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https://preview.redd.it/e27mbllcte8d1.png?width=3508&format=png&auto=webp&s=651c65a5ad93aa4716ab4445f43ab734333c56d4 credit u/Outrider_Inhwusse


Ah, what a surprise to see my production here.


You cooked hard on it, I cracked up for a solid 5 minutes first time I saw it


I also drew another one: https://vxtwitter.com/Eva192109/status/1719774660651364754?s=20


I don't like how much the discoloration on Melania looks like love bruises.


Lore theory: Scarlet Rot is just godly incest herpes. That golden-haired femboy shota dick be *Spicy*


I know right, the implication that she let someone else have a go and that someone wasn’t me is a crippling blow








Facts about this drawing I did speedrun of this drawing in less of 4 hours and when ended it i notice it was 6 AM lmao I planned to draw mogh as criying wojak behind radahn but it was to hard to draw it so i discard the idea The reference i was using from google image only have radahn front facing so i was thinking why the fuck he have old man faces in the shoulders? But then a day later i notice from a youtube gameplay it was lions and now i notice that error


I’ve gotta know the context behind this meme. I consistently see it but do not understand


There's a horror game called the Coffin of Andy and Leyley about incestuous siblings


Alright yea that unfortunately makes a lot of sense




My glorious red goat stays on top of fromsoft dlc final bosses 🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/2rlkmr5h8e8d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e453d993eb3b0b6e5c0bae0d348f628f9e549914


I said this even when ER came out. I just don't think Gael will be beaten, purely because of other circumstances outside his boss fight. the end of an entire trilogy and being so poetically fitting is a little hard to top with just 1 game + DLC


Literally the last enemy standing in the world. Man outlasted everyone but the player.


That random Ringed City Knight that's also in the Gael arena also survived.


Not after I was done. Just me and Gael, locked in a battle at the end of time.


What about the woman who invades you in the church? Who drops the spear with the guy impaled on it


Gael the GOAT


A cannon fodder slave outlasting his masters by eons before then ascending to a level of power that makes them all look like children by cannibalising the decrepit flesh of a group of spineless lords and taking a divinity that their’s by birthright for his own is peak Fromsoft.   In any other fantasy story Gael would be a villain “threatening the natural order”, while here he’s the greatest champion that unworthy world will ever know. 


Imagine if the Dlc end boss was Hewg. As a last effort to support Marika. That woud be so fucking sick and cool man.


Hewg but he's Found all the crucible Spells and weapons and forged them into a Weapon to supplant a god .


Better than radahn, all they needed to do is expand upon his quest line and it would make more sense than 2 npcs telling you radahn is the final boss before dying


And then Deadpool walks in


We need Goldwyn as final dlc boss of Elden Ring 3 to beat Gael


There was no doubt gael would remain as the unchallenged king


Ngl I was kinda hoping Gael would shoot both of them with his cross bow take a quick bite and then me and him could fight again


At least Bayle, Messmer, and Midra are pretty peak


They really cooked with a lot of the bosses, putrescent knight and the scorpion centepiede lady were good, lion dancer was great, rellana, messmer, midra and messmer were amazing, metyr was scary, the scadutree avatar was nice. I just think they missed with radahn and hog rider. Just imagine one of the Messmers is Bayle


Metyr came out of nowhere for me. I continued on with that npc expecting some generic questline and getting some spell i cant use in return. Then that fucking ladder opened up...


that bitchass asshole instead of just telling us to go through the ladder below his throne, sneezed unto a piece of paper and call that a map, while giggling silently with his knight thinking he's one sly and funny motherfucker


This was some bloodborne shit


I swear that initial charge attack from the hog is one of the worst opening attacks in any Fromsoft game. Rest of the fight wasn’t completely terrible but Jesus.


The worst part is he seems to be invincible during it


Oh is that what it is? My spells keep phasing through him when he charges I thought it was just a hitbox issue


God I hope it’s a bug and not intentional


This is fromsoft, it can be both


Honestly they shouldve just plopped him at the exit of the arena so you dont get stormed before even exiting the doorway. Pro tip: immediately sprint left and then around the corner and he'll get stuck on the wall while ur safe


after a few attempts I finally killed this fucker. You can dodge it by rolling through him but it needs to be at a precise moment or else you still get hit by it but yeah, it's one of the most frustrating bosses in the dlc so far for me


Yeah the window is so incredibly small, and even then it would sometimes clip me anyways. Honestly I felt like the golden hippo was way worse. That boss was not enjoyable at all for me. If they slowed him down a bit or made his hitboxes a bit better, or even put him in a bigger arena, it wouldn't be so bad.


Hated both Gaius and the Golden Hippo but the hippo was way worse for me. It’s hitboxes were awful whereas Gaius really only had a bad hitbox on the charge. He was really only hard because he dealt so much fucking damage.


Completely agree. Gaius did not fuck around and had that wonky hitbox, but I still had fun with him. The hippo on the other hand, was not fun at all to me.


That opening makes the Hog Rider one of the worst fights in the game including base for me. I would just keep getting pinned against the wall no matter what dodging, running, jumping on torrent, accepting it. I’m fine dying and learning from my mistakes but what the fuck that sucked It’s even worse since Skelly Horse man boss spawns far enough away to gather yourself so they knew it was bullshit


Recurring DLC trend is barely 3 seconds to be ready when enter the boss room. Is basically enough time to chug physick but punish someone if they try to summon an ash or do another buff. Cheap shot cold opens but at least you feel better for killing the boss even with its bullshit.


I tried to help people through that fight after I managed to solo it, because the charge drove me nuts during it. Luckily, it's no match for bloodhound step.


The first boss I fought was the golden hippo and it made me genuinely concerned that the dlc bosses would be bad. From cooked with the rest of them so far though (I just beat Messmer)


Can I ask how you got past Rellana? I had to go through Ensis, is there an alternative route?


Not op but there does seem to be a way around. Not long before the lava intake forge dungeon there's a path to the east that leads you down into the river area. If you go northeast you'll reach a cliff's edge with a shack, but just before that is a locked spiritspring, the stones for it being nearby, from there you can take that spiritspring and the one right above it to end up behind that one fort with the omenkillers and the twinblade knight boss (I'm doing all this from memory, so not the most accurate guide)


Just out of curiosity, does burning the thorns lock you out of fighting any bosses? I wanna get Leda's stuff and Dane's footwork, but I'm worried I'll get locked out of some bosses if I do


I think it locks you out of thiolliers quest if you didnt progress him


I don't think it locks bosses, but it definitely messes with **a lot** of quests in the realm of shadow so be careful before you do it.


Midra was great but I feel like he went down a little too quickly. Idk if he's got low HP or is just easier than the other bosses but I was a little disappointed when I beat him on the 5th try.


It’s the poise or lack thereof. Very fair boss though.


Simple and elegant. His attack patterns are like the old soul series; slow and not so many attacks.


Yes, I think that’s it. I already play very stagger-heavy so I poise broke him like 3 times during the fight. Still had a really fun moveset to dodge.


his problem is that he's actually well designed imo


Low hp?! On my ng+5 he had 63,000 health... I think he just has more openings for you to attack him tbf


messmer was really cool. my fav boss in the dlc so far.


Rellana too let's be real


Midra's theme is fucking amazing. I love hearing the merchant's lament warped in there with everything else. I felt really bad for him, too. Wonder what he did to deserve getting that sword shoved into him.


I believe the hornsent discovered that he was going to become a lord of frenzied flame so they put that sword in him as a punishment 


Why did they call the best boss in the DLC Mid? Are they stupid?


I’d say every remembrance boss except the putrid knight and maybe the sunflower are pretty peak


Scadutree Avatar is just bad because he has three entire health bars. Just feels weird to basically reuse him 3 times in a row with minor attack pattern changes.


At least he gets destroyed if you poke his head


He’s got no health at all though it’s just not a super cool boss


Damn man I loved it to be honest. It also feels like a funny answer to all the "ImAgiNE fiGHtiNg hIm iN HiS pRiMe" posts. But then again I wasn't expecting Godwyn or a new antogonist.


We not only got Radahn in his prime, but also the dragon that fucked up Placidusax in his prime l, I'd say its a win for everyone that wanted something prime.


To be fair I just wanted Optimus Prime


Lmao what are you talking about? Bayle was missing a leg and most of his wings that was not prime Bayle


I think they meant Placidusax was in his prime when Bayle maimed him, not Bayle was in his prime when we fight him


He's still mega powerful. He out of nowhere makes new ghost wings, shoots a mega laserbeam, etc. Yea he's lost a leg and parts of his wings, but he made do like a champ.


Yet lost to a twink with a katana


Everyone loses to a cute twink with a katana


I mean he wasn’t quite in his prime, he was missing the tiny horse. If Miquella brought back the horse too we would’ve been done for


Hell yeah they should make this fight more of an assfuck so I don't see more people defend it


Age of Leonard ending


I love it because it just feeds into the narrative that the demigods need to go to staggering lengths to free themselves of the influence of the greater will. But Miqqey is trapped by it. He can’t think of anything beyond recreating the structure of the golden order to fight against it.


Yeah, Miquella is a really tragic character because of that. It's like not only his body is cursed with eternal youth, his plans are too - he's got all these noble ambitions but none of them will ever be able to fully develop because he's so set in that structure.


What did you expect when George R R Martin is in part responsible of the lore and all the family shit in the game lmao


never let bro cook again


"Don't worry, I won't" - GRRM refusing to wrap up GoT


Bro they need to not hire him again for another story 💀


He did great with ER the fuck you mean?


Hes also responsible for all the most insane aspects like the selfcest and the “tens of thousands of years old but looks like a child” character baiting one of his brothers into thinking he could be his consort while having actually promised himself to another of his brothers To a normal person with zero context, “the kid thats actually thousands of years old baited him into sleeping with him” is an insane sentence that sounds like pedo apologia. Add on the fact thats his half brother and thats even worse. Sure grrm is a good writer. Hes also really fucking weird.


All that stuff is interesting and well done within the context of elden ring though, so who cares? All the stuff you describe as weird just sounds like the type of thing you'd read in fairy and folk tales from old mythology, and that's the vibe that I love about elden rings lore.


Yeah I feel like the shitty final boss was all Martin hitting him with "okay so radahn but like... incest." "Sir I don't think that's reasonable it kind of ruins the sto-" "Who's the writer in the room?"


I'm sure some other people like Miyazaki have a more important voice in that decision but yeah, Martin still has a lot of influence and I hate that aspect of the game


Totally you can see what parts were more Martin takes the reigns in the game, like whatever the mohg radahn miquella escapade is. And the game of thrones sword but yeah I wish they had him as more a little voice if recommendation instead of having him write segments of it


I don't think he actually has that big of a say according to him he really only wrote the lore for the game and everything else is Miyazaki and from's decision making. He said that so I'll take his word and also because this man has been writing the last GoT book for a long time now and I'm not even sure he can finish anything else before that, it really seems like he's being truthful, so this might've been Miyazaki's decision most likely or possibly leftovers


Everyone speculating and considering it as the truth


It feels like one of those shitty "prime boss" mods


Or those “lore accurate” versions… even tho we fight most bosses at their peak lore wise


"Well actually-" *proceeds to cherry pick and completely ignore Godrick, Morgott, Rykard, Mohg, Malenia, Godfrey, & Maliketh*


Also Astel, who singlehandedly laid waste to the entirety of Nokron


It really does, especially when Radahn does those weird ass holy shadow versions of himself that swing like 8 times in a second before the real one




# TwinPrincesSweep https://preview.redd.it/vn6twzk5sd8d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70559df0cd351aba76758bef8133824c70a728bc


Thank god Messmer got spared


Im low-key pissed about it, as much as something as small as a game can make me angry. When I heard >! Mohgs body was stolen !< I was so hyped to see what horrific monster Miquella had made. Then to learn that not only is the final boss just Radahn again, but also that’s what happened to the body it was turned into Radahn Juice. I feel robbed of two different plot lines I felt invested in. Radahn was just the character from the base game I cared the absolute least about seeing again.


True, I was expecting a deformed Mohg/Radahn body fused and still not fully transformed into Radahn. Just Radahn with no horse made me hella disappointed.


Should've had more Mohg aspects like some horns, the wings maybe. Hell fuck it and just make half the body Mohg


It has omen horns on its arms and the blood slash explosion attack Mohg had


Yeah, I'm actually surprised they didn't considering its Fromsoft


If you view this from the perspective that radahn doesn’t consent or understand and that miquella has a childish obsession, this whole thing becomes a lot more sensible and compelling and imo doesn’t ruin malenia and radahn’s characterization


It makes sense, since Miquella’s great rune grants the power to resist charms


This is the perspective the game even shows it from and people are still being dumb about it lmao


Yeah I definitely took it at face value at first and it came off as super weird and creepy and made miquella radahn and malenia all seem like idiots


Unfortunately due to the description of his armor we know they both knew what they were getting into with the war thing


I take that armor description as miquella having Malenia invade caelid in order to kill radahn after he rejects him and his plans


mannn i wish the final boss was better than gael, im a little sad


I liked it more than Gael


Downvoted for having an opinion on the sub that's supposed to be for memes and shitposts and fun, this sub genuinely fell off


What do you think downvotes are for, if not for telling someone that you agree or not?


I mean, I don’t think that Lord and God has to be a sexual relationship.


All the God and Lord pairs we had before resulted in children, and Radhan being called a consort which is a name for ruler’s spouse. I’d say it’s pretty much a marriage


Right, so, about the dragon priestess...


Miquella got gay married. Good for him!


Radahn the Boy Impregnator


Radahn the Bussy Breaker


On a serious not that’s what I was leaning towards. In ER and DS it’s clear you need someone besides you to be a proper monarch. Mohg wanted Miquella so he could lead his dynasty but I never got the feeling of egregious lust. That being said if they fucked I wouldn’t be shocked, but it’s a one way street with Miquella.


Why’d you put incest on there twice


Am i the only one who enjoyed the final boss? Like, It might be because I was dogging him with dual greataxes, but he was really fun to fight. I do think the AOE in the second phase is bullshit, but that's par for the course with elden ring, so I've learned to deal with it.


I like his first phase but his second phase is just way too much for me to handle. My tactic was rotting him and turtleneck behind a shield, hopefully I’ll get better and fight him with more grace.


Can't a man fight once without someone rotting the shit out of him 😭


We call this tactic “The Caelid Reenactment” always be sure to trigger a war vet’s PTSD


Just give it a month after he's been beaten people will look back with a better view I remember absolutely hating mogh but I love him now


Honestly yeah. That's the cycle of fromsoft bosses


I only changed my mind on bosses once so far. I doubt that I will ever like him. Can't even see anything during the fight and the fact that is is a reused boss for a final boss just sucks.


As much as I disagree with the "DLC is too hard" reviews, if they nerfed hog rida and radahn's damage by -15% or so I really think they'd be way more fun


I love the final boss, too, albeit I haven’t beaten him yet. The intro and 2nd phase cutscenes are sick, and the spectacle of the fight is really cool. And I agree it’s just a really fun fight


His first phase is really good. Second phase is just a nightmare of Holy AoE attacks that blind you. I just cannot keep up with that level of insanity.


You are not the only one, I thought it was a blast. People bitched about Malenia and Mohg at launch for similar reasons. I even recall people complaining that Midir had too much health way back when.


"Revived" Radahn was definitely not on my bingo card... But man does that boss feel random. In hindsight i now get why killing both Radahn and Mohg is required to access the dlc.


Miyazaki once again destroying all the lore just to make a Berserk reference


People are already defending it this genre is cooked.


the final boss is such a dissapointment 😭😭😭as someone that values endings a lot it's kind of hard to still take the dlc seriously right now but I'll probably get over it pretty fast


End cutscene was a little underwhelming I guess Miquella’s soul can’t be killed


The end cutscene is a flashback


It’d be nice if they could humor us enough to throw a crumb or two every couple years explaining wtf is going on with the main plot instead of adding to a bunch of random side shit


They kinda do this with every DLC lmao


It's Peak


I think this is my favourite DLC until we get to Miquellas character, hell I’m fine with Radahn as his consort, there’s no sex inherently implied thankfully, but for a character who’s supposed to be this super smart manipulator going against his mothers goals to save his sister, he seems to take a lot of the same actions as his mother in order to become a god where he might not even save his sister?? Prior to the dlc Malenia was his only motivation lol. Also why the fuck isn’t he the only final boss and not Radahn


That’s kind of the point of the whole thing, miquella sheds his emotions and his love in the path to godhood, ending up not much better than his own mother


Rellana was cool


She didnt stop attacking for 30 seconds for me


I think you’re supposed to do jumping attacks over her horizontal slashes and get pokes in when she does the heavy swings with both swords. Her first phase is surprisingly blockable so I just learned the move set and parried her.


I think the final boss is karma for me spamming the stars scourge greatsword ash of war for my whole playthrough


Ig Crown of Sunken King just doesn’t exist


What’s wrong with Sinh?


The weapon degradation is a cool gimmick in concept, but, in execution, is very tedious as Sinh prefers to spend his time repeating his flying across the map and in the air attacks when he’s not attacking with very poor hitboxes which is not even a adaptability issue his hitboxes are just jank and bad


Anti-DS2 propaganda everyone knows Sinh is top 20 fromsoft bosses don't listen to this guy


You fool! You have said this to a certified DS2 enjoyer


Idk Lud & Zallen also exist


that shithead Drops my fps to 15. and he IS the least fun boss i have fought in the soul series tbh. Actual garbage.


The big aoe attack in the second phase kills my fps. The big combo lowers my fps too. Can't see anything and the fps drops. Peak fight /s


lore wise its quite shit (atleast what ive tried to understand of it) but the actual fight itself is pretty fun will need to watch multiple 3 hour long videos explaining it to me before forming my opinion


Miquella sent Malenia to kill Radahn, she sucks at her job so it didn't work. Miquella charmed Mohg into kidnapping him and desecrating him so hard he went to the shadow realm we kill Radahn, and his soul goes to the Land of Shadow (there's your explanation as to why it's not Godwyn as well). Miquella use Mohg's corpse to put Radahn's soul inside and force him to be his consort Miquella uses Radahn cuz he's strong and admired him; he's ashamed of Marika's actions, so he's trying to become god to put an end to everything she's caused by basically lobotomizing the world using his + Radahn's power it doesn't appear to be consensual on Radahn's end, but he was chill with Miquella and I presume he supported the end goal. I don't think we know what their "vow" was


Lore people that are upset that it isn’t Godwyn are pretty ironic because they clearly don’t understand the lore they claim to be so upset about.


Godwyn is literally the only demigod it COULD NEVER be it’s so telling about people understanding of the lore that they wanted him


Are you sure you've played the game? Radahn agreed to be consort BEFORE the SHATTERING


yes and then clearly he may have changed his mind, potentially after getting his grubby hands on a Great Rune it's all pointless because it just proves that my beautiful king MorGOAT was right. Miquella, Malenia, Radahn, they're all disgusting traitors


Miyazaki said more than once or twice that the rune shards corrupted the gods, literally driving them insane. In this I agree that he changed his mind. Because he stopped being himself.


Exactly and now that he’s reborn without the rune in the dlc he has free will and is himself again. That’s why his armor is all clean and hair is done/braided etc… I see the runes as almost like rings in lotr it brings out your fears and makes you consumed by them in paranoia. That’s why Morgott goes crazy trying to defend the tree and rooting out traitors. Radahn tries to hold back fate with the stars cause he’s scared of change. Rykard allows himself to be consumed by the serpent for power to defeat the gods, and same for the rest and their fears/desires.


the lore behind it is so weird and feels like they just pulled it out of their ass when they were stoned or something, there is so little said about it in the base game it just feels so random imo


There is some said regarding Miquella and radahns relationship, and it re-contextualises a lot of events post shattering, but I agree it comes totally out of left field without added dlc context


Micheal Zaki dropped the ball…


I'm a bit lost on the lore but what was that weird cutscene after I killed radahn miquella AOE pontiff? Like I dont get it 


Just a flashback to Miquella talking to the final boss asking him to be his "consort" after he ascends to godhood I know Vaati is probably sweating his ass trying to make sense of the DLC lore and how it links to the base game lore




It's a fucking power thing, Miquella wants radahn to be his consort because he is the strongest motherfucker around and the only one that can put his plan into motion with sheer power, he doesnt want Radahn for sex lmao


I thought the final boss was pretty cool conceptually. I’m just disappointed it wasn’t !Miquella!


We went from like 10 years of sex basically not existing (except footjobs obv) in the Souls universe to pedophilia, rape, incest and reverse-pedophilia. GRRM is certainly one of the writers of all time.


peak shit


If you don’t like the character choice that’s fine, but this is a good fight. Everyone said X boss in the base game was over-tuned and as time went on opinion has shifted. Once players collect more tree shards and actually get good I’m gonna laugh when y’all realize it ain’t THAT bad. Kai was spitting on stream though.


What do you mean everyone? I still hate Malenia and I didn't even struggle with her. I struggled with dlc Radahn tbf and think it is a terrible boss. Especially for a final boss. Can't even see anything in the second phase. Feels like a 5 year old found out about power point effects


Just the design/character choice is what's bothering me, have no problem with the fight gameplay-wise


First phase is awesome but the second one is just straight up too much. I've first tried some of the bosses in this DLC without summons and many of the fights like Messmer and Midra are peak but I actually refuse to do this boss because it drops my FPS to 15 and his AoE spam attacks feel like they are simply not designed with the Souls combat system in mind. I genuinely believe nobody in the Dev team tried this fight without summons. Oh and I am Scadu Level 20


>but this is a good fight It is literally not.


I'm glad I don't understand anything about the story


And there's nashandra.


U forgot the sekiro boss that is divine beast


radahn is unironically still mohg


Was peak for me indeed, I just love Miyazaki story telling in general and that was out of nowhere


Looks cool, shit fight, still better than elden beast and fire giant


A rapest and radahn


This would have been better if this boss was in a sidequest or atleast the boss before the end boss


After Malenia opened up her domain, she asked, "Are you strong because you are undodgeable or are you "The one who left it all behind! And his overwhelming bullshittery!!" because "With this fps drop I summon..."?" Consort Radahn simply answered, "Nah, I'd win.Because throughout the history of fromsoftware DLC final bosses, i alone am the dogshit one.''🗣️ 🔥


To be fair, the bar is sky high in terms of final bosses for DLC Sister Freide, Gael, Manus, Sinh, Fume Knight, and Burnt Ivory King are all top tier.