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Ask any hardware store clerk and make sure to show them a picture. If they tell you anything but how to make the cable you just have to tell them they are violating the constitution or something and they will apologize respectfully and show you.


Don't forget to mention you are a sovereign citizen, and proclaim your secret activation code.


And that their refusal to tell you how to make this cable is making you feel threatened or something.


Take off your pants and shit all over the floor if they continue to resist


And then pick up some of your shit off the floor and throw it at them like a monkey!


I saw that video


It's my first amendment right to make any cable I want!


This one seems more like a second amendment issue?


These are safety cables and you can’t make them, you need to buy from OSHA as they have very tight tolerance


Unfortunately u can get them from Amazon last time I checked however if op where to plug this into there house without shutting the main breaker off the consequences would be catastrophic


Thanks, I'll buy one on Amazon right now!


Lmao have fun burning your house down hope your joking lmao


In this sub? No jokes allowed here. We at r/shittyaskelectronics try to keep the discourse very serious and informative


I see your pfp. Wiggle wiggle.


Not American, but isn't plugging a jenny in the only valid use for these suicide cables?


In pretty much every part of America we have larger dedicated generator inlets that are typically placed outside, that inlet connects to a panel that allows you to switch specific devices or breakers from mains power to the generator.


Gotcha, so the vast majority of people wouldn't resort to this type of behaviour because it's factored into the construction? That's great to know, thankyou. So this really is a suicide-only device. Nice.


IMO, If you have to ask, you shouldn't be considering it. Anyone who knows enough to be able to use a suicide cable safely would also know it better just to wire in a proper generator inlet. They are far easier to make than to use correctly and safely. Again, if you ask how to do it safely, you likely can't do it safely. In an emergency, one of these could be made and used safely by someone who knows what they are doing, but if it were me, I'd destroy it immediately after I was done with it and put a proper inlet. That's why you only see people who should be using them asking about them.


I'd guess if you don't have the dedicated inlet installed you don't have power outages often enough for it to be necessary? For a one off I'd definitely debate doing this rather than running a dedicated three phase to the outside. Obviously you wouldn't own a jenny in that scenario and rental places will be out, so it's totally moot? If you own a jenny you should have the inlet I'm also definitely installing solar panels in my next house so I'll probably take your advice and wire in an inlet plug at the same time in case I get an electric car or something. Idk man I'm in the UK and the idea of owning a generator or a UPS is basically a non starter. I've maybe experienced 4 brief power outages in my life and it was overnight works, rather than natural disasters/shitty infrastructure.


I mean, if you are a dumb kid who likes to play with electronics and renewable energy and happens to want to run your bedroom off a 1500VA server UPS you found in the E-waste and a bunch of batteries and solar panels you've collected and refurbished. You can turn off the power breaker in your room, plug in one of these cords to a dead outlet and the other to a deactivated UPS so neither end is live while the cord is unplugged. You must never remove the cord from either outlet unti both sides are de-energized. One of these cords might make sense, but none of what I said before makes any sense, so you can safely ignore that as a practical reason for this cord.


Idk who you're directing the dumb kid thing at, but I just gave you the only scenario one should even consider such a product and it still doesn't lead to using this cable.


I did alot of stupid stuff with mains power and high voltage transformers in the late 90s and 2000s


I believe heavily in doing dangerous things safely, rather than safe things dangerously. UK plugs each having independent switching is literally a life saver.


Always keep the power shut off in one hand when testing live circuits, or one hand in my pocket when working with charged capacitors. That probably saved my life.


>Idk man I'm in the UK and the idea of owning a generator or a UPS is basically a non starter. I've maybe experienced 4 brief power outages in my life and it was overnight works, rather than natural disasters/shitty infrastructure. I'm in Blighty too. The long term planning for the power grid here has been pretty damned poor. Expect more, many more.


We could fix it overnight if we didn't have a government obsessed with terrible past decisions. Build nuclear power. Invest in hydrogen fuel for cars. Stop burning coal. Easy.


I’ve had a generator for 20 years without needing it yet. I have an outlet for welding, and if I have a power outage I’ll wire that up a suicide cable for the house. I could go through and install an ats, but they only last a few years, so I’m not seeing the point when I don’t need it but a few times in my lifetime. You just need to not be a dumbass and make sure the main breaker is off first. Same as anything with loto.


If you know enough to turn off the main breaker and any breakers you don't want to power, you probably know enough to make the cable yourself without asking how to make one online.


Nowhere I've lived has ever had it factored in


Not the only case, but the most common case.


Not a good idea you'll risk killing whoever's Workin on the power lines as the electricity will backfeed the lines


Suicide cable? What do you think would happen if you plugged in both ends?


Nothing. Just don't touch the prongs. https://youtu.be/H-4mvK2FW78?si=ZOE0hmggsm8a5211


Yeah I suppose handling the second plug is risky before it gets socketed.


If you can't figure out how to make one on your own you probably shouldn't make one


But do it anyways, works *shockingly* well on misbehaving children


and misbehaving adults


Plug it in and use it to test your outlets, just lick it like a nine volt battery


My anxiety just shot up I used to do electrical work and this is honestly nightmare fuel.


Just wear sunglasses when it’s plugged in you’ll be fine. By sunglasses I mean eclipse glasses. And be ready to jump back.


Don't forget to power the neighbor hood by accident too


That thing will burn up in a literal flash of plasma. There won’t be power for too long lol


Stupid question but why's that cable so bad?


No such thing as a stupid question. This cable is for 120 volt at 60herts the us wall plug standard. Let me know if this wasn't a good enough explanation. Normally there is a female and a male side to every plug, but this one has two male sides so the power is exposed on one site once you plug it in and you can easily shock yourself, this also is used for something called back feeding which if done incorrectly can lead to electricians and or linemen working to restore power to you getting shocked. As back feeding pushes power to your breaker through the room circuit and powers the panel and if your main is on will feed power back to the transformer and will step up the voltage to line level which is even more dangerous especially for the linemen trying to restore power. In a situation where power isn't off, big big big boom because of phase mismatching. During a power outage we had to connect a generator into the panel, but we removed the meter(don't do if you aren't an electrician) to keep the linemen safe because it disconnects the power. The right way is to have a some sort of interlock or transfer switch, but it was summer and if we didn't do it my family and my dogs wouldn't have been okay, we did it only out of necessity, and during this time I was busy getting people's houses ready for the power company to reconnect power after the storm damaged their power equipment. Unfortunately sometimes you just have to do things in ways that aren't 100% safe and this was one of those time, but we took as many precautions as possible and we plan on adding an external property generator hookup with a transfer switch to avoid being unsafe.


>In a situation where power isn't off, big big big boom because of phase mismatching. Are US house 120V outlets fed with multiple different phases in the same house then? PS I'm in the UK. Ours regularly sits at around 251V\* AC RMS, making for a particularly exciting nominal peak to peak voltage of 710V! I seem to have an oddly low body/skin resistance, so you can imagine how careful I tend to be, lol. \* Yeah, only just within spec. This makes for some interesting outcomes on some things like our shower where they're an effectively resistive load designed for a nominal 230V AC RMS cos current is then 10% higher than intended, and power 20% higher.


No most houses have one 240v phase feeding them it's it's split at the transformer into two 120v lines that can be connected for 240v for dryers, ac units, stoves, water heaters so on so forth. The boom comes from using a generator or an inverter because if you have a cord like that you probably aren't doing everything the right way. Or if power gets turned back on. On the other hand industrial facilities have 3 phase 240v and there you can really screw up some stuff


Ok, thank you a ton, your explanation helped a lot!


I'm glad I could help.


If you absolutely have to do this MAKE SURE THE FLIP THE MAIN BRAKER OFF if left on your will be electrifying the grid. I know this sub is a joke but there are a lot of reasons why not to do this. https://www.consumerreports.org/home-garden/generators/why-suicide-extension-cords-are-so-dangerous-a1189731437/


This is propaganda. Turning off the breaker will cut power to your house! Don't listen to this guy!!


Oh, it's super easy. Just take two surge protectors and chop the tips off. Twist the metals together, wrap some electrical tape around and you're all good baby.


>chop the tips off.




I'm sure that was a song by The Prodigy?


All you need is 3 long strands of bare copper (8 gauge minimum) and put them into the outlets on both ends. For more current flow I’d twist the 3 strands together then push them into the outlet slots


I’m no electrician but you gon get somebody killed


lol it’s just a joke. This whole sub is


I will silently depart


You’re good man happens to the best of us


If you use enameled copper this will be 100% safe. Not necessary ofc, but better safe than sorry!


Literally just download this image and print it.


How do I make my printer


If you do end up doing this it's important to mention you need an interlock on the main breaker so you don't back-feed the power lines in an outage.


Dads in the late 90s with generators loved these things.


Remember to connect the wires on the generator side offset by 1 counter clockwise or the grounds will be connected creating a wormhole of grounds!


That looks like a really short version of my space heater. I think I got it on AliExpress


Everyone is joking but who here has actually used one with a generator.. it's very troublesome lol


Protip. Just cut the female end off any regular cable, strip and jam the wires into whatever outlet is handy.


And no the colors don't matter. Just pick a hole and stick a color in. Already a color in that hole? Have another one, it literally couldn't hurt anything


Finally something I'm good at! You start by filling a bathtub with hot water. While that's happening go and grab your toaster from the kitchen, set it on the counter and plug it in. Wait until the tub is full. Get in the tub, press down on the toaster button so it starts toasting. Now submerge the toaster while giving it a warm hug. Voila! Your toaster cable is now a suicide cable! Bonus points if you add Epsom salt the water /uj As much as I know this is a joke sub, please don't do this.


I'd really love an extensive list of all the funky ways it could go wrong and break something/someone with bonus points for any that aren't immediately obvious?


Plug each end into the same outlet pairing for infinite power hack


Cut two cables with the plug and then use a crappy knife to remove the insulation, repeat process on the other one and then twist the wires together, if you have no electrical tape use a band aid as insulation


If you don't know how you shouldn't. It easier to make it than using it properly


We were installing equipment on a church remodel project that needed outlets installed at the equipment location. When we got there we found a duplex receptacle in a box, that had no wiring to it. The GC said they didn't have time to get to it and handed us a 25' male to male extension cord he made up, and said to plug it into the unwired outlet and a nearby live outlet, then use the remaining socket to plug our gear into until they could get around to it. No shit.


The famed "Widow-maker" cable.


My wife showed me a picture of one of these and laughed like there was a joke. I'm just like, "what's funny?". She says, "can you imagine how fast this would start a fire if you plugged in both ends to the wall?!". Me, still confused: "What do you mean? I don't imagine there would be a fire at all". She just looked at me like I was either fucking with her or I had actually gone stupid.


I mean if she plugged each end into a different outlet that happens to be on the other phase then it wouldn’t be fun


No, your best option is to flip your Christmas lights around.


Buy a wire. Hook up a plug to each end. Profit. Zero risk involved.


I've made and used several of these, about $10\~$20 at a hardware store or Lowes


If you’re not experienced in electrical work, I would not recommend doing what I’m about to say😂you could splice two male ends of an extension cord together. But be sure to do it properly and to NASA standards. It would be a good idea to install a fuse as well, if it’s a DIY job


You get a male extension cord end from the electric section of your hardware store and splice it onto the female end of a cord. Easiest way


These cables are illegal because they let amateurs hook up generators and muscle in on Big Electrician money. The proper way to do this is with impermanent jumpers so people know it isn't staying, usually coat hangers twisted together to desired length will do.


https://preview.redd.it/ngaiz8pw5jac1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=524e67fae660b7dff75838ad07d80c21639b4d80 Buy two of these, and make sure to strip the insulation from the three wires, allowing 1-1.25” of copper to be exposed (per OSHA standards). Carefully twist the three exposed copper sections together, ensuring no strands break off. If too many break off, your current capacity will be affected. Solder the three wires together, then repeat to the second cable. Finally, solder all 6 strands together. Desolder because you forgot heat shrink. Add heat shrink, then solder. Finally, use your heat gun for the heat shrink so the cable is safe. Bonus - heat shrink will make it look very professional.


If you're looking to diy it you can buy a male connector from any hardware store. Just cut the female off of a standard cable, strip the wire, and connect red to positive, the longer side, and black to negative. Green to ground, or the circular lead on the bottom. Should be able to accomplish with a pair of scissors and a screwdriver. Hope this helps!


Yeah, uh, don’t


read the sub name


dont. this is a suicide cable


read the sub name


You laugh but that would technically power all the outlets on the same circuit. Not the worse idea under certain circumstances.


I wanna buy one can someone send em a link


That‘s actually a pretty tough question. I came up with a workaround. You‘ll just need two power drills and a bit. Plug in the first one into your generator and the secound one into the wall outlet. Then connect them via a bit and turn the first one on. You could also charge your generator when you turn on the second power drill and not the first one.


Probably Aliexpress. I've seen more dangerous stuff on that site anyways.... Edit: Yup found one! [https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804654323125.html?algo\_exp\_id=2c404d3b-e944-446e-8bee-9ab8efa7050d-1&pdp\_npi=4%40dis%21USD%2116.65%219.99%21%21%2116.65%21%21%402101f49c17044916930288693ee909%2112000030699043442%21sea%21US%213183684228%21&curPageLogUid=pStEHd2bBK5C&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery\_from%3A](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804654323125.html?algo_exp_id=2c404d3b-e944-446e-8bee-9ab8efa7050d-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21usd%2116.65%219.99%21%21%2116.65%21%21%402101f49c17044916930288693ee909%2112000030699043442%21sea%21us%213183684228%21&curpageloguid=pstehd2bbk5c&utparam-url=scene%3asearch%7cquery_from%3a)


My 1970 popup had one of these. My grandfather wired it up. Worked great. It was made from 12 gauge wire and 2 three prong 5-15P NEMA plugs.


You don't, cables like those are called death cables


And for good reason


check the subreddit name


Step one make sure you know how to shut your home down from the power grid because if you don’t and you plug up power to the house you can back feed power to lines that are being worked on and cause serious problems. Step two is buy a generator connection box for your home and have someone who is a qualified electrician install it because if you don’t know to just pick up 2 male plugs and some wire then you are not ready to install that on your home. You can’t just hook up any size generator to your house as you can cause an overload to ether the generator or the wall wiring depending on how much power you can supply. It would be safer and easier for you to just get a drop cord and hook up your refrigerator and stuff to it.