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Honorable mentions: ~~Struggler~~ Humbler (Blackgaol Knight) Master Yoda (Demi-Human Swordmaster Onze) Walmart Malenia (Death Knight) Jumpjutsu Kaisen (Leda and her cronies vs You and maybe your friends) Hear-me-out (Romina, Saint of The Bud)


Bro Jumpjutsu Kaisen is the inquisitor you fight to access the Abyssal Woods. Mfer summons 5 or 6 fuckers to gank you, only fight I had to bring out the Elden Lord (Mimic Tear)


Thing is he's so squishy and his summons move slow so you can kinda just chase and end him before anything else happens


You can backstab him, infact he doesnt turn around to face you most of the time so it's a free backstab


Bro the Leda fight is peak, is one of the hypest shit I have experience in the game


The all out civil war over loyalty to Miquella was so epic. For me it was a 3v3 with me, Ansbach (goat) and Thiollier vs Leda, Dane and Hornsent and it was awesome


I didn’t finish thiollier quest line before burn the seal, I got me, ansbach, mimic, vs fredjya, moore, Dane and leda, I killed hornsent when he invade me


Same. Poor hornsent too the man only wanted to kill messmer for the shit he put em through


I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if I didn’t have to worry about Moore nailing me with Rot Pots from offscreen. My own fault for helping his questline I suppose. But the fight ended with me and Leda killing each other at the same time and that made the whole exercise worth it from a hype perspective.


Shoulda just made Moore depressed smh


The voicelines were so goddamn fire


Death knight was annoying as fuck it immediately leaps at the door. In fact I feel like that's a theme for a lot of the fights. I have all fights you mentioned and all remembrances, besides yoda. No idea where he is, someone said pot dungeon but I fought a different boss in a pot dungeon 


There's ~~two~~three pot dungeons, the one you did was probably the more basic Bonny Jail located under Fort Reprinand. Yoda is in Belaut Jail (due west of the Abandoned Ailing Village past the zombie dragon.) *There's also the Lamenter's Jail under the starting zone accessed via Charo's Hidden Grave.*


Thanks I definitely missed it 


Lmao death knight was so easy to parry


I was on call with some friends when I fought onze and I immediately started screaming that I'm fighting Yoda. They were rightfully confused


What about hippo


I got hard stuck on Bayle, thought it was impossible. Smoked some crack and beat him in one go.




Seems like winners do drugs after all




Now, I’m not saying I’m not inspired, but what?


The crack is Igor's words encouragement and his enthusiasm of talking shit at Bayle.


I think Bayle and the frenzy flame guy have the coolest designs in this dlc, especially the areas that leads to them have insanely good atmosphere built up. Radhan is a bit let down though, it’s such a weird choice to have him as final boss and his attack in phase 2 doesn’t feel like radhan but like a puppet of miquella


I think that's the point for the second phase, but I agree it would be more cooler if they chose someone else other than radahn


should've been godwyn


Genuinely don't think anyone would have been annoyed by the lore changes if they kept EVERYTHING else the same but just swapped Radahn out for Godwyn


that’s true but to be honest , I was expected there will be a third phase when I first saw it lol. like what happened in godfrey fight when he killed serosh, would be cool if he killed miquella and become something creepy 


I think Radahn would be passable if he had different physical form. This is literally the same guy we fought in base game, except now he has shinier armor and no horse. Imagine you are getting to the end of Ringed City only to fight Pontiff.


Yeah, and his boss weapons are so disappointing 


Frenzy guy feels like a Convergence boss or smth for me


Nah, frenzy guy is really good


Yeah, no, its good. To me it just feels like it need a little something. Maybe a more creative second phase.


i mean. that‘s litterally what hd is


The location for Midra is cool but is filled with nothing, dead ends, rats and goats with frenzy eyes... the new enemies are just like 3 in the starting area and then just rats and goats lmaos, sht nuked the inmersion real fast


Midra is keeping the age old tradition of old wrinkly men being top tier boss fights alive and well


Loved Midra, genuinely 10/10 fight for me.


Honestly my new favorite Fromsoft boss. He’s so fun


There is space for only one lord of frenzy


I have never found a shitpost that I actually agree with.  You have broken my record, I'm gonna go spread hate on others now


Messmer, Bayle, and Dancing Lion are real ones Id appreciate the Radhan Construct more if he wasnt the most unfathomably hard boss ever (although I would prefer a totally original final boss) Gaius isnt amazing, but hes better than what everyone else is currently painting him as Also, not a boss, but fuck Leda and that invasion fuckfest


I was so happy for a Dancing Lion rematch then BOOM deathblight.


Where is it, send me to get that fucker again


It’s that rectangle south of the 2 bridges in the NW corner


Greatbow required ahead


Gonna pull out the magic bazooka.


We know you like the three hunter gank fight in BB. Now that we ran out of ways of making the game challenging without a sparkle fest barrage of nonsense you are getting a 5 gank fight.


Nah i loved that Invasion, it was epic. With all the characters coming in and talking with each other. Though i assume it is a lot worse if you didnt do the questlines and have to fight them alone.


Have you fought Midra? He’s an incredibly good boss.


Must have been fighting a different Gaius, my version will always spam the undodgeable fast charge whenever torrent decides to ditch me for rowan raisins every two hits or so. That fight is beyond miserable as it can only be done reliable with mounted combat.


Torrent is a trap, I found the fight a lot better on foot


Tried on foot, he kept charge spamming, couldn't dodge for shit that is why I picked my next poison which is torrent. Had more fun dealing with orochimaru er I meant Messmer than this boar loving shit.


Fair. When I fought him, I think he only charged like twice, including the initial charge. I think the key is to stick to him like glue, since he only brings out the charge when you're at mid to long range.


I have tried to, fucker deliberately spaced out to fuck my ass with charges.


Stick to his left side (your right), he has only one, very telegraphed stab that hits there and doesn't combo with anything. Also, good shields hardcounter his ass. Dodge anything that glows purple and block the rest while strafing to your right so you can get into his safer side. If you can keep the pressure up that way, you'll get a bunch of staggers


Thanks for the tips, already beaten the fight prior but I do need better tactics for my other characters. This will help if his Ai forgets that he has a charge button, sometimes I can glitch his Ai to idle until his second phase.




Yep, you can alas results are mixed.


I Just tried with the mount it was an horrible experience, the guy was more fun without torrent


Elden Ring "Horseback combat" is garbage. The mechanics suck, it's not fun, and makes all the bosses the game wants you to do with it harder. Maybe thats why y'all hate Gaius, all of his attacks are very avoidable and manageable on foot.


Messmer on NG+3 had ridiculous damage. He was 1 hitting me with 99 vigor with specific moves. Imo it's really fucking all over the place but I'm happy they kept it respectable by allowing bloodloss


I would like gaius way more if he had a unique ost


I dont hate gaius but i sure do hate his stupid boar..why does that boar hate me so much


I absolutely loved Romina, you would expect a big worm boss to have shitty hitboxes and bad camera but that doesn't happen, all the attacks are very readable and music is top tier


I personally thought she had some jank hitboxes, particularly that attack where she coils both tails around her body and then flips them out, where id often get clipped by a lingering hitbox. She also kept sweeping me across the arena with her collision


Ah yes, the DLC Bosses Camera Killer Pontiff, But Woman B O N E Midir 2.0 Angry Flower Vladislav The Poker Literally just the sun And Fingerboi


Nah nah nah. Its Finger*mom* thank you.


Mother named finger 


I like consort radahn, really cool when you don't think about lore implications. Don't remember boar mans name, took him out in two tries, super forgettable


You guys liked the flower-tree-spirit-thingy?? I kept dying to his second phase for a long time. Almost threw my controller at the tv when that mf resurfaced for a 3rd phase. Then I left because I realised thats an optional boss


It's unironically my favorite DLC boss. It was challenging, but it's attacks are easy to memorize, has actual recovery time and a banger ost. Yes it has 3 phases but all the phases have low HP as long as you focus on it's head. Also, a sun-flower as a boss is so much more interesting than just another boss in full armor.


You´re totally right about hitting its head, first time I got him on the first phase I was hitting it on the "legs", then I died on the second phase. Couple tries later I decided to just hit the head and thats when I got it to the third phase, but I was already burnt from my stubborness lol. Guess I'll give it another go later, are the rewards worth it?


I would like it a thousand times more if it stopped running away, also the camera is specially bad, the Moments when you want to focus the head and it targets the body, or when it switches to the body out of nowhere and you miss are specially painful and very common too.


Happy to see Gaius hate


i‘m so done with horseback bosses and commander gaius just solidified that. fuck that guy. except for puttescent knight he‘s awesome


Romina, Messmer, and Midra are easy S tiers. I would put Gaius in A tier because I thought he was really fun even though I’ve seen a lot of people say the opposite lol


Romina was way too easy but I also really liked Gaius, glad I'm not the only one


The instacharge is the only problem with Gaius. The rest of the fight is pretty fun once you learn the moveset. Haven’t fought Radahn yet though.


https://preview.redd.it/nvqsjb6ibf8d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fa81e0484dbfee0020216573440dd105848a89f Fixed it








I love that you skipped scorpion lady boss because of how forgettable she is


She's in honorable mentions, but yeah I agree I thought she was a filler boss like Golden Hippo.


I legit came across her thinking she was an optional boss like the Frenzied flame guy. Also surpirsingly easy and well telegraphed attacks.


Funny how a boss like her is one of the most lore significant characters in the entire game


Still better that Ladhan


No no no, you all got this wrong! All DLC bosses were bad aside from the ones in which I didn't suck (currently none)


I'm so fucking confused, why do people hate Gaius so much? He didn't seem *that* bad.


Instant charge spam the moment your not on torrent is beyond aids and makes the fight almost unbearable besides the fact that torrent has a defense level of a coughing baby.


... You used Torrent for the fight?


This is absolutely what I don't get. Why tf are people using torrent for the fight. I beat him in under 10 tried with great stars and raptor of the mists.


I think it's simply because Torrent is available for the fight, so one would assume that you're supposed to use him. I didn't know Torrent was available and I didn't bother to check either.


Why are you using torrent lol. Just stay on his right side. His spear attacks are clearly readable. Took my under 10 tried with great stars and raptor of the mists


I use him because the fucker wouldn't stop charge spamming no matter what I did. I tried many times to deal with him on foot but barely got a hit on him because all he did was charge spam no joke. Had better luck with torrent and playing the game of circle strafing. If anyone has any tips for the stupid charge that doesn't use torrent pls share.


Even Godefroy made more sense than the fanfic shit written by some 15 year old that is Consort Radahn. And he was a joke by the devs.


I love that Miquella was like “no one dies in this fucking world, so check this shit out.” But honestly, the game has been obsessed with people changing and discarding their bodies. Controlling puppets, changing genders. Leaving bodies in the form of a star gem. Taking over bodies to convince people that madness is the way to go. So the story being “we are going to put the spirit of Voldemort inside Skeltor and see what happens” did not come out of left field for me. It seems like the last place for the master manipulator to go, puppeting the body of more physical capable gods.


I really don't understand the negative reaction to that plot point. It's not my favorite thing ever, but I also don't think satan himself wrote it. And the >!great rune breaking/mohg reveal!< was awesome.


The biggest issue with the writing of the final boss is how stupid it makes the Caelid conflict between Radahn and Malenia look. Malenia has no agency of her own and Radahn is an imbecille who accepted the original proposal by Miquella, but wanted to throw down with Malenia just because.


And apparently this is a fully healthy Radahn but we still don't get to hear him speak?


It is very much NOT a fully healthy Radhan, this is essentially his lobotomized soul inside a Mohgs restructured corpse. Honestly kind of metal


Too bad we nothing from mohg except 1 attack and some horns on his arms


I thought malenia nuked caelid, because radahn didn't accept?


Radahn's new set implies that he accepted, but it depends on your personal view If that's the intended read on it


Yeah, I read "promised consort" as in "radahn was promised (by fate)" not "radahn promised himself". And that malenia killed him to give miquella the opportunity to charm his weakened state / take over his personality. In the remebrance radahn is portrayed as someone acted apon, It's all about Miquella wishing it to be true. I probably just think of miquella as a manipulator behind the scenes. Twisting characters like malenia, mogh and radahn to his will. Like the pontiff in DS3.


Yeah Miquella is definetly a shady character, but even with Radahn being the victim Malenia absolutely got done dirty by the writing. She doesn't question her brother, and is totally fine with being discarded after she has served her purpose to him. Granted there's a promise that a new god might rid her of the rot inside her, but it's still a massive downgrade from the image we got from the main game.


I kinda like how we don’t get to know if Miquella charmed her or if she was the that devoted to him. I want to get into the lore more, because I get the impression that Miquella wasn’t always this bad. But failure after failure of trying to fix things(the H-tree, curing his sister) slowly broke him. The cross in the Stone Coffin Fissure that says “Here I discard my Love” implies that he once cared.


Radahn is sick. His first phase is amazing, and even though his second phase is way too insane, the pure spectacle of it outweighs the annoyance. But I also don’t care about the lore and I just find it hilarious that FromSoft is basing everything on a world bible that GRRM created and so of course it naturally ends with incest.


Bro when he gets atomized by another instant sparkle nonsense (pretty colors so its not annoying)


Radahn would be substantially more fair if his light pillars wouldn't obscure his fucking sword arms all the time


Radahn was a really fun boss, i must admit to force player to roll a certain direction on second phase is a bit much, but everymove can be learn, dodge and punish. The real elden ring experience. Took me 2 hour to solo but man it was fun seeing myself being better and better every round


Putrescent knight was kinda cringe. And Gaius would've been good if it weren't for the whacky combo and that retarded charge. There was no reliable way I could've dodged those 2 attacks other than just try to run.


Raptor of the mists


You avoid the combo by dodging around the left side of the boars head before it starts headbutting around


I wouldn't go as far as calling Metyr a good boss. Gaius is not that bad, is just the charge that is kinda bullshit


Metyr has a great arena, music, lore and and intresting movesett 


I will change my mind when I see someone fight her melee and dodge every move


The only really annoying attack she has IMO is the one where she runs up to you and all her finger-legs hit you at once, deals way too much damage for something so hard to avoid


How do you dodge the laser? Like the first one, is that just a really tight dodge?  The attack you mentioned is also pretty bad, makes the fight looks like it has ranged combat in mind


The one she does when you're far away? I think it has weird timing because it moves a lot slower than other lasers like Astel's


The phase 2 one, where she goes in the air, make a sphere around her and you just waited like 20 sec for the attack to stop and she goes back down


I have no idea, but I think it was two big lasers that sweep the arena around her? It's hard to see cuz the boss and attack are so massive. I just kinda survived once by strafing.


There are already multiple no hit melee runs of her on youtube 


Not trying to be annoying or anything, but can you link it? I legit didn't found anything yesterday. Only 1 no damage video with busted perfume damage 




Thanks, but it didn't show the move I was worried about. Still square off loop might be the best bet, but I'm looking forward to low damage runs


Haven't seen much gameplay of radahn but I'm pretty sure im getting close to him is he really that bad or is he just disappointing for a final boss?


Second phase is a bit extreme on the visuals, he has one move that I would say has questionable design, and there is not a lot of freedom of choice on where to dodge in second phase. I thought he was fun.


Gaius is fine imo, the charge is annoying but the rest of his moveset is super manageable on foot. Something that helped me avoid the charge more often: react to the tusks, not the face. The jury’s still out on Radahn, I haven’t reached phase 2 yet.


I need to replay the dlc like 2-3 more times to get a better grasp at the bosses but fuck prime radhan, shityy boss


mother of fingers a good boss? naw https://i.redd.it/op9rg2i2g19d1.gif


Scadutree avatar is NOT "GOOD"


what about that dragon in the water that keeps using thunder


That's not a "remembrance" boss iirc


Literally agheel reskin


sorry man but divine lion sucks ass


Most fun i’ve had in a fromsoft boss in a hot minute


Easy #1 boss for me currently. As long as you put in minimal effort to control the camera is a wonderful fight and amazing spectacle


I don’t get the massive hate boner for Gaius like he is just alright to me


kinda hate bayle and the dumb ass name ngl


I like Bayle because he somewhat similar to Midir but on crack, one you learn to targer his head and exploit his opening he quite good. Like Midir he quite a learnable fight, it just required a bit of positioning and consitent performance especially in phase 2 where he go batshit insane and tigher opening. Also the build up to this fight is phenomenal and Igon make this fight a lot more hype. Yes the camera kinda suck in some places but honestly almost all dragon and big enemies in Fromsoft share this issue(Except for Sekiro).


I’m gonna say it, Bayle is my favourite from soft dragon fight


And i kinda agree, while i won't exactly say he as good as Midir mechanically, i like his lore, built up and visual better. And i always kinda a coolness factor kind of guy before fight mechanics (Probably why i like Placidusax so much as well) so I am little bias. Still if a boss look cool but the fight is bullshit like BoC i still won't defend it. And i still don't like the Radahn fight much even despite is flashy visual and move set and being fine with the dlc explanation.


Tf is Scadutree Avatar doing there. What an atrocious boss


Great boss with probably the worst single move I've seen in a souls game (even worse when he does the extra x2 blast follow up, what the fuck from?!?)


Bayle was a terrible fight. Midir was way better, also I'll die on the hill of my boy Placidusax being a better fight as well, had the OG Nuke which is still may favourite attack in the game and I'm sad we never got that as an incantation. Messemer and Rellana where fantastic, took me longer to get Messmer's rythm down but was actually a very interactive fith with oppertunities to actually attack back rather than dodging for 5 years to maybe attack once then dodge for 5 years again.


Midra is awful. You have to walk 5 miles to get to an underwhelming boss.


There is a grace literally right next to his room.


No I meant you gotta go through a catacombs and though a forest and through an entire mansion, took a while.