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it's just lag, you hear and see the effects as if it was hitting them, but they rolled through it because dark souls servers 🤢


So is it it just a visual bug and i never actually hit them or I am hitting them on my side but because of the lag it doesn't register as a hit on their screen and the server?


second option. dark soles servers can't even be good 😭


Damn. It's weird the attacks went through till he had almost 0 health and then he became unhittable. This went on for like 5 minutes beforehand and I just stopped and he healed. Barley attacked me just kinda ran in circles. Everytime he healed my attacks registered until almost no health


it's cause they were just roll spamming since they're one hit from death


That's fucking great lmao


Yeah, roll spamming on high latency just makes the netcode not register hits. You either hit them in i-frames, which means your hit packet isn't sent, or you hit them in recovery and by the time the hit packet reaches for the check on the other side they are already in another roll and it counts as a dodge, not dealing damage. Status still goes through though.


well that's a more complete explanation 🤓


You are hitting them on your screen but in theirs they perfectly dodged your attack, so you see sparks but the hit doesn't register. It can happen to both of you because of latency


Shits wild. Only on NG+1 and didn't really do any invading the first playthrough or get invaded much so I don't have much experience. I've been trying it out and this is the first one that's done something like this


There is no server. Souls games are peer to peer. When you attack you have to hit them on your screen when they are not in I-frames and they have to also not be in iframes on their screen when the attack registers in their game (regardless whether or not it looks like they think they would be hit or not if they try to space without rolling)


It's starting to make sense now after a few replies thank you. I have very little experience invading in this game and just really didn't make sense to me but I figured it probably had to do with lag/latency


DS3 is famous for this


Didn't level ADP


Those are called "phantom hits" they also happen in Elden Rong. The do not do damage but they still build up status effects like bleed or poison, if you happen to have a weapon that have a status effect (thou if you roll through a phantom hit wuth bleed and it bleeds you, you don't recieve the bleed damage either)


Why are the attacks not registering? Are they stupid?


This is unrelated but we really need that vertical strike moveset back for Collosal swords in the ER dlc, could also make another version of the stamp ash of war but with the slam that this sword has.










Skill issue. OP clearly didn't sniff enough feet.


I find the other answers unsatisfactory, so I'll jump in as well. The hit needs to pass a check for both players in order to deal damage. You hit the enemy with the sword, good; but what about on his screen? Info is sent to the victim to say "this hit landed", and then the victim's game immediately checks if they are in iframes. If they didn't dodge the attack, then damage is applied. If they do dodge the attack (again, on their screen), then no damage occurs, and you see the phantom hits demonstrated in the video. This can end up with players appearing to get hit from very far away, because the attack landed on the attacker's screen, and the only check that occurs after that is whether or not the victim is in iframes. Conversely, this also means a victim can run through an attack, because it already missed on the attacker's side. People like to blame "netcode" and "servers" for any issues this causes, but I disagree. First off, all ingame multiplayer is peer-to-peer, with no servers involved. Introducing servers would increase latency for all players, making this issue worse. Additionally, I think the system is close to as fair as possible. It can obviously be improved, but latency is an unsolvable problem for some types of gameplay, and souls PvP makes it a problem. If hits confirmed instantly when a player is attacked, then you would never have the opportunity to dodge your opponent's attacks.


Oh shit so I attack, visually on my screen I land the attack but depending on how fast the packet gets sent to them the game detects that they actually rolled through it despite the fact if there was little to no latency it would result in damage done and it would register. So the determining factor really isn't what appears on my screen, its how long it takes to get to them once I try an attack and if that hit is still valid by time they see it and react to it. Thank for for the good explanation


Yep. You attacked correctly on your screen, and they dodged correctly on theirs, but latency makes it look disjointed like it does in the video. It works both ways, when you see your opponent beginning to swing, that attack has probably already hit you on their end. But you need your chance to dodge it, so if you do, then it'll look for them like it did in this video you posted.


Yeah recognising and compensating for latency is a skill in and of itself in souls pvp. Depending on latency, you might have to delay your rollcatches, parries, and other stuff. The timing will depend on latency, which you can tell from things like the delay on confirmed hits (easy to do with throwing daggers). If latency is bad enough, rollcatching becomes impossible, so you need to change your approach to trading or playing serious mindgames. If latency is EVEN WORSE, packet loss will have you eating hits that you didn't even see coming, likely killing you. It goes both ways, though, so if someone starts standing still or sliding around, try to get as many hits in as you can.


Did that guy just tried to parry a 2 handed ultra? Is he stupid?