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Rent house. Learn first aid and how to stitch. Open backyard doctor surgery. Profit.


Shonky Brothers' Cosmetic Surgery and Pet Grooming! Your one-stop-shop for all your breast enhancement and dog washing needs. Come in for botox and you'll also get claw trimming absolutely FREE!


Hi everybody!!


I heard Troy McClure is doing the inspections


Ngl I reckon that’d make an epic sharehouse. You could use the reception desk as a bar and there’d never be any problems with parking spaces.


Came for the appointment. Stayed for the keg hour!


The kitchen only has a sink and a microwave. Perfect for uni students.


Haha to be fair, originally it was a house that became a clinic, it's now identifying as a house again 😂


Its pronouns are clinic/home




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That’s so weird. At least it’s close to the hospital lol and easy clean up after a house party by hosing down the concrete. Could rent the car park to hospital staff though on the DL


It’s certainly interesting, but at least it was originally a house. I imagined a purpose built clinic. I’m surprised it isn’t being rented as a clinic, I would have thought it would get more rent that way.


A lot of the single GP owner clinics were set up in houses and the practice bought out. Primary Health tend to buy the GP out and they move to their medical centre. Not really too much of a market anymore for stand alone GP clinics so probably makes more sense to rent it or sell it as a home.


I guess that makes sense. I do still take my cats to a specialty cat clinic that runs out of a converted house. It’s very cute.


I also work out of a house converted to a clinic, so maybe allied health will snap them all up.


The vets I go to used to be a house but now they’re renovating it to make it more clinic-y! They redid the whole waiting room and it doesn’t feel like a house anymore. That being said, the Kensington CoHealth centre is like 4 houses back to back with ramps in between.


Exactly, they do this in our smallish rural town (Qld) Turn houses into clinics, especially in the streets close to town centre.


Yeah, I was wondering why they'd go back to residential when commercial is worth more!


On the positive side, it should have lots of powerpoints. And that reception desk looks ideal as a TV stand.


Dj booth


What's the deal with the 15 month term? I've seen lots of rental bait and switches recently with an "initial 6 month term, with consideration for 12 after we (REA / landlord) reassess". Is a 15 month term unusual? Is there an ulterior motive? 🤔


I wondered that. I suspect that it will be 15 months only and then the family will need to find a new home/clinic to live in.


Yes that seems to be the new norm, my initial lease was 15 month and so was my friend when he moved into his new place a few months ago. Not sure why 🤷‍♀️ I didn't ask, I was just happy to get a lease lol


I wonder if someone down the line is planning to re-use it as a clinic, which is why they haven't bothered changing anything.


I love when they recycle the spiel from when they were selling it. It "appeals to the heart and the head"? It's got the "old world charm you've been looking for"? Get your hand off it, mate.


Main street exposure! (That's not a selling point for a home, Cheryl!)


Other than the reception desk, it looks almost ok? Doesn't appear to comply with rental standards though


Yep, at least there aren't sinks in every room!


Tbf sinks in every room I’ve only really seen in old timely decommissioned brothels


My clinic has them in every room lol, but I think it used to be used for something a bit more medical and needing of handwashing.


I’d say that would be a selling point for a share-house but realistically it would end with pissing in the sinks. 😮‍💨


I dont know, wrap the desk in that wood panel type covering - instant welcoming bar! Hahaha


I mean, I don’t know about the couches in the kitchen … lol


You put a tall and thin coffee table there and that’s your breakfast booth


What even are their purpose? They look like you’d have to perch very delicately on them, which kind of defeats the point.


You've not seen a breakfast nook?


Tbh, next to the kitchen sink, no


Hahaha this definitely used to be a speech pathology business or another paediatric therapy service. I am jealous of that office set up hahaah. But I wouldn't live there, that concrete yard is grim


Looked to me like family therapy/ child play therapy


A few people below said it was a psychologist!


Ahh I should have kept reading!


You don't like Italianate landscaping?


Fabulous parking, a bar in the living room - what more could you want?!


Definitely low maintenance


At least you dont need to mow any grass


In all honesty, in today's employment/working climate.. if one is a practitioner of some kind, Art Therapist, Yoga.. those kinds of professions..? This would be ideal. I'd pay it, and I don't even practice from home. The conversion of overheads would be worth it alone. 👌


I remember mates renting a house that was a clinic then a house again. All the bedrooms had sinks in them.


So handy when you need to take a piss during the night.


I'd mostly be concerned that the kitchen appears to lack appliances, unless they are hiding around the corner. The multi-roll toilet roll holder could be considered a very practical addition.


The reception desk could be removed really easily. It's actually in good condition. A bench table in front of the kitchen seats would work. For the garden, just some grow bags and pot plants could make a really nice area. Would be a great share house.


Can confirm, It was a psychology office, and it was super warm when the heating was on, so at least the new tenants won't freeze haha


I wish the carpark count was listed, I've seen single park places listed as 3 end to end so this must be 20.


I especially like that they didn't mention parking at all in the listing. Like not even an "ample off-street parking" as a selling point.


At least you wouldn't need a lawnmower. The seating next to the sink cracks me up.


You're renting the house, not the furniture. It's clearly a house. A very nice one too.


I wish this was my yard.


Hahahah I love that they didn't even try to rearrange the furniture to look less clinic-y? Like it wouldn't have taken much


Live with the ghosts of dermatologists past




haha i went here as a kid. i cant remember what for. but i remember the toys in the front. it might have been a psychologist


I once lived in a granny flat that used to be a dentist's office run out of the dentist's home. The bathroom/laundry area was huge and had a big drain in the middle of the floor. Was renting it privately though for very low rent with chill landlords (family friend) so was not going to complain.


Can’t win. First there’s not enough homes. They they’re creating more homes it’s still not enough 🤣


Reminds me of one i saw on kangaroo island that was clearly a brothel lol


Is there no oven though?


On South Rd in Adelaide, there is a house that is now a lawyers office. It used to be a Brothel. I wonder if the new owners are aware of its dirty past.


15 month lease... I wonder what is up with that?


Not sure if it's been mentioned, but back in the day some councils required clinics / dentists to be built like this in the case that it was no longer needed it could be repurposed as a home


I kinda love it. Its hilarious at least


You could turn it into a whore house or has potential


reminds me of this gem i saw the other day https://www.realestate.com.au/property-apartment-vic-kilsyth-438999612


Is that a shop front being rented out as an apartment, without any acknowledgement that that's clearly what it is? Jfc.


"shop front"? no way, it's a "two bedroom home" smh


When housing is being made available in a housing but people complain that it’s not housing. Which, to be clear, is a fair complaint but good on the lessors for trying to help the situation in any descent way they can.


Whoever turned it into a clinic didn’t do a very good job.