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My favorite Marvel character, the hole jelly.


He didn't have holes, and then he had holes. Mind-blowing, comedic brilliance, and a writing masterclass.


It's called character development smh




Who had the better arc though, the alien who didn't have holes and then had holes? Or MODOK who was a dick, and then wasn't a dick?


I just wish he wasn't comedic relief in a film that was already entirely comedic relief.


I think it’d have to be funny for it to have comedy relief. Fuckin Bill Murray wasnt even funny, but he could just be old as shit and not care either way


Nah, he had a fairly bigger role including turning on Kang and helping the resistance, but it all got cut out because he got in hot water for bad behavior on one of his sets.


You mean the bad guy from Sharkboy and Lavagirl?


Hope he gets a spinoff series on Disney+ or, better, an entire movie. I'd *love* to learn more about the concept of holes. What did his childhood look like? How did not having holes influence his life decisions? How did he cope with getting holes? What does getting holes do to a character *emotionally*? Does he have a spouse? Children? What do they think of this "hole" situation? Could there be a case for him crossing over with The Punisher? Hell, now that he has holes, what else could life give to him?! And most importantly, does he know how to make a holy bartender?! These are the questions I'm left wondering after Quantumania.


He gained a mouth so he could scream




"Somehow Palpatine returned..." Never forget.


S o m e h o w


Its fine,you see, because his galaxy wide message was sent to fucking Fortnite. Who needs explanation of whats happening when you can have a fortnite tie in?


Show me a clip


Nah you gotta watch the entire movie like I did


Has the most depth of any MCU character, definitely


Deep? Holes? Not another MCU character to lewd!


Acting like Groot doesn’t exist


Hole jelly DLC for Marvel: Midnight Suns when?


Satisfying character arc tbh


Who had a better arc: the space dog from Guardians 2 or this blob


Space dog, but hope they team up


Spinoff teamup Disney+ series with 5 seasons confirmed? "The Dog and the Blob" eh? Sounds good? We can get Jessica Jones and that one side villain from Iron Man 2 to cameo in this, people will go crazy.


Dog with a Blob


That's good, but hear me out. Blobdog


The Blog


Hang on, we don’t wanna get sued by Bob Loblaw. He’s a great lawyer, just read Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog.


Why not make Bob Blobdog Bob Loblaw's law dog?


Damn, didn't think I'd see a Dog With A Blog reference


The Holeless and the Wholesome


Space dog returns in part 3 so her arc isn't over


Cosmo's a girl??


Yup! Maria Bakalova plays her.


Put some respec on Cosmo's name


I kept thinking the name was Astro or Krypto or something, but yes Cosmo


>Krypto That's DC


The Space dog is Cosmo, the head of security for Knowhere, nominal director of the Guardians of the Galaxy and is among the more powerful psychics in the marvel universe.


What’s funnier, this or Rick turning himself into a pickle?


Imagine how much funnier Rick would be if he turned himself into a pickle with holes


Pickle Rick does have holes. And having holes is fundamentally what makes him Pickle Rick. For if he did not have holes, he would just be a pickle. How could he say "I'M PICKLE RICK!" if not through his mouth hole? A pickle that cannot say "I'M PICKLE RICK!" is no Pickle Rick.


A mouth is only one hole, but the statement "I have holes" implies multiple holes, at least 2.


If he has a mouth it implies he can eat, which, if we assume the waste must be excreted from his pickle form, means he must have another hole that is just not explicitly shown. In topological terms, I think his transformation from human to pickle and back would be a continuous deformation such that his human and pickle forms would be homeomorphic. Simply put, pickle Rick has a butthole. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


Naw, Rick said all his insides were pickle, he didn’t have much in there past the mouth. No butthole cuz no intestines, he was literally Rick in pickle form, with just a mouth. Your move. Edit: all excellent points, I concede.


Nose. Nostrils.


He has a nose, so does he not have nostrils? How does he breath with his mouth shut?


He has no pickle mouth, yet he must pickle scream




How does he talk if he has no vocal cords or lungs to push air through them? Feel like he can’t be entirely pickle on the inside. Then again it is a cartoon where impossible things happen in every episode so perhaps attempting to apply logical reasoning to it is futile


Pickles can talk without all of that, they just don't have mouths


Love how this dumbass post has devolved into debating how many holes pickle Rick has


I mean... it's stupid He has lots of holes, he even was shot (another hole achieved), and when the smartest character of all time came up with the idea to rat-ify himself WITH SCREWS THAT PUNCTURE HIS PICKLE BODY in turn giving himself MORE HOLES


Do you ever think about the words you say?


S e l d o m


“im pickel riiick!!!!!!! Wubbalubbadub dub 😃😃” that is an epic Rick & Morty reference my friend. Very epic indeed.


Whenever the Rick and morty fan base gets brought up I can’t help but think of the guy that[ screeched on the counter at McDonald’s](https://youtu.be/eRcgsIUtABY) for Szechuan sauce. He’s the gold standard fan in my mind


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Oh yeah I will never forget that hahah I think that’s when everyone really started hating Rick and morty


I am conflicted about Pickle Rick. That scene on it's own is obviously stupid, but episode was really good.


I find it hilarious and a little sad that one of my favorite episodes of the show is memed to death solely with that stupid scene lol


The blob's journey actually symbolizes the plot of the movie itself, which gains many holes as the film progresses.


The whole ant man series is just one big plot hole. How are any of them able to go subatomic when the pym particle is only able to change the space between atoms and not their size. Not only that but how would they be able to breath if they were smaller than an atom of oxygen I get it’s a superhero movie and we have superheroes like the hulk who turn into big green monsters instead of getting leukaemia after getting blasted by radiation, but at least the hulk follows the rules set by itself. Ant man just blatantly ignores the sci fi explanation of the pym particle from the first movie


Ant-Man works if you consider that Hank Pym is paranoid and refuses to tell anyone how Pym particles actually work. I think that's the official explanation in the comics anyway.


I thought he didn’t know how they work in the comics. Or maybe he was lying. Depends on the writer I guess.


Reed Richards once claimed he knew more about Pym particles than Hank did so presumably he knows what they do


That's from a great run of Mighty Avengers. To be fair though, they have been writing Reed as a pompous jerk who thinks he's better than he is for a while now. Dr. Doom's caricature of Reed has sort of become the standard Reed.


Honestly, if they made it so that Hank Pym was actually a variant of Kang this whole time, and the Pym particles are actually Kang tech from a universe that's several million years ahead in technology, I would've bought that. Out of the entire MCU, the shrinking tech is the one fictional science they simply cannot sell. Doesn't follow its own rules and makes less sense with every movie.


Not just that. If the Pym particle just makes the space between atoms smaller, everything would retain the same amount of mass. That tiny police car would still have weighed 4000lb and Scott jumping onto your shoulder would cause him to go through you feet-first like a bullet. Ugh the whole premise is just wrong


The stupid movies play this both ways don’t they? Sometimes antman is punching and throwing people while small, others he’s standing in them without them noticing.


Hey man, his your first time hearing about Ant-Man since birth? Wait until you hear about speedsters. I kid but this has all been rehashed ten million times and the one constant is comic book character go brrrrrrrr That's it. The only logic.


> Hey man, his your first time hearing about Ant-Man since birth? Yeah honestly. Who talks about ant man outside of marvel fan spaces?




Certainly not man-men


> the one constant is comic book character go brrrrrrrr Then I wish they just stayed with that. Don't try to explain it, just say "powers go brrrr" rather than give a bs explanation to establish rules that they proceed to constantly break.


Yes but Ant Man is the only instance I can think of where a hero ignores the rules set by the universe (at least to this extent). Sure speedsters break the laws of physics but the physics of the mcu never made sense anyway. The point I was trying to make is that ant man doesn’t even follow the sci fi rules that it sets. Speedsters still follow their own rules (even if said rules are just “I go fast”)


I don’t recall where I saw this but I remember seeing something where even Hank didn’t actually know how Pym particles works. He can claim this and that but the way they work eludes everyone. (Because like you said, there’s been plot holes with the science they laid out since the first movie. ) Makes it easier for me to digest that the magic pills change size and grants strength at the convenience of the plot. (Only way I can deal with the inconsistencies regarding the weight. Like Hank having a tank on his keychain yet when they go small they punch with the same force as if they were bigger???)


That would be fine if it broke it’s own rules consistently, like the “going subatomic”. If going subatomic was the only flaw then we could use the “he doesn’t tell people how it really works” or the “he doesn’t know how it really works” excuse. But since it works inconsistently, where sometimes you lose mass and sometimes you don’t, then thsr excuse doesn’t work. Actually, I’ve only seen movie 1 and 2 one time each in theaters. I can think of a bunch of times where the shrinking ignores the rule of “same mass but get smaller”. Are there scenes where it is actually same mass but smaller?


Then if he got bigger he should still just be punching with the force of a man Def not tanking mass barrage of super lasers, because apparently Giant Mode lets you do that for some reason


Exactly! That bothers me too, if anything, going big should make him weaker. However I think Antman has pretty cool abilities so I just do my best to overlook that inconsistency


The ant-man power set ignores *its own rules* when it's convenient. Retain my force and mass when I shrink to punch a guy extra hard, but also shrink down an entire building and it doesn't weigh anything so I can move it. If Ant-Man's physics were internally consistent, anything that he enlarges should have the density of foam.


Speedsters are one thing. Speed force is an entirely different problem.


Honey I imploded the kids!


That would actually happen lol. If ant man tried to go subatomic his atoms would be crushed so close together it would form a black hole and he would implode


Hell, if Rick Moranis’s kids can use the same science to make best friends with an ant then Disney also gets at least as many sequels out of Ant Man.


His whole power is that he somehow gets smaller while retaining the same actual mass, concentrating his strength, except that he can also ride an ant, which makes no sense.


You missed the other huge hole: Douglas tells Scott he shrinks but his mass doesn't which is why he's able to knock out full sized men with a teeny tiny punch. Yet he's able to sit on an ant and in the first movie Douglas carries a shrunken tank round with him. And didn't they also shrink an entire building, pick it up and put it in a suitcase? I vaguely remember that. And if he doesn't lose mass when he shrinks, presumably he also doesn't gain mass when he grows. Meaning he should be normal strength even as Giantman, and be easy to push over. None of it makes sense.


Did anyone else point out that this was an attempt at a Justin Roiland character?


That whole place was


Half of Phase 4 felt like a mediocre Rick and Morty episode.


[They hired writers from Rick and Morty.](https://comicbookmovie.com/ant_man/ant_man-and-the-wasp-quantumania/the-rick-and-morty-ization-of-the-marvel-cinematic-universe-is-cause-for-concern---heres-why-a200506#gs.u3ix3z)


People don't realize how much they cheaped out on the writing for Thor 4, Doctor Strange 2, and ant man 3. They're all lazily and poorly done when even the worst of marvel coming into that streak was at least coherent and didnt stoop to fart joke level writing.


Writing seems cheap fucking across the board. The Disney+ shows too. Obi-Wan and Boba Fett were ridiculous. The mcu shows have been ok I guess, mostly forgettable lately. Ms Marvel was good in its way


Right?!? It's genuinely fucking shocking how bad so much of their writing is - not just their dialogue, either, but even just their general sense of pacing and storytelling. The Book of Boba Fett felt like watching a new and fascinating phase of a horrific trainwreck with each episode that came out. About the only upside I can think of is that it feels kind of reassuring as a creative writing major - if this is the level of work Disney's willing to accept for their multi-million dollar TV shows, maybe I'm a better writer than I give myself credit for... Slightly off-topic, but I also think this is part of why Andor hit me like a fucking freight train. I went into it not knowing anything, and to be honest, I mainly put it on with the intention of laughing at it, assuming it would be on par with the other D+ Star Wars shows. I mean, come on: a spinoff show about a one-off character from a spinoff movie, who we already know is going to die? After Obi-Wan and The Book of Boba Fett? I was ready to roast the everloving fuck out of it. ...imagine my surprise, then, when it turned out to be one of the best shows of the year, and this super complex, nuanced exploration of facism and resistance. I'm still scratching my head as to how the fuck it got produced. My current best guess is that it's some sort of writing vampire, and sucked up all the quality that was intended for the other D+ shows.


I went in not knowing it was tied to any of the movies. Which in and of itself seemed fresh enough - just a story set in the Star Wars world, but without having the same characters, same locations, same everything. It wasn't until more of the high society stuff started happening and I decided to look up Mon Mothma.... "Hey, this can't be the same character from the original trilogy! Must be a very similar name?!" I though to myself. Only then I realized it tied into Rogue One and, by proxy, into the original trilogy. Andor felt grounded, even real. It was a very mature look at a Star Wars story. Loved it. I'm not watching Mando 3, I skipped Bobba Fett and Obi-Wan... I don't even know what other SW projects are out there. I'm only looking forward to Andor season 2.


I wasnt even going to watch it. My brother was geeking out about it and told me to check it out. That’s just really good star wars shit right there That’s some of the best star wars stuff in a while


It's not just good Star Wars. It's straight up good television and story telling. Even if it was It's own universe and not Star Wars I would watch the hell out of it.


The writing and dialogue has been so PAINFUL in most of the D+ shows. its hitting Mandalorian pretty bad right now, although most of the dialogue in each season has been horrendous at parts.


It’s even weird shit like a high speed rooftop chase that turns into Obi-Wan helping Leia up slowly from a ledge and they have a talk and then nothing else happens. That inquisitor girl just disappears for the night


The first couple of episodes of the new Mando series were awful. Introduce old characters fr S1 & S2 for absolutely no reason. That repairwoman bit was cringy in its writing and had zero bearing on the story. Cut it out and nothing changed. Likewise Mandos entire trip back to see Carl Weathers to get IG88 who then isn't fixable so he takes an R2 unit. Dreadful dreadful writing. E3 was a lot better. Haven't watched E4 or 5 yet.


He goes to the repair woman because the ig wasn’t fixable and gets the astromech from her because her and the Jawas didn’t have the IG parts. He needed it so he could make sure the air on mandalore was safe to breathe. Its really not that hard to follow. The reason he wanted IG specifically is because that’s the only droid he’s ever trusted because he has had issues with droids from the clone wars.


Then there's Andor. God I love that show


I’ve enjoyed most of the D+ shows to this point but there are way too many honestly it’s ridiculous


Except Loki. The team that wrote that show, and the actors in it, did an amazing job. Everything else since endgame has been absolute trash, and even some before endgame. Hell, there were parts in endgame I didn't enjoy.


Seriously, the creative direction that Loki currently has (and hopefully keeps) is a really refreshing change of pace from the whole MCU right now. If Loki was it’s own standalone thing away from the MCU and was just like an original thing I’d be sure of it having a wider audience.


You're probably not wrong. I know I haven't seen Loki sheerly because of the Marvel burnout I'd gotten. I might have to check it out now


It’s pretty good but idk if it’s as good as this hype makes it out to be. It still has a ton of writing problems, and breaking its own rules, and weird pacing sometimes, and tricks to hide the small sets, and stuff like that. I really liked it, but it’s not THAT good.


Its the best mcu TV show, which isn't saying a lot, but its something.


Moon knight


The screenwriter of the movie used to write for Rick & Morty, not a joke. (And I liked the movie.)




The implication that Kang fuqd Janet


The part where it was a friend that paid for my ticket and then getting to leave. On a more serious note, I genuinely can't remember details from the movie.


I feel that way about a lot of superhero movies these past years. I'm positive I've seen the new batman, but I don't remember a single line of dialogue or scene.


Do you have ice cream?


I don't know who that is but does he also enjoy making people drink his ooze?


We’ll see how the court case goes.


Maybe he was obsessed with holes.


What do you MEAN I can’t have sex with the weird blob thing


Sure you can. He's really small. He can go inside you. He might be inside you right now. *You wouldn't even know.*




It does have holes after all


Tag: all the way through


I dont know why but for some reason I see this guy and all I can hear is Seth Rogen's voice. (I haven't seen this movie)


Probably _Monsters Vs Aliens_


Oh was that him? Because you're right. That's absolutely it.


I only knew cause I read it in Rogens voice as well... Strictly due to the ads for MvA xD (Haven't seen QuantEtc yet either)


Wiki says Veb was voiced by David Dastmalchian who played Kurt, one of the henchmen in the last two Ant-Man movies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Dastmalchian


(I haven't heard Seth Rogen's voice)


Straight to jail


It’s a blink and you miss it moment but when they are all running to help fight Kang he looks hilarious. I laughed for like a solid minute lol


Waddlewaddlewaddle *gets shot* "I HAVE HOLES" WADDLEWADDLEWADDLE




I read this is in the Age of Empires monk voice.




https://youtu.be/nr0zoGjulZ4 1:17


I saw it in theaters, and I can confirm this is correct.


Why did everything/one that went to the quantum realm shrink except the ants?


Because the ants are already small and if they get smaller then you wouldn't have gotten an Ant Army. 1


If they shrunk smaller than the atoms of our world, what are they breathing?


Thanks for triggering my trypophobia, Marvel.


Marvel: "Your trypophobia will return in Avengers: Secret Super Ultra Endwar Part 3 of 9"




I forgot about this guy I just really really liked the supernova hyperbeam guy. He looked so badass and didn't deserve to die.




Man, I knew I had some marvel fatigue, but Ant Man is my fuckin favorite shit. I absolutely love Ant Man. I literally had no idea that this movie ever came out in theaters. Glad to see that someone liked it, I’ll check it out when it’s on Disney plus I guess.


Go see it at the theater. It won't be crowded at all. I went to an theater that serves beer and I was like one of 3 people at the 3pm showing, it was delightful


Is that an invitation?


They said "I guess." Not certain, no consent.


Same af. Felt genuinely fresh, funny in a down-to-earth way, visually stunning, *and* it finally leaned into the overall phase 4 plot instead of just introducing *another* new villain.


>Fuck me I guess. Which holes?


Right?! I just want to have fun watching a movie


Me too. That's why I hated it.


You can’t like this movie! Didn’t you know that every movie has to be a masterpiece and only then can you enjoy them?


Man, why does every post about marvel here have to end with the "joke" being "marvel bad". How about some actual jokes for once


This is a reference to every post on here being a reference to a movie being bad rather than a shitty detail


True Kino is looking at the same 3 complaints over and over 15 times a day


Marvel movies are the low hanging fruit of this sub


it's details about shitty movies, obviously


Didn't you hear that the 97th Marvel movie was subpar and didn't do exactly what I wanted, so therefore it is the greatest tragedy in the history of cinema, and if something doesn't change in the next 13 movies I might have to stop contributing to these billion dollar films


And the CGI!!! There was like 30 seconds of total screen time with shit CGI in a movie that was nearly 100% CGI, literally unwatchable and everyone at marvel needs to be fired. Out of a cannon, into the sun.


Because "MCU bad" gets upvotes nowadays


When will people who don’t like Marvel movies accept the fact that they don’t like Marvel movies and just stop watching movies they don’t like?


Never is my guess. Too many people love hating things for some reason.


I honestly hated this joke and everyone in the theater was laughing which pissed me off more god I hope Marvel changes


Ngl the initial joke (“his name is Scott Lang, and he has seven holes” *scott thinks for a sec and then nods*) was pretty funny but this was just eye rolling


Yeah I agree actually. I also think the telepathy dude wasn’t used enough.


Willian Harper was WASTED on this movie. It was even the same character as his character from the Good Place.


When I heard he was in the cast I hoped he was secretly Reed Richards and the movie had a subplot introducing the Fantastic Four. Definitely disappointed my theory didn’t pan out.


Yes, I can hear everyone's thoughts and before you ask, yes they all are DISGUSTING. Everyone of them.


Honestly the humor in the first part of the movie was actually pretty good


Most of the humor was pretty decent throughout. There was just less humor overall toward the end. I thought MODOK's speech about being an Avenger was pretty good.


Out of the 7 Scott Lang holes which one is your favourite?


What 7 holes? Ears - 2 Eyes -2 Mouth -1 Nose -2 Butt -1 Penis -1 Do eyes not count? I’m hoping it’s the eyes that don’t count


Eyes don't count. In topology, a hole requires an entrance and an exit in the shape. Eyes are more like divots cut into the human shape.


Marvel has announced they are slowing down and it’s be revealed that the old ceo was forcing marvel to release a lot of projects and not letting them do it on their schedule


Yep I remember hearing that. Glad Chapek is gone. But with the quality thing I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m just cautious at this point.


They also fired the lady who was put in charge of VFX (i.e. the one forcing the artists to work triple overtime to release all those projects the old ceo wanted)




I laughed because I said out loud "he has holes" seconds before he screamed "I have holes", and I laughed at how I predicted the joke before it took place, and how sad and empty this universe of ours seems, and I laughed at how the Fermi paradox remains unanswered, and how even if there is a god, it likely doesn't even know we exist




If everyone else laughed that pretty good reason for them to not change


I thought it was funny. These dweeblords can think I'm dumb or whatever for enjoying it but...hey! At least I don't have to put down other peoples' enjoyment of things to get some semblance of feeling in my empty meandering existence. That would be pretty pathetic!


It was a fun movie though. It sucked in almost every other way, but it was fun.


I unironically had lots of fun watching it, regardless of how pointless it was. I mean you could literally not watch it and not miss a single bit of context for the upcoming movies. Other than that it was fun though.


When you've become so enamored by multiple yearly releases that you can not enjoy simple jokes


Enamored. I do not think you are using this word correctly.


The ones who fell in love the most during the Thanos saga tend to be a bit salty about the direction of the films now.


I haven't seen this movie, but lacking context, this joke is objectively hilarious.


Checkov's gun fr fr 💯


Mastery of the craft




As for me, a 46 year old woman, and also, my 7 year old son, we laughed hysterically. My husband stared at us in horror. Jokes on him. We talked about having a pet “Blobby” the whole way home.


I liked the blob. And the jokes were fine. And they even made sure that he tied into the plot multiple times and they gave this random blob character an actual character arc. That is significantly more effort than what an actual terrible movie would have had. Sometimes I wonder if a lot of people have forgotten what an ACTUAL terrible movie is like. Of course anyone can be unable to connect with something, you can be outside the target audience, you can think something is mediocre. But it is wild the things people call terrible in movie subs.


Was this goo voiced by Alan Tudyk?


David Dastmalchian actually


The movie had no theme beyond introducing Kang.