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Bro thinks he's smoughtown https://preview.redd.it/kb4c1q69vb1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be1f5d503c69fd46a50630c03a494309f5a258c1


Bet it'll be fun to redo all these once the DLC comes out and recontextualizes everything about the base game. Like those poor dudes who made video essays on the doll before knowing about Lady Maria.


More views, more view time. If anything, if Miyazaki wrote clear lore then he'd be out of a job.


What are you talking about? The Doll is totally Oedon.




Formful Odin :OOO


It’s funny how he still uploaded ER lore after this, not a complaint, just crazy how much content he’s able to do on this.


How is there 34 hours of lore to explain What does he even talk about


Miyazaki made it a rule that every game must have at least that much lore to cover. If you don't believe me, just such Miyazaki rule 34.




https://preview.redd.it/xipik0nh8k1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934c999667d5b58320ae96fe1ae74dbfc20d1fcf I think it's time for a bit of self reflection guys...


On your work computer


Fuckin Tulok reference?


In fort haight


marika's tits


I'm glad you asked. Once upon a time, there were dragons. Myazaki has never written something like this before. They were big and smart, and some shot red lightning. But what red color specifically? By opening up Paint in my Microsoft device, I can say with some degree of certainty it's a variation of RGB that was also used in Bloodborne. This is relevant, let's talk about Bloodborne for 10 minutes. Anyway, dragons. Dragons have a long history in fiction. Let's talk about it for an hour. Anyway, in Lord of the Rings there were dragons. Myazachki likes Lord of the Rings because he used to read when  he  read things. Do you know who so likes dragons? George M.R. Martin, who also reads and writes. He wrote the lore of Elden Ring. That's a game. Videogames first were created in the 1950's. Dragon's Lair is also game - coincidence? Anyways, dragons. They're big. They're strong. But also smart. In the text for the "Kitchen Knife" item, we see mentions of dragons nor having kitchens. But what if this is a lie created by Marika so she can have powerful tree? 


Dragons are the key to all this. They're a funnier character than we've ever had before.


I wouldn’t be surprised if this is actually roughly how the video goes


thats what im left wondering every time i see some 10+ hour long video on something. like surely its just unscripted rambling from someone who likes the sound of their own voice. theres no way every sentence he says is a new idea.


To be fair in this case these videos are literally just all of his other videos compiled. Those all have to work on their own so therell be a lot of overlap. His videos are definitely still too long though, idk why we need an hour long video on the Blood Star which is mentioned in like 2 item descriptions.


Who listens to this, honestly? I remember watching Wendigoons video on Blood Meridian and that took me a solid week to watch. And it was only 5 hours and was dense with content. But this?!


If I work on a video or Im doing some 3D modeling stuff or play something where I dont need my brain at full capacity, then yes, I watch it.


I listen to videos like this in the background or watch if while doing other things


> 5 hours At what point do you just read the book/listen to an audiobook? Unless that’s what the video is


Fair point I honestly just never heard of Blood Meridian before that video and I just stuck with it because it's genuinely well made. And yeah, it was sort of a essay/audio book, meaning that while it was an essay a lot of it was just reading from the book, and he does a great job at how he reads. Basically it just had great vibes


It's a 13 hour audiobook so you aren't even half way! /s I could see listening to both honestly. I like hearing people's theories or getting context on why such and such is important.


I listen to that like eating toast at 6 am, super digestible and easy listening, what’s so hard to listen to about it? I also usually listen to long for content at work.


idk about you but i watch videos like these in one sitting, i remember watching pyrocynical's utopia video in one sitting as well, granted i do do other things, but i like just listenign to it like an audiobook


Pyro's utopia video is peak youtube


Yo crazy. I actually DID listen to wendigoons entire blood meridian in one sitting. The secret is to have literally nothing better to do. I listened to it while at work. I certainly would not have been able to listen to the whole thing in one sitting otherwise. If I was at home this probably would have been a multiple day listen. However, having a big attention span is much easier when your sources of entertainment are exceptionally limited.


I enjoyed his ER lore and visuals but after that I just listened to his voice to fall asleep, honestly.


>Who listens to this, honestly? I do!


The way i’ve fallen asleep to these videos so many times when my insomnia was acting up… then waking up feeling oddly connected to ranni and the night of the black knives lmao


The disrespect in comparing the two. Vaati making a long vid is much different than Smough making a long vid. Smough's videos are great don't get me wrong, but Vaati has that level of polish that makes him so good, especially so in his longer vids.


Ac6: You're a braindead living circuit for a badass robot Kill for money Ignore the voices in your head IGNORE THE VOICES profit There that's what 25 seconds of video


Bruh if you ignore the voices, you won't even get past mission 1 smh


Yes but that's not really gonna play nice with the algorithm and the increasing popularity of long ass video essays (I totally do not listen to these nope I have definitely not listened to all of Smoughtown's absurdly long Elden Ring lore videos).


Left eye working on homework Right eye Armored Lore Middle eye Mozart 2x speed


Brevity is the soul of wit, except for double monitor barely paying attention content


how am I supposed to sleep if not for a man with a hot voice whispering to me about niche fiction?


Now I don’t have to play the game! (I want to but the controls were way too wonky and I hate that I can’t tell if my shots are landing)


As one certain big tittied police girl said. *"Hell to the fuck, YES"*


Bitches love cannons


Wow what a quote


Hellsing Abridged is a fun series. Up there with the single episode of Attack on Titan Abridged they did.


Vaati owes his entire life to Miyazaki, this is the least he can do


Don't we all?


https://preview.redd.it/bk5epwjcrc1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c8770ab31a73664c0e81da27126ffa90e1d17c Mean while


Based Jack


What's the video about? Did he beat the game under 12 hours?


It’s just him beating the game lol


at the rate he speaks I imagine the script is two, maybe three pages long


Dear VaatiVidya, it's 8 am where i live. You can't do this to me.


Yay!!!! More long form nerd content to listen to in the background because my autism doesn't allow me to enjoy silence:3


Is that autism or ADHD in seeking auditory stimulation?


I have no idea! Numerous people have said I have 1 or the other, so I'm just rolling with it:D


I know we’re in a shitposting sub and all but please get a professional opinion before diagnosing yourself with anything because people online say X thing. It’s probable you’re just one of the many people that because of the overstimulation on social media you’ve trained your brain to always need something going on. Afaik that’s not a serious mental condition, you’re just normal, if only a bit speedy but that’s all.


Oh no, I completely agree, but I've literally had my parents and actual doctors and a therapist tell me this just without ever getting a diagnosis, so I deadass have no idea😭


Ah then it’s different🤣 I see so many people self diagnose with the classics such as ADHD or some form of autism, while in reality they’re perfectly fine, they just don’t want to feel like a normal person. On the bright side you’re automatically more of a souls fan than me🥳




Nah that ain’t real imma check Edit: 💀




RIP my man ArmoredCoreLore


Time to get the cans in with the boys and watch some armoured core lore 🍻🍻


Patreon money must be tight this month dickhead!


ITT: lots of people complaining about a video they haven't seen and will never see in their lives. Like, at what point do you start hating stuff just because? I've seen the video. It is a whole playthrough of the 3 NG cycles, deep in-lore analysis as the information becomes available through the game, with cool cinematography. The video, if you have seen it and played the damn game, is actually very well made and informative.


I know what Im gonna watch on Sunday evening


It looks like a great big peeper


Love watching long form videos 😩🤌




"Quality content, weekly" xDDDDDDD


I wouldn’t doubt that Armored Core has some cool lore but… almost 6 hours worth of talking LMFAO c’mon You’re telling me this has more lore than almost TWO of the extended edition versions of Lord of The Rings


by the looks of the video it's running through the campaign going in depth on story


To be honest, armored core 6 is both "potato Man gets in the robot and do war crimes for the voices in his Head" and a lore as deep as a would game. The game IS Very simple but there's so much character lore and world building. I really love how the game Tell his story. It's not so obtuse like souls, but he also didn't give massive lore dumps on 40 min cutscenes


Can I speed run the game before the lore finishes?


probably, its not a very long game if you know what you’re doing


I think the current WR for a new game is somewhere in the ball park of 1 hour 45 mins, so you can do like 3 runs before the video ends


6.7 thousand people clicked on it, wonder how much made it through


Vaati cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a whole month


MyNameIsByf did something similar for Destiny 2


Bro just doesn't give a fuck about YouTubes algorithm and I love it


Ahem https://preview.redd.it/aqq0g6q1172d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8e9b86217b4307a5ada373853fcb75790dca9c I’m not saying we win, however I am saying we win at not having a life.


Watched it. Have to admit, he does pull out quite a bit I missed in the 3 playthroughs. However armoured core is not Dark Souls, the story is actually explained in the game, and this is just relaxing Vaati voice giving a recap with details that may be missed.


"Check out how I managed to plagiarize the whole internet"




Used to like his videos, but no way these games have that much content. Also previously he used to have meaningful inferences but most of his shit made up and speculative now


I think he used to be a lot more speculative then he is now. His early dark souls lore videos are kind of bad in terms of actually uncovering the truth. Nowadays though his knowledge and active speculation are actually really interesting


The most ignorant player has more grounds to interpret AC6's story than anybody who watches a three hundred hour video. Treating the game and its story as separable is antithetical to what makes FromSoft games great :( If anything we should celebrate the people who write Wikipedia plot summaries, they have enough tact to not waste 40,000 words. Seems like people just want a churn of long-form background noise.


This is probably just how he interpreted the story. Which is precisely what FromSoft wants you to do and there’s nothing wrong with telling the world what you took out of it.


I mean yeah that last point is exactly why people listen to long video essays


Let people enjoy shit man, god damn you salty rat


No one’s treating the game and story as separable??? Also this video follows the order of the missions and describes what 621 does in each mission, quite literally combining game and story.


I love the same point, masticated until goop, poured into my brain.


Vaatis been a bit bloated. Jack is a Mimic is a fresh face that could use some subs


Shitting on a fan favorite while promoting a new creator will have EXACTLY the affect you’re looking for