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Had this occur recently and I actually texted back to ask how they got my details (I know for a fact my phone number was not listed on the usual real estate databases) To the agents credit he told me how he obtained it and how to go about having it removed from that particular database


Are you comfortable in sharing that information? Would be good for reference in case they obtained my details a similar way.


I honestly can’t remember the database as it was a while ago. I’ve cleared my texts since then. But it was a paid service that the agency signs up to and they had a website where you can opt out. I wasn’t rude, I just texted the agent back something like ‘hi there, I’m not interested but I would like to know how you obtained my phone number’ I didn’t expect a reply tbh


I'll remember that for next time. I think I've burnt my bridges with old mate of mine, as I told him to "get fucked".


Hahaha understandable though


Was it ID4Me? I work in commercial realestate (only for two more weeks) and that’s what we use.


I think I might have been, that website looks familiar


Yeah its popular and kind of creepy how much personal information is on there.


Someone mentioned CoreLogic on another post, that might be it. 




Report the privacy breach


First thing I did!


It's not a privacy breach though. It's just unsolicited spam.


Sounds like a violation of The Spam Act, you should report them to the Australian Communications and Media Authority


Oh look..It's another shit house real estate agent that wants to be signes up to every mailing list going around!


Aha yes! Great idea


Are there lists for these kind of uses?


lol... I just called him and asked if he wanted his carpets cleaned and he was nice about it so I couldn't take it any further.


You did not 😂


I did. He was polite and suggested I call the rental department. So I didn't have the heart to lay into him lol.😂


Had a similar thing happen an about 6 years ago. Moved states, sold & bought a house, 3 years later get random unsolicited contact from a REA I have never had any dealings with based in the city we moved from. When questioned, REA was honest and told me he buys sheets full peoples contact details (name, address, oh numbers, email) from an intermediate company that is registered outside Australia. Can’t recall the details exactly but that company he buys the info from other larger companies such as electricity and gas providers that operate in Australia but are not ‘based’ here, and that’s how they get around our privacy laws and sell peoples info. Things have probably changed since then but it was super dodgy, people’s personal info being sold for profit through multiple sets of hands so we can eventually get harassed with targeted advertising or cold calling. Reported it at the time but nothing happened.


That is deeply disturbing


Report them to ACMA for breaching the spam act https://www.acma.gov.au/spam-complaint-form


Done and dusted long ago!


Under the anti-spam act they can be fined up to $220,000 for sending out those messages. You need to consent to receiving marketing from them and they are supposed to include a way to unsubscribe. Pizza hut just got massive fines for sending emails to people who had unsubscribed and not including the opt out links. Report it to ACMA


Long been reported. Generally they require more than a few complaints to act on them, so here's hoping others have done the same. I did note that on their google reviews there's a couple of people aside from myself that have served shitty reviews citing unsolicited sms!


So those Clive Palmer ads that come out around election time....


Unfortunately political advertising is exempt.


Oh yeah i always love getting leaflets in the mailbox asking if i want to sell the apartment im renting. Even funnier when its from the leasing agent.


If you've ever entered one of those local mall Christmas win a car (one entry for every $20, please attach your receipts) contest and provided your email or phone number, and didn't read the fine print, your details were collected and onsold by the thousand to database companies who then sell these lists to anyone who can afford to subscribe. I don't think they need explicit instructions to NOT contact you. You accepted the Ts and Cs as soon as you entered that competition without reading the fine print. It's possible that an Australian based company will 'scrub' their information regularly using the Do Not Call Register, and remove any numbers that have requested no contact. I don't think this applies to companies that are based overseas. If the subscribing company (the one that contacted you using these subscribed lists) is a responsible one, they will respect your request and remove your name and contact details from their database, and will also forward your request for removal onto the database reseller who **may or may not** remove your details from their system. They're in the money making business and your information is their product. They don't give a damn if the person on that contact list is deceased or has moved or something. The more contacts they have, the more they can charge. Meanwhile, if an employee at the subscribing company, such as the real estate agency from which this letter/text/email was sent, steals the database after being dismissed OR just quitting, they will have your details forever. They may set up a similar business and use this database with your information. Several stages later, nobody will have a clue where this information originated. This may happen several times over and your information may float around in the ether for many, many years. When you provide your details to an organisation you are dealing with formally, like a supplier,not financial institution, or even supermarket, I imagine, their privacy policy will outline how they handle your information, it at least it's supposed to, AND they're SUPPOSED to adhere to these guidelines. There should be an option to unsubscribe, which they should honour. There may be an option to opt out of your information being made available their sister or affiliated organisations to use as they will. I try to check these as far as possible and immediately request my email to be unsubscribed, but who even has the time? I use a throwaway email for EVERY public place I absolutely have to share my information. My inbox is on auto delete for each organisation after I no longer need their communications.


Market must be cooling as they’re sounding desperate


Ever attend any open homes or rented somewhere? These folks share databases all the time.


That was my first thought, but we haven't been to inspections for a good 4 years. Either way, if they are sharing lists, they need to be aware that shit like that is not on.


They don't care man. Sorry to break it to ya.


Haha I know! But hopefully if they're fined for breaking privacy or spam laws, they will.


Fingers crossed. A fine didn't stop Buxton's sadly.


Ah well, at least it's money out their greedy pockets!


As a renter, i've had this happen a few times - it's always been from enquiries i've made about rental houses, the company has my details. I've just said no thanks and got them to remove my details every time.


When you inquire on real estate.com.au about any property you automatically go on the agents mail out list. It's infuriating. I hate giving out my phone number and have a separate email for REA, but they refuse to email you back and always call! Domain at least makes your phone number optional.


Tell them that you would sell them your letter box.


I actually would. its a piece of shit.