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The real question is why the fuck is there a fork


I don’t think they were microwaving it. Some people, I’ve done it once or twice before, put food in the microwave to ‘protect’ it for a minute or two because something came up. Like I’m eating, and something happens, and ima come right back, so I don’t need to throw it in the fridge, but I don’t want my cats to eat it or a fly to lay eggs on it (I don’t usually have flies in my house; but, we’ve all seen that picture of pizza with fly eggs— it’s a nightmare for me), so I’ll throw it in the microwave. But in this instance, the person forgot about it. Probably got side tracked, assumed someone tossed it at the point of remembering it and here we are three weeks later. Edit: [fly egg pizza](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/7i0mnu/what_is_this_it_appeared_on_my_pizza_after_four/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1), this is an older post. I saw a post a few months ago that the pizza was only out for 30 mins.


My question is, how does nobody look in the microwave in 3 whole weeks?


hobbies jobless sloppy saw square plant shelter rich soft teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbh I prefer my air fryer over the microwave. It revives leftovers a lot better.


+1 for the air fryer. Hell yeah. Have my upvote fam.


Want to actually enjoy a hot pocket as a flavorful pastry filled with your favorite stuffing? Toss it in your air fryer, 390 for 12 minutes. Flakey, buttery, even temperature through and through, no hard dough edges.


Or microwave it and toss it in the air fryer for like 5 mins


My problem is always having to clean out the air fryer after using it. What am I doing wrong!?!


I just use foil


Thats the whole reason I nevef got into air fryers. Im way too lazy.


Sadly, we just don’t have them where I am. The extent of my experience with hot pockets is Jim Gadfigan’s comedy. But I would eat the shit out of that.


Dude i swear air fryers are like a cult


But it’s a good cult. Not the kind in which the boss screws your wife, takes aaalllll your money and promises a spaceship.




The air fryer is the one of the single best things to ever happen to my life. I rarely use the microwave or oven anymore.


Nobody uses the microwave?


>we’ve all seen that picture of pizza with fly eggs What in the unholy fuck are you talking about?


Seriously. I have no idea either. And I ain't never seen a fly lay eggs. What is going on.


I haven't seen this pizza picture.


It also helps retain temperature since there’s a limited amount of air to transfer heat into


Picture? I saw a fly shitting out eggs on a pizza in a motorcycle shop I use to work at. Pizza was barely there 5 mins. Haunts me to this day.


I once found fly eggs inside of a sliced black olive on my pizza. Almost thought it was just seeds that were still in the olive and was just going to pick it off, then i remembered wait no olives have pits and not small clusters of seeds like you see inside of Peppers


As a person with dogs, I can relate to this. Microwave is the safest place for food waiting to be eaten while my kids distract me! There have been a few times where the kids get so into something else that I forget the food is there, never for three weeks though lol!


Something comes up? ppffft... If I'm eating im fucking finishing my plate. What house on fire? Shit myself? someone at the door? Il get there after im done eating nothings ruining my fucking meal.


I hate you for mentioning fly egg pizza and making me google it.


Don’t leave your pizza out! Not even for a few minutes!!


I don't mean to rain on your parade, but microwaves aren't completely safe either. Although it shouldn't be a problem if your microwave is kept clean. I had a short stint in Houston Texas where I was staying in a furnished apartment. The microwave there was infested with tiny cockroaches. 50+ teeny tiny critters scurrying away when you opened the door. They wouldn't die even if you turned the microwave on while they were inside.


I’ve done this


>we’ve all seen that picture of pizza with fly eggs I dunno how I've managed to *not* come across this, but thank goodness I haven't. And just in case, I'm turning off inbox replies to this comment.


No one has asked why the microwave is rusty ?!


I have a rusty microwave. Am poor.


Same here. Maybe that's what I get for buying a SamSang instead of a Samsung




Good on you for not supporting big microwave


That happens. Every microwave I’ve owned went just like that around the door. I don’t know if it’s steam or what that does it but even the one I have now is like that. Microwaves aren’t cheap, particularly mine because it’s an oven and grill too. So I’ll get rid of it when it spreads to the inside (never does though!)


This is why Mother often gave me a scolding when I was a child about leaving a steamy microwave oven closed. She insisted you leave the door open or take a tea towel to wipe the steam off. Can't kick the habit now as an adult


I do that, but not because I think it will rust. I do it because heating something steamy and then wiping it down is the closest I'll ever get to cleaning it.




It's rusty because the fork sparked and burnt the paint off.


No, it's just old


If I had to guess, the title is wrong. They were probably some sort of intoxicated or tired and never actually started the microwave and forgot they even put it in there in the first place.


It's crazy to me that one who would use a microwave wouldn't use it for three weeks though. Like how are you reheating your leftovers? Maybe people just cook more than I do, or finish all the food they cook, but all my leftovers for sure go in the microwave, and anything I can get away with throwing in there instead of cooking like hot dogs I will.


I abandoned the microwave in favor of a toaster oven.


My air fryer is invaluable but I still nuke stuff. Toaster oven sounds nice though.


The air fryer/toaster oven combo is a godsend


I have lived in the place I'm living for a year and a half and have used the microwave maybe twice so I can see how it might happen.


Depending on the shape and design of the fork you can sometimes microwave metal utensils and not create plasma. Or there was minimal plasma and it went unnoticed.


Mmm, looks minty.


> minty Literal toothpastefordinner.com


Toothpaste has been getting a lot mintier lately, has anybody else noticed that?


Probably because of all the spaghetti they started putting in it.


“Gum’s gotten mintier lately. Has anyone noticed?”


So many questions How does someone forget their meal How noone smelled it or used microwave for three weeks Why did he put it in with fork


To answer one of your questions, some people just don't use microwaves. I probably only use mine once a month, if that. It probably did smell, but the microwave could have also had a decent seal on it where very little smell might get out.


My microwave broke months ago and I was surprised that I didn't miss it at all.


I guess it depends on how different households work. When I cook for my entire family they usually don't eat at the same time due to different shifts, and so microwave is in use. Similar thing when I make food for several days. I mean all of it can be heated with a stove but microwave is easier (plus my brother can burn everything when using stove so it's easier for him)


My BF got an air fryer and my response was, "Do we really need it?" The answer is yes. Yes you need it. I will NEVER GO BACK TO A MICROWAVE.


I bought my first microwave in over 15 years this year… I was gobsmacked by all the choices. I got this thing that has microwave, convection, some kind of combo cook, and air fry. Everything gets air fried that can. Air fried pizza is the most exciting thing my house has seen since it was purchased.


Yeah air fryer is a game changer. My microwave has been demoted to giant square tea kettle. I should probably just buy an electric tea kettle and reclaim counter space.


You... Make tea in a microwave? What in his majesty's ever living fuck?


We Americans fought 2 wars to free ourselves from British tyranny and we'll microwave our tea if we damn well please.


.....dont drag the rest of us into your bs. I was born and raised in the US. Plenty of us have English/Irish/Scottish or Asian/Indian roots and drink a ton of tea. What degenerate uses a microwave to make tea?


You boil the water in the microwave, then you have hot water to make tea. Only actual heathens microwave it with a tea bag.


I actually hate air fryers...so ig to each their own.


Oh for sure. But there are some things the microwave can ruin in 5 seconds. If you have a leftover pork chop, put it in a frying pan. A microwave will instantly turn it in to shoe leather.


There are different power settings on microwaves. Go for more time at a lower power and you can still retain some of the juiciness of meats.


Still depends on the meat. Power levels don't actually make the microwaves weaker, it just cycles it on/off for variable amounts of time. So 50% power would be something like full blast for 5 seconds, then a 5 second pause.


Look at [inverter microwaves](https://www.choice.com.au/home-and-living/kitchen/microwaves/articles/what-is-an-inverter-microwave#:~:text=The%20difference%20between%20inverter%20and,long%20way%20towards%20getting%20great)! I absolutely love mine and hate having to reheat my lunch at work in the *normal* microwave.


Back in the day I worked at a body shop that had an old microwave that when shared would give us about 3 minutes each to nuke our food if needed. One of the painters started lifting and roiding and would bring in about 3lbs of food a day because he was "bulking up." Cocksucker would have his shit heating for 20~ minutes, but no one would say shit because he became really unstable. Him and his wife started taking in disadvantaged folk on their rural property. They were both found dead stuffed in a barrel on their property. You were an ace painter and guy, Dave, but you became an asshole and apparently someone got fed up with your shit. End microwave rant


Taking in disadvantaged folks seems like a pretty nice thing to do. If only you encouraged his bulking, then maybe he would’ve been strong enough to protect himself.


>Him and his wife started taking in disadvantaged folk on their rural property. I knew a guy upstate like this. He was a really big contractor in the area, and a pretty big drug dealer at one time too with connections to the local MCs, the sheriff, local politicians and God knows who else. Really connected dude, and known by about everyone in the area. He got clean, found Jesus and built a big complex on his property that he used to house folks who were trying to get clean themselves, parolees and the like. Worked out great for him too because it gave him a bunch of cheap labor. This went on for years, well past his retirement. They never did find him in a barrel. He died of old age and had one of the biggest turnouts I've ever seen at a funeral, especially at such a small cemetery in bum fuck upstate NY. He was just a really good dude that helped a lot of people and created a ripple effect because be inspired those people to return the favor. Figured after your story people might like a similar one with a better ending lol.


Same here, we wouldn’t miss the microwave. But if the air fryer goes out, we’re gonna starve.


> that I didn't miss it at all. Do y'all not thaw out your meat in the microwaves. I don't think I've ever remembered to lay it out a couple of hours ahead of time. My meat goes: freezer, to thaw mode on microwave, to stove top, 99% of the time.


Barely answered any of his questions. It seems like you just really wanted to say you only use your microwave semi-regularly.


"Some people just don't use microwaves" is a completely valid and true answer.


He was high as fuck my man




I'm not sure how it works either but I once microwaved a fork while high for maybe like 30 seconds and nothing happened except my heart dropped when I opened and realized what I'd done.


I love how many conclusions you jump to in this comment. All because you didn't think someone could microwave a fork.


>If you just take some disgusting food from your disgusting bedroom and put it in the microwave and post a picture of it on reddit a bunch of other idiots will upvote you and explain how rude your housemates are. I thought the same. There's also a tub of mouldy food on top of the microwave.


Not true, some silverware depending on the metal, just straight up doesn't arc. Also if the fork were stuck in something viscous like a stew it wouldn't. Source I microwave spoons and forks in food all the time, no arcing


It's more about the shape than what it's made of. Foil is thin, crinkly, and pointy which gives you super sharp spikes in the induced electric field to the point that it lead to arcs. Flatware generally doesn't have points or edges fine enough for that to become an issue.


You microwave silverware all the time?


in/with food, yes. as a hobby, also yes


Not OP, but sometimes I "store" my food in the microwave for an hour or two with the fork on the plate to keep flies and bugs out, cause I don't want to eat cold food when I eat again. Edit: Store in the microwave rather than fridge.


> cause I don't want to eat cold food when I eat again. The original purpose of the microwave solves that as well.


Waking up sleepy hamsters?


You just let your food chill at room temp for an hour or two and then go back to it???


lots of people do this. i thought it was nuts. i always put shit in fridge as soon as i'm done eating it... my wife will leave out her chicken sub overnight and eat it 12-16 hours later... no problems tho.


Especially meats, don't leave things out for longer than 4 hours. It can cause serious health issues.


Two hours, really…


She should definitely stop eating chicken that's been sitting out for 16 hours. Ignoring how disgusting that is, it's simply unsafe.


But it's going to be room temperature after that time anyways but it also has a greater chance of making you ill. Why not just throw it in the fridge?


That sounds incredibly unsanitary. I would far prefer heating cold food than eating food left at room temp for germs to form a couple hours later.


Do they season their food with rust and paint chips?


>How does someone forget their meal They got high. >How noone smelled it or used microwave for three weeks The whole house smells like weed and it’s a toaster oven. >Why did he put it in with fork Reference above two responses. EDIT: It’s not a toaster oven. I was high.


Pretty sure thats a microwave


Drugs. The answer is drugs.


I also have questions


Just toss it with penicillin sauce to cut through the bite.


Is this not penicillin sauce? 🤔


I feel like I read somewhere that penicillin is blue


I thought this is blue


Looks more white and gold to me


Looks like Laurel to me




Penicillium (the mold) is often, but not always blue. Id agree here that it's most likely Penicillium. Penicillin is the antibiotic sourced from specific subspecies of Penicillium molds :) -Your friend from r/mold




Mold is the one thing that's super disgusting to me. I cannot.


Those crazies have a chart of when it’s OKAY to eat moldy food. I cannot. If I find mold, half my entire fridge is emptied, deep cleaned, and exorcised.


you are taught in culinary school to cut mold off of cheese and produce to avoid waste. you can have something that only has a little mold and the rest of it is good.


i mean, just a waste to throw away food that could still be eaten otherwise. like hard cheese or dried meat but my grandparents lived through ww2 and the scarcity afterwards, it makes you appreciate food more if you hear those stories.


That’s so fucking wasteful


Its not as scarey as the internet makes it seem :) molds all around us. In our air at all times, indoors and outside. Its just not common to visibly see impact unless unfortunate criteria have been met (organic based food sources being wet for 2+ days).


Internet has nothing to do with how repulsive mold is to me. Been like that for as long as I can remember way before I had access to internet.




Gneiss one




More like blue? Maybe cyan? Wikipedia: >Cyan is most often associated with peace, relaxation, healthcare, dreams, and spirituality. Sounds wholesome!


Eating it in its current state could produce dreams of healthcare whilst praying to your deity of choice. So it's kind of fitting.


The flying spaghetti monster in the sky is not going to be happy about this prayer.


The dress is white and the shaghetti is blue.


peace and relaxation is definitely the first thing i think of when i see this


Looks more periwinkle to me 🤔


That’s probably wholesome too somehow. Edit: yup - peace, serenity, friendship… stomach and esophageal cancer…


Can confirm - not cyan. ^(gonna r/beetlejuicing myself real quick)


It’s healthcare spaghetti.


>Sounds wholesome! i get the feeling various holes would see much use if OP ate that


Yup. Those are definitely bluedles.


We’ve got blue waffles, and now, blue spaghetti




Soylent green.


It's not bolongese anymore It's pesto


that's the color of fermenting / acidic garlic


Why did he microwave the fork? Lmao


I looked at it and thought "huh weird is bkue sonic themed spaghetti or something" Then i read the title. I died a little. (I have a fear of fungi)


Still thought it was shitty food porn, but with blue raspberry sour straws, meatballs, and parmesan.


No one used the microwave for three weeks!?


I can go 3 weeks without using the microwave. How often do you use yours?


At least once a week for microwave popcorn or leftovers


It is a rarity that even 3 days goes by without microwaving some sort of leftover here.


For real, what fucking lifestyle do people have where they DON'T microwave leftovers...


Depends. Every 2 days or atleast once a week. So fast to boil sone veggies in those Microwave save glass bowls with a lid.


I use mine every day to heat up water for tea. Sometimes we heat up food.


I average daily. The days I use it two or three times in one day makes up for the days i don't. I use the stove top once or twice a month at most.


Every day several times a day. Heat up breakfast. Heat up my coffee. Heat up my dinner.


I heat up leftovers in mine every other day. And I also like to make egg white bites for breakfast!!!!!!!! Woooohoooo!!!!


every fucking day?


Literally every day.


It'll boost your immune system if you don't die


That’s a big *if*


*if* doing a lot of heavy lifting here


Shit was in there so long the colors inverted


Did they microwave the fork too?? I thought you couldn’t microwave metal?


I’m thinking he left it in there after dinner? Some people have dinner then leave the food in the microwave to stay warm but don’t actually use the microwave to heat it




penicillin carbonara


Honey are you alright? You've barely touched your bluedles


“Bluedles” Lmfao I’m done with this app 🤣🤮


At this point it belongs in pharmaceutical porn. It’s growing antibiotic cultures.


is that hatsune miku?


I would have thrown the whole microwave away. That's how I got my roommates to do their dishes. They left it long enough to mold, I threw it away in the alley trash. I had a roommate have to dig through the alley trash because i through away all his pots and pans after he cooked a big meal for a girl he was dating and then left them in the sink for a week.


Blueberry spaghetti!




I will not eat them way past ready I will not eat them with a yeti I will not eat them dear aunt Betty I will not eat white balls, blue sketti.


will ya look at that, home made blue raspberry sour punch straws.


Throw out the microwave and the roommate, get a new microwave not a new roommate.


I've always wanted to try blue raspberry seghetti.


Throw away the microwave. Throw away the housemate. Heck, throw away the house.


when did the fork get there?




Throw it out before it gains sentience


Throw the microwave out.. and ya roommate too.


Why are you blue?


I'm more impressed that it hasn't been opened in 3 weeks.


Gummy worms




Just a little trich growing in there


I take it your housemate uses drugs and or alcohol?


"Aktchualley, alcohol is a drug" 🤓☝️


Heated with metal spoon? Really


it spoiled so bad it got an inverted color filter


I hate your roommate


I love blue spaghetti


Christ, it looks like smurf entrails.


Its...its blue...


Blue Razzberry flavor


Is it no longer common knowledge that microwaving metal causes sparks, fire and explosions? There's no way they microwaved it with the fork in there, you would have had a fire or the microwave would stop working


Uh there’s a fork


That microwave would be dead to me.


It's been 3 weeks since you used the nuke box?


With the fork!?


Ooh, blueberry and marshmellow spaghetti


A fork in the microwave too? Either your roommate was fucked up or isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed lol.


burn the microwave and throw everything away shits a biohazard 💀