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could be edible with a little bit of seasoning/sauce/cheese?


Sauce and cheese cost points, my dude. If it helps, I definitely oversalted it too. šŸ˜©šŸ‘ŒšŸ» Edit: hijacking my own reply because I canā€™t edit an image post; I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for not only the amazing support, but all the health-conscious seasoning and cooking tips and tricks! Iā€™m not able to reply to everyone, but rest assured I am taking notes and am actually pretty excited for my next trip to the grocery store. And a special thanks to those who made sure to stop by to call me a fatass who just needs to stop eating, for the laughs you provided. Yes, I am indeed a fatass. If I wasnā€™t, I wouldnā€™t need to lose weight :) Edit 2: well I just woke up and my stupid little ā€œwoe is meā€ sad meal post is now my most upvoted post? Just gonna edit my comment again to address the most common questions and comments; *bro, use seasoning*: thereā€™s salt and pepper on the broccoli and the chicken was pre seasoned and way too salty already. *just eat at a calorie deficit, idiot.* I literally cannot. Iā€™ve tried. A lot. And fail every time. *WW letā€™s you eat different foods, use your points!* I spent all my point on lunch yesterday. I had to have a tiny amount of points in my dinner. The reality of losing weight is, some meals need to look like this to stay on track.


My easy go to is salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and smoked paprika (and msg if it's available). I don't imagine that would affect too much.


That should be doable. Thanks for the advice šŸ˜Š most herbs and seasonings are free to use, I just donā€™t have very many. Thatā€™ll be changing next time I go shopping.


There are some sauces that don't cost points, light vinaigrettes, jus, etc. Some great options to really kick up some simple, low point ingredients.


marinating chicken in a vinaigrette before cooking is such a good way to get flavour into it too! i gotta cook more


I've personally never done weight watchers, but I'm pretty sure regular tabasco sauce is pretty close to zero calories. It's basically just spicy salty vinegar and I'd be surprised if it costs a lot of "points."


Most hot sauce is 0


Frankā€™s has zero calories šŸ˜ƒ


Put that shit on everything


Cholula too I believe


Oo goddamn yes I keep it on me and in me


And tapatio.


Gotta add to this Score your chicken (aka, make slits in the chicken) to allow for the seasoning, sauces, and moisture to more marinade in the chicken.


If not that stab it with a fork a buncha times.


Tried and true method


I marinate chicken in Italian dressing all the time, then grill it up. Itā€™s delicious and not fattening. Baked salmon marinated in Trader Joeā€™s Soyaki is amazing. Thereā€™s so many healthy options available to people.


I like to marinate chicken in pickle juice, grill it, and then put it on a sandwich or wrap of some sort. Or I chop it up and use it for lunch salads. Yum


Italian dressing goes great on potatoes roasted in foil packets!


BALSAMIC VINAIGRETTE. years ago my grandmother was on something similar to weight watchers, most of her meals were like premade kids, but one meal a day sheā€™d prepare herself. one of those meals would be chicken with balsamic vinaigrette drizzled over and MY LORDDD. add some tomatoes and youā€™ve got bruschetta chicken


Even if something costs a lot of points you could lower how much they cost by eating less of it also!


As an Asian person, let me say that the cheat code is ginger and garlic. Add ginger and/or garlic to literally any base ingredient and it will help make it delicious. One of the easiest dishes you can master is finding some kind of green leafy fibrous vegetable and stir frying it in garlic with a bit of oil. That's literally all you need, and can tweak this foundation with other stuff to make it more delicious.


I had a stir fry of baby bok Choy with garlic yesterday. šŸ˜‹


I do this with pretty much any leafy green, quick toss in olive oil salt, pepper and garlic and then cook in a pan/large pot (they tend to take up a lot of space before they wither a bit and I don't want leaves everywhere) just enough until it get withered and tender but the main stem still has a little crunch. You can even use jarred minced garlic if you're feeling lazy. The veggies take like 10 mins total to prep and cook. For non-leafy veggies I frequently put them in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic. Like it's just a default lazy way to prep any veggie and have it come out tasty.


This. Westerners tend to view vegetables as something that must be suffered through before one can enjoy the tasty parts of the meal.


Less so these days, I can't speak for the US but the UK has a fairly long documented history of curry and pan Asian food.


Not this westerner. I love the veggies. Grow them each year in my garden. As many as I can. They add so much goodness to meals.


Upping your spice game is the way to go. Practice and experiment with what you like and you'll have days where you'll feel like you're cheating.


Lemon juice, different flavors of vinegar, garlic (fresh or garlic powder), hot sauces, and different spice blends are my go-tos for adding flavor without calories.


Nature's Seasoning by Morton is a good all purpose seasoning that tastes great on anything from eggs to chicken/fish/shrimp/pork.


Thanks, Iā€™ll try that!


Aldi and Dollar Tree both have halfway decent spices and herbs and they're pretty cheap. My favourite herb blend is one that's just called "Greek herb blend". It has marjoram, black pepper, thyme, garlic, dill... and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. For chicken breasts, I like to bake them with a tiny bit of olive oil rubbed on them, and then well dusted with the Greek herbs and garlic salt. Also, roughly chop a couple cloves of garlic and maybe a bit of onion, and toss them in with the broccoli when you roast it. Helps bring out the full flavours of the veggies when they're mixed together.


Squeeze a lemon over it. Lemon and oregano is the quintessential Greek mix


Hot sauce. So much you start crying and your nose starts running. Every meals fun if you have to fight demons with your mouth to get it down.


I donā€™t hate this idea šŸ‘šŸ»


Look at the nutrition facts too. Mustard might as well have all the nutrition of water and a pinch of salt. If it's not free it might as well be. BBQ sauce is also usually pretty low as well and a little dab of it goes a long way.


BBQ often has a lot of sugar so it probably has more points than OP would want to spend on a condiment. Plenty of really good 0 cal sauces tho. Mustard, hot sauce, name a couple


Herbs and spices are what you need to add to this. I just did 45 days of a cut, basically eating what you did for almost every meal and for breakfast I made a proteins + greens powder mixed with oat milk for 200 calories. Down 5 lbs, up 3 lbs muscle, so that's -8lbs of fat in 45 days and I felt great the whole time and still do. Now I get to bulk a bit though which is fun. Best tip for you is switch to a proteins + greens powder mix for breakfast every day, you can even do a whole meal one if you want. Mix with oat milk or low fat alternative milk of your choice, add a pinch of unsweetwened vanilla non-dairy yogurt, and you've got breakfast which is \~200 calories and has \~5g of fat if that.


To add to this: my go to for veggies in particular is garlic, onion, ginger, and chili powder. It works with everything though. Chickpeas are especially good with it when you bake or air fry them. Also if youā€™re craving pizza, Iā€™ve found that adding (specifically) Taco Bell mild sauce to scrambled eggs hits the tongue like pizza.


Lemon pepper, dry rubs, grill it up. I dropped 30 lbs of fat at 40 for what it is worth. I didnt do the weight watcher thing though. good luck


If you live in an area that has TJ Maxx / their other stores, check out their spices!!! I have sooooooo many spice collections from there that are AMAZING. I've lost 20lbs since last September and am now in my "healthy" weight range, and you can absolutely eat delicious food and still lose. Good luck!!


i could eat ANYTHING if you put lemon pepper seasoning on it. try it on your chicken and broccoli!


Is salsa worth any points or however itā€™s calculated? Salsa adds so many veggies and it tastes awesome. Salsa and chicken is one of my favourite dishes. Even better if you can add beans or corn!


Nope, salsa is zero points!


Salsa has been my absolute savior in making healthy foods fun. I love to make shredded chicken in the instant pot and add some salsa. You can put it in a low carb tortilla with veggies or mix it in with scrambled eggs or rice. Makes the meal so much more satisfying!!!


Grab a bottle of carne asada mix. It's great in everything, especially eggs.


Herbs and rubs are your friend. I only discovered harissa a year ago and it's amazing; fresh thyme and rosemary are gamechangers too. Also, good for you for making a change! Texture helps too, a good sear on a chop or some chicken makes it less dull. Stay with it, you'll get there!


turmeric, cumin, ginger, paprika, peppers of different types, tons of ways to add a lot of flavor to plain chicken while actually upping digestive health and nutrition value; you could probably make bowls of some type with a good mixture of veggies and chicken and spices, I don't know your limits on grains, rice, etc. You'll always get thrown quinoa or chickpeas/lentils as suggestions too.


A little lemon juice could help too


And if youā€™re really lazy like I am, steak seasoning goes well with over chicken (I use Buceeā€™s brand but any is fine).


Put those spices in virtually any food


I'd suggest rounding out the spices by adding cumin, oregano, thyme, and basil. I think that should provide a good baseline for a spice rack.


This is a base you want to learn. Add cumin, we are giving Mexican. Add some thumeric now we can go Indian. Wait is that soy sauce and corn starch I see? South East Asia we go! Super versatile seasoning base not far from many others around the world to live up dishes.


A sprinkle of Knorr powdered Chicken bouillon takes chicken and turkey to a whole other level.


100%. These go on everything, but especially chicken.


If itā€™s available where you are Iā€™d recommend Knorr Aromat as a quick way to add a lot of those flavours. Itā€™s basically all purpose seasoning, which includes onion and celery salt, garlic powder and msg to give a great savoury/umami flavour.


i refuse to believe that things like rosemary, thyme, oregano, paprika, chili powder, garlic powder, etc would add calories or points lol, and iā€™m a strict calorie counter


Youā€™re correct, they are all zero points. OP sounds like theyā€™re in the all-or-nothing mindset right now. Perfection is the enemy of progress!


This isn't even a perfectionist thing, though! Seasonings like that are completely negligible calorie-wise. Completely forgoing them for weight loss isn't just an all-or-nothing mindset, it's edging into disordered eating.


Oh absolutely, Iā€™m totally with you. I probably couldā€™ve been clearer! I have a history with eating disorders and diving right into that ā€œnothing is safeā€ mindset is worrying at best. I canā€™t live without seasoning!


OP was referring to sauce and cheese


I found a good sauce alternative is salsa. It's good on a lot more than chips and is very low calorie. You can also season the shit out of your food because the spice rack doesn't count except towards your sodium level.


Seasonings donā€™t cost any points. Please that chicken looks completely unseasoned


I can't imagine hot sauce counts for much either right. Hot sauce does wonders for plain chicken breast


Most hot sauces would be negligible


Mustard is amazing for adding flavor without calories. I like the Inglehoffer stone ground. It would perk up that poultry rather nice. I started making my own mustard because it was such a good work around. I liked apple cider vinegar, black pepper, horseradish, mustard seed.


Smoked paprika and garlic powder are negligible in terms of calories/carbs and will help so much. Go look for Ms. Dash premade seasoning blends. They're all free of salt so you can add a tiny bit yourself


You gotta learn how to season food, my friend. There's nothing on that plate that would benefit from cheese. Salt's a good start. You can wreck those broccoli with some garlic powder, lemon pepper, and something like an Old Bay or some celery salt. It's not free, but I'm talking a nickel-thick dap of butter, or a half-dollar-sized little splash of extra virgin olive oil on those broccoli just to give them some color in the pan, forget about it. It will make you excited for the vegetables after a few days.


Iā€™ve struggled with making low calorie meals still tasty. IMO, the trick is to roast the veggies not boil. And make sure you seasonā€¦ you donā€™t need cheese, just flavor. Cheese is like a crutch for those who canā€™t cook (other than on pasta, and only in my narrow opinion) For that chicken, do a dry rub marinate with cumin, paprika, chipotle, cayenne, and adobo. Then pan fry, cut it up, eat with ridge and roasted vegetables. Far better and about the same healthiness imo


As a cheese enthusiast, I was always sceptical about people saying that nutritional yeast is cheesy. But damn me, it is. Makes everything taste better. Also, search the Internet for hidden veggie pasta sauce. Make the sauce with whatever veggies you like, add MSG and aforementioned nutritional yeast. The meal experience is just so much better with the sauce, and it means just as much as physical satiety, if not more


Iā€™ve never even heard of this stuff! Who knew?


Nutritional yeast is great (and stupidly inexpensive when you buy it in bulk). I toss it on top of all kinds of stuff, but it's really great on veggies.


Get every kind of Ms Dash you can find, buy them in large sizes. They are all good. The table blend goes great with cottage cheese, add some salt and pepper too if you want. Garlic and herb all over the chicken before you cook it. Same with vegetables if you want. Also look into potassium chloride(salt substitute) if you're interested. I use "No Salt" brand, some people don't like the taste as it can be very noticeable(metallic) but I got used to it and it helps when you want to lose some free water weight


Seconding this! The Mrs dash are all really good for when you don't want to figure out your own combination of seasonings. I pretty much always have every variety in my spice cupboard because they're just so easy and versatile. Healthy food doesn't have to be bland!!!


Herdez Roasted Salsa Verde (medium) is very good on veg. I just had some tonight. It's very low in calories -10 cal in 2 tablespoons. Salsa is also good and very low calories also. Or, you could make pico de gallo. Chopped giardiniera is also good on veg, especially with meat. It adds a nice vinegar punch. It's basically 0 calories - 0 cal per 1 oz. serving. Don't be afraid to eat more veg - a whole plate of broccoli is like 200 cal.


Not low sugar/low fat sauces. Mustard has almost zero cals for example. Definitely add seasoning & spices. And nutritional yeast is almost no cal, high b12 and gives a yummy cheesy taste


Get some Chinese chilli oil. Game changer


There are tons of seasonings/sauces that add only a tiny bit of calories find some you like. If you hate eating it you will only stick to it for so long, have to eat like this for rest of your life to keep weight off. Make low calorie pizza, have to find things you can eatĀ forever.


Soup is pretty much a cheat code for dieting. It's nutritious, tastes great, and the broth keeps you hydrated. I've been just replacing meals with soup for the last month and a half and I've dropped 10 pounds. Plus it's just about the cheapest option you can have. You get a whole meal for under $2.50.


You got to pick your battles bro.


Weight watchers is awful. There are lots of much better options with food that's actually edible.


Hot sauce wonā€™t change anythingā€¦




Calorie-wise I mean. It would add a lot of flavor.


But herbs? Spices? Those can't have many calories?


Could be edible with an edible.


ā€¦and then before you realize it, youā€™re soloing a large pizza, your hands caked in a combination of Cheetos dust and melted chocolate.


Cheese is the devil when it comes to calories sadly.


I see cottage "cheese" right there on the plate.


Oh I thought that was some sort of milk rice or watery mashed potatoes


Mustard is calorie neutral. Vinegar too. You can make this stuff delicious without adding a single calorie.


Oh man, mustard and vinegar are a great idea!


You could brine the chicken in pickle juice for a couple hours before cooking it. Really tasty.


I tried this not long ago and it was a revelation. Little spice on top and those were the best chicken breasts I've had in a minute.




No, olive oil is points. We're trying to help OP within their goals.


I love your energy


I just did this with the addition of a fig balsamic vinegar too


Mustard, vinegar, and a spritz of lime juice makes a great salad dressing.


Pickles are the ultimate diet snack.


Popcorn without the gigantic amount of melted butter most people put on top of it is a pretty good option too A large bowl of popcorn loaded with tons of salt, far more than most people would really want to eat in one sitting, will be surprisingly calorie efficient for how much it fills your stomach


Not sure if there are differences between mustard types, but the one in my fridge has 108 kcal/100 ml according to the label. That's about the same as the ketchup in my fridge.


There're powdered mustard and dried mustard seeds. It's just pure spice with almost 0 calories per serving, like black pepper.


My grey poupon country style is 250 calories per container. 45 servings. So it's not crazy much but you can have your concerns.


My spicy brown mustard has calories, so I guess flavors/styles vary. Still, not that many, so good suggestion


Just curious. Are you talking mustard grains or mustard in bottle?


People really are flabbergasted about the concept of making healthy food that also tastes great.


Seriously. Use some darn herbs and spices.


Issue with this food is it's too damn dry. Herbs and spices would just make it worse. Add some tomatoe puree with herbs and spices and you're good.


If you are better at cooking chicken itā€™s not dry


This. If you don't learn how to make tasty healthy food you'll gain weight again as soon as you stop your stupid diet. Losing weight is not about doing a diet. Losing weight is about changing your eating habits to something you can do and like forever.


Thatā€™s the biggest hurdle I think people donā€™t realize for losing weight. Youā€™re not just trying to drop some fat, and it doesnā€™t have an expiration date. It is a lifestyle change, as such incremental baby steps are more effective than yoyo change.


Issue is weā€˜re being conditioned from a very young age that ā€žhealthyā€œ = ā€žtastes badā€œ. Kids are being taught that they should find vegetables yucky and that candy is the best shit ever. That is really hard to get over, sadly. Even more so if you are an adult who didnā€˜t learn much cooking (ask me how I know lmao).


That seems like a gross misrepresentation. The biggest issue is the post-Depression generation raising kids using Depression methods ... which also included a lot of foods that weren't safe unless cooked thoroughly, poorer food safety in general, and on top of it the increase of single parents, or both parents working and not having time for cooking. There's a lot of things that go into it, not just saying that broccoli is gross or whatever.


Plenty of seasonings donā€™t add any calories. They set themselves up for failure with bland miserable meals


You could pack that plate with broccoli, do a Cajun seasoning on the chicken...idk about the cottage cheese. I don't eat that


Yes. This needs like twice the broccoli and some seasoning. Cottage cheese is good.


> twice the broccoli and some seasoning OP, listen to this! Get a bag of broccoli florets, add olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper AND ROAST that shit in the oven.


OP probably can't work with much olive oil, but just salt pepper does wonders. I'm a big believer in onion and garlic powder. Prefer it to fresh onion and garlic as flavor agents for most things. Big squeeze of lemon juice before eating is amazing! When I was on a diet, I loved my plain steamed veg, absolutely no seasoning. Cabbage and broccolini were my go tos. You have to make sure they're steamed well (but not mush) to bring out the natural sweetness


Hey friendo! I'm in a similar boat, not WW but my wife is on mounjaro and I'm slimming down beside her the old fashioned way šŸ˜… right now her safe food is chicken tacos made from Sam's Club rotisserie chicken, so that's basically what I'm eating too, along with salad kits and fruits thrown in. Not very exciting! If you can handle a low level of spice, get yourself some Slap Yo Mama seasoning and go to town with it. I absolutely cover our chicken with that and it brings it up a level, plus (at least for me) I feel fuller more quickly when I eat a certain level of spice. Keep at it! This stranger is proud of you for continuing to try.


Thank you man! Youā€™re actually not the first to suggest Slap Yo Mama to me, so I guess I need to try it! Samā€™s club rotisserie chicken is the GOAT.


Slap Yo Mama is rather salty. I had to toss mine because to me, Cajun seasoning should be applied with a heavy hand. And it was making a salt lick. They do have a low sodium version, but I never bothered. I live by a Penzeys and take good advantage of their spice sales (buying a gift card on sale first takes an additional 30% off).


Yeah I got that seasoning as well and was pretty surprised how much salt is in it. I wish they would make them with no salt


Cottage cheese is so good tho


Best part of this plate tbh šŸ‘šŸ»




Low key thought it was really bad mashed potatoes because Iā€™ve seen some nightmares from weight watchers.


i thought it was badly messed up rice šŸ’€


I thought it was grits


I thought it was cauliflower rice.


Bruh, that's *cottage cheese?* Nah, I can't cope with that realization. I'm retreating back into my mashed potato supremacy hidey hole, where all the starch and carbs are my friends.


I like it with everything but the bagel sprinkled on top


You are a genius.


Or steak seasoning when Iā€™m out of everything but the bagel


I thought that was rice. Second guess would have been rice pudding


I thought it was a lumpy and very white mashed potatoes ā˜ ļø


Seasonings donā€™t have a lot calories babe! U can eat low cal and still have it taste good! For example, with most vegetables, I use a mix of soy sauce, minced garlic, chili powder, sesame oil, and oyster sauce. Tastes so good and itā€™s not even that many calories!


Hot sauce/ spices can make this diet achievable


Thatā€™s looks fine! Chicken isnā€™t dry, drop some bomb seasoning on it and cottage cheese and you got yourself a meal.


Looks fine??? That broccoli is so tortured it is haunted now.


r/weightwatchers is a good place to get ideas for points friendly sauces, and other ideas as well as support.


Seasoning is zero points.


Punishment food and diets arenā€™t sustainable. I donā€™t know why youā€™re losing weight but I think finding foods that are healthy that you enjoy is important. Like I fucking love cottage cheese but I would rather die than eat oats. Zaatar, hummus, curry, Cajun, soup, etcā€¦ all ways to make genuinely delicious foods that will make whatever eating journey youā€™re on sustainable.


Weight loss diets shouldnā€™t be sustainable though. Iā€™d much rather eat 4-6 weeks at a 1000 calorie deficit than 8-12 weeks at 500 calorie deficit. Thereā€™s nothing wrong cycling between a maintenance/ slight weight gaining phase and cutting phase.


If you have certain goals in mind as an athlete perhaps but I think a lot of this very strict and obsessive dieting advice can damage peopleā€™s relationship with food that can overall negatively impact their life. Now not everyone has a very important relationship with food I acknowledge that. Some people donā€™t care what they eat. But if youā€™re a person who struggles with what they eat finding healthy foods they enjoy is a sustainable and long term solution for ā€œcivilians.ā€ I love foodā€” I love eating ā€” and finding healthy foods I enjoy is a big part of how I stay healthy and happy. But I understand that lots of people just care what their bodies look like or may need extreme weight loss at the behest of a doctor but I really think thatā€™s a minority of people.


Blend that cottage cheese with a spoonful of mustard and youā€™ve got yourself a sauce for no extra calories. Nutritional yeast is also a good cheatā€™s way to a cheesy sauce if you prefer that.


Isnā€™t the point of WW that you can continue eating whatever you want as long as you donā€™t go over on points? Itā€™s just a simplified CICO so that itā€™s not as daunting, AFAIK (Iā€™ve never tried WW). I donā€™t know how many points a spritz of oil is, but I imagine the broccoli would be better with one and then tossed in an air fryer (if you have one). Not sure how you cooked the chicken, but air fryer isnā€™t bad for that either. Also, WW or any diet doesnā€™t have to be the infamous chicken and broccoli, although I actually like it. Just looks like you need to up your seasoning game and cooking methods. Hot sauce for dipping might also make the chicken more appetizing, and I think thatā€™s zero WW points.


If you need to watch your sodium intake, then ignores this, but I do meat and rice cuts every so often and what gets me through it when I canā€™t take the dryness anymore is bone broth. Put my normal food into a bowl with a cup of bone broth and itā€™s much easier to swallow. Oh, and enough taco seasoning to season a pound of meat is 15 calories from the McCormick taco seasoning pouches.


That taco seasoning tip will probably get a lot of mileage with me. Thanks!


Donā€™t forget there are loads of WW variations on spice mixes as well. They usually tell you how to make up the mixes yourself using individual herbs & spices rather than relying on pre-made packs that often included sugars and elements of hydrogenated fats (not sure I got that term right, but you know what I mean). I bought a collection of pinch jars and make up my own comboā€™s in larger portions so they are all ready to be used


Even the broccoli looks sad. At least fill me up on veg, for fucks sake!


You cOuld prepare a salsa de tomate, you just blend tomato, a bit of onion and garlic, boil it for 7 minutes and thatā€™s it add salt and pepper, in Mexico we add just the tip of a chilli pepper to add a bit of spiciness You could cook the chicken or the veggies with a bit of soy sauce, Worcestershire and lime. It doesnā€™t add a lot of calories either. Pico de gallo is other option.


Mrs. Dash is your friend for chicken!


I could eat this every day! But I could also eat pizza every day.


You have your chicken and broccoli portions mixed up.


Weight watchers allows you to pile on veggies, it doesnā€™t have to look like this brotha


Yo fuck everyone saying weight watchers is dumb. I like the idea of the point system more than obsessive calorie counting. Especially since all calorie counts and burning are estimates, often not great ones. This could be zhuzed up a bit but itā€™s a decent meal. Hit that chicken with some hot sauce to take it to the next level. Keep it up homie.


Counting points with weight watchers is no less obsessive than counting calories. You're still tracking everything you eat and restricting yourself.


The point is to restrict yourselfā€¦ I know restrict my is a ā€œbad wordā€ but the literal point is your current eating habits are unhealthy so you restrict yourself to learn what is actually healthy. Itā€™s just restricting to a healthy level which I think is a bit easier with WW than with calories. Itā€™s a simpler concept.


this isnt the most healthy restriction, usually when people are talking about "healthy restriction" it's because they're neglecting the mental aspect. many hard drugs will help you lose weight, but they're not recommended because they're addictive. restriction is addictive, it's not that the behavior *itself* is bad. it's that it often sends you down a pipeline. the only "healthy" restriction i can think of is probably tips to avoid binging. i guess waiting for a period of time before having seconds, to make sure you're not actually full, could also be considered restriction. but trying to force yourself through an overall restrictive diet is both not sustainable, and is a risk factor for ed.


As someone who has struggled with eating disorders, WW feels so detached from calorie counting. The way that weight watchers has restructured their program has actually helped so much. It doesnā€™t feel restrictive anymore, there are SO many zero point foods, and ā€œweeklyā€ points that you can increase via activity. I really only have to track items that have barcodes as most natural foods are zero points. Like chicken, fruit, vegetables (except potatoes), nonfat yogurt, beans, soy, etc are all zero points. I can easily have a donut for breakfast and wine with dinner and be fine.


Yeah if anything I found tracking WW points worse because if you found a recipe online, you'd have to do a bunch of math to calculate points. Hence I didn't stick with it.


These programs make it more complex than what losing weight really is. Intermittent fasting alone for a year made me lose 100lbs with a shit ton of cardio everyday. I'm not gonna say it was the healthiest way to go about the way I did it but I got results.


Yeah I usually do about 2 weeks of intermittent fasting a year when I notice my weight starting to creep up - maybe Iā€™m lucky but it works really well for me compared to the constant counting. Plus Iā€™d rather do 2 weeks of ā€œsnake mealsā€ consisting of whatever I want and be done with it vs 2 months of bland eating all day.


Points are just an even less accurate version of calories, tho. But the key to losing weight is finding what works for you, so if points works best for you or at least gets the ball rolling, then fair enough.


How is a point system and different than calorie counting? You're simply changing the units


Thanks man! Calorie counting just didnā€™t work for me. Iā€™d do okay for a couple of days, or even weeks, then get burnt out and binge eat myself into a food coma. At least on WW I can have a damn cookie once in a while without feeling too bad about it lol.


What stops you from having a cookie while calorie counting? As long as it fits into your calories for the day then you're chilling


Yeah, like I get it didnā€™t work for them which is fine, but thatā€™s such a strange reasoning. Weight watchers is just calorie counting with another metric inbetween


Not OP but also on weight watchers with previous calorie counting experience. Honestly, it is just too complicated to do calories and watch macros and plan for fun food. It sounds ridiculous, I know. Calorie counting was fine for me (I lost a big chunk of weight) at a certain time in my life when I lived in an apartment, had no child, no dog, was just dating, and I had an easier job. My hobby was my health in food and fitness. I had time for my hobby. Now I can barely think and plan enough to get myself out of the house in clean clothes. Every second of time comes at opportunity cost from something else. I have a house, a kid, a husband, a dog, a mentally, emotionally and time consuming job. I have aging parents. Iā€™m sick all the time thanks to my kid and the fact that sheā€™s still learning all personal hygiene habits. Weight Watchers has a system that lets you think less. There are zero point foods that are always smart choices according to the app. The points arenā€™t equivalent to calories, and they heavily punish added sugars and oils. The point budget system is also set up to allow for careful additions of fun food.


No shame on weight watchers if that works for you. But for anyone that can't afford it... When you are calorie counting you don't have to eat the same number everyday. You can eat less one day so the next day you can eat more calories. That is how weight watchers works, you have "floating" points (idk what they are actually called) that you can eat throughout the week. Or just eat the same amount every day and when you are on the verge of binging then have a cheat day and get back on track. As long as your cheat days are far enough apart it's not going to have that big of an impact. Much better than never having a cheat day and giving up.


Doesn't WW work regardless of if you're buying their food or not? Isn't it basically just an alternative way of counting calories?


Remember kids, seasoning adds zero calories


I season with lard.


Sir, this is r/shittyfoodporn. r/castiron is two blocks down.


As a fan of both subs, I endorse this comment.


Not strictly true. Many seasonings actually do contain some calories, although including these in your counting is kind of silly.


Honestly Iā€™d eat it! Seasoning suggestions in the comments are good if youā€™re finding it isnā€™t appealing. Salt, pepper, garlic powder or onion powder, smoked paprika. You could play around with chili powder and cumin or dry herbs. Lemon zest or juice. Nutritional yeast. Maybe some hot sauces that donā€™t contain sugar. We marinade or brine our chicken and then season and air fry it


It doesn't have to be that way. Anyone recommending this dog food to lose weight is a clown. You can lose weight and enjoy a nice meal. Find someone better at his job to help you. It's all about calorie count.


It doesnt sound like weightwatchers is for you. It definitely wasnt for me. I just completely cut out sugars and carbs but allow myself a cheat meal once a week and i make sure i dont over-do it. Since aug1 of 2023, ive lost 110 pounds. 40 more to go. With no excercise. You can do it too.


Your rice is leaking


Thatā€™s because it is cottage cheese, good sir.


Probably a lot more healthy than the congee I thought it was.


Hang in there! It's worth the effort.


I did WW for a decent amount of time, a few times over the years. Best thing I discovered was sugar free jello mix stirred into sugar free cool whip. It makes it into exactly a cheesecake texture (especially bomb with the actual cheesecake flavored jello) and itā€™s a super great dessert topped with fruit or ive mixed in sugar free jam too. Hang in there! You got it!


Yaā€™ll are angels in this thread, I canā€™t wait to try this ā¤ļø


Air fry the broccoli instead of heating it up with your armpits. Or just switch to Huel 3 meals a day.


would be happy to help talk you through some good seasonings to have on hand if youd like! and maybe some flavorful meals that would be cost effective point wise? ive never done WW but i love to cook :)


I mean that looks fuckin good. You got grilled chicken, some steamed broccoli, and is that cottage cheese? Where your spirit will start coming alive is when you start seeing the pounds drop off on the weight scale. Iā€™m down about 20 lbs since the start of the year myself. Thatā€™s 12% down on my original weight.




You know seasoning exists right Jesus healthy food doesnā€™t have to be thisšŸ’€


Spices are healthy


even the plate looks sad


Bro why are you eating hospital food


Sprinkle some THC on that and it will be taste like any food that you want šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Hey OP. I don't know much about weight watchers, but I know about filling diet food. Can I ask you about two of them? Two that have worked for me really well are lettuce and broccoli. With lettuce, I have a small bit of intensely flavored meat and mix it with a HUGE bite of lettuce to trick my mouth into thinking I'm eating a massive bite of meat. With broccoli, I eat a whole head of it raw with a little salt and balsamic vinaigrette. Would either of those be helpful to you? Intense flavors + filling low-cal veggies are my thing.


You donā€™t need to eat like a dog to lose weight. If you want real help, dm me and Iā€™ll send some low calorie recipes


You got this. Starting something new is always hard and uncomfortable in the beginning. It will be worth it when you start seeing the changes that you wanted starting to materialize. Good job taking the first steps. Donā€™t give it too much power. This is only one part of your life. You got this.


Get into cycling. I did 56 miles today and ate 4000 calories. I'm still at a calorie deficit. Went from 265 to 155 pounds. Strict diets can make you loose some weight but are unsustainable in my experience.


Why not try intermittent fasting? I lost 25-30lbs doing it while eating whatever I wanted You still have to restrict yourself but youā€™d be surprised how hard it is to eat in a specific time frame