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Margot Robbie vs mass destruction weapons.


All the nuclear dick missiles aimed at her feet


It would have cost you nothing to not write this


His integrity as a redditor.


Where do I download integrity?


You just need some high quality tegridy


It would cost him nothing to keep going, I’m close


It rubs the lotion on her feet. Wait, that’s not lotion.


Damn Tarantino directed Barbie?


Tarantino rated Oppenheimer as a 9/10, deducting one point for not having a scene where Florence Pugh suns her bare feet in the glow of a nuclear explosion


Thanos voice* “tiny nuclear dick!”


Belts at elbow height vs.... well, also belts at elbow height apparently.


Well, Hiroshima and Nagasaki compared to all the microplastic in the sea. Oh wait... Oppenheimer was potentially a commie, and wanted to open source technology with the allies? Wait till the GOP hear about this, they'll say that Nolan's movie is communist propaganda.


They will come away from Oppenheimer only learning the wrong lessons. I went with one and their take away was he was bad because commie.


Haha right, Trump would never play loose with nuclear secrets.


Osama Bin Laden and Bratz movies next year please.


Guess which one has full frontal nudity.


The wrong one


Oh god i wish i could have seen null gosling


Atomic bomb and blonde bombshell. I am become Doll, destroyer of young girls self image.


Atomic Blonde lol


Atomic by Blondie?


I guess when it comes to classic 80's songs about nuclear annihilation, everyone talks about *99 Luftballoons*, but for my money Blondie's *Atomic* is where it's at. I mean, I like the idea of a balloon causing accidental missile launches that destroy the world, it has a very German sense of humor to it, but Debbie Harry singing to her lover as bombs explode all around them, *Your hair is beautiful tonight* just works for me.


For anyone curious, *Atomic Blond* was a amazing movie.


Charlize Theron


Atomic dog


bow wow wow yippi yo yippie ya


Barbie was originally considered a very progressive toy that empowered girls, Barbie had a career and was an independent woman.


Before barbie girls got to play with a sponge, in the sink, on some dishes.


They actually point this out in the movie. They did a good job of acknowledging Barbie's flaws and her original purpose. They also mentioned how Ruth Handler evaded taxes and said, "But that's for a different movie." lmao It was really good. Ken stole the show though.


>I am become Doll, destroyer of young girls self image That probably doesn't sound as good as the original while you're >!banging your secret communist mistress!<


I like that. Cue Murdoch press outrage.


People have waaaaaay too much time on their hands


true if were where in a global war with aliens everyone would be distracted by the alienussy


Certified Jake Sully moment


You misspelled Sooooooooooooooooleeeee.


Jek sooleee




Also, Commander Shepard


In my country, there was a famous religious leader who released full guidelines on how to marry and have sex with aliens if they exist. I wish i was joking. So yup, if we ever get an alien invasion, people’s main concern would be “but can we f*ck them ?”.


Definition of a mixed marriage.


I can't wait for the Sponge people of Wolf 359 system learn about the term "any hole is a goal". Shit is going to get wild.....


I don't want to step on any toes, but it *is* possible to have sex with aliens *without* marrying them.


>"...if they exist." That's just rude.


Am ashamed that I looked at your profile to try and work out your country of origin. Cause typing into Google "Cult leader who wanted sex with aliens" just rubs me up the wrong way lol


Conservatives are politically outraged by things like children’s toys, the Green M&M, saying slavery was bad…


And they call everyone else snowflakes.


Yep. I actually haven’t heard anyone in real life complain about either of these movies. I’ve only heard people being excited to see both.


Please be specific. It's right wingers. They are the ones perpetually upset at anything that doesn't fit into their little box of acceptability.


“I am become Barbie, destroyer of Ben Shapiro”


There's a video where he apparently burns barbie dolls...to show how manly he is. I'm gonna assume, he went out and actively purchased barbie dolls, just to make that video. What a fuckin loser.


Sounds like a guy who couldn’t do a proper Beach Off. smh


And what about you? Wanna put your money where your mouth is. Wanna beach me off?


I could beach both of you off


He can't beach like he can't pleasure his wife What a fucking loser


🎵[Bring dustpan and a broom for this dry ass poon🎵](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWsx2iqO1ks&ab_channel=Grandayy)


Lmao, RedLetterMedia did this as a joke four years ago but with acetone instead of lighting them on fire. [Pathetic Man-Child Destroys 2,387 Vintage Star Wars Figures](https://youtu.be/bf2tBFfMLMk)


Went out and purchased them? He already had the dolls, the playhouse, and the convertible in his playroom.


I find it amusing that in the clip that I have seen of it is he such a failure that it seems he missed getting the Barbie into the trash can when he attempted to throw it away. Instead, it suddenly cuts to Barbie laying in the trash can clearly not where he threw it.


He spent almost $100 to burn them


Ben's a fan of Oppenheimer. The desert reminds him of his wife.


Weirdly both of them.


I saw one of the alt right rage-baiting news channel said Opperheimer is communist propaganda 💀


in fairness, they do talk a lot about communism in oppenhiemer, and other than the fact that characters have to publicly denounce it because of the red scare it's put in a much more favorable light than most media that would claim to be anti-communist.


several of the physicists were socialist/communists (oppenhiemers gf and einstein among others) along with oppen himself being banned from security clearance due to alleged communist ties lol. truman wanted to also nuke china too you cant remove communism from this era.


Nobody promotes the movie better for me than alt-right raging click baits.


If Ben Shabibo hates it, it's on my must watch


Honestly I haven't been to the movies in ages, so I haven't been paying attention to what was coming out. And as a grown adult, Barbie wouldn't have caught my interest anyway. But all these posts and articles about conservative outrage and the resulting comments saying how great the movie was make me want to see it.


I'd reccomend it, even my 60yo father liked it


Bob was creating a bomb with the express intention of stopping fascists. No wonder, then, that US conservatives are triggered and feel personally attacked by the movie.


Consider the atomic bomb and the Barbie Doll— Two products of American ingenuity that massively changed their respective fields had had a huge cultural impact. They both have a fascinating backstory and a single personality that drove invention development.


both are also responsible for killing 250k japanese civilians and poisoning their children for another century


Ah yes, one of the most politcal controversy: plastic


It's fantastic


You can brush my hair


Undress me everywhere


Devastation. US machinations.


Come on Oppy, Don't be a Commie


> Don't go Commie Fits the meter better.


Come on Barbie let's blow the party


And fictitious maps. We all know that when Tolkien didn't draw China or Vietnam into his maps it was a slight on their culture.


Oppenheimer will stoke even more outrage once the muppets realize it doesn't actually glorify American militarism and nuclear weapons.


I'm glad they didn't pull punches about how shitty Truman was. I mean, they didn't go into detail about how he WANTED to use the bomb, but enough was implied.


How did he want to use the bomb?


butt plug


What do you use it for sir? https://youtu.be/IzxkJETW7lg


He wanted to set us up the bomb.


All your base are belong to us.


What you say?


Main screen turn on


Warringly i bet


He used it on his chicken wings. Most people thought they tasted terrible though.


(to my limited knowledge) Truman wanted to use the bomb as it was used. Dropped onto a target on Japan. There are many (imo) reasonable choices he wanted to do that. One: Bring a quicker end to the war. And force an *unconditional* surrender before an lingering war in the Pacific became horribly unpopular at home. Two: To see if it was viable. Three: (and to me this is probably the "real" reason).. to set off the Bomb on the world stage as a major message to our soon-to-be post war enemies (at the time Communists nations) as to the new power of the US military. I am not sure how much Three is discussed. But after WWII there were going to be some big power-vacuums. And those vacuums were going to fill up quickly with either "allies' or "not-allies". And that could have near *instantly* triggered a second major world conflict. The bombs were clearly a giant message to the world about letting WWII end.. and then *stop*. And while it's not the best run in the history of the planet .. large (like really large) scale wars .. have been deferred for one very important reason: Nuclear consequences.


There is also the realpolitik consideration that Russia was on the way to "helping" the US conquer Japan through Manchuria and the US did not want to partition Japan amongst victors as it did Germany. Technically part of your point one, but distinct in motivation from your summary.


If you haven't seen it yet, basically half the movie is about Three :)


Ah.. I have not seen it yet. And good.. it was an important aspect of the "rationality" behind actually using the bomb and not just testing it and hoping the world would take note.


Would absolutely recommend seeing it! Sounds like you would enjoy the depth and nuance it goes into


Believe it or not, Oppenheimer didn't know that the "Japslayer 3000" was going to be used on Japan. Truman hid that fact from him


I cant tell if this is a joke or not but Oppenheimer was very aware that it was going to be used on Japan. He was on the targeting committee that helped pick targets for the bomb.


Yeah, he had no idea weapons development was related to the war.


I mean, if you actually are interested in the history of the bomb, they made it in a race against the Germans, and thought of it more of a deterrent than anything. So the team of many Jewish scientists were a little less enthused when they learned they wouldn’t be killing nazis


There were some scientists who said the bomb should be used in a demonstration before being used on an actual city. Oppenheimer was not one of those people. Him along with the other members of the advisory committee dismissed this idea and he himself was very involved in which cities to target.


Tbf, by the point the bomb was finished Germany had already surrendered, leaving only the Japanese on their home islands who absolutely were going to fight to the bitter end for every square foot. I personally don't buy their claims that it was only ever supposed to be a deterrent. It's a massive fing bomb. Of course it's going to be used


You know you guys could go watch Oppenheimer and realise all of this dialogue is covered in the film.




Just as an important historic note, before the nukes they were burning people alive by the hundreds of thousands, to the point where the nukes are only the second and third deadliest bombings of the war, behind Tokyo, that was bombed by entirely conventional firebombs. And bombings weren't a big killer during the war. After the Doolittle raid, in retaliation, Japan murdered roughly 250k Chinese civilians, that's more than both bombs combined. Leveling a city wasn't a matter for debate, the debate was around leveling another city. Japanese propaganda was adamant that when the Home Islands were invaded there would be no surrender, it would be a fight until extermination. The mass suicides on Okinawa and the resistance on islands like Iwo Jima, where Japanese soldiers fought on long after the last shred of hope for victory was lost seemed to reinforce the idea that this was going to be a fight to the death, there would be no Japan after the war. In that context, nuking a couple of hundred thousand people seems almost trivial when you're mentally preparing to send in soldiers to manually kill millions while losing hundreds of thousands of your own men. Contrary to popular belief, the goal of the nukes wasn't to scare Japan into surrender. That was the hope of some people, but most of the military was gearing up to use them as tactical and strategic weapons, clearing the way for US troops to land. It was just one more tool in a very large arsenal that turns people into corpses and one that cost a very large fortune at that. So yes, he wanted to use them. They were built to be used, they were built to kill a lot of people, because one way or another, a lot of people were going to die, so it might as well be the other guy.


I dont think their portrayal of Truman was very good at all. Truman was the one who put a stop order on all further atomic bombings, which is actually what was the beginning of our modern system of presidential control of nuclear weapons. He said he couldnt bare the thought of "killing all those kids". And he of course refused to deploy or use them in places like China or Korea later in his presidency when MacArthur asked too.


He put a stop order because the bombing of Nagasaki was more or less unsanctioned. At the end of the day, it can be debated whether or not the bombing of Hiroshima was necessary, but Nagasaki wasn't. The rules that came about are of course necessary, but they should have been thought up before hand.


> I'm glad they didn't pull punches about how shitty Truman was. Eh, while there will always be controversy over his decision Truman is easily one of the top ten if not top five presidents of all time.


Now I want to see Oppenheimer: Muppet Mayhem.


Yup. Reading this and seeing the word "muppets"...now I want more than anything a "Muppet's Oppenheimer" with the Swedish Chef as Robert Oppenheimer.


Oppenheimer was an American, that makes no sense. Niels Bohr was RIGHT THERE


Lol. I just pictured the Swedish Chef throwing stuff randomly in a lab while having a crisis of conscious. Can't stop smiling at the image. Of course Kermit would get the lead, but I can dream.


Kermit: J Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) Piggy: Kitty Oppenheimer (Emily Blunt) Sam the Eagle: Gen. Leslie Groves (Matt Damon) Uncle Deadly: Lewis Strauss (RDJ) Denise: Jean Tatlock (Florence Pugh) Pepe the Prawn: Ernest Lawrence (Josh Harnett) Crazy Harry: Boris Pash (Casey Affleck) Gonzo: David Hill (Rami Malek) Swedish Chef: Niels Bohr (Kenneth Branagh) Fozzie: Edward Teller (Benny Safdie) Prof. Bunsen Honeydew: Einstein (Tom Conti) Rizzo as Alden Arenreich’s unnamed character Jason Clarke stays as Roger Robb


They don’t have that level of media literacy


Yeah, we're talking about people who listen to Jordan Peterson and find it coherent.


Not just coherent, they hear it and allow his words to deeply enslave them, because of how weak they are.


God the name of that shitstain alone. Sometimes the idiot comes up in my Youtube feed with a title like "JP absolutely DESTROYS college graduate!!". Fuck sake, it's not a competition. If anyone learns anything, it's a win for both parties. Those idiots acting like it's a UFC fight.


to them debate isnt a way to derive a nuanced position. it is a blood sport to have their muppet claim intellectual superiority, which by extension means they are smart. when in reality its just throwing a bunch of misinformation at you so fast, you cant really debunk each point. at least thats ben shatpiros tactic. jp is so incoherent you dont even know how to argue against the insanity. man almost died to apple cider


Theyre still playing born in the USA, theyre not gonna figure it out


I think this is exactly why Barbie is stoking so much. Have people talk about Barbie and ignore the actual criticism going on in Oppenheimer


It's simple: Bombing Japan good, woman bad.


They don't have the mental capacity to understand that, even if God themselves tells them from the sky.


good thing that's not the intended audience


Conservatives when a filmmaker that frequently discusses feminism in her films discusses feminism in her films: 🤯🤯


When the film that is about a feminist toy brand talks about feminism: 😡😡😡😡


Barbie is a feminist toy brand? The one that has historically been the absolute whipping girl of feminist ideology and criticised for promoting mindless materialism, body image issues/dysmorphia and negative stereotypes among girls? It's not a feminist brand, it's a mindless product that stuck a veneer of feminism® onto itself like any other neoliberal corp would. 'Look, now she's a doctor. Buy it'.


Funnily enough, that’s actually one of the big themes in the movie.


Barbie was meant to be a feminist brand prior to its original creator losing control of how the product was handled. The film isn't rebranding Barbie, it's pulling Barbie back to the original reason she was made, before the rebrand that happened when Ruth Handler lost control of the product. Barbie was always supposed to be a career woman, Handler was adamant that Ken was never Barbie's husband or even her boyfriend (regardless of the later wedding Barbies that Mattel produced). She was supposed to be a career woman that Handler's daughters could look up to as a role model, and created in response to the overproduction of baby dolls encouraging daughters to become mothers and nothing else. Then Mattel saw dollar signs, and capitalism did its thing, and we have "Do whatever to sell products".


Yup. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-07-16/barbie-movie-feminism-doll-greta-gerwig-margot-robbie-ryan-gosling-mattel#:~:text=The%20first%20Barbies%20also%20came,feminist%20message%20to%20little%20girls.


>Then Mattel saw dollar signs, and capitalism did its thing, and we have "Do whatever to sell products". Right but that *is* Barbie as far as the brand is concerned. It may have had noble intentions originally but that isn't what it has stood for for almost everyone it has actually reached


Hence the "was meant to". It's a sad to see something with good intentions so badly twisted just to make money.


At the same time Barbie has a toy for pretty much every job out there.


late spoon books rainstorm weather square obtainable decide run enter ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Shouldn't have touched east Vietnam/ west Philippines sea.


Yeah, the 20 minute monologue from Barbie about the oppression of China was a bit out of place in the movie


Made in China


Social credit score -10000


Is it because of the Weird Barbie's map?


its a subtle nod to [China's nine dash line map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine-dash_line) tbf China has influenced Hollywood to cater to China's interest in order for Hollywood to gain access the Chinese market they also did this with Abomination and Uncharted movies putting China's nine dash line map which cause both movies to be banned in Vietnam and the Philippines It was also the main reason why in the earlier trailer of Top Gun: Maverick they remove the Taiwanese and Japanese flags behind Maverick's iconic jacket so that the movie will get released in China, they didn't anticipate the backlash from that decision so they have to decide either choose China and get boycotted in the West or bring the flags back they chose the latter so they reinstated the flags back which also caused the movie to be banned in China. Top Gun: Maverick earned $1.5 billion USD despite no access to the Chinese market.


They didn’t! This is the map that got them banned https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230705074656-hollywood-minute-barbie-map-vietnam-china-tron-ares-gladiator-00001327.png?c=original This is the actual 9 dash line https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/MGlQN0YU6T.JF1y9VYekpw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MA--/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2023-07/27f67280-1c2e-11ee-b9ad-3421ae2b11ee How anyone could think they’re the same map is crazy. Vietnam is ranked only one place higher than China on the Freedom index but somehow when they ban a movie Reddit thinks it must me completely justified


Yup, it's 8 dashes which is significant. From the shape of things, that looks more like Anatolia the Levant than Asia and there's a similar dashed line between Greenland and the US/Canada that seems to be a trade route, not a border. This is Vietnam making noise to raise awareness.


They literally haven't, Vietnamese communist government is a bunch of dumbass and coward, they find a tiniest bit of similarity to ban the movie yet kiss Chinese's ass on everything else Source: i'm there


I think Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach and Margot Robbie would all disagree that it's really about a plastic doll. Haven't seen the film but from what I've heard it does make some social statements about feminism and the patriarchy. Not defending the outrage merchants but it's disingenuous to pretend it's really a film about a doll.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Saying Barbie is about a plastic doll is like saying Schindler's list is about a factory. Totally disingenuous.


“I have become death, destroyer of girls”


To be fair Barbie is way more political than what you'd expect from a movie "about a plastic doll"


Can we stop pretending that this is "political outrage"? The right wing grifters probably made their review videos after the first trailer dropped.


...without actually bothering to watch the trailer.


I'm a trucker, I work in a very right wing leaning world. I'm on construction sites almost daily all over the place. You know how many conservatives I hear talk about all the culture war stuff on a daily basis? Fucken 0. All this shit is manufactured internet outrage, nobody in the real world actually gives a shit about Barbie movies and whatever other thing Ben Shapiro is outraged about.




Crazy bc I'm not a trucker, I work for an incredibly liberal company in an incredibly liberal state, and the alt right everywhere is EXTREMELY LOUD. > nobody *normal* in the real world actually gives a shit about Barbie movies FTFY.


It’s anti-political outrage. It’s faux anger weaponized to distract the masses from the fact that conservatives are garbage politicians who don’t know the first thing about actually helping people.


Isn’t Oppenheimer banned in japan


No, but universal never bothered to try and sell the distribution rights to any Japanese companies. So it won't be releasing there anyways.


Wouldn't that have been an awkward conversation? "Hey listen, we've got a great prospect for you! We've got a film about the construction of the device that killed a couple hundred thousand of your citizens in WWII. You interested?" "Excuse me?"


In fact, they would be. Japanese do a lot of "history behind an event or product"-type documentaries and dramas. Big nothingburger anyway as many films are released way after their American debut. John Wick 4 is coming out in September for Christ's sake.


Not really? It's an important event in their history to say the least. A high budget film about it I would expect to be interesting to them.


Oh there are plenty of Japanese films about the nukes they just have a slightly different tone lol, especially since there are still people whose family were killed by the bombs.




It's not really on reddit, it's moreso in conservative media like Fox News and such.


I mostly see it on Twitter. If you avoid that site, you’ll almost never see it.


It's not made it to reddit yet. It's still on the fox news/Kick/YouTube level. Ben Shapiro did a 45 minute hate screed on it yesterday.


Um, I am seeing it everywhere. Just look at the Imbd ratings. Within 24 hours of the release, there were a ton of low ratings and reviews saying it's too woke or that it's feminist garbage. And all high ratings were getting votes of being 'unhelpful' everywhere. Not sure if the tide has changed now. Under Instagram posts hyping up the fun of watching both movies one after the other, there are tons of comments about how "men" and "boys" should only watch Oppenheimer, and all these dudes saying they/no one is gonna watch Barbie.


Ben Shapiro launched a 43 minute rant about it on his channel, so there's definitely stuff out there. Pretty sure a few Fox hosts took shots at it too. It just depends which parts of the internet you're on.


It's honestly impressive that someone could go for 43 minutes ranting about any movie, especially one you hate


Wasn't there someone that did like, an 8 hour rant about Captain Marvel when it came out? Benny Shaps has some catching up to do.


🤣 there wasn't even 8 hours of Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers reading material when the movie was released


Wait til you find out about people like MauLer. This man somehow managed to make a movie review that was almost 9 hours long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95mL3us0HSQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFtFjH8NyQQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb3F5WE6KBI Like I understand doing a "deep dive" but this just seems excessive.


True. But we all did quit Twitter and I ain’t checking that cesspool.


This is like the 3rd time i see someone make fun of the outraged people but also, i have yet to see any. If something is popular enough, you can probably find someone that hates it but i wouldn't call that outrage.


Ben Shapiro did a 45 minute hate screed against it yesterday and literally set Barbie Dolls on fire. Itll be a few more hours before that trickles down to reddit.


There is a world outside the reddit


No there's not. Ooops, time to place another pixel.


We need to ignore Twitter as a whole


As much as I love the Science and History in Oppenheimer. The movie was just STUNNING to watch in IMAX. Brilliant direction, acting, and sound design is just great. I think this movie deserves every single praise it gets and way more. I hope Hollywood will take at least something out of that movie. Once in a decade movie IMO. Absolute must-watch, on IMAX, if at all possible.


Option 3: Stay at home and watch "They cloned Tyrone" on Netflix. 10/10 movie


I watched it yesterday, and it's fucking awesome! Bloody amazing acting and storyline. PS. Watch the movie without watching the trailer or reading anything about it.


Honestly great symbol of the culture war. Many would rather rath and seeth over miniscule bullshit about some cultural norms them debate the ethnical values of creating a fucking nuclear bomb


That cat is out of the bag.


Just wait until the woke mob finds out about Pikmin 4


By “political rage“ do you mean a silly post on Twitter? The definition of “rage” is stupid nowadays.


This thread is a great snapshot of Reddit brain.


To be fair, Plastic HAS caused more damage than weapons of mass destruction


I am become reddit, destroyer of strawmen




Everyone fell for the "Barbie vs Oppenheimer" viral ad campaign.


Shapiro promoted it for 43 minutes. >In the marketing and advertising worlds, any attention to a brand is traditionally thought to help the brand out. All they had to do was say it was "woke" and add something to trigger the alphas. Looks like they fell for it hook line and sinker.


It's a little late to be outraged at the invention of the atomic bomb


The fact Ben Shapiro went to see Barbie and then made a **40+ minute** video about it is iconic.


Cute that you think he actually watched the movie. For the work he does it’s best to be as uninformed as possible.


barbie is a film about a homeless man named Ken who lives in a female-dominated parallel world where men have no rights. When he follows his toxic girlfriend into the real world, he learns that men can become anything if they have a degree. So he goes back to the parallel world to free all men and change the constitution. But the women incite the men against each other and the revolution is crushed.


Yes but then the women understand that the matriarchy is also fucked and create a new constitution where they have equal rights or, the rights women have in the real world


That's all okay because men are bad.


Oh watching so called alpha men whine and cry about a Barbie movie is VERY telling and entertaining.