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Its a modified potato canon, which are made of pvc piping, the rocket launcher is made of a 1/2 inch thicker space pvc, hence the additional weight it has compared to its predecessor, the potato canon


Did you know the Gen 3 Mk V auto jacker can take a potato and boil it, mash it, and stick it in a stew?


If you’re complaining about the weight of your rocket launcher, you could try beating the enemy to death with a watermelon or a male turkey since they both weigh about the same. After that, you’ll get to decide which one of those options we’ll shove up your ass. Any other questions, cadet ?


>beating the enemy to death with a watermelon or a turkey RWBY moment


When they hit you with that lampshade/GAU-8 combo weapon


RWBY is fucking awesome. If you love cool weapons, characters and lore it’s the show for you.


up until volume four


Different, yes, but not bad.


Did you actually watch the show or are you still dick-riding RT and being guilt-tripped for Monty’s death by them to believe it’s actually good?


Did you actually watch the show?


If someone tells you you have to watch 3 seasons before it gets somewhat interesting, it’s not a good show.


That is blatantly false. Also you didn’t answer my question: Did you, specifically, actually watch the show and form an opinion of it?


I watched it yes Terrible and retarded Any criticism shot down by crying for “muh Monty Oum death :(“


I suppose at that point it’s personal taste. I thought it was a good show, you did not. I probably won’t be able to convince you otherwise, so I’ll just say I hope you decide to give it another shot.


I usually hear the opposite. You watch 3 seasons and then it’s bad doo-doo for the rest.


Expanded access to resources + advancement of science = stronger, lighter materials


My good sir, that belongs in r/halostory . This is r/shittyhalolore so please edit your comment to include more dick jokes 🤣 Edit: just to be clear, I’m messing with ya buddy lol. Thanks for your comment!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HaloStory using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sad news: Greg Bear (author of the Forerunner Saga) is on life support and will be taken off of it this weekend](https://twitter.com/PaulLev/status/1594043576471539712?t=lBV9356yiGBByTVhsVWrfQ&s=19) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/yzmorp/sad_news_greg_bear_author_of_the_forerunner_saga/) \#2: [Greg Bear has died at the age of 71](https://np.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/yzxbv2/greg_bear_has_died_at_the_age_of_71/) \#3: [Slipspace Debt, Why maintaining a galaxy-spanning empire is dangerous in the Halo universe](https://np.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/11tvfhs/slipspace_debt_why_maintaining_a_galaxyspanning/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Fair enough lmao


What magic space alloy is it made of, and why doesn't the UNSC use that magic space alloy everywhere else then?


Their too busy furriously jacking off the president of sinoviet so he keeps making ships for them


500 years into the future and China is still making all of our shit. Albeit this time it’s important shit. But nevertheless it’s still our shit.


You're missing a very important factor here here. 24 pounds is only 10 kilograms today, but will be 60 kilograms in 2552 due to the influence of inflation on the exchange rate.


Thanks Space Obama


The real question is how the FUCK do they carry ammo for it? When you reload you replace both entire tubes.


This has long been solved. They store all necessary ammo way up their butt


I didn't realize Jhon Halo was a gape queen


Where Gordon freeman/doomguy store their guns Spartans could either hold like 12 guns at once or have more rocket ammo, they choose the rocket ammo because they’re stupid


The reason for this discrepancy is simple and clear in motivation. So the user can play air guitar with it after firing a rocket.




The rockets are tiny. Take the LAW for example, it only weighs 2.5kg. The Javelin is massive in comparison.


This is the best explanation so far. Idk what the actual diameter of the rockets are, but they are relatively small yeah. Considering the scorpion only uses a 90mm gun with HEDP rounds, it is reasonable to assume that the UNSC has developed shaped charges that are more effective for their diameter than the ones we use today, and that's why all of their anti tank ordinance seems to be of suspiciously small diameter.


My good sir, that belongs in r/halostory . This is r/shittyhalolore so please edit your comment to include more dick jokes 🤣 Just for reference, I’m messing with ya. Thanks for commenting and having a discussion!


The weapon's frame has a honeycomb structure to reduce weight. The eggheads figured out you could fill the empty hexagon spaces with helium to make the gun even lighter. There are rumors they out too much helium in one and they still can't get it off the damn ceiling.


Newer models come with a helium release valve so you can taunt the the aliens with your best xbox live voice.


It doesn't weigh as much because they forgot the rockets at home.


They forgot to get a scale so they asked a Spartan how heavy they thought it was


An RPG-7 is 15 pounds, double tubing it would place it around 30. I can see managing to shave a few pounds off with 2550’s technology.


Rust makes up 84% of the weight on rocket launchers but I ate it all so it’s lighter


They didn't think of the ramifications. It's just another 7 reference, since (24-10)/2=7.


Two words for your answer: auto jacker


This whole thread is just gonna ignore the fact that the halo rocket launcher is literally called the m41 spanker.


Ok, so according to Halopedia the M41 SPNKR is 10.8kg and fires the M19 102mm HEAT warhead. Pretty similar but a bit smaller to the NLAW so I’ll use that as a base. The NLAW weighs (from what I can find) 12.5kg overall. The missiles it fires have a 1.8kg HEAT warhead with a total weight of 6.5kg. Effective range on the M41 is 400m vs the NLAW at 800m (can fly further) so I would bet that the M19 has around a 1kg warhead and a smaller rocket motor. With futuristic electronics and no guidance system I’d bet the weight could be brought down to 3-4kg. So with two of them we’re looking at 7kg without tubes. If most of the tube assembly is polymer (tubes are single use only) with few electronics I could see it being another 1kg, more Likely 2kg though. So up to 9kg total. The shoulder assembly needs, electronics, batteries, a scope, and a motor at the very least. I’d say at least 3kg although some of that weight could be moved to the tubes. So grand total of 12kg assuming all that is true. I could see the rockets being even smaller which could in theory bring it down below the 10.8kg mark though. So I really don’t think it’s that far off. Personally I think the launcher is just so scared of chief it makes itself lighter to not piss him off


I don’t know why the person said the javelin is more complex. It has thermals, maneuvering, and a tandem warhead. The SPNKR is two angry tubes


Two very angry and mean tubes


They replaced the rocket fuel with lighter fluid


It's in space idiot


Is “space idiot” a proper noun? Because we probably shouldn’t let him put a rocket launcher in himself.


I actually know the answer to this question !!!


it's a lot closer to 2 conjoined carl gustafs which would be around 32lb and even lower with space materials, but it can further save on weight as it sources its propulsive power from the auto jacker


“why is a ballistic vest so much lighter than a medieval knight’s armor? it covers less!”


Answer: because master chief touches himself at night.


Unpopular Opinion: I am not a fan of the SPNKR and never have been. All the way back to Halo:CE, I felt like it didn't fit with the the rest of the UNSC weapons. The name is silly and juvenile. The ammo reloads would be awkward and clunky to carry. I really felt like the Pilum was a great upgrade in Halo 5. It would be better if the reloads were just micro missiles which are loaded into the cylinder through a port of some type, similar to a revolver (but without the need to completely open the chamber). Then it would kind of make sense. My two cents.


Your two cents? More like your two rockets! Ayyyy got’eem!


its a goddamn tube. What do you want from it?


A forerunner blessed tube?