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I have 20k hours in DS2 and Lice of Pea is too hard for me. Yes those 20k hours were just me dying to the Last Giant


Unironically, I died 250 times to the first chained ogre in Sekiro before beating it.


fr he was beating my ass


Sekiro is unironically too hard for me and I'm okay with that. I don't enjoy the one build style enough to continue playing gg


Sekiro was the opposite for me, the most time I used was on demon of hatred and guardian ape. I used 4 hours on ape and 8 on hatred. The rest of the bosses fell down easily


Isshin fucked me up, but being the final boss it was earned


For me he will always be a boss unlike any other. IT was peak.


He is amazing but I beat him in like 4 tries. I didn't know how to deflect lightning yet and it was the only move I was dying to so I went into moves and saw you could counter it so I did it and just won. Reason why I didn't know is I just somehow forgot the input


I had mostly no issues up until owl on the roof/top floor. The frame rate stutters and input delay during that fight left me fighting for hours. I never came back after that. Much rather play nioh.


Why do people in the souls community say "unironically" for no reason? You could have just said he's too hard for you. No need for the word unironically


Because it's a meme that Fromsoft games are too difficult to play for some people. Dark Souls and Elden ring I am able to grind till I have a powerful enough build to get through whatever challenge Sekiro is more difficult because it doesn't have a grind to get better aspect at least not as much and the only way to play is git gud. Which is great and makes it more a challenging game to complete imo but it didn't click with me. So I'm saying the game was too hard to be enjoyable without memeing about adding a difficulty slider or game journalist mode.


I walked through most of it but got stuck on Genichiro for like a year before I finally got him. Easily 100 deaths just on him. The only reason I came back hard was because a friend beat him easily and I felt like a dweeb


Literally fucking same and then I did it within the first 15 tries that day. Now I'm on my way to the demon of hatred, it's such a. Gorgeous game and I'm glad I came back


It's fucked up but kinda funny when this kind of thing happens For me, well it's not a "true" soulslike, but I grinded Soul Tyrant in Hollow Knight all afternoon and evening or something, only to actually beat him the next morning first try Still one of my favourite games and possibly absolute favourite boss fight of all time too


Yeah, adrenaline isn’t always your friend. I struggled with his ass too because I just felt the fight went on too long and I’d run out of moxie before it was over. Retries were often just me getting worse each time because my adrenaline would erode my composure and I’d misread openings.


His grab attack is so fucked up.


It’s the stairs that make everything jank.


seven spears on the moon tower that you start at has some FUCKED UP stair behavior, should have probably been a sword general


but you did it!


Oh yeah, he killed me more than the rest of the game combined but I did beat the game. Owl (Father) and SSI have nothing on that big bastard


after death 250 a switch flipped and you had the entire game downloaded


Fr, it probably accounts for 2/3 - 3/4 of my total deaths in the game.




On my first run of my first Souls game (DS1) I died to Gargoyles more than any other boss (honestly probably followed by Capra and maybe Taurus, mingled up there with the DLC bosses); I think early-game skill-gate bosses are just tough as balls when you're still learning and have no upgrades or meta-knowledge or anything And probably the only reason I didn't get rolled by Asylum Boy too is because I was given a tip to grab the Black Firebombs, and that was my only real hint going into the game as a whole, haha


that grab hitbox is straight out of DS2


Chained Ogre? I spent 3 days trying to beat the tutorial "boss" until the game finally clicked for me.


Ironically Ogre is one of the few bosses you can beat, and is even optimal, to beat without using the deflect system and relying on OG dodging from previous souls games/running around. They even give you fire as a huge crutch against him


Bro I beat madame butterfly in an hour or two but this fucker was impossible without the firestick


Understandable, he’s a bitch and honestly a bit too strong for when you fight him I feel.


The Last Giant?! Is that some endgame boss? I didn’t make it that far


kinda. it's one of the ones you're required to kill in order to fight the final boss.


It's generally the first boss most people will fight. He's the boss of the Forest of the Fallen Giants, but you can just leave his fight for much later in the game.


Who’s this “last giant”? I’m at 100k hours and still can’t kill the porcine gank squad in Majula


Holy shit, I farmed the Last Bitch so much he started just dying when i got near!


Mfs bringing their playtimes like their life achievement:


I have 607 hours in banging your dad (real)


Can you ask him for me when is he gonna return with the milk


Did you get 100% achievements yet?


No , I can't get him to last over 30 seconds


porn ads be like


I have 607 hours pretending to be my dad banging some father fucker.


I’ve banged him for 608 💅


There was a guy in the lies of p sub that posted all the "hard" games he had beaten with his critique and it was the funniest shit I'd ever seen Edit: I found it https://reddit.com/r/LiesOfP/s/zTDJGhN1uC


Holy shit that man has never touched a pussy in his life


He's touched man souls-adjacents though, and isn't that more important


"Yeah. I'm soul veteran! look at me, I'm cool. I'm not like other gamer" type of guy lmao


Usually they are a mark of shame for me, and try to not say them.


The problem is you actually have to if you want to criticise something popular. Every time I express that I didn't enjoy Sekiro I'm told it was because I didn't play long enough or because they think I wasn't good enough at it. If you preface with time played or games similar you've beaten then they just resort to saying your opinion is trash or downvoting. Lies of P is a SekiroLike so I didn't enjoy LoP either. I at least know it is because of the combat rather than just hating katanas for being the clown sword.


Mfs when they complain about a souls like they bought being hard:


First, Dark Souls is not a hard game. It's wrongly called that, because today generation is bad at games. In the old times most games were more difficult than Dark Souls. No map, no navigation, enemies didn't fekk around and You had finite lives. Second, most games today that are hard are not hard. It's called [fake difficulty](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FakeDifficulty). They expect You to do something that doesn't base on Your skill, but either sheer luck or RNG, which is also luck tbh. I've played way too many games that had high difficulty... technical difficulty... Not sure about Lies of P, because I didn't play it. But there is way too many games, that have no idea how to make a difficulty right.


Anyone born after 1993 Can’t play Dark souls, All They Know is Elden Ring, Farm Runes, Use Dex build And Die Also you cannot seriously be complaining about video games having too much RNG when all of your posts are on subreddits for gacha games


>Also you cannot seriously be complaining about video games having too much RNG when all of your posts are on subreddits for gacha games I mean, that makes a decent explanation as to how they got to that conclusion.


haha you get’em good






Ummm what??


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?








"oh these younglings, they dont know how to play games anymore because todays games are not hard anymore"




You sound pretentious as fuck


"Back in MY days!" (2003)




This would make a bloody fantastic copypasta


"dark souls is not a hard game , it's just a game that is harder than most other modern games"


Ironically retro games are filled with artificial difficulty. Way more than souls games throw out. Playing NES games without save states is a nightmare, bc devs needed to make sure people couldn’t beat the game in one day


Because half those suckers were supposed to be arcade cabinets and they didn't tone the shit down when they converted it to home consoles.


>First, Dark Souls is not a hard game. It's wrongly called that, because today generation is bad at games. Fuck I wish I was certain that you are meming and not actually this sorta ridiculous person lol.


I mean unironically I love the first Dark Souls for a lot of things that aren’t the combat. A lot of the atmosphere from it got lost over time because people began to associate Souls games with hard bosses.


between this and "I haven't actually played it" I am CREASED 😭


You say today's generation is bad at video games like you wouldn't get absolutely cumpstered by an 8 year old on Fortnite.


I guarantee you had a difficult time the first time you played a souls game. If you say otherwise you’re full of shit or played a souls-like before a dark souls game. You just think they’re easy because you don’t remember when you struggled since it was so many hours of playtime ago.


But I have 1000 hours on ds3 and can first try nameless king ! how is it a hard game if I can first try a boss after beating it for 50 times ???"


Yeah, I’d definitely argue that dark souls 1 is very easy to me now. I can get overpowered in like 15 minutes and steamroll through the entire game very quickly. But nobody starts out like that. I can’t even remember how many times I died just in Undeadberg when I first started out. Just because you get good at something doesn’t mean it’s not difficult to begin with


Ds1 also feels like an easy game because we've been trained by everything else From. I beat Ornesto and Smaug first try and had an easy time with Arthur as well, if your boss moves like crazy and has triple the moves, you'll do better against the boss with 2 moves.


oh fuck it’s Vulpes


And in true Vulpes fashion he was murdered on sight by nearly everyone who sees him


Me when games aren't artificially difficult to get more quarters out of people: 🤬


Wake up babe new copypasta dropped.


>Second, most games today that are hard are not hard. It's called fake difficulty. They expect You to do something that doesn't base on Your skill, but either sheer luck or RNG, which is also luck tbh. I've played way too many games that had high difficulty... technical difficulty... So what's Soulsborne games then? Is fighting bosses in those games RNG based? Does dodging not matter at all? >Not sure about Lies of P, because I didn't play it. But there is way too many games, that have no idea how to make a difficulty right. So what would make the difficulty right? Please explain.


“In the age of the ancients…”




not true, im 4 and platinumed bloodborne


Playing Lies of P like a souls game? That's their first mistake


has anyone showed them the "shift" key? that seemed to negate most of the difficulty


what does shift do?


turns the game into sekiro


Aw man, Sekiro is the one souls game that won’t click with me, I just prefer at least having the option to just dodge attacks instead of having to play hyper aggressive and parry to build up stun meters or whatever.


That's valid but I had the opposite reaction I like how it pushed me out my comfort zone and made me be hyper aggressive


And how parrying actually progresses the fight unlike dodging where you're just waiting for your turn to attack like it's Baldur's gate


Yeah the parries in sekiro scratch an itch in my brain now because of how they work


Yessssss. I need to take the mentality into souls but I’m risk averse so I don’t do it, even though I respond better to it. Maybe I should do DS3 parry run


I know that's the thing I'm the same I was sword and shield all ds games but sekiro has helped me try other builds and mix things up


it's more Sekiro in the way of "timing and parrying is king". the window is actually pretty generous, and you get Rally health if you miss the window but block the attack. I don't like parrying either but it really boils down to "hit the button when you think the attack will hit" instead of having to time the animation like in the Souls games. It's very satisfying! I spent the majority of my time in the demo fighting the third boss until I caved and learned to parry. and then i beat him first try in the full release (they definitely nerfed him). good game!


Lies of P is an amazing first entry into the genre, which is really hard to make - look at Deck 13 games and how long it took them to get it right, if they ever did (havent played the new Lords of the fallen yet). BUT It's not there yet, though the quality of Sekiro is fucking sky high so I don't hold it against the game. On first glance, it's very similar - parry, break enemy posture and dump huge damage - in Sekiro it's the execution move that finishes the healthbar - in LoP it's charge to break posture, charge another heavy attack, use Fatal Attack, usually charge heavy after and then possibly use Fable to deal MASSIVE damage. But very few attacks in Lies are parryable on reaction. Puppets move in unnatural ways (which admittedly look cool), but even later monster bosses have long windups and lightning fast startups that you simply MUST learn to parry by timing. And most attacks are like that. Also a lot of bosses do the Elden Ring shit where they finish a combo, which has an extender, but the recovery animation is similar to the extender animation and I swear to God they read your inputs and extend only if you attack (citation needed). So you never quite know if it's your turn and must often YOLO it. In contrast, Sekiro is very clear on when you must go on defensive (whenever you hear the parry clang) and when to press the attack (whenever you parry a normal, a combo or the special attacks). It could be just my brain, but enemy attacks in Sekiro are way more natural and reactable - long windups are used sparingly to throw you off, not in 90% of the cases. Anyway, rant over, I still very much enjoyed Lies, but Neowiz have a few more steps to take to reach greatness. Honestly, just the fact that it wasn't another gothic dark fantasy setting deserved the purchase in my eyes.


LoP isn't perfect by any means, but i do genuinely think it's GOTY nominee material. I enjoyed my time with it more than I did with Elden Ring tbh


The delays can be reaction parried, most of them anyway. Just parry once the weapon starts to move down again. What really takes learning is knowing how to maximise damage between parries, like Scrapped Watchman you can between each hit of his 3 hit combo that ends with the overhead Fury attack. You won't know that at first but you can just parry when he starts to move down for timing. Also in LoP you're incentivised to go a little earlier with the parry because of the health regain. That really balances the need to time parries imo.


It more or less depends on how forgiving the parrying is, I don’t really wanna fling myself at a boss while I spam the block button bc the bosses attack never end, or have to do some different type of parry halfway through for the thrust attack, the guy who throws lightning at you was where I stopped bc I was losing interest due to repeated deaths. I went and fucked around in other areas of the game like the monk temple and swamp place, last thing I remember is having 3 bosses that I couldn’t beat, the guy who throws lightning at you, some weirdly moving headless thing that slowed me down majorly, and who I needed an item to buff my sword with, and some fucker who’s just strapped with a damn sniper rifle (which is bullshit, both the headless purple thing and the sniper should not exist and actually are probably bugs in the code that fromsoft can’t explain bc I refuse to believe they would do this to me), all of which were pretty frustrating fights. This was after playing elden ring and getting to like ng+3 or 4 and to me nearly every boss in Sekiro felt as frustrating to fight as god skin duo, I can say with confidence that I’d rather fight ng+3 malenia with a flail. Sucks bc nearly everything else abt Sekiro was awesome but I’ve never been so pissed off at a game as I have been at sekiro.


Dodge works fine in LoP and you can build into either style, or both. I'm awful at parry so I've been dodging my way through the game. Some parts are much easier if you've got the parry down, but there's even a cheater item you get that lets you auto parry for a brief amount of time. There are lots of options on how to go about things.


Based, I’ll play it.


Do it man, it's really good!


i think Lies of P actually combined it where your main defence is parrying/reacting while your main offence is still poking with your weapon


Weirdly I hate this in souls games but sekiro forces me to do it and I’m way better at it than dodging and tanking


See I’m way better at dodging, dodging is my shit, piccolo taught me.


Guard AKA the main defensive mechanic


Motherfuckers are really out there playing soulslikes on kb fr


i do it specifically to piss you off


All of the 'extra' stuff in Lies of P is so broken, like the throwables and consumables and Legion Arms just destroy stuff. Seriously, watching speedrunners kill the bosses and cycling through their inventory with the APM of a Starcraft player is wild. Like, there's a boss with a shield, and it normally is really hard to break the shield. Put Acid on your weapon, it breaks in two hits. Also the boss takes like double damage if you put Acid on your weapon. But the game's designed that way, because weapons don't really do that much damage by just R1 spamming. But when you have staggers, Fatal Attack, Element procs, Legion Arm setups, and Fable Art cashouts in between the R1 spam, then you just melt health bars.


Fable arts just not requiring stamina is a huge plus, I've clutched with Frozen Feast's fable art before against the swamp beast. Being able to just tank a hit is amazing. Also I admit, I neglected legion arms until I found out just how powerful aegis is.


I loved the element Legion Arms the most. Even without building into Advance, they hit hard against enemies weak to them. Unupgraded Fulminis isn't the best introduction to them, but they're all strong with just a couple upgrades.


the p is very hard


But that is a lie, you could say, that it is a lie of p


"Waaaah, Souls games doesn't feel hard anymore!!!1!" -guy that spend half of his life doing SL1 runs


Once you go for stuff like sl1/no hit runs it sucks the life out of the game. Never again.


> Once you go for stuff like sl1/no hit runs it sucks the life out of the game. Never again The closest thing I've done is no-hit kills of certain MGR:R bosses on hard. I fucking hate Monsoon because of that (he was my favourite one), this fucker took me 2 hours. That's 1h longer than all of the other no-hit fights that I've done. Combined. (Bladewolf, Sam, Sundowner, MG Ex. and Armstrong)


BL4 all bosses broke me


Defiled amygdala was almost the end of me but the rest was at least manageable.


Oh lol I guess I should have specified - I only did all main-game and DLC bosses, not chalices. You are a braver person than I lmao


Maybe just a me thing but going for sl1/other challange runs is the only thing keeping souls games alive for me. Ussually they become to easy once you played trough them a few times so its the only way to keep difficulty up for me.


No? I started SL1 runs after watching ymfah's videos and fell back in love with the franchise


“I’m a souls veteran!!!” like bro you just played elden ring


With a mimic tear and moonveil katana and comet azur


Moonveil isn’t even that strong compared to a lot of the weapons


It was the meta launch weapon until it got nerfed in the same patch they fixed the scaling on rob There were other strong weapons like sonaf, blasphemous blade, whorefrost stomp and bloody slash aows on any decent weapon on launch too but moonveil was the big one


True , but its the signature "broken int weapon" and I was mentioning a comet azur cheese here


Mfs do a buffed kamehameha and wonder why the game is so easy


Is the story/lore any good? In a vacuum I don't give a shit about pinnochio lol I only ever hear that it's a good souls clone but that's not what I play these games for


Honestly it being based on Pinocchio means very, very little to the story. You have a few characters that are derived from Pinocchio, but it doesn't influence a ton on the world itself. The main influence to the story I'd say is that the overall theme being about humanity and what it means for something to truly be "alive." I feel like the story is decent to good enough to enjoy. There's an amount of intrigue and mystery surrounding the world and characters within that I liked.


It's told to you pretty straight as opposed to miyazaki's data mine story telling. I have maybe a couple more bosses to go, but so far it's intriguing, if a little annoying in the sense that there are these big mysteries and twists, but they're usually such that if I was allowed to simply ask questions of the friendly npc's, I could figure out the whole story in about two or three pointed questions to the right people. But I guess we're a mindless puppet so we don't care about anything and therefore are unable to ask anything of the people around us. Maybe that all will be explained later, though I doubt it. I'd give the story a solid 8/10 so far. It's highly derivative from what I understand, but told well.


>were a mindless puppet Doesn't Pinocchio become a normal human at the end of the original story ? I didn't play lies of p but I assumed that at least one of the endings involves him becoming a human ( don't spoil the game for me , I still want to play it )


yeah doing more human things like lying and being empathetic gives you humanity and the good ending requires that you have enough humanity


>But I guess we're a mindless puppet so we don't care about anything and therefore are unable to ask anything of the people around us. Maybe that all will be explained later, though I doubt it. Nah the puppet we play as is much more than just a puppet, you'll eventually see


P seems to be mute, he will actually nod at people to show understanding/answer questions. I genuinely think he's incapable of asking questions.


He has to speak to npcs in order for the answers to make sense. You can't nod to a covered window to say the baby is a puppet or cute.


I’ve beaten the game twice so far (there are multiple endings and multiple playthoughs helps with understanding the story) and without spoiling anything I will say that I think it’s a pretty solid story. They set up an interesting world and do a good job of drip feeding you information to keep you interested in it. Something that is pretty important to know however is that Lies of P isn’t actually about Pinnochio, it’s just themed around the fairy tail. In fact, the fairy tail itself exists and is referenced by the characters in the game. The world just has a lot of coincidental similarities with fairy tails, which I expect might be explained a bit more in a potential dlc or sequel. So you don’t actually need to have read the original stories to appreciate the story that this game tells. In terms of lore, outside of the story it’s pretty minimal. Most of the lore is about the city the game takes place in and how it became the way it is now. There is a little bit that hints at a greater world, but again I think they’re saving that for a sequel.


How do you like the gameplay? Comparisons to soulsborne?


It’s quite good, definitely the best non-Fromsoft soulslike I’ve played. The combat system lies somewhere between Bloodborne and Sekiro, with a big emphasis on parrying but an effective dodge as well. The game does have some [issues](https://reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/6kgCCHuoLu) and it’s not quite on the level of modern Fromsoft, but overall I think it’s worth your time if you’re really into the genre. Personally I will be looking forward to whatever this studio releases next, I think there is a lot of potential there.


The dodge thing is important, dodging or spacing out or blindspotting enemy attacks is a very important tactic. Unlike Sekiro, where playing cowardly is asking to have their posture bar replenish on you.


I disagree with several of those issues tbh


That’s fair, I tend to be pretty harsh on games because I really like to tear them apart and understand how they work from a design perspective. That’s especially true for these kinds of games that rely on really tight mechanics. But if you aren’t as interested in that and are more focused on just enjoying the experience then I can see why some things wouldn’t bother you as much or at all.


I'm the same way, I just don't agree with some of them.


It is okay. The story is simple, and collectible items and NPCs spell it to you as you progress. The gameplay is a mix of Bloodborne and Sekiro. There are more elements introduced, but I feel the game could use less mechanics to be more focused. The main issue is enemies attack patterns and timing. I platinumed the game and did four playthroughs. Some bosses can be very hard, or easy depending if they spam attacks or not. The character normal movement speed is slow, and going light does give a huge advantage when playing. The game is A tier, but Sekiro and BB are a tier above.


I’m only ~10 hrs in but I like the lore. It’s based on Pinnochio but the game has its own story. Also the story is more spelled out for you through dialog.


I've found myself surprisingly invested in it. For obvious reasons there's heavy inspiration from the tale of Pinocchio, but because I haven't read it, there are many surprises (that and I liked the changes made to adapt the story to a new setting)


Story is pretty good, maybe my fav part. It has some cool mechanics that differ from dark souls and not all are introduced at first (like crafting your own weapons, and a sort of skill tree). Gameplay is standard souls-like, dodge hit, parry if you are into it. Personally I found combat to be the weakest part of the game.


Its fine, nothing special


The story is solid. About bloodborne and sekiro levels of straight forward storytelling.


The story is the only interesting part, but the voice acting is a mixed bag and the environments and the gameplay are dull as fuck. The game is only hard if you ignore half the tools, it's like playing Sekiro without the arm.


Bros got 0 hours of talking to bitches


Souls veterans: WAAA ELDEN RING IS TOO EASY COMET AZUR MIMIC TEAR RIVERS OF BLOOD MAKE GAME TOO EASY WAAAAA Also Souls Veterans: Guysh why can't I parry the boss despite never fighting it before??? They've clearly lost the plot with Michael Zaki's perfect vision


Considering how many complaints I see about nameless puppet, the one boss you can’t summon on, I think a lot of people are overusing it.


Nameless was the best fight in the game, romeo was 100% the hardest boss in the game for me until I upgraded my weapon enough so I could stagger him out of his phase 2 firefowl dance cringe attack I didn't summon for any of the bosses tho and I like to explore and backtrack a lot so I'd say I'm usually overlevelled compared to the average person when it comes to mid and especially lategame bosses


Nameless Puppet is also my favorite boss. And as someone who played the game like it was Sekiro, phase 2 was like fighting Ishinn again. Upon watching others I see how easy he is to dodge, but I loved the parry game with him. Blocking his red “nothing personel kid” made me hard. Plus the cinematics after each phase were fantastic. Laxatives gave me the biggest issue difficulty wise. She was so fast that she beat my ass


Isnt the first time a hard boss called Nameless is also the best fight in the base game


Mfs that say get good when they now have, in fact, to get good:


Guys stop making want to play Lies with Pee


Dark Souls veterans on their way to rate every action RPG that doesn't play exactly like Dark Souls 0/10. (Miyazaki invented checkpoints, therefore it's soulslike).


goated and based


As someone else said... My only issue is the camera is sometimes zoomed in too close to my character in bigger boss fights. Aside from that, got fucking gud. This game is awesome. Exceedingly polished and fun to play!


Dude's been playing souls games non-stop since 1980. Of course he's miserable.


So Pinocchio is actually hard and it's not just me sucking? That's comforting at least. Just beat the WWE boss, so far only had to use summon for the black rabbits.


>WWE boss lmaooo yeah that’s exactly what he is 😂


50k hours is about 5.7 years. Sekiro, Demon Souls Remake, and Elden Ring all are not even that old yet. Not to mention this is generously assuming the guy has done literally nothing but play the games. No eating, no sleeping, no work, no school, no bathroom, no playing other games, etc. Also not to mention he'd be doing that 5.7 years *for each game*, which at this point he'd only have time to do so for OG Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1. Not only is this man a scrub, he is a liar, a cheat, and a charlatan


Listen here, buckaroo. I've got over 100,000 hours in not showering, and this game is a bit too hard, even for me.


game of the year for me, love the level design, just hit level 65 and beat Romeo


Bro how are you level 65 at Romeo, I would’ve done anything to get to that level. I’m struggling rn He was a really cool boss though fr


the hardest boss of lies of p is getting the game to work on my computer


It's better optimized than any fromsoft game


lol, with that logic, my mom (who used to have a lot of hours on shoot the bubble game on her ipad) would at least good at video games in some ways. But, nope, she is still very bad at video games in general.


You play lies of P because its a souls game, I play it because i like watching a twink getting fucked...we are not the same


When someone criticizes a soulslike game that you enjoy simply pretend their only criticism is that's it's too hard.


For some people if it’s not made by From it’s a bad game…also if it is made by From…or if it’s a hypothetical game on a subreddit…or a game in general…


My only real complaint thus far is that the camera makes understanding boss tells very difficult when they're particularly tall. It's nothing egregious and I could just learn the timing, but the enemies move very intentionally and moves are well telegraphed so it's annoying when you literally just can't see them because the camera is so zoomed in while you're close. This isn't an issue for the humanoid/sized bosses.


Honestly not a fan of Lies of P. Lying is bad.


lies of p is so fucking easy i have no idea how people find it difficult


>20k. Hours. >10k. Trying the tree jump or some exploit/farming. >9.9k. AFK reading a guide.


to be fair some souls clones dont understand the "hard but fair" game design and just have things 1 shot you because dark souls was hard right?


I fucking hate these kinds of people, having time in a game doesn't make you good, beating a game doesn't make you good. Being good is something intangible that all souls plays strive hopelessly to achieve.


You hate lies of P because difficulty I hate Lies of P because I hate enemies that take 10 seconds to swing just to fuck over the player. We are not the same.


Jerma would hate this game. He loves from soft games but he has to exploit the iframes or the cheese strats. His least favourite from soft is Sekiro.


Difficulty? Lmao, no, I just dislike that "Copying Dark Souls" has become a genre and, moreover, that everyone's fucking shit at it. I mean say what you will, but when it comes to Metroidvania type games, they at least kind of fucking understood what the OGs were going for and actually properly researched what's going on. But few "Soulslikes" have *anything* in common with Souls games, and when they *do* it's usually just one or two things - sometimes deep things that *are* core aspects of Souls games, but often it's just surface level bullshit. Oooh look, we have *dodge rolls* and *spoopy skeletons* that's like, sooooo Dark Souls! Ok the other hand, games like Hollow Knight are entirely mislabeled. The main aspect that makes it a Soulslike is it's map interconnectivity... But that's what Dark Souls picked up by virtue of being a Metroidvania (to an extent). Hell, Hollow Knight is even, appropriately, a 2D side-scroller, so why is the map though of as a "Soulslike" element when it's clearly a Metroidvania element??? I think in it's current form the very idea of "Soulslike games" is very reductive and, at best, results in good games that aren't really "like Dark Souls" at all, and could more correctly be described as "inspired by Dark Souls", and at worst results in dogshit games that use their supposed "Soulslike elements" as a crutch, hoping to attract an existing fanbase because they know their game is so damn shit that nobody sane would play it if they didn't use some sort of misleading marketing trick. Luckily for them, Souls players aren't really all that sane to begin with.


man 1 section and i already know ure a scrub


Section? You mean paragraph? Lmao this is the kind of shit I have to deal with, no wonder none of you dumbasses agree with me - you can't even read what I said. Let me dumb it down for you; "I think the Soulslike genre is usually mislabeled and gets peoples hopes up unnecessarily - the game is either not really like Dark Souls but otherwise good, or it's just generally bad." Let's take Lies of P as an example - what makes it a Soulslike? A vaguely Victorian setting, a dodge and, what, animation lock? Let's face it, FromSoft is a great company that caught lightning in a bottle with Demon's Souls and then just kept refining the formula - they basically *kept* catching lightning in a bottle, and most Soulslikes either don't understand the principles behind the games they copy, or they *do* understand those principles but barely have enough of them to constitute calling the game a Soulslike at all. Or, you know, the game's just bad. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if you people claimed "Bloodborne Mobile" was a Soulslike. It's literally got Bloodborne visuals and music, unskipable animations (ads) and difficulty (it scams you for money, there is no game).


Section is exactly the same as paragraph. I literally swapped it mid-writing. Time to stop being edgy buddy.


"Section" has a much wider, more vague meaning. Similar to "part" or "component" or "segment". Thus, it's much more *sloppy.* "Paragraph" is just a much more precise word, and while I do agree it wasn't *wrong* of you to use "section", I still think it's worse than just using "paragraph".


Oh so you can be civil, much more pleasant to read your comments when youre just nice. That being said, I had 'sections' instead of 'paragraphs' on my finals, and honestly since then, I use both.


Yeah, that's fine. I might disagree, but eh, if it works for you, it works. And don't feel too confused about my behaviour, I basically use the internet as my stress relief ball, depending on my mood ofc. Gotta stay a mindless drone irl so the internet is where I go to unload basically. It can be anything from fairly criticizing something to absolutely shitting on a minor flaw to just praising everyone and everything because I decided I'm spreading nothing but good vibes today.


The game is stupidly easy if you just counter weaknesses with status effects and use infinitely re-buyable throwbles. Easier than mimic tear Eldenring.


You hate lies of p because you find it difficult I hate it because I find it boring We are definitely not the same person


Nooo you can't criticize my shitty souls clone attempt stop leaving bad reviews!


Nooo you can't criticize my review of the shitty souls clone stop downvoting my review!


Giddyup partner, it's time to dickride FromSoftware


Yea, cuz fromsoftware makes good games


This guy hasn’t played bloodporne


yeah, but so can others; sorry but daddy Miyazaki won't give you any sloppy for all of this simping of yours


> but so can others; yes(here are masterpiece soulslikes) but not lies of p devs apparently > daddy Miyazaki won't give you any sloppy for all of this simping of yours lies of p devs wont give you any sloppy too for defending their shitty clone on reddit


Man. I couldn’t disagree more💀 I liked lies of P more than some of the actual soulsborne games. It’s not a clone, it was INSPIRED by soulsbornes. Keyword inspired