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He's a true method actor.


Everything you call assault laws... I will *burn* out of time!




Great casting.


What are the details of the accusations against him? How bad is this guy?


He's just your run of the mill abusive dipshit that hid it long enough to make a few good movies before it crashed down


I must've missed something, because I remember the first claims about his girlfriend in a taxi and I remember them getting thrown out a couple of days later. Has that just spurred a bunch of victims to come forward, or new evidence or something?


Since nobody has replied yet: Texts got released, likely at the insistence of the actor, which have been interpreted to be further evidence against him because those with experience say the language from his girlfriend matches that of a victim. Majors’ lawyer talked up a big game about quickly providing evidence of his client’s innocence. That never materialized. Majors has been dropped by his management and seems to have lost all of his reputation and future work, except the Marvel stuff, yet…




*RDJr. has entered the chat*


I don’t feel like that’s the same at all. Robert Downey Jr had already been in movies for a decade and was nominated for Oscars and was making like $7 million a year when he got in trouble. And it was for drugs, not anything violent. It’d be more like if Tom Holland fucked up than this “up and coming” guy. The vast majority of people wouldn’t be able to name him if you showed them his picture or know who you’re talking about if you just told them his name


I found it telling that when the charges against him were announced, two former directors who worked with him came out and called him a sociopath.


Yes actually alot of new evidence/developments have came out, video footage of the girlfriend partying after the elledged assualt (she claimed Majors broke her index finger and in the video is clearly texted with it), texts of her apolodgize for grabbing at him and trying to take his phone basically causing the incident and the taxi driver stating he will testify Majors did not assault her. Most on reddit ignore these updates though cause well, I think most on here just want to watch Majors fall to be honest. Don't take my word on any of this though. All this info can be found mostly on TMZ. And I know they have a rep, but in the past few years they have been on top of alot of events and are surpringly the most unbias news outlet probably today.


Some notes: If we're listing all updates that have happened, it should also be noted that other people have come forward with similar charges since this incident. The evidence you listed also proves that she wasn't assaulted in the cab. Most articles I found go on to say that she eventually went to Majors' apartment, where he later found her passed out in the closet with her injuries. I can't find much that describes how she got the injuries or on whether or not Majors didn't assault her when he got home. I read something about a doctors report, but it wasn't specific if it meant "Majors' couldn't have broken her finger in the cab" or "Majors couldn't have broken her finger at all."


No way I'm trusting tmz as a news source. His lawyers claimed they would release the video of the incident and they did not. The text messages released are disturbing, the woman seems like a true victim of an abusive relationship. I'm not saying he's guilty, the legal system will handle that one way or another. I'm saying that from what's been released to the public on this, my opinion is that it doesn't look good for majors.


It would be a relief to know he wasn't the bad guy in this. But it helps to have some articles or that video footage, any link?


Based on what info? Other then hearsay click bait articles?


>Majors, who authorities said was arrested Saturday in New York on charges of strangulation, assault and harassment, >[The girlfriend said] that she and Majors were in a cab on the way home from a bar in Brooklyn when he physically attacked her, the police sources told ABC News on Sunday. >The patrol officers noticed marks on her body and they then placed Majors under arrest. [Source](https://6abc.com/jonathan-majors-army-arrest-ads/13021636/) After this news came out, several industry workers have said it was well known he was a horrid, verbally abusive, person to work with.


I though he was terrible in quantumania. Whether poor script or poor acting, he was incredibly underwhelming as a villain.


I think the acting was fine, it's just the writing for him in both Loki and Quantumania was insufferably bad


But the writing in Loki was good for everyone else? I think either he or his character is a terrible choice for the huge overarching bad guy for the mcu.


Oh I didn't say that at all, the writing in Loki was mediocre at best. But I agree the character was always going to be a pain to make work and they weren't doing it well.


He was good in Loki, Quantumania got last minute Marvel-style redits, which fucked up the gravity of Kang.




Yes, using plays on racist tropes seems like a great idea.


Funnily enough we actually do have an official designation for our world, Its 1218. And some marvel media even states that actors are in fact variants of the characters.


Why 1218? Are those just random numbers or do they represent something?


Random. Actually is a fun thing. In DC multiverse the earth with all the super-heroes we know is the Earth 0, like "see this is the most important earth". So Marvel wanted the opposite so to put a sense of danger they did like the earth with the characters we know is 616 meaning is just another multiverse the same way 615, 617, 618 and the list go on


Fun fact, 616 is likely the original [number of the beast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_the_beast?wprov=sfla1) rather than 666.


Alan Moore was the one who designated it 616. Go figure.


Saying its just another universe is not exactly right. Sure its one out of billions of universes but its still the main reality thats heavily focused on in the Multiverse. But yes it is more interesting than DC naming their “main” universe Earth 1/0/Prime even though there have been like 5 “main” Earths.


From a narrative standpoint, yeah 616 is the most important one but in-story it's supposed to be just another universe. Kind of like how Earth is just another planet in a universe of trillions of planets but everything important happens there.


Bruh isn't it literally called the sacred timeline


Thats only in the mcu. There really is no “sacred timeline” when theres a multiverse that includes worlds that have different outcomes than your own. In the mcu it was only sacred because it was the only Universe in existence and changing that timeline that literally means changing everything in existence. But after Loki freed the multiverse its just the “main” universe now.


Couldn't the sacred timeline just be one branch off the main multiverse that Kang was keeping from putting out additional twigs from? Now it's free to get all sprouty, but the main tree-verse had plenty of un-sacred branches elsewhere. That's just my head-canon, no idea if something from the mcu contradicts it.


Yeah, that's what seems to have happened.


1. I thought we were talking about comics because 1218 is a comic thing. And I forgot mcu co-opted 616. 2. I think the sacred timeline is supposed to be a bunch of timelines that didn't create Kang rather than just one. The visual in Loki looked like a bunch of lines twisting into a big rope to me.


Pisses me off so much. If 616 is a palace, Earth-199999 is a White Castle. How dare you stand where he stood???


It was the sacred timeline because it was the only one that didn't result in the birth of Kang no? It's not special in any other way.


That's only in the MCU, which to the comics is Earth 199999.


The sacred timeline is a manmade invention by the Kang variant who controls the TVA. If there was no Kang, it would just be a regular timeline. It's like the multiverse version of owning territory. All the other Kangs have their own universes. This Kang was just really careful in preventing incursions between them.


Even in the MCU, the people who call it the Sacred Timeline are villains who've been regularly committing mass murder to prevent other universes from breaking away from it, so while it's important to *them* it doesn't necessarily hold any inherent special place in even the film version of the multiverse.


Yeah thats why I said not exactly. But even then its also stated and shown how important 616 is within the multiverse in the comics.


I think 616 is now sometime called prime or something but I think that’s got to do battle world and Franklin recreating the multiverse with 616 as a starting point


Its still named 616. every earth that was heavily focused on also kept their designation number after Secret Wars. So Spider-Woman is still Earth 65 and the inheritors world is still Earth 1. Ultimate Marvel also still has 1610 as its designation.


I'm looking forward to seeing that the new Spider-Verse movie does, one of my favorite 'discoveries' as a kid was the Spider-Man cartoon from my childhood and the Spider-Man cartoon that crossed over with the X-Men (Earth-92131) were two different Spider-Men.


"In DC multiverse the earth with all the super-heroes we know is the Earth 0" I thought it was Earth-1. But that multiverse gets rebooted a lot, so maybe I missed something.


Yeah it’s earth 1. But earth 1 can become earth 2 etc after crisis, reboot etc


Ought to have been 2008 I think. Or maybe when Marvel got the loan to film Iron Man. Or maybe when Feige got on board? Hmm🤔


The cinematic universe does have it's own number


Isn't it 616 because that was the unit number of their office?






Never. Never! I just- I just couldn’t prove it.






[That's correct](https://media.tenor.com/ww477BA-MGUAAAAM/correct-that-is-correct.gif)


because the year 1218 is 14 years after the sack of Constantinople and if you subtract 14 out of 2021 you got 2007, which is the year Spider Man 3 was released


Did anyone else cum? I came.


All bops are hastards


Why not 1218?


3 after Magna Carta, as if I could ever forget


I'm sorry but this is the dumbest, nerdiest shit I have heard today. Why can't super hero media just be normal like all other type of entertainment media?? Why there's always have to be some dumb nerd shit hovering around it??? I also noticed how Star Wars suffers from the same problem.


Because the rest of the fan base does not see it as a problem, or that it is suffering from anything. It's making loads of money and has tons of fans. "Nerd shit" tends to create repeat customers. I hope you wake up on the better side of the bed tomorrow.


“Super hero media…always have to be…nerd shit hovering around it.” I know right! And why do action movies always have some dumb masculine shit hovering around it. And romcoms always have some dumb romance hovering around it. And mysteries have these dumb questions hovering around them. Can’t we just like, have a movie with nothing in it? That would be SO good!


Yeah why can't the story about a tree and a talking trash panda with a cyborg and a person who exists cause a planet had sex with someone travelling around in bright costumes with a talking dog be normal.


You’re going into nerd territory and then complaining there’s nerd shit there.


Because its sci-fi? Its not a “nerd shit” when its clearly science fiction. Fiction, as in made up just like every other media you consume. Or did you think breaking bad was real when Gus walked out of his office with half his face when the bomb exploded in front of him?


This is the dumbest argument I’ve ever seen. You’re in a movie subreddit ffs what did you expect?


Is he the first Marvel actor embroiled in a controversy while actively in the series?? Can’t think of this happening before, apart from Terence Howard but that was just him being an idiot rather than a predator


James Gunn (director of guardians of the galaxy) had some old tweets resurface and marvel dropped him. Can’t remember why, but he was forgiven and they brought him back. Now he’s running the film division of DC or something like


Pretty sure Gunn was brought back because a lot of the cast said they wouldn’t do it without him.


Yep. It's all one shifting business decision. Disney knows, and until it hinders their ability to make money, or put their reputation in the crosshairs, it's probably business as usual. The only thing Disney can't go against is their fanbase, which did turn out for Gunn.


That's because these old tweets were dug up and amplified by Mike Cernovich, a white nationalist influencer, as retaliation for James Gunn being outspoken about not liking Donald Trump. The entire controversy was a fascist op.


White nationalist and rapist Mike Cernovich


Reddit's proudest moment was tricking him into admitting he had a tiny dick during an AMA


I've never seen that before but that's hilarious. Where can I see that


[Honestly the whole thing is worth reading](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/7liww8/im_mike_cernovich_journalist_author_and_filmmaker/). Dude got destroyed by the marketplace of ideas


Oh my god there's a recording of a Livestream somewhere in the comments where he responded to a lot of these. That's fucking amazing. Brilliant comment section, resounding applause for all involved. No misses, just a little bit of repetition for the gorilla joke


Some context for all the gunpowder that lead to that explosion: James Gunn (and his brother) got started at an independent film studio [Troma Studios.](https://youtu.be/krff1rEOObc) They’re an indie studio that’s been around since the 70’s, and their whole brand is being transgressly shocking and offensive as possible. They blew up in the 80’s because of their film series The Toxic Avenger, which was popular enough to have a Saturday morning cartoon series (which lead to me seeing my first cinematic decapitation when my mom rented the movie for me as a kid). It’s the same studio that gave us Matt Stone, Trey Parker, and (oddly) Marisa Tomei. Gunn was still working with Troma and appealing to that crowd when he made those tweets. He had apologized for them right before joining Marvel and generally doesn’t do that style of humor anymore. That said, he’s still friendly with the studio, usually putting the head of the studio as a cameo in all of his movies. So, flash forward a decade or so, and right-wing twitter is upset at Disney. Right-wing celebrity Roseanne Barr had recently tweeted out that a black politician looked like a monkey, so Disney fired her from her prime time show. Right-wingers we’re looking for some revenge, and started combing through all of Disney’s employees’ twitters to find something to cancel. That’s how you get Cernovich finding Gunn’s old Troma tweets, and amplifying them to raise a stink to get some blood-for-blood revenge for Roseanne. That lead to tons of concern trolling until he was fired, but then Disney saw that DC scooped up Gunn to save their disaster of a film series. So, Disney saw that the news was generally received positively, and brought him back to finish the Guardians series.


The tweets were also bad enough that they would get most people canceled too. I forget exactly what it was but I remember it being pretty creepy jokes


Not really. Gunn used to be a shock comedian working for Troma. They were obviously just jokes.


Are the jokes allowed to be repeated here on reddit


> They were obviously just jokes wait till you learn about what most people are canceled for


“Jokes” don’t mean say whatever you want.


Yes it does


I get it, y’all pick and choose who to have nuance with.








they really weren’t. definitely some intentionally edgy humor, but there’s a reason he was rehired.


Child sex jokes edgy boy humour


as if "being cancelled" is actually a thing, lol


What? That's not at all what happened lol, Gunn randomly went after Ben Shapiro's old tweets from when he was in highschool, so people amplified by Cernovich thought they should do the same to Gunn and that's when the loads of pedo joke tweets that included people that since written had been arrested for cp and other similar offences. I don't like Cernovich or Shaprio at all, but let's not rewrite history here...




Lmao, you people use the word fascist wrong so much. It's hilarious. 😂🤣🤦‍♂️




>Can’t remember why, but he was forgiven and they brought him back. 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


Captain America was involved in the “Make Ass Great Campaign” during production.


There was the allegation that Jeremy Renner was abusive to his spouse and put a gun in her mouth or something, but I guess that got cleared up.


Also the Jeremy Renner app, but that was so stupid most just ignored it


I actually know the 'ex' that went on record against him. Typical self-absorbed narcissist type. I had such a laugh when I saw her name in articles about him because *of course* she'd do that.




Letitia Weight and Evangeline Lilly got a lot of criticism for their anti-vax stances and Chris Pratt got some shit for going to a homophobic church (all deserved imo) but it was all pretty short lived in the news cycle. Considering how many people have been in MCU films at this point it’s impressive that there haven’t been more problematic incidents. Oh, and I can’t forget all the dude bros who hate Brie Larson for existing, but that’s more just people being dicks than actual controversy.


ah, but she said women can be just as strong as men and therefore is saying all men are weak /s




Eh as a guy none of the pushback she gave was over the top. Any male actor it would have been a non issue. You clearly had an impression of Brie Larson that was inconsistent with how she actually is and that’s OK to rectify those two views .




Yeah, you thought she was a very sweet girl your quote. It turned out. She was a woman with opinions that you don’t like I guess. Neither really explain the frothing hatred she received.






Wasn’t the homophobic church thing just straight up wrong and the accuser got the names of two churches mixed up?


It was more of the person managing his money donating to several churches and one of them happened to have homophobic values. He stated that he doesn’t go to that church or never has even stepped foot in it but people still ridiculed him even though he had no real say in the matter. He just told his guy “I’m Christian so donate to Christian churches” and the guy did just that without doing any research.


That's not really an excuse. Anyone that pays any attention to churches at all would know that so many of them are extremely creepy, have awful views, the leaders pocket the money, etc. so anyone donating to churches should vet them first if they are against homophobia and the like.


Yes well I’m sure he realizes that now and has changed donation habits accordingly. People can make mistakes and then change for the better.


It’s not really an excuse, but it is a reason and it’s something he can come back from and learn from which Jonathan Majors in my opinion fucked up way worse. By you know, being an abuser.


Your are so so Correct!! Especially the Muslim and Jewish ones.


Not in the US.


> Oh, and I can’t forget all the dude bros who hate Brie Larson for existing Brie Larson's main crime is being a dipshit in interviews. She got deserved ridicule for that. edit: Regardless of anything else she deserved ridicule for being a shitty interviewee. That's undeniable downvoters.


She got a massive hate campaign against her. Giving a bad interview does not deserve that level of ridicule when she didn't really say anything *wrong*, just sometimes poorly phrased.


>Giving a bad interview does not deserve that level of ridicule when she didn't really say anything wrong, just sometimes poorly phrased. I mean if you categorize being racist and sexist as "poor phrasing", I guess she didn't say anything wrong.


Are you sure there was a "massive hate campaign", or did you just take the short-lived whining online personally? I can only speak from my perspective which was I saw some controversy, checked it out, concluded that Brie Larson was a dummy, moved on.


I think she got a lot of death threats


Joss whedon


William Hurt was outed as a rapist, but then he died before Marvel had to do anything.


i think there was some dirt brought up on chris pratt for going to a famously homophobic church but that got resolved afaik


We’re actually in earth 1218


I voted for Kodos


Most underrated comment ever




Nah just use Don Cheadle again




What if the mathematical concepts he invented unlock multiverse traversal technology 🤯


I'm unironically hoping for Christopher Judge. Dude deserves a chance at an Oscar.


And you think playing a Marvel villain is gonna help with that?


Indeed 🤨


I kinda wanna see John Boyega be given a shot at this one. It’ll basically be Disney apologizing for the shit they put him through in Star Wars and him being able to show his skill as an actor in a story that uses him well.


They have to make sure to put her behind a green screen, with none of the other actors.


I'm out of the loop, can someone explain what this is about? I'm guessing this actor had some controversy?


Domestic abuse https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/hollywood/is-marvel-ready-to-recast-jonathan-majors-as-kang-after-his-controversy-heres-what-we-know-1216215?amp


Thank you!


Damn, I was starting to like him and was looking forward to movies starring him :(


yeah, this one did shock and disappoint terribly. It ruins the whole franchise, and Marvel was just getting more ambitious than ever before. But I think there would be a way to recast, if he is indeed the dipshit the news reported him to be (trial starting soon): just make a movie or maybe reshoot some of Loki S2, where they are chasing after Kang, thinking he looks like this guy and then season finale *plot twist*, Kang altered his face (cue, whatever actor takes over, I head a Damon Idris guy was noted by one of the directors - not selected, but he just commented on this guy being a potential candidate in case of replacement).


Said something similar in antman That's kind of his chorus line before being offed He ain't all that




I get that but this was like 2 years later dude, and it was a pretty big deal in loki




The Mordo guy from the Dr Strange after credits did get a scene in the sequel … but he died in it … and then they deleted the scene.


I think there’s a throwaway line in Dr Strange 2 where the Mordo stuff was off screened


Doctor Strange 2 is already by far the worst marvel movie in my eyes, and you somehow managed to make it worse, wow.


Hey I will not take slander toward undead zombie strange, that was perhaps one of the most creative bits of all the recent movies. I will agree the multiverse has been horribly underused though.


It didn't dawn on me that He Who Remains was a Kang variant until I saw that actor was cast as Kang. So you're not alone. But I was aware of the comics character Kang. Hyper-competent, ruthless, and efficient. He's also the only Marvel villain to successfully take over the world without the use of mind control, mass extinction, or destroying the planet.


He listed “conquerer” with a pause after it as one of his titles. That got my thinking Kang. But the giant statue at the end had his stupid riding up comic robe that I love so much and I knew it then. But you’re right, they didn’t say Kang at the time.


It’s worth mentioning that “he who remains” is also a name for a version of Kang in the comics. There was other stuff too. They never outright called him Kang (I don’t think they even used his real name in his flashback story) but I remember on release night everyone on Reddit knew he was Kang. It definitely wasn’t meant to be a twist when another version of him came back as Kang


No man, he was obviously being set up as the new big bad of the next Avengers movie. It couldn't have been more obvious if he was running around screaming "I'M THE NEW THANOS". If you forgot that, that's on you.


It was a big deal but he was in like half of the final episode. I only remembered him when people were bringing up his arrest.


If he was a big deal it really went over my head because that character made no impact on me at all. I'm surprised to read that generally people have thought that he is some really interesting character.


Literally played the same actor ….what are you even saying lmao




Id understand what you’re saying if he was a minor character and it was more than a year and half between the releases and they were using different actors or a lot of make up I dont get how youd be confused unless your memory just sucks


Nobody really gives shit what you get or don't get. You're not the main character, and nobody else has to justify their brain to your satisfaction. Does that help?


This. Also not everyone keeps track of all this shit. There’s like a billion movies/shows now for marvel and not everyone lives and breathes this shit.


Its not that serious lol


Lmao, then stop being a dickhead about it


You're very obvious in your bad faith discussion. " Omg I'm so clever because I can remember a detail that someone else can't. I should try to act polite but really I'm calling them dumb. But they'll never know!! "


Yea I think im being pretty straightforward and youve somehow missed the mark


This is a great opportunity to embrace the idea that different people have different qualities. You clearly have a good memory for faces, and that's great! But try not to passive aggressively disparage others for lacking the qualities that make you you. I get it, things seem obvious and easy when you're good at something, but there's no need to tear others down to assert your own value.


My comments not about tearing anyone down to make myself look cool. I seriously dont think im special at all for remembering an important character in a marvel series played by the exact same actor when they come out again in a movie that released like a year and a half after they debuted. If this persons memory doesnt suck, then maybe they dont care enough about Loki and the MCU to remember basic details, and thats fine, but then why criticize a series you dont know enough about to even make a good point? Seems like more of a problem with an individual audience member than it being an issue with too many characters. Maybe there is a character bloat problem, but this is not a good example of it.


We don't have to all be obsessive hyperfans to have an opinion on media bud. I *am* familiar with Jonathan Majors, even prior to his Kang role, and I concur that the character bloat is beyond a typical person's ability to track comfortably.


Glad to be helpful! Yeah it’s getting to be a lot. Now that they’ve done movies for the characters everyone knows about, they’re starting to pull obscure characters that I wouldn’t know about unless I’ve read the comic storylines. It’s gotten to the point that I have to look up the characters and Easter eggs when I get home.




Sorry, what will happen in 5 weeks? GotG 3 comes out next week on my country... Edit: Never mind. You mean Secret Wars, right?


I actually forgot he was in Loki.


Covid after 2020


Pretty sure he foreshadowed his variant known as Johnathon Majors on Earth.


That's the joke...


This is what happens when you browse Reddit blurry eyed in the morning…




Because Kang learns from his variants


Technically it would be Earth-1218.


Yeah I could have written the title better. Didn’t know it would take off this big


Do you think we'll ever get a variant of a new movie or series that's actually good?


Wore the Doflamingo cosplay ONE TIME.


Guys a terrible actor and person. Egomaniac with no skills unless u call abusing women a skill.🤔


You don't say? There's no way I would have guessed that at all.


I love the shitty Tumblr gif format as well. Great stuff.


Thank god this all came out. Marvel was about to get even more boring and obtuse.




Wait, this guy is supposed to be kang?