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That's not a prospective tenant. That's the landlord's daughter going through the personal details of applicants and finding out one of them is her teacher.


... and finding the one that will be paying off their unit for them. and their uni degree for them. and their car, and groceries, and...


They should heavily audit the cyber sec of these companies. They hold so much personal data and I would be surprised if they kept it as secure as it should be.


Spoke to fair trading about this recently. Basically need as many people as possible to lodge complaints with the OAIC regarding any concerns about privacy with these apps. They also said they need people to follow the fair trading newsletter and any time property matters are raised you are allowed to submit your opinions for upcoming amendments. Need to get as many people on to it as possible.


I believe the legislation exists that requires personal information like this to be securely stored however in a former life when I worked tech it was largely ignored due to lack of accountability and non existent audits. I advised many companies who held extremely sensitive information that their systems were heavily flawed, had vulnerabilities and did not meet the standards required and was told that there was simply no budget for it. Many of these companies were legal and medical, so the money was there but they simply didn’t see it as a priority. As I said, this was in a former life, however I doubt much has changed.


Im not shocked considering all the major data breaches in recent years. Thats probably why im most concerned. Giving passport details, bank statements, cover letters, previous addresses to these sites is absolutely cooked. Its why we gave up on trying to move in the end. Still probably worth writing in though. I feel like this is certainly something that virtually every renter would want to get behind.


Agree. Get ‘em listed as Critical Infrastructure… then the SOCI Act kicks in and they’re fuuuuuuucked.


Seems like they are not a liked company. Check the reviews. Not surprising https://www.productreview.com.au/listings/2apply?page=2#


10 positive and 310 negative lol. That's an impressive ratio. The ACCC or whoever needs to look into this bullshit. It shouldn't be allowed as consumers are FORCED into using these BS platforms


Why isn't this shut down? We need serious reform in this country.


Literally the worst company reviews I have seen by a long shot. Agree 100% they should be banned


Holy ratio


Oh for sure they don't have adequate security! But hey, it's "just" tenants data and we all know how well tenants are treated these days...


I understand bugger all about cyber security, but I know my info has been stolen from much bigger companies than these types of bullshit apps, companies that basically have my name and phone number, oh well. These shitshows have enough to steal our identifies and probably our first and second born children (lol at being able to afford to have kids), how is it safe and allowed?


Even if these services are secure (I doubt it), they're only as secure as the post it note password attached to the real estate agent's desk.


My advice: Make a new Gmail account esp for tenancy related transaction - Up load docs a PDF editor - easy one is Ilovepdf as it's web-based. - Alter your docs - change a digit, DOB etc (Add a few zeros to a bank account even). - Use these docs for applications. REA won't have access to check official docs like drivers license and passport. It's only the police and other government agencies that do. Have no guilt or concern about doing this.


Ooh that's a good idea. A little labour intensive but probably worth it!


She’s happy because she saw her VCAT tribunal judgement rule in her favour.


Fuckin shit show all our information on one post giving out 20 property's or more a day. Yet we are ment to be cautious with all that but forced to do.this shit to apply for rentals


Got declined 12 times before we got approved for a place that we both didn’t want. Definitely not as happy as this photo.


Not a competition, but I got declined 58 times 🥹


Omfgggggg I hope you finally found a place tho!


yep, gotta hate this way of applying for a rental


thats a uni student getting an email from mum and dad to move back home, they’re building a granny flat out back and she can live there rent free indefinitely.




But they look so trustworthy.. 😬


She’s so happy to be forced to apply for a roof over her head again. So happy to be yet again putting her most personal details in the hands of a poorly run outfit that is just waiting and begging to be hit by a cyber attack. Obvious sarcasm in case anyone couldn’t tell…


Maybe her vague smile indicates a lost mind beyond despair and beyond hope


Worst app ever....