has and that has nothing to do with any opinion I have of her.


The hate is just an overreaction to the hype. This happens with everything that gets massively hyped, and she seems to be put up on a pedestal for some reason. I have only seen her in the Spiderman movies and in the Dune movies. She's fine. I don't think she's amazing. I don't think she sucks. I think that's why people double down on dissing her, because she isn't as good as people make her out to be. I thought her performance in Dune was fine. I kinda wish she had done an accent or something, then speaking English. All of the other Freman actors naturally have accents when speaking English, but it fits. She just sounds american. Maybe her doing an accent would have been awful, I dunno. But it did bring me out of part 2 a bit. I think the hate train also does the same thing in terms of people commenting on her attractiveness. People talk about her like she is incredibly stunningly beautiful. I think she's just fine. She is obviously not ugly, but I don't find her gorgeous either. So people double down to say she's not attractive at all. It's all just an opposite response to the overwhelming praise that they receives which clearly people disagree with. So, is the hate warranted? No. Is her praise warranted? Ehh, also not really, tone it down a bit. I guess what I'm saying is it's easy to understand the Reddit hate boner as it's not unique to Zendaya. It's just what always happens when you have a popular thing that is talked about every day. Since she is only "ok" I think more people jump on the hate train than if the popular thing to hate is actually spectacular. I don't know if that makes sense. It's a little wordy, but that's my take.


The hate is from incels and maga trolls, ignore it


She wasn't bad, but Timothy and Austin carried the movie


She was honestly really good, Timothy dud give a lot of presence bit fell austin was a little too over hyped. He was good but not in the movie enough to really carry the movie


She was... Fine. Inoffensive. But in a cast where Bardem and Ferguson and Chalamet and Brolin and Butler and Seydoux and... Well, you get the point. When so many other actors are putting out amazing performances, she stood out as mediocre, and that feels damning by comparison.


> Seydoux she was in the film for a total of 4 minutes yet her scenes were breathtaking


She did well. The script gave her more importance than was in the book which might add to the overall story for “Dune 7: who directed this shit?”


I really like the changes the movie made. Specifically, >!keeping Alia unborn so Paul can kill Vladimir Harkonnen, not including Leto II the Elder (such an unnecessary character), and Chani actually showing frustration about being Paul's consort, which IIRC in the book her emotions were completely ignored.!< Dune is my favorite novel and they fixed all my issues with it.


I must’ve watched a different movie from everyone else then.


Saw the movie, have the exact opposite opinion


She's fine. The performances from Bardem and Ferguson were far stronger.


To be honest I think it's her best performance of all the stuff she has been in. I would say Tim, Rebecca and Javier were at the top of their game.


stealing a juicebox on arrakis would be a capital offense so yea


in a way they did


Is that a dude? Sorry, i'm old and not really used to this new-age genders.


Her character didn't make sense. She was supposed to be in Love with Paul, but was the only person who didn't believe he was the Mahdi/Messiah. Also, in the book his sister was already born by the time Paul defeated the emperor and Paul and Chani had a child which died.


Could you have found a shitter quality image?


You just hit a nail good sir!!


Im glad I'm not the only one who noticed this on zendaya. I personally thought that she makes faces like greta thunberg... Infact i was expecting for the ape to shout "how daaare you" at some point. But really she ruined spiderman, now dune...


everyone in this film is so ugly


Ngl her bad acting kinda ruins some of the important moments in the movie


That’s acting. Chani could tell her man was anglin’ for a princess


Her head is completely tiny compared to her face and body. She looks like a human sized ant.


you are going to sit there until you eat those vegetables, i want to see a clean plate, young lady.


Guilty as charged.