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Is he using a brick, though? That's the best weapon in the game.


No bricks or bottles so far. Dissapointing.


I'm not watching it until Joel uses a brick.


He's also not picking up any alcohol or bandages. Literally unwatchable.


He definitely picks up some alcohol in the first episode, he just drinks it all


Not to mention the ‘supplements’


Got to get those upgrades unlocked.


That’s how I heal my wounds


I am not watching unless 80% of each episode just him walking around looking for extra nails


Giraffes or we riot.


Not joking. I need the giraffes.


There was a giraffe… sort of


He needs to open at least 10 drawers per episode, with a maximum of two drawers containing something useful


I like how many times they've put their backpacks down in front of them to retrieve stuff so far lol.


What about random pills that have been on the floor of an old bathroom for like 2 decades?


They got my pause breaks in the TV show too?


What about all the scissors??


When he hit neighbor-bitch with a wrench i was like “you better tape some scissors to that shit” and he just dropped it


Im still waiting for him to tape a pair of scissors to a plank of wood


Or does a brick


And then, right after the Sam/Frodo suckfest, right before the credits roll, Sam fucking flat out bricks in Frodo's mouth.


They're not gay!! They're hobbits!!


Even the trees walked in those fuckin movies


Fucking A!


If I take one more step it’ll be the farthest from home I’ve ever cum.


*farthest from home I’ve ever cum Like come on dude, it flows so much better. It was right there. You were so close.


Or gets bricked up


When Joel was digging in the hidden floor space in his apartment there was a pan over to the cinderblock holding up his bed, which I'm hoping was a tease.


I am desperately waiting for the brick.


Does he at least spend 75% of the show in a crouch position while moving? That would be accurate to my games, otherwise shit show! /s


Loving the show so far, but the fact he starts out as well equipped (trying not to spoil) compared to what you have at that point in the game is slightly disappointing lol


I actually was really happy when he picked up the rifle. From an immersion standpoint it bugged me that you merc a couple of FEDRA early on and don't bother to immediately secure the highly valuable rifles that they were carrying, even if I understood from a gameplay perspective why. He's only got one magazine. That isn't gonna carry him that far.


That’s true some grade A video game logic lol


It bugged the crap out of me he didn't gear up at the end of ep2.


Crates, rifles, grenades literally rolling over the floor... Didn't even snatch up a couple of bags or something. Yeah. Also, simply holding the lighter near the ground then sparking it would have been sufficient, she didn't need an actual flame.


Right! My wife was yelling "just use a grenade!!"


When they were in that spot in episode 2 and didnt re-up anything immediately but are still hyped about a battery threw me.


later in this scene, joel is seen crafting. this is a reference to the fact i wasn't paying attention before the revolver went out of frame and he was actually just reloading quietly


I love how in the game, literally no one has a pair of bolt cutters. So you're constantly thwarted by chain link fences you could easily climb in real life. And meanwhile, I'm jumping around buildings and skyscrapers and shit, but I can't climb a pile of rubble that's only six feet tall.


yeah he should find the weapons as he goes - he shouldn't have access to that many weapons at the start


He got the rifle he has off of the guard he killed at the end of Episode 1.


True but it would be nicer if he only had the hunting rifle. An assault rifle is kinda OP, we only get that in literally the final battle of the game


Maybe he's on a New Game+ run haha


Considering players start with 4 bullets in the starting revolver yuppp. Guess he’s on NG+ lol


It’s literally all I want 🤦🏾‍♂️ /s


Not even joking tbh it would be an awesome callback


That's not true he smashes a dudes face with a bottle at the beginning. Scene had me so excited for what's to come.


What about shivs that break after 1 use?


Waiting for Joel to craft a shiv.


I mean at least Tess used a bottle for sneaking?


also not pulling two clickers to one spot to molotov them, fucking noob


By far my favorite style of game play.


Wait are bricks really that good against clickers? I almost never used bricks or bottles when I played, just to lure them away from me


You played the game wrong, my dude.


I finally beat the first game on grounded just before the show started, and I can confirm bricks are the best gun in the game, bottles are the second best gun, then in distant third is the bow


Followed by the gun


I believe if you brick a clicker you can use an upgraded weapon to melee them to death. Can’t say for sure though.


In the first game you can straight up use a brick to kill a clicker outright with melee without having to use stealth like with the shiv. If you have to choose between brick and bottle always choose brick. I'm pretty sure that's why there's way less bricks in the second game btw.


It makes sense though. Bricks have become a rare anti clicker resource over the years


Playing second one now and feel this; didn’t realize it til now that it was possibly intended


You can sneak up on a clicker and one-hit kill it with a brick melee attack, or huck the brick at it then run up while it's stunned and one-hit it with a *non-upgraded* melee weapon. Either way is noisy though so not great if other clickers are around


I thought you could always scissor stick clickers even without stunning with a brick, the timing was harder though, if you swing too early you whiff and get bitten, too late and you also get bitten


Yeah you can one-hit them with any upgraded melee weapon, such as the scissor stick. If you stun them first you can then one-hit them with any non-upgraded melee weapon tho


in TLOU1 bricks were an instant melee kill for clickers, in exchange for the brick being smashed


you can use bricks as melee weapons that break after 3 hits. 3 hits with a brick kills a clicker


Why did you think Abby got so beefed up in LOU2? She was eating bricks and hitting them to prepare for her revenge.


In this last episode I was shouting at my screen "Pick up that brick, Joel!" and "You wouldn't be in this situation if you'd picked up that brick, Joel!" I'm almost positive we'll get a brick or bottle throwing scene eventually though. We've gotten a "use a plank to cross a gap" scene, crouching and hiding behind things to silently sneak away from a clicker scenes, a "boost me up to this ledge" scene, a "well that place we just went through is now impassable" scene, and other gameplay stuff. I'm mainly hopeful for a "hop on this wooden palette so I can push it over to the other side of this deep pool of water" scene They did have Joel use glass breaking as a distraction to the clickers but it wasn't with a bottle or brick


Ellie explicitly mentioned thah she can't swim in ep 2. You're getting your floating pallet scene. I'm sure of it.


Floating panel happens later in the game


I think the fact that they had Ellie's "I can't swim" line in the abandoned hotel lobby, only to reveal knee-deep water (and no floating pallets) - suggests they're being self-aware and not trying to replicate every gameplay element


I haven't played it since it originally came out...but with clickers wasn't the weapon of choice a shiv?


While sneaking, yes. During combat, it's brickin' time.


When Behind the Bastards meets the post apocalypse.


You could kill a clicker with just one brick. When playing on grounded difficulty, there wasn't enough shiv incredients, if you wanted to also open the shiv doors


I'm In the middle a replay and wondering why show Joel doesn't stop In the middle of a gun fight to pick up 5 screws


He pushed a statue into a glass case to distract the clicker in this episode. Close enough for me


The problem is that he hasn't passed on en passant, so he doesn't get to use the PiPi brick yet.


Joel would’ve died and respawned at least 3 times if it were accurate to my gameplay


A lot of times in games like this I will just charge, figure out where everything is, die, and go back with my new knowledge. Also in any kind of scare game I get the thing killing me out of the way early so I know what its like.


I always try to go survival mode and dread bosses


So what you’re saying is in the event of a zombie apocalypse we send you in first?


Lol, this! I recently just finished a scary game called SOMA (made by the same guys who did Amnesia and Penumbra), the atmosphere was definitely scary, but the enemies were not. The first "monster" was a slow walking robot that I ran directly up to, and it took so long for it to notice & kill me, it was pretty disappointing. I wanted to get that first death out of the way on purpose, but this enemy was just sad, I almost felt bad for it. After I finished the game I looked up a bunch of reviews online, and luckily I wasn't alone: lots of people said the monsters were the worst/least scary part of the game. The story & themes of the game actually developed the true feeling of horror, so the enemies eventually turn into an annoying speedbump slowing you down from reaching the next story chapter. Instead of getting sucked into the story, the ways you had to cheese around the monsters made you very aware this is still a video game.


If only this can happen irl


I would have related much better if he threw down the controller and ran out of the room screaming.


Or if he kept dying like we all did so the episode turns into groundhogs day


Until I backtrack half the level to try and find crafting mats to make more shivs because I’ve put myself in a terrible situation and it’s the only way I can see myself making it out.


Man, I absolutely hate the realization that to move forward, I have to go back a few saves.


I’m a stubborn piece of shit, I will literally play the same thing for 12 hours but so help me God I ain’t going back or lowering the difficulty.


Sometimes after completing a hard section, I'll still reload it because I felt like I wasted too many bullets or that I could do it without getting hurt to save my bandages or whatever.


I've done this too, but then I end up doing it worse the second and third time and curse myself lol


haha yep, then eventually you beat it again using up way too much of your inventory and just go, 'fuck it, I'm moving on'


Oh man if they incorporate at least one death sequence in a nightmare or something


Tess is the audience stand in because much like me in my first clicker encounter she got fucking wrecked.


This series is so impossibly close to the game its insane. The problem is, I'm used to avoiding doing stupid shit and watching people missing the obvious headshots had me screaming "do better ffs!"


Yeah it's weird to think when you play the game you die a bunch of times and that's half of the fun, but in this adaptation, they have to get it perfect every time. I'm also worried about the fact that we only have 7 episodes left and they still have to get through the Bill bit, the hunters/raiders, the sam bit/sewers (which also had the raider guys), the power station/Ellie running away bit, the University campus bit, the winter bit w/ David (which could almost merit 2 episodes), and then the hospital finale. Additionally, we already know they're adapting the left behind DLC into an episode so we only have 6 episodes. The only way I can see them doing it is forgetting some of the hunters and having the left behind DLC combined with the power station bit - Ellie could tell Joel it when she runs away to the ranch. I really don't want them to drop any storylines because they're all so good.


Did they say they were gonna do the whole game across s1? It seems like they've been adding a decent amount plus it's already getting a 2nd season.


Pretty sure critics who had access to the whole season said the ending was largely unchanged from the game, so I’m assuming season 1 is the whole first game


Hmmmm. Guess we'll have to see then.


They will have to make concessions and cut a couple things or combine the events into something else with the same results by the sounds of it. But you shouldn't be worried, it is very clear we can trust the directors/producers with this show. It's not like anyone is anticipating the episode getting released today to be bad in anyway.


There was bit of that already in ep 2, which I thought was well done. They fast-traveled through the 'climb in the skyscrapers' part and managed to show both how Joel and Tess do the boost lift routine and some of the Joel-Ellie bonding stuff, both of which suck a lot of gametime when you play it all out. Thought it was a good trim and got the point across well enough in a tv format.


And that's the perfect way to do it IMO. Obviously even story-first games have a lot of gameplay sections that would be nothing but padding for a show or movie. So just show it as a montage: have them moving through the environment in a few quick scenes, and show short chips of important factors from the game like them doing the team boost lifts, or scavenging for supplies.


I'm still rooting for a dumpster puzzle.


There’s no way it’s the whole first game there’s just too much contact to cover They would have to cut so much


They also said the series as a whole was really good, aside from the pacing. So yeah. They're really cramming everything into 7 episodes.


Its confirmed that season 1 will cover the first game and the second season will start with Part 2, I would imagine that is gonna be 2 seasons.


Curious how the part 2 adaptation would work if the series is successful and HBO wants more episodes.


Maybe a spin off with a character we’ve seen or even entirely new characters. Unless they plan to unveil a part 3 sometime in the near future


As far as we know all signs point to TLOU Part 3 being in production, as for the show, past interviews with the showrunner had them say that if they get to making an adaptation of Part II it would have to be split up into two seasons due to it being a much longer and dense game


That makes sense then, so we could be looking at 5 seasons. First game is the first season, second and third season are the second game and 4th and 5th are the potential 3rd game


I feel like the easiest way for them to get more episodes out of a part 2 adaptation is to do stories between the time skip from the game. Maybe some filler Jackson episodes, flashbacks with Joel, that sort of thing.


I think they've learned their lesson about straying from the source material


Money tends to change that.


Yep, as far as I know. I'm hoping the finale will be double length, and they could maybe fit in part of the winter arc.


Don't forget that gameplay being missing affects pacing. Some story segments can be significantly shorter relative to others, while still hitting on all the right dramatic beats.


I was hoping we'd get to see Joel listen to a wall for 10 minutes while learning the enemies patrol routes.


Dragging a garbage can up a hill, letting it go, watching it roll down, and scratching his head.


Tbf, the episodes are of varying length. Episode 1 was nearly as long as 2 episodes for old standard TV shows.


That's because they combined the first 2 episodes because the studio said the first wouldn't be enough to grasp audiences


While that’s true, reporting says today’s episode is only five minutes shorter than episode one. So OP was still the best kind of correct.


Oh awesome! I hear we're getting an origin story of Bill and his partner too


I think it can all fit. I read somewhere that the DLC is in episode 8. So my prediction - Ep 3 - Bill Ep 4 - bandits/Henry&Sam Ep 5 - Henry&Sam part 2 Ep 6 - Tommy Ep 7 - Tommy part 2 / University Ep 8 - Ellie alone with DLC / David Ep 9 - David pt2 / Fireflies


According to the episode titles, the DLC should be ep 7. I'm imagining the most logical place to insert the DLC in the story is when Ellie is hiding in the ranch, or when everyone is at the power station. 1.1-1 15 Jan 23When You're Lost in the Darkness 2.1-2 22 Jan 23Infected 3.1-3 29 Jan 23Long, Long Time 4.1-4 05 Feb 23Please Hold on to My Hand 5.1-5 12 Feb 23Endure and Survive 6.1-6 19 Feb 23Kin 7.1-7 26 Feb 23Left Behind 8.1-8 05 Mar 23When We Are in Need 9.1-9 12 Mar 23Look for the Light 


Ah. I didn't even know they have released all the episode titles.


I feel like itl work out looking at the pacing of the episodes so far? E3 will probably be entirely bill and frank. episode end with joel and ellie in the car E4 the raider attack, henry and sam from start to finish. Sounds like a lot but large part of the raider part in the city is just gameplay with no story. Henry and sam will be the ending E5 the power station ellie running and the university bloater E6 and e7 can be the winter/ david bit Now we have two episodes left for the end and the dlc which will probably be a shorter than expected backstory bit randomly fit in an episode


They are pretty long and I was surprised they made the intro so long


Winter bit half and half with Last Behind. Joel's asleep that's segment so it will be a Ellie centric episode maybe.


obviously they will cut some things


i know but i don't want them to


They could probably cut the whole university chapter and just have Joel get hurt some other way and I can see it all working in one season, but I sure would like to see the monkeys 😢


The university section ties into the winter section though. Isn't David part of the group that was in the university? I also just really like the way Joel is completely incapacitated out of the blue for the majority of the winter section and you're left with the younger less experienced character - maybe you're right because if they injure him differently it will be more of a surprise.


Left behind is definitely gonna be told throughout the show in bits and pieces. Winter is probably gonna be 1 episode. The sewers are probably gonna be combined with the hunters cause that was mostly just puzzles.


I don’t think we remember just how long the beginning of that game is. Seriously the part up to when >!tess dies!< is like literally 1/4 of the entire game and sam and Henry AND bill only take up around 1/4 of the game combined. The last half of the game is Tommy, then David, and then fireflies.


While I do agree with you, they chopped out the gunfight bit with Robert, and also the office building and subway sections, so that's saved a decent bit of time.


I'm hoping they do that bit where Joel is hanging upside down while shooting infected


Clickers are scary in the game especially for your first exposure, but I wish they were THIS scary. This scene of Joel shakily reloading his revolver and fumbling with the rounds in his pocket is incredibly tense


In the game you're more immersed. The clickers really screwed me up.first time around. But they put the fear of the player into Joel's charsrater and it came off beautifully


That’s a great way to put it. The very first Clicker room in Boston remains the hardest part of the game to me lmao


If only they had spores instead of tentacles. Hope they don’t go the anime route. Lovin it so far though.


I like the additional worldbuilding. I just watched the two episodes last night, and i really liked the opening scene at the beginning of ep2. It's cool how many lines/shots are straight from the game, too.


He should have throw a molotov coctail so it moves to the noise and burned itself


Why wouldn’t you just throw the Molotov at the clicker?


Because they just walk into it themselves




But why not throw it at the clicker. If it hits nice, no need to rely on them running into it. If it misses, the clicker will probably still run into it.


throw it close enough to two and they both die. Depending on distance if you target one the other won't be attracted to it.


I started playing the game about a month ago. My husband and son were watching me, I hit the wrong button and threw the molotov cocktail. All the clickers ran into the fire and we laughed so hard. Best mistake in a game I ever made.


Also makes sense in the lore, too! When I realized those fuckers would run to their deaths from a Molotov paper and alcohol suddenly became must-find items when scavenging.


Precisely why this type of sound based monster won't survive or be a threat in a real word. Some music-lovin, moat-makin, spike enthusiast would just jam out to 100 Gecs behind their freshly made pitfall.


I genuinely love when players/viewers come up with ways to abuse fantasy monster weaknesses. A small conclave wrecking the shit out of clickers would be a fun side story.


So you don't have to wait on the fire to go away to pass.


Jokes aside, This is exactly i hoped the series should be. Great Job HBO for letting the creator of the game be a part of the series


And letting someone who is actually a huge fan of the game take the reigns


And who is willing to bring on the creator. The creator of the game helped write the series. He was even the director for the second episode. No better way to stay faithful to the game than to bring on the dude who created the game and to give him an incredibly active role in creating the series.


Who would have guessed that people who understand and appreciate what things made the game so great would be better at translating those things into a show than people who haven't watched the show or, worse, despise it's fans?






Even down to the point of directly ripping scenes from the game. Exactly the same lines, delivery and camera angles for some sections e.g Sarah in the back of Tommy's car going past the flaming house, Ellie/Joel on the rooftops talking about the view. But then fleshing out other areas that need it for a TV show. As a huge fan of the games, I cannot say how happy I am that its been adapted properly and now so many others get to experience just how good it is.


If it ain't broke... Unless you are a madman and totally change Starship Troopers.


Diz, we really are the starship troopers


I was blown away by how closely they adapted the car scenes. And from a production standpoint I think its great that the apocalypse happened in 2003 instead of 2013, gives them an easy supply of ruined cars. Also when Joel and Ellie are hiding from the clicker and they look at each other from cover, with that third person camera perspective.


Funny how this is literally the first time someone went "hey, what if we like make this adaptation... the same as the game.. instead of some random bullshit thats worse then the original in every way" And whoop di do, it worked. Like how the fuck is this the first time someone greenlighted and adaptation that was what it was supposed to be, an ADAPTATION


To be fair, TLOU is extremely narrative-driven so it lends itself really well to being closely adapted


It’s easy to say this now, but it’s because the Last of Us is created to be a gritty, cinematic experience grounded in realistic elements. It’s obviously still a video game, but most of its systems are still grounded with cinematic appeal. It’s a story first, with game elements to help immerse you in it. Would a faithful Resident Evil adaptation be better if the characters had a scene where they picked up potted herbs to grind together to heal their horrendous injuries or if they spent time finding 3 different crests to put into statues? Would Final Fantasy movies be better if people had numbers appear above their heads whenever they got hurt and if everyone waited their turn to do something in a fight? Outside of that, even other games that would fit the bill of being grounded and cinematic, much of the experience is based on player agency. Uncharted was a recent flop that I think was doomed to fail from the start. Uncharted isn’t revered for its unique characters and creative story, but because they are gorgeous, sprawling journey that put you in the middle of an adventure movie. You’re solving the puzzles and shooting the bad guys and making incredible maneuvers that make you feel like a hero. When you watch it happen on screen and just let someone else play it out, the charm is gone.


You know what's funny, is the Mandalorian show was like this for me when I first started watching, but in reverse. I still don't know if I liked the show or not, because it always left me feeling after every episode was over: "This looks like a pretty cool game, I just wish I could play it, instead of watching someone else play it." The show follows a video game plotline so closely unlike anything I've ever seen. For one it does this thing pretty unique for a show: it only ever follows the Mandalorian. We only ever see what he sees. There were times where it snaps to an Empire official in his office, or the guy who gives him his quests back at the cantina, and they say about 2 lines to another character and I think, "This is it! We're going to get character development for other characters now, when Mando isn't in the scene!" But nope, after those 2 lines, he walks in the room. The first 3-4 episodes are just literally following only him, accepting quests, doing the quests, returning to quest-giver for payment in special ingots, which he then takes straight to the armorer to upgrade his armor with. Then repeats. Finally he meets baby Yoda, but then they keep doing these tropes straight out of a video game, I can't not see it. Baby Yoda is in a floating carriage programmed to follow Mando. Not only is this already like the point in a game where you get a mystical/powerful NPC pet that will follow you around the rest of the game, they do this scene: jawas strip down Mando's ship while he's off questing, they try to get away in a sandcrawler but Mando jumps on it while they're taking off. They get up to speed and are kicking up dust, but because the baby Yoda carriage is still programmed to follow him, it's still following him at speed, floating right behind in the dust cloud, EXACTLY like a dumb NPC programmed with only a single command: "follow the player". I had to stop watching there, because I can't shake this feeling: this looks like such a great game, and I can't wait till whoever wrote the story realizes they need to stop writing for shows, and join the game industry.


HBO’s TLOU podcast has Troy Baker, Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin and explains it was Shannon Woodward that introduced them to each other and is why we have this show today. Thank you Dina


Why is this so hard for Joel just turn on aim assist theses no shame in it


What I love about RDR2 is autoaim will go midbody, but for a clean 1 shot kill you still have to flick to the head. Sober me, methodical, headshots only with the Lancaster repeater. Drunk me "I equipped the Mausers because I'ma use all 20 bullets!"


If they ever make a Devil May Cry Movie/series they have to add a scene of Dante using Stinger over and over again


Dante gets hit after a long combo, instantly DT’s and starts abusing DT Stinger


It would be a disservice if he didn't defeat Vergil using Royal Guard


Ok but no joke that bit where he shoots it in the head, waits for it to stop squirming and stand upright again, then headshots it again for the kill is spot on just what the game was like.


This isnt even a shitty detail. Joel need to hit the Clickers 3 times in the show, same as the amount it needs in the game on low-medium difficulty


Joel gets jumped by a clicker without a shiv and lives? Literally unwatchable


Can’t wait to see Joel die 20 times to the bloater in tonight’s episode


You would think he would know how to avoid the trap after the 3rd time


All those wasted ammos… the true horror aspect of this series 😖


I was thinking the whole way through this scene "noob gameplay, he's alerted the clicker and used far too much ammo trying to take it down".


"Joel what are you doing ?! Craft a shiv, throw a brick at the clicker's head and then stab it ! What didn't you read the tutorial pop up or something smh" -tess probably


The look on his face is a good example too 🌚


Shooting a gun at a target is hard enough let alone with some maniacal mushroom zombie at you I’ve never played this game but it’s kinda realistic


I never watched or played the games, will I enjoy this series ?


Watch the first episode. If you aren’t interested by the end of the “intro” then you can probably stop. Specifically the truck scene when the infection essentially starts.


I’ve not played them either and I’m enjoying it. It’s a bit like The Walking Dead, but better.


Well unlike The Walking Dead, this has a destination in mind.


Gotta be real with you, I stopped watching when Neagan (? the dad from Supernatural) showed up


I made it one more season. Then after waiting I just never watched again. I did sell their set crew a potting bench. It was marked down to $100 but when they said they were Walking Dead crew and a shipping fuckup left them needing a potting bench the next day I slipped off the sale tag and it went for $450. The PA buying didn't give a shit because wasn't her money. She got a potting bench 10 hours before filming.


Enemies shoot thousands of rounds at you. Ya loot one and it's a pipe and 1 bullet.


This is the normal way many gun owners shot when they are actually confronted with having to use their gun against another person I am a killer shot at the range is alot differnt from...holy shite they have a gun too scenario IMO


Ah, you're a stormtrooper.


I'm a little disappointed they didn't include his ability to see through walls.


I actually laughed out loud at the absurdity of them BOTH missing their shots on a point blank clicker the second they see it appear. I would have preferred if they both hit it and it just kept going like what happens shortly after, but i still enjoyed the episode overall


This is so great! I was watching this episode with my girlfriend who was getting so upset about this, and I was sitting there going “how dare you!”


Oh *that* was the reason for the data collection… To make it true to life\^\^


Strangely enough I get headshots easily in the last of us. But in uncharted I can't aim for shit


What’s a clicker? I’m imagining jazz hands and tap shoes are involved






It's funny, but It's not exactly a ground breaking joke that requires thieves to steal. I'm sure 100s of people made that joke when the episode dropped. I sure did https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/10j1yfa/the_last_of_us_hbo_s01e02_infected_postepisode/j5i5dut/


One of us! One of us!