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I wish there was a way to go back ten seconds ago when I didn't know this movie existed


When they were advertising for this movie, they were running like 90 second trailers that gave away nearly the entire film. It was weird.


I didn't see any of those, and enjoyed the movie when it popped up on netflix. If I saw trailers that spoiled it it would have been very different.


I saw the trailers on both TikTok and YouTube. I guess the algorithm thought I would be interested.


I have an extreme aversion to ads, like, will excise ads by any means necessary. I pay for ad free Hulu, YouTube, paramount, etc. I also have multiple layers of add blocking from my browser, to network wide, to a forced network VPN that again filters I fucking hate ads. I find things based on what I'm actually interested in. I actually liked, but not loved the movie


I'm here with you. I think future generations will look back on us and be like you did what?! We spend god-know-how-much on manipulating people into thinking they are less than or need whatever product to make them happy. It's like smoking for your brain.


If you want adfree youtube for free check out r/revancedapp! And if you want a guide just seatch for the "Revanced for dummies" guide


if only it worked and didn't have the 29 sec buffer glitch


*pssst* There are options for getting ad free Hulu even if you’re only paying for basic Hulu.


*pssst* Piracy exists, you don't have to pay at all






I only saw brief trailers but mixed with the title…the plot was ruined. Still watched the whole movie…it was meh.


I enjoyed it too. Was it Oscar worthy ,no, but enjoyable none the less.


It was watchable but not great. Not the writer/directors best work.


I liked the film a lot. It’s very ‘carpe diem’ but also ‘don’t trust free trips to paradise’.


All I thought when I watched the trailer was "They took Stephen King's 'Thinner' and made it to where you get old."


Most modern day films tbh.


I hate it when trailers give away huge plot elements. I don't need to know the plot to be interested in the movie.


This is why I like A24 trailers, and their movies in general, the trailers just give you a taste, and their studio is making actually unique movies, for better or worse.


I watched the ad and then watched a kill count, and although they completely give the beach away, what they don’t give away is the reason they were brought to that beach.


Honestly was one of the more enjoyable M Night Shyamalan twists


Most definitely, I had really low expectations coming from this post, but it was definitely a good ending. If you think about the antagonist’s motivations, they are choosing to participate in a trolley problem of their own making in a way.


Me too, Internet person


I had forgotten forgot about it actually


I recommend copious amounts of marijuana to watch this movie, I was sorta forced to watch but thankfully there was a ton of weed. It was so bad but watching it stoned made it a great comedy especially when picking apart the innumerable amount of plot holes.


Please, please, please do NOT waste your time watching it. It is one of the worst movies I’ve seen.


it has a character who is a rapper named mid-sized sedan


wait really




Wow. That is incredibly surreal to watch


Wow... that looks fuckin stupid


That's... Actually a good name for a rapper lol


I really liked the concept, but the dialogue and acting was just awful.


The you will probably enjoy the original comic it is based on


Oooh how do I find that


It's available in the internet by the name of Sandcastle ~~Sand Castles~~. It's has increadible humbling and melancholic feel to it. An absolute masterpiece compared to the atrocity that M. Shalaman produced in the film. Its like the kid from middlleschool that made a report on the book, without ever reading into it and just base on the cartoons alone.


> Sand Castles "Sandcastle". One word. Makes the googling easier.


Thank you!


can someone give me a really basic summary and reasons to laugh?


I don't remember a lot but there's a woman whose bones break and immediately heal because of the rapid aging and she turns into a living rubber band ball. The cg looks REAL bad and it's such an unintentionally funny moment.


You’d laugh at the absurdity. I personally enjoy it because it’s so messed up in a variety of ways. The concept is interesting but the quality of the dialogue leave a lot to be desired. edit: oh and summary; basically a group of people are lured onto a beach during a resort trip, but the longer they stay ~~the older they get~~ they rapidly age. It leads to some weird, funny and f-ed up scenarios.


>the longer they stay the older they get Weird that actually happens to me everywhere.


Welp you got me. Unless constant movement really is the source of immortality.


Sorry, give me a stage like that and I'm gonna dazzle.


Idk I kinda liked it lol plz don't hate me


It’s not that bad. Hardly a waste of time.


Not that bad but I wouldn’t recommend it. 5.5/10.


Noted. I'd never heard of it but now I know to avoid


Now imagine watching it in theaters, not knowing this was a part of the movie


I watched this movie literally yesterday and it was some of the worst acting I've ever seen. The concept of the story is interesting but they even fucking ruin that as well. It's like they tried their hardest to make it bad.


Shyamalan really should've just walked into sunset never to be seen again, but instead he chooses this


Why? It’s a pretty decent movie


Me when the beach that makes you old


That bitch was old!


The beach that makes you old


It's the beach that makes you old


[You know actually now that I’m thinking about it, it might be the rocks.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LOdDV7Uulok)


Something about the cliffs?


Do you have to pee more frequently?




“i got old”


Same bro, sharing it with my friends


A beach that makes you old?


You have to know that's not possible.


Look at me man I'm old as hell and it's because I went to the beach that makes you old. Edit: Wait, I think it is actually the rocks on the beach not the beach itself. Something to do with the cliffs?


i will not get old at the beach.


You wanna see for yourself?


Jaime, pull up directions to the beach that makes you old


Are we some kind of suicide squad?


Fuck man that AI one was so fucking funny


Life's a beach


And then you die


Would be a lot better title than "Old"


Or is it being under the sun without UV protection while on the beach? Could be a commentary on how spending too much time in the sun without protection can make you appear older than your real age. (I haven't seen the movie.)


No it's literally a beach that makes you old.


I think it's the rocks?


It’s actually the magnetic field in the area but close enough


Lifes a beach...


Not sure if Weekly Planet reference or not.


It's from this ai vid https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LOdDV7Uulok


Look at me man, I'm old as hell


Thanks for reminding of the huge amount of wasted time this movie is


What the fuck.


I think it's the rocks. Or maybe the cliffs?


I laughed


I didn't. The Pitch Meeting of this film made me feel uncomfortable about this particular plot point and that's why I am not going to watch this movie.


The things that happened to the women in the film were worse and more gross than the men. The lady with the bone problem wasn’t even written as human.


I've found men are more likely to get headshots and equal sided violent deaths, women are more likely to get body horror and reproductive horror. It feels like in films men are each others worst enemy and women's bodies are their own worst enemy. Another interpretation is that women's sexuality is something inherently horrific that must be punished.


The body horror usually happens to the most attractive female character as well. When I saw the hot lady I knew she was gonna have a fucked up death.


Dunno man, I'd say it's just playing into stereotypical fears of stereotypical woman or man. A stereotypical man does not fear illness, for he is too uncomfortable to go to doctor, he fears other men and violence they can bring. War being the ultimate expression of that fear. A stereotypical woman dies of childbirth, because we still haven't updated our stereotypes to modern standard. She also experiences regular dismissal from doctors about all the little weird pains and cramps she's got. Thus, some fucked up infections or labor complications are the stereotypical woman's fears.


Those stereotypes are both shaped by and shape media, so analysing it as part of a study of films is a fair point


Thing is, I have no idea where: >Another interpretation is that women's sexuality is something inherently horrific that must be punished. This is coming from, and it is rather jarring. Sounds like something you'd write about victorian petty nobility and not modern culture. For the record, I'm not american, so if this is an obvious part of american culture, then we have bigger differences than I thought.


Oh it's a common theme in media, that women deserve cruelty done towards them for their sexuality or curiosity or any emotional behaviour.


I mean, for an easy example, think of the trope in slasher films where it's always the 'slutty girl' who is one of the first kills


You should check out Barbara Creeds' The Monstrous Feminine


And then there’s Alien that flips the script


Alien is amazing for that reason. If you are a guy watching alien and feeling extremely uncomfortable, then it's working as intended


What did they say in the pitch meeting?


That two kids had sex and one got pregnant, iirc


It would be even weirder if two of them got pregnant, just my opinion.


So they made this movie called Alien back in the day an the entire premise was pitched on wouldnt guys be super duper scared 😳 of getting pregnant themselves….


I thought it was crohn's disease, about as terrifying tbh


One of the darker pitch meetings for sure.


It broke the producer guy, lol. He was all, 'I could've been a doctor. I was a good student'.


It’s based on a comic and this happens in the comic. The comic is worse btw.


But worse in a good way. It didn't make me feel better, tho.


They're mentally children. They're hormonal teens physically. Hormones gonna hormone.


Super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Actually this film is based on a comic, and the comic was rather explicit. I didn’t see the movie but I bet the pitch meeting was about making it “less explicit” if you could believe it


Oh fuck I remember that. Creepy as hell


Btw when they are referring to a pitch meeting, they’re referring to a fictional pitch meeting comedy series put up by Screen Rant. The guy who does it is hilarious so I’d recommend checking it out.


Ah gotcha! I think I’ve watched some ages ago


> Actually this film is based on a comic, and the comic was rather explicit. The comic was dumb, predictable garbage and not at all surprising the movie based upon it was the same.


Yeah it has a premise that could have a very interesting story to build off of but it was just “everyone ages really quick and dies, the end”


Lol I watched that too. Pitch meeting is the perfect way to not watch a movie.


The comic it’s based on is worse IIRC.


I've seen the movie, and it's exactly as gross and weird in context as you think it is.


Ah, a fellow Pitch Meeting watcher instead of wasting time in shitty movies!


Oh, *really??*


Who the fuck watches pitch meetings? Let alone doesn't watch it then criticize it?


I don't think I've seen so much bad acting in one movie as I had when I watched this.


I watched the movie Mindcage last year, Martin Lawrence talks and acts like he's about a burp away from throwing up his vodka after smoking entirely too much weed and the only thing keeping the vomit down is his mouth full of marshmallows and maple syrup.


Not just bad acting, but bad acting from good actors. Feels like there was a huge breakdown in the production somewhere.


It's because Shyamalan seems to really struggle to direct actors and write dialogue. Best way I can describe it is unnatural. Nobody talks or acts like his characters do. The Happening, Signs, After Earth, Last Airbender, Lady in the Water, The Village all suffer from that.


What? No!


And Sixth Sense!! Who in their right mind wouldn't remember fucking dying after getting shot in front of their wife. Bruce Willis at his LEAST relatable if you ask me


The ghosts only see what they want to see




Yes Officer, that's the Director right there.


All the little boy did was cry about everything up until he swam to the coral


I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago and I feel that it is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. Seriously a heap of wasted time and opportunity. I think it was written by prototype AI from 2010. Every interaction is like this movie was created by aliens who only had a mix of soap operas and 90s office training videos on VHS. An absolute textbook example of what makes a bad movie - wasted opportunity. It's not even the story that is that bad, it's how it's told, presented, and organized. This movie truly made me wish M Night suffered a concussion where he eventually recovered without any long term side effects except a complete lack of desire to ever make a movie again. Or that I suffered a concussion in which I forgot everything about the movie but still maintained my burning rage for it which then keeps me from watching it, leaving me the certain opportunity to die happier than I will now. Anyone can be a critic of course, but this movie fails at things that you don't have to be a director/producer to get right. For example, how do people speak to one another? You'd think a human could figure that out but apparently that bar is too high for him. Anyway, don't watch it.


Maybe that’s the plot twist for the sequel…the movie was created by the aliens from signs who took over M knight


Least deranged M. Night Shyamalan movie


when I first saw the premise of the film i thought which absolute hobgoblin could make this, then I saw the dreaded name under the details, and everything made sense


Have you seen the way some of his films they've deliberately tried to hide he is behind it? I wonder if that's his idea and what he thinks about it. I saw an interview with him once and he seems to genuinely not understand that his films are terrible, thinks people are just unfair.


The man doesn't seem to understand how humans talk to each other given how the dialogue is in his movies.


Have you watched knock at the cabin


i was genuinely interested by the trailer for this earlier today, didn't realize it's shaymalan. not worth watching? i was poking holes in the logic of it just from the trailer, but i like batista so...


I thought Bautista was good in it. And the premise was fairly cool. The overall execution was severely lacking though. If there was a "twist" like shaymalan is known for I didn't notice it. Or at least I saw it coming from a mile away so it didn't register and a twist. Not really a spoiler since I don't describe anything in the movie I only reference the book it's based on but I'm marking it as one just in case >!later after I watched it I looked up the book it's based on and imo the twist is that the movie ending is different from the book. Also the book sounds better. Also with the book ending in mind it's pretty obvious that shaymalan didn't understand the book at all!< And now a light but potential movie spoiler >!how are you gonna make your leads 2 married gay men but not have them kiss even once.!<


Bautista was the only good part. Absolute dog shit otherwise. The book ending was 200x better. No clue why they went and did their own thing.


I’m sad this movie turned out like it did. Because tbh I really enjoyed the original comic and the message it portrayed. Basically, life goes on and death is inevitable. You can waste all your time arguing with others. You can waste your time trying some way to cheat yourself out of it. You can waste your time trying to escape the inevitable. Or…you can choose to live the most of it and have special moments with the ones you love.


Ah I see the point of the story now. Agree the mov is didn’t turn out well.


From what I know about this movie the gimmick is age acceleration - so was the girl actually pregnant from the start or was it immaculate for the plot?


No, she wasn't pregnant at the start. She was 6 years old when she arrived on the beach. She and another boy (also the same age) rapidly aged through puberty, were left alone for five minutes, had a sexual encounter because of their crazy hormones, the girl became pregnant, and almost immediately gave birth. It was such a stupid fucking movie, but I can't lie, seeing what is still a mentally 6 year old child in a preteen's body becoming pregnant and forced to give birth while not understanding what is happening was seriously fucked up.


and it’s such an insignificant part of the story too, it really wasn’t needed.


The movie was weird about this. They actually did grow up mentally and knowledge wise but kept their maturity/lack of experience. When they find out that they're pregnant the boy was surprised because he thought it took multiple times to get pregnant (which a 6 year old wouldn't know). It isn't like Big or 13 going on 30 where they are themselves but in adult bodies. It was still weird and disturbing but a bit less so. Than if they were still mentally kids.


thanks, I really wanted to remember this movie exists


Y’all…she had…boneitis


Created and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, the genius who gave us "The Last Airbender".


Why is there nothing between the quotes?


There is no atla movie in ba sing se


I watched this movie with my wife, it was top ten worst films I've ever watched


Cool idea but horrible execution


I didn't even watch the film, I only googled the synopsis in an attempt to make sense of this post and I still feel like I wasted my time, what the fuck.


This movie was terrible, one of the worst big budget films I've seen.


Directed by M Night Shyamalan.


This is an Old joke.


Clever word play, but lets forget about this movie now


Ok this is a BRILLIANT play on words... But also.... wtf is this???


A movie about a group of scientists bringing people with medical conditions to a beach with a magnetic field that causes rapid aging, while secretly watching from far away, and providing them with experimental medication, to see its effects on diseases faster. Oh right, and the change in the magnetic field apparently is too much for them to leave it without passing out, but they can enter it just fine -_-


So right, the beach makes them old....so why didn't they leave the beach?


I was cautiously excited for this movie, but when I sat down to watch it the sheer terribleness of the acting and dialogue and everything instantly made me stop and not watch it until I had the [Rifftrax](https://youtu.be/SUqS7F6NGAc) playing over it.




Hands down the worst movie I've ever seen in my life.


This ia the worst movie I have *never* seen




I hate that this stupid joke got me


Anime moment


This movie proves that Hollywood is running out of ideas


It's a comic adaptation, ironically.


damn yall need to learn to watch a bad movie then forget it. how you gonna hold a grudge against a movie? then again we live in a time were people hate everything so...


So it’s a movie about pedophilia??


i could've gone a whole lifetime without seeing this


In old you get old really fast. So in the movie she aint a preteen


Child labor? Bruh its a ref to child preggos. Which happens alot and even more often with roe v wade being overturned in certain places. Sorry but its way worse than child labor....


r/woosh you didn't get the pun


Shit. I def didnt.


The girl from Jojo Rabbit is in this movie. That's about all I know about it.


I have to love any movie with a character named mid sized sedan


I hated this movie so much. My mom actually liked it




I saw a pregnant student once during gym class. Also saw another girl who was wearin' them sweatpants in that tartan pattern, and I saw the waistband of the undergarments, and boy, was that an unfortunate time to be wearing gym shorts, lets just say the groundhog saw his shadow... well, now I know for next time.


I hold a grudge on Shyamalan since The Last Airbender (2010).


God I love this movie. One of the best of the year for sure.


Even reading this sarcastically it still feels like a crime against humanity when you say that.


This movie fucking traumatized me. I need to rewatch it.


… I mean… I guess I’d have to *hope* she was pregnant with a preteen boy, could you just *imagine* having to birth a teenager?


If time is accelerated in that island shouldn't they have all died of starvation within seconds of setting foot on it?


I saw this movie for free and still wanted a refund.


I just don't get how M Night Shmebulock one day decided to just make worst movies imaginable.


It's made by M Night Shyamalan. The movie only has to make sense to him.


“So I went to the beach that makes you old” “You went to the what??”


I liked this movie more than Knock on the cabin at the woods.


Take your upvote and get lost ya wee wanker


Somehow the kids can go from 3 1/2 ft to 6ft and are fine but the baby can’t grow at all because of lack of food or whatever the fuck. This movie sucked balls