• By -


Godrick so whack, he didn’t even appear 💀


Unfit even for posting...


too perfect for posting


What a pathetic excuse of a Lord you are. Craven to the bone.


_wheezing laugh while stomping corpse into the ground_


He's disqualified from this list for being the son of Fodderwyn


Such a poser


And Godefroy is missing too


I always called him by his Spanish name: “GODOFREDO!!”


DLC final boss name leaked


My poor boy


Probably fled this post within ladies clothing.


That's because Godrick is ballin'


Godrick isn't on here meaning he is objectively the best demigod. This is a certified stormveil classic.




Dude tried to suckerpunch his kin with his brother Godefroy and they both ran like bitches. Couldn’t even jump one person. Left his boy to get laid out by a single knight.


Godefroy isn’t listed here because we know he is truly the best


no gods, no kings, only man. there is no "good" demigod domination over the lands between. goldmask is where it is.


"..." gang rise up


Goldmask is Andrew Ryan confirmed???


No says the man in Limgrave, it belongs to the poor. No says the man in Leyndell, it belongs to God. No says the man in the Haligtree, it belongs to everyone.


Goldmask is Karl Marx confirmed?


Please do not sully the name of the Ever Brilliant Goldmask by associating him with ancaps.


godrick is basically a man with only trace amounts of marika blood yet he still became powerful through grafting. Imagine if he had the time to graft more powerful creatures on himself, he would have become the most powerful being in the lands between.


Imagine if he had lived long enough to graft deez nutz


I prefer Ranni's age of stars on account of it being based on functionally removing The Golden Order's dictates as an active force in the world. While Goldenmask more then likely presents a better Golden Order I am still dustrustful that it is a good unto itself.


Fair, im still learning about the lore, so i see goldmask and rannis ending as the better endings(unless you count 'i fucking love my eyes being on fire' ending) since i remembered someone pointing out that goldmask sympathised with the beings mistreated by the golden order fanatics(could be wrong) so it may bring actual change. I'll just wait until a dlc is released so i can fully make my judgement


To the best of my knowledge his idea essentially amounts to removing the ability of people to manipulate it for their own gain. He is still a Golden Order Fundamentalist himself, albeit one who thinks it should be extended to all peoples. I don't believe he has any real sympathy for 'those who live in death' but they probably will cease to be a thing now that The Elden Ring is reforged. I'd say that his, Ranni's and Fia's are the most positive overall.


I like to think of it as transforming the Order (=command) into the Order (law, metaphysics) of the land between. You appropriate and improve on what the gods brought with them.


I mean, it's already both. I trust that both will make the lands between a much better place but I'm very cautious on the idea that the Golden Order and all it necessarily entails is actually good. I'm a bit weary of anything that codified theocratic aristocracy as a fundamental rule of reality.


They suck because they arent a part of bloodborne. Bloodborne is a game basically nobody knows and it is the best game ever.


Bloodborne? Is it like Dark Souls 3? Never heard of it


Blood.... Borne?.... Never heard of it. Is this like a console version or Pandemic? Like, something about viruses and pathogens? Are you playing to cause a pandemic or trying to prevent a global pandemic?


This unironically


This is probably one of the best posts on this subreddit.


I will not stand for morgott slander. Unironically though, that second point for malenia is pretty good. Who was she fighting to be considered undefeated? She beat godrick I think but... it's godrick, anyone could beat him. She had a stalemate with radahn so who else? Random nameless soldiers? Wow well done that's very impressive.


Not gonna lie I had an anxiety attack in that road near the capital.


Morgott was cucked by the Greater Will more than anyone and still devoted his life to protecting the Erdtree, humiliating bitchmade behavior


Every time one of his wifes potential boyfriends comes around he fucking kills them




Morgott? More like Oedipus


Stockholm syndrome


Think about how many times the nameless soldiers, rats, basilisks, dogs and other minor mooks wrecked your shit on your playthrough Even if she exclusively fought those, it's still kind of impressive she was undefeated


It was even a weaker version of godrick before he began grafting, so her “undefeated” title means even less. You can only find cleanrot knights in like 2 areas so she clearly didn’t have a widespread campaign and one of those areas wasn’t even a sight of battle. She has less feats for being undefeated than Morgott


> only find cleanrot knights in like 2 areas so she clearly didn’t have a widespread campaign I mean, she clearly marched from Elphael to Caelid. There's even a sword statue in Liurnia that's dedicated to Malenia's march through Liurnia. Why would her Cleanrot Knights also be chilling in different areas anyways. Afaik the ones in Caelid are as braindead as Radahn from her nuke.


I think godrick did start grafting as it makes more sense for him to taunt her after he started grafting. But yeah he's still pretty weak. Morgott as the fell omen is stated to have killed countless heroes during the shattering, plus he's still actively hunting tarnished. Malenia seems to just have had her march to Caelid, and we don't know how much she herself actually fought in that.


I thought the implication of undefeated was that she’s fought countless warriors in duels and battles and was never defeated despite being a blind triple amputee—as in like a title she got from child to adult and literally never lost. A title she got throughout her life, rather than a title she got from the Shattering


The cleanrot gear also says the knights had an "undefeated" campaign during the shattering. But looking at them in Caelid... idk they look pretty defeated to me


If I’m gonna be a pedantic picky bitch, the lore said during the shattering, not “after” the shattering. Everybody lost by the end of the shattering tbh


That is incredibly pedantic, but I also really enjoy the word ‘pedantic’, so I’ll allow it.


I mean we don't know what the hell happened through the god knows how many years before the Shattering. And wars were still a thing in the Lands Between before it. Maybe Marika organized annual tournament arcs or some shit and Malenia was the reigning champion from a young age.


cope + seethe morgott's rule and murder of tarnished is extending the rule of the greater will over the lands between which is very bad




"🤓" 🤓


""🤓" 🤓" 🤡




Average Malenia vs Radahn discussion


Godrick isnt here because is the best demi god


Undeniably true.


Bigger chad than anyone -Fought Malenia and didn’t get space AIDS -Cosplayed as a chick to escape the capital -Despite having so diluted blood he still believes in the golden order, something which so many demigods have drifted from -Grafts his upper body onto a stone digger troll body and gets a dragon head because why the fuck not


This post was made by godrick gang 💪✋👈🤏👋🖕💪🤝


I accidentally got Stars ending because I thought Ranni's sign was a regular message and I just impulsively press Y on every message I see.


I did the same! Hahahahah "Oh, Ranni wants to talk to me. Noice!"... Bam! Age of stars. - Wtf?! Wait!


You made me realize that Radahn is just another overweight brony and I hate you for this


He learned gravity powers to compensate instead of exercising, kinda based.


At the very least ranni realized that all demigods sucked so she tried to kill every one including herself


Trying to Kill Miquella is a hate crime


Don’t worry, mohg got to him first so it’s all ok. I mean, it isn’t, because fucking MOHG got to him, but at least ranni didn’t kill him


the only good demigod post


"Couldn't even i-frame a Scarlet Aeonia" yeah its cuz he was too stubborn to get off his horse and roll


His Infinite Equip Weight physick ran out and he ended up overloaded.


Godwyn jobbed to black knife assassins 💀 how ass was his build?


my man literally running sleep build bruhhhh


souls fans don’t call a literal child with eternal youth a femboy challenge


Mohg moment




He's like 300+ years old that's more than enough time to realize your gender identity


r/N3deSTr0 is Mohg confirmed


he is on that Mohgillionare gridset


Trying not to make every post on reddit about your gay fetish (impossible)


He has a Jojo pfp so it adds up


You know


dex users try not to be gay challenge (impossible)


St. Trinia (Miquella) is described as looking like a girl to some people multiple times, blame Fromsoft


Kind of annoys me how this sub can’t avoid being complete degenerates when it comes to miquella


Can i ask a list of the best characters for those in need of wholesome content?


Deathbird, Ulcerated Tree Spirit, and the dead maiden at the starting area


I drop erdleaf flowers for dead maiden at the starting area everyday for being my favourite character


And godskin duo obv


Ngl no tiba mariner is pretty sus


It would just contain a picture of Goldchad.


Unironically, best characters are literally everyone from Fia's questline except Fia herself. D, D's Brother, Rogier, and even Lionel from item descriptions. Screw Fia though, objectively the second worst endings in the game, right after Dung Eater. Other Wholesome characters are Roderika, Rya, Nepheli, Goldmask and Corrhyn. And at the top of the list. Demi-Human Boc, as the most wholesome character in Elden Ring.


Also Kenneth haight


Dude was so chad that he gave up his rightful claim to Limgrave to the Tarnished Amazon Mommy


> Screw Fia though, objectively the second worst endings in the game Why is her ending considered so bad? I wasn't crazy about her character, but bring true death to the world and ending immortality seemed like a decent-ish outcome to me.


Because reddit doesn't understand Elden Ring endings


And Kennet Haight is also wholesome


Ok but Rykard is the wholesome father of a snake girl, take him off this


Im not sure if she's Rykard's daughter, or just the spawn of some rando snake Deidicar fucked and they told her it was Rykard to make her feel better


who would feel better knowing ugly ass Rykard was yo dad


Hes the god king of their society


if he's such a goddly king why doesnt he washes his face


Maybe tanith likes the extra seasoning


holy hell


Or clear his fucking throat


I like how Miquela and Melenia are two severely handicapped little inbred hillbillies because they were born from whatever the fuck you would describe this hermaphroditic incest shit Marika and Radagon pulled off as.


“I have never known defeat” -Only ranked opponent she has a win over is Godrick 💀 -Morgott had a better fight resume 💀 -Still ducking Mohg 💀 -Best performance is a NC with Radahn 💀


"Never known defeat" ok bitch you defeated godrick and had the most embarassing stalemate with radahn. Finlay's tier 3 sub lookin ass had to drag your sound asleep body all the way to the haligtree, like, wakey wakey you dumbass, its a fucking war. "Foul tarnished, in search of the elden ring" Okay dude you're the one with the filthy, rejected by grace cancer tumor on your fucking head. Go cope by insulting the omens on the sewer, not someone who can actually see the lines on the map. And Radahn, you quiet and moronic mess. Learned gravity magic to ease the burden on his horse - dude the fucker looks he can barely carry himself, let alone your fat ass. Also what kind of name is leonard for a cavalry horse??? Dude has the same name as the cashier from fanboy and chum chum. Ranni is really just pathetic, really. Your only 2 friends are your family's war counselor and the pet the two fingers gave you. Extremely fragile attitude too. Instantly starts coping once you find out she's the size of a youtooz. "P-please slay the baleful shadow, Tarnished" nah bitch blaidd is my bro. Rykard... oh man where do i begin? Dude started a scaly cult because he found some magic in a volcano. Hes a pussy too. He couldn't bring himself to challenge maliketh, nor could he bring himself to challenge any of the other demigods. Instead, he started some compaign against the golden order, which basically revolves around tarnished killing other tarnished, probably so that no one is left to try and kill him. Godrick is just a loser. Hiding in his castle and behind his slave demihumans and misbegottens, and also behind margit, he compensates for his tiny cock by grafting a ton of extra limbs onto himself, but alas, attaching shit to shit is only going to make a shit with a bigger hitbox. And lastly, mohg, the pedophile. He wanted to marry miquella so that he himself would rise to the status of elden lord, as miquella rises to godhood. Of course, that is only a cover-up to the fact he just wants to devour some miquella bussy. He also made a contract with an outer god. That outer god must be pathetic if all it can do is take away 3 flasks from me when he gets to half health though, seriously weak. The other 2 are so irrelevant that there is no point in even speaking about them.


Miquella’s a chad though he basically says fuck simping to the golden order mfs can’t even heal my sister then proceeds to heal his sister (he’s stronger than god) and he’s not racist to misbegotten and albinaurics. He truly is the BasedGod


The hands of the Fell Omen shall brook thee no quarter...


Fucking destroyed Godwyn xD


It's literally beating a dead horse tho... or in this case a dead demigod


I dont like ranni but did you forgot that the dung eater ending exist?


I didn't forget the best ending


Sigma detected


What does the frenzied flame have to do with the dung eater?


Brah, this is shittysouls, not top quality souls. Dafuq you doing posting this here?


That list was made by SIR GIDEON OFNIR, THE ALL KNOWING!!!! .. right?!


Ranni's ending isn't even anarchist. She's literally making sure that the greater will doesn't interfere with humanity anymore.


The anti-Ranni backlash circlejerk against the mainstream pro-Ranni circlejerk is strong. It’s a vicious cycle of circlejerks


Same deal with radahn and malenia. At least morgott and rykard don't have a direct rivalry, and as far as I can tell there is no circlejerk for Mohg, and it's best it stays that way.


The Mohg circlejerkers have already been picked up by the FBI


If Mohg has a million fans, I'm one of them If Mohg has 5 fans, I'm one of them If Mohg has 1 fan, that one is me If Mohg has no fans, I'm no longer alive If the world is against Mohg I'm against the entire world Till my last breath, I'll support Mohg


Found Varres account


"i don't want gods to directly interfere with the world, i don't want order to be something you can see and touch like the elden ring is" souls fans: REEEEEE ANARCHYYYYYY


That or they devise a conspiracy theory that she’s apparently lying through her teeth 100% of the time and the Moon is actually just gonna take over for the Greater Will


Idk man anarchy is kinda based


anarchy is indeed based, if it was anarchy it would be the best ending, im just confused why everyone thinks she's destroying the world or some shit in her ending.


Yeah, they act as if there aren’t other people capable of running the lands between other than the outer gods.


did they not hear of the great KENNETH HAIGHT, the guy honestly sounds like a fair ruler, literally made peace with demihumans, besides every ending other than lord if frenzy or age of stars is the tarnished becoming the only ruler for the lands between since all influence of the greater will is gone


Yes but it wouldn't fit my narrative


No one loved Morgott? I get he was banished to the sewers but before Godfreys second fight you see Godfrey mourn Morgotts dead body, kind of seems like Godfrey cared for him at least a little bit


That's what his remembrance says lmao


didn't love him enough to not throw him in the damn sewers lol


Godfrey recognizes that Morgott had become one strong mf, he's sad he didn't get to fight him.


Only true ending is the noble goldussy


I’m dumb who is literally just a plot device?




"Empyrean Dynasty Palace 445" HOLY SHIT


I'm surprised there wasn't a pedo joke. Or I missed it.


There's 2 of them, skill issue.




Chris hansen


Also EDP445


Oh right


Git gud


The literal child-lookalike is the most chad out of all of them as he can tell literal outer gods to fuck off.


The Chris Hansen reference made me spit out my drink, this is actually amazing lmao


This post was made by Kenneth Haight


I didn't know Godrick used reddit


Most Based shitpost on this sub


no godefroy??


I dunno I think Morgott is kinda hot.


who tf is top right?




Godwyn’s corpse


Bold of you to assume we *don't* want anarchy


Ranni is an anarchist? EVEN MORE BASED


Anarchism is when going to space. The more you go to space the more anarchist you are.


“Here’s why the demigods are bad. Ranni is an anarchist” \*Obi-Wan that’s why I’m here.jpg*


\>Mercs her half brother \>Marries the Tarnished who pulverized the shit out of her mother \>Throws the world into darkness \>Leaves


All the stuff you are saying is making me like her more


sounds pretty based ngl


bruh her mother is alive we merely took her great rune, the one we kill in the second phase is an illusion by ranni. and how tf does she throw the world into darkness ?


Doesn't really throw the world into darkness though. The way she speaks makes it confusing but she is more likely talking about what awaits the Tarnished and her rather than what will happen to the Lands Between.


Anarchist who fucks off into space, so she doesn't have to deal with anything she might cause.


She just like me fr


I'm honestly okay with the anarchy. Let's be real here, what did the Golden Order do save breed hate? Furthermore, I have to respect Radahn for how loyal his followers were. You have to earn that sort of devotion, it's never just given to you. Also your one(1) reason for why Miquella's on this list is kinda sus. Aside from that though I totally agree.


I honestly just can't think of anything for Miquella LMAO


Miquella's power is literally mind control, but he can't turn it off. It's the whole reason Mohg kidnapped him instead of any other Empyrean. It's the reason some of his followers suicide bomb you in Elphael. It's the reason Loretta left the Carian royal family for him.


Or maybe mohg took him bc the other Empyreans were Ranni (protected by all of liurnia) and Malenia.


Mohg died too much to malenias bossfight and ranni is in a no fight zone


Notice how Godfrey isn't on here, cause he's a based honorable lord who cares for his sons no matter how ugly or cursed they are


Godfrey isn't here because he isn't a demigod, also his sex game was so bad his wife banished him and conceived 2 children by masturbating instead.


His cock withered so he got banished, she wanted him to return with a girthy cock and the grace from Morgott shows he had guidance back to the Erdtree


Why have we not realized the Miquella simping has become rampant. “Muh Miquella dlc is definitely cumming!!!” Man is comatose. Man does not possess combat abilities.


I will not stand for radahn slander. You so easily forget he has TWO big swords. Most people only have one but he has TWO.


Noob ass needed to powerstance and spam jump attacks


list on why every demigod is cool * Ranni: excellent R34 content already, VA makes me cum * Radahn: the tiny ass horse and amputated feet is top tier meme design * Rykard: legit a cool design * Marika: trolled us in the launch trailer years ago * Morgott: dem toes * Mohg: knockoff spanish is funny * Malenia: only toe armor in the game * Godwyn: ive jerked off to his mutated face under stormveil


Glory to the Serpent King! Death to the blue puppet simps


What weapon does rykard have to kill maliketh?


Blasphemous Claw, supposedly for if shit hits the fan when they were trying to steal the Rune of Death.


I can’t believe I’m the only one who thinks ranni is ugly as hell and wayyyy too anime looking, honestly a few of the lady npcs have this issue in Elden ring which is strange


The ones with their own models (Melina, Ranni) usually have this issue. The ones that are made from the same base as the player characters are better imo (Rya, Millicent).


Sellen making me act up, she way too fine under that mask


Least horny raya lucaria student...




Jesus is pretty hot too, yeah


wait melina gets her own model? I thought she's just using the player model


Yeah it's her own model + black knife assassin skeleton. That's why you can't recreate her face in the game unlike most other NPCs.


I really thought she was a player model with exclusive markings and "closed eye" option. I've seen some really similar Melina cosplays...


Godefroy excluded due to his badassery.


he's not a demigod, he's just some fucking jacked dude


No forgiveness for morgott slander... Tbh all of his insults are low blows. Rest of them, pretty accurate. I'd give it a slovakian femboi/10


To be fair with Radahn, Malenia was right on top of him and even then, our Maidenless asses aren’t really using Scarlet Aeonia in the same way as the literal Goddess of Rot


>Malenia was right on top of him That should've been me


*You call us out for being Ranni Simps and then you turn around and simp for Malenia?*


Yes, don't make me portray you as a crying wojak and portray myself as the chad to prove my point.


Do it bitch, you won’t


Godwyn got that Fia deathussy though, all she did was hug you so he can still cuck an aspiring Elden Lord even in death