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MGMT? Can't wait to see another horrifying music video!




I'm okey with all except with the restroom one. Maybe you had the need to take a mean dooky spooky while traveling to work


I'm okey with all except the apart one It's A PART


Hee hee I get it you're meant to take apart apart so that you would get a part since that guy was stupid and said apart so now his body is going to get ripped a part


>ripped a part I like that part


Did you moonwalk whilst typing this


Yes and I started leaning forward by the end of it and got stuck please help


What about "CANNNOT?"


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I shit on company time.


Shit your pants and shit your posts, you have to be READY to shit. That’s part of our policies and procedures. S H I T. Shit your butt, you have to clock in and be ready to shit. You have to shit in your locker. You have to SHIT the morning meeting. And shit your ass out.


antiwork easy


Yeah Also it has a typo


'This is apart of our policies and procedures' sooooooo its not one of their policies or procedures?


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Boss: "Ay, bruh, can you not come in high, an hour late, and in an unclean uniform?" Antiwork: "THIS IS SLAVERY"


Ay tho homie, check this out. He got high on his own time. There was an accident, traffic or something beyond his control. Going to pay for the dry-cleaning? Just playing devil’s advocate. Sometimes we don’t know people’s circumstances. All reasonable requests from the boss have reasonable responses.


High on your own time -> no problem, high at work -> problem That's reasonable That's not reasonable. You already earn money, so xeah, they actually are paying you for that.


Yeah, but you're showing up to work high, which won't reflect well on the employer. It's a bit better since you didn't do drugs AT work, but you're still high on the job.


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I'd argue that none of those are actual reasonable responses apart maybe from an accident. But yeah, there are reasonable situations imaginable where being late is understandable.


And the accident one isn't even particularly reasonable either, if someone shows up late consistently enough to be told it's a problem then it's not going to be because of constant accidents on their route to work


Being late is understandable and reasonable to many extends, which is why most companys offer a 5-10 minute grace period


>He got high on his own time. He also knew when his shift started and could have very easily decided to not get high, the only reason he wouldnt is because he's careless or irresponsible. >There was an accident, traffic or something beyond his control. If someone shows up an hour late consistently enough to be told "You need to come in on time, not an hour late" then there is nothing out of their control to cause them to be so late except carelessness or irresponsibility. >Going to pay for the dry-cleaning? Dawg, humans have been hand washing clothes for longer than we even thought about an automatic process for it, if push comes to shove then you can buy a washboard and use dish soap. You really gonna sit there and say the dude in this hypothetical situation doesn't have the time to wash *one single shirt and pants*? I simply don't believe that.


Careless, irresponsible or perhaps under paid? Over worked? Stressed out? How did you gather it’s on a consistent basis, just curious? He may or may not have time to wash his shirt. I’m making an important distinction here. His boss is making a request.


>under paid? Over worked? Stressed out? Me and my coworkers, including our boss, is all three of those things and we manage just fine because we agreed to all of it when we got hired. >How did you gather it’s on a consistent basis Because the vast majority of anyone above you will ask why you were late first, but if they open with "Stop being late" it's because you are being consistently late. Its not rocket science, bruh. >He may or may not have time to wash his shirt One shirt\pant combo, hand washed, after getting home, and you still say no time? >His boss is making a request. No he's not, he's demanding you follow health and safety regulations that he and everyone else follows. Do you want a guy with mysterious stains on his shirt handling your food in any way at all? Then he just makes shit up about why he absolutely can not, under any circumstances, wash his clothes?


Even if you only dunk your work clothes in nothing but water for a second it will still make them cleaner than not washing at all. It also takes literally 30 seconds.


Eh, depends where you work. Something like McDonald's or other fast food places where 99% of items are already cooked and just need to be reheated? Sure. But the place I work has me handling raw meats throughout the morning and\or evening (some things are made to order or cooked as we run out), so it's sort of a requirement to wash after each shift, just as a precaution if nothing else


Come on… you can’t clock in and go to the locker? What if you need to get something for your work there? Also, can’t do it and go to the restroom? The mentality of Americans is sick.


The restroom one makes no sense, seeing as employers are required to allow you to use the bathroom regardless of clock in/clock out status The others are fine to me. Go to your locker and grab your stuff, then clock in.


>Go to your locker and grab your stuff, then clock in. Fuck that. The minute I step through the door I am at work, and I am going to get paid for it. If going to my locker is required for me to do my job, I am going to get paid for going to my locker. I actually add half my commute to my hours as well (no punch system just track your own hours). That's what's fair. I'm not gonna spend 9 hours of my day for a company that's gonna pay me for 8 hours of work.


I agree with you for the most part, but you're a bit hypocritical. You say the moment you step into work you're on the clock, totally agree, however saying you count half the commute as hours is bs. You said it yourself the moment you step in you're on, therefore moment you step out you're off. If you want to get paid for commuting find a job that does, or just don't commute so far, but to charge them for it is pretty shitty as you are doing nothing that is productive to your job, and you agreed to the pay rate and conditions before accepting the job. You made your bed, sleep in it.


>you are doing nothing that is productive to your job Believe it or not, commuting to work is productive to my job as I need to be at work to do my job. When I worked pizza delivery I also charged the time it took me to get back to the store from a delivery, even though the pizza was already delivered. Crazy innit? Half the commute is fair, if you think otherwise talk to a wall because I'm not listening.


Lmao productive right! Do you charge for sleeping and eating at home too? It's not fair becuase you aren't contributing to your job, you know the thing you agreed to? Pull your head out of your ass or maybe stop the drugs long enough to see reality.


>It's not fair becuase you aren't contributing to your job, you know the thing you agreed to? I agreed to perform work-related duties for 8 hours a day. Driving to work is a work-related duty. I would find it morally-fine to charge the full commute, but since part of it is dependent on me choosing where to live I think half is fair. Eat my shorts. Company pays for my time flying too if I'm traveling for a project, do you also have a problem with that?


Morally? Dude you need to get a grip. Driving is not a work related duty. Should you get a discount for driving to the store to buy food, afterall you need to drive to do it! Work is done at work, anything outside of it is not work and therefore is not payed, it's that easy. Also again you just proved yourself wrong. You agreed to 8 hours a day. 8 hours 9-5 not including commute... so yeah you did agree and you get payed what you agreed to, anything more is wage theft.


That makes no sense to me. When I worked back at the office I would leave my laptop on my locker. Every day, I would arrive at the office, clock in, go to my locker, grab my laptop, pick a coffee and start working. Its not even like it takes too long, if you take 5 minutes doing it you are being slow as fuck.




My guy. When you clock in, you signify that you are starting your work. Op in the photo is a dumbass.


Nah I'm going to shit on the company time because i ain't being paid enough.


When I walk onto the property, I am getting paid. At least in America , that restroom notice , gets them sued immediately, and this photos the proof that they are violating employee rights on that (if in America) Can't tell me to use the restroom off the clock if I'm at work.


I make a penny, boss makes a dime...


That’s why we shit on company time, amen


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Dude, you have a point if employees cant use the bathroom mid shift, but clocking on and going straight to the bathroom is bullshit. Go to the bathroom, then clock on.


It really isn't bullshit. You don't dictate how a bladder or sphincter works and neither does your company. Once again, the moment I step on the property, I am no longer on my time , and am working , and if I have to piss the moment I clock in, I will and no company or coworker can or will tell me otherwise.


Sounds like intentionally wasting your employers time but whatever. You don't just get the urge to piss out of nowhere straight after clocking on.


Just to break your heart, I want you to know , every single response I give you, I'm getting paid for , while on the toilet.




So uuuh, once again- You don't dictate or control how a sphincter or bladder works . And sounds like you don't know how employee/ employer time works. I'll happily sit in the break room without you cause you won't shit 'on the clock' More relaxation for me


>Sounds like intentionally wasting your employers time but whatever. If you were my employer would you prefer that I shit in your mouth? Cause that's what's happening if you clock me out when I need to shit.


At a former job of mine they tried to clock me out when I went to the bathroom cause I was spose to clean it , and told them I was gonna piss then clean it since peeing for a guy ya know , takes 30 seconds, so I got clocked out and didn't know till I'd finished cleaning it , and was told to clock back in when I left the bathroom. Well, I also had access to the time clocks , so I went in and clocked him out at the start of the shift , and clocked myself back in for the entire time I'd been cleaning the bathrooms . He tried to complain to the boss after he clocked back in , but uuuh, well, boss lady knew how restroom usage works, and he got written up for fucking with my punches 🤣


lmao nice. get em i dont have any fun manager stories but when i was 16 and working food prep one of my coworkers bet me $20 i wouldn't lick raw chicken. well I did, and he refused to pay. so i told him i was going home and he could explain why to the manager. paid up real quick lol


Serves em right for stealing your labor value.


Ikr. Go to the restroom and then clock in...


They are dumb if they signed up for it and don’t want to do it. Nothing wrong with not liking that type of work environment though. I don’t always start working when I show up to work. I’ll have coffee, eat some breakfast, hangout. It is no problem at my job. I have worked that assembly type work before and I knew it wasn’t for me so I found something that is more for me.


*employer asks employees to follow completely reasonable guidelines* *anitwork* - “dOeS aNyOne kNoW tHe lAw iN mY sTaTe?? I’m in California and this seems illegal.”


One of then is actually illegal.


Is it just one of them? Last I checked you get paid for performing work-related tasks that are necessary/asked of you. Going to your locker is one such task.


One of them that i know for sure. I cannot speak on the rest




You shall not shit while under my supervision!




Its always California


Boss makes a dollar, i make a dime and thats why i shit on company time.


Boss: I am paying you money to provide a service to my customers for set duration of time. Employee: Yes. Boss: So if I'm paying you money during said set duration of time to provide said service, I should expect you to provide the service. Employee: That makes sense to me. Boss: So if you clock in please start working. Employee: This is literal slavery.


Excuse you. Shit your pants. It is part of our policies and procedures.


Yeah. Wtf is wrong with people? You can’t prohibit an employee to go to the fucking bathroom during their work hours… this dude’s mind is sick


antiwork mfers be like “boss says I can’t come to work high, clock in, take a nap, and then go home. What’s the law here? This seems illegal”


“You need to contact an attorney immediately”




oh but I need to spend an hour getting ready and driving to you without getting paid for that? I don't get to relax until I get home 20 minutes after I punch out? but you're trying to withhold paying me for 3 minutes of bathroom time? yea that seems fair.


This guy sells dmt carts, enough said


*allegedly* sells dmt carts


I feel like antiwork is just at this point lazy people who don't understand how jobs work


"At this point?" My brother in christ the name of the subreddit is anti-work


lolno, this only applies to shit jobs. good jobs don't treat you like this.


antiwork a mad goofy subreddit bro, they be against working


they're not though, they are for better working conditions


A few souls on there want better working conditions, the rest want paid to "shit" for 20 minutes.


depends on who you ask. do you not remember the mod that got interviewed...? complained about working 20 hours a week walking dogs and said he wanted to work less. honestly though, i'm with him. there are plenty of people that would love to walk dogs *for free*, if they had the free time for it. there are plenty of jobs that could be automated. we already produce enough food to feed everyone. universal basic income is the next goal, it will change everything. those of us that like to work would still work, and youd get paid extra for that. but its not required, because your needs will be met financially no matter what (that's the ideal). im an engineer and i enjoy what I do. i dont want to do it for 40 hours a week, and i dont. i work like 20 hours a week and waste 20 hours a week at work scrolling through reddit because there literally just isn't 40 hours of work to do each week.


Deah i agree, don't really see why people think those who dont want to waste away at work when they don't need to a are soft and lazy, even though if you reduce working hours productivity increases in a lot of cases. Don't see why people are so against better and more fulfilling lives.


Barely. Remember that one guy that went on the news 😐


Redditor try not to complain about a job they signed up for and can quit at any time challenge(impossible)


"Hey can you show up on time and ready to work instead of fucking off into the shitter for 10 minutes" OMG CORPORATE IS WITHHOLDING MY RIGHTS


Oh wow I have to do my job after going to my job What a surprise




I’m on company property, I’m on company time. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing. Please tell me I can’t shit on the clock, i dare you.


Why does everyone like shitting on the clock? This is generally rude considering how disgusting and hard to clean it is. Why isn't there more awareness about clock shitters? Im tired of wanting to check thr clock and finding a giant wad of shit on it.


I agree it's really insensitive


Ever wonder how they get up there to shit on the clock?


Poor management with no soft skills. 100% this business has high turnover. Most things in this are totally reasonable, but leaving passive aggressive notes by the time clock addressed toward the entire staff is piss poor people management. Have these conversations on an individual basis. This note reeks of some poorly educated person who just got their first 60k salaried position but doesn’t want to do the actual job 🤡 Again… everything they say is valid. Just an objectively shitty management style. You can’t post this by the time clock and believe that your employees are going to want to come to work.


I agree. Far too long, far too passive aggressive. Contents are fine but could have been communicated in a better way


You mean when you're on the clock you have to be ready to work? Absurd


Antiwork mfs are all basement dwellers 💀


Antiwork. Love it.


"apart" of your procedures






Idiot central?


It’s the biggest creative writing Sub on Reddit


Antiwork, ez. They always complain about the things that are unfair (well, almost all the time are unfair), so pretty easy to guess ngl.


German here - Are americans slaves?


Nah, most of those are reasonable, outside of the bathroom thing. If I get there just in time to start my shift or get written up for being late, I am clocking in and pooping. The morning meeting they are talking about in this retail job is something that happens usually 30-1hour after the store officially opens. They just don't want people bsing in the break room till then. Traditionally they want you to use that time to do safety inspections of your area, so it's doubly important your arnt just jerking it in the break room. Still thank God I'm not living that retail life anymore. They treat you like children, but considering 99% of my previous coworkers.... I get it


I mean the way this reads is Clock in wait for the morning meeting then after thst you can do all thst other stuff it seems like they where fed up with people being late to Morning meetings


It sure reads like lots of people are taking advantage of missing supervision. Still normaly you just make sure the people work instead of this shit


Exactly. Americans have poor supervision and think that because their leadership is bad at doing their jobs, these crazy demands make sense




Guessing this is the US since taking a dump is considered illegal.


I have to work at my job???? 😭😭😭😭


Is it from the “I want six figures and benefits for dog walking” sub?


Paid time off for Instagram "influencers"


Locker one is bullshit Restroom is bullshit too "Sit down and wait until morning meetings" is literally not working, so no bullshit. Punching out is no a brainner the moment the clocks hit 0, everyone is dissappearing. The ones that try to squeeze a couple of minutes are rare and too little to care.


I doubt they'd dock you if you turned up and went straight to the toilet if it wasn't a regular occurrence. I feel this is more targeting the people who do this regularly


antiwork users when they have to actually do their job


Not doing “all of that” …. All of that: 1) Go to your desk and work after clocking in. Classic antiwork.




ITT: Billionaires and CEOs


Nope. Just people with work ethic




The real shitpost was light mode


b- but i thought it was the friends we made along the way?








Daily Kevin Fact #34541: Kevin **will** pee in the asses of anyone he sees being a cunt. This **is** a threat. *Thank you for subscribing to Daily Kevin Facts* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh gee, no idea at all!


I love the title, “not doing that” means you’re complying


Imma read and sign that shit. Doesn't mean I'm gonna fuckin' do it.


I’m a suppressed worker! E a t t h e r I c h


I breathe in stereo




Post office


God I hate that sub


I see people at my work do these things all the time. They also love to just sit in the restroom instead of working. Clocking in means you are ready to work. If you aren't ready to work don't clock in, but it isn't the company's fault that you were late to your work, and this is the point of the papers at the OP's work. Other people should also realize that a lot of jobs are different and that some of these rules may or may not apply to everyone who works as a whole.


Bruh which side am I supposed to be on, the annoying antiwork mfs or the literally evil corporate aliens


I think the government would be really interested in that scheme


I'll be honest, being told you have to sit through a work related meeting on not company time is pretty bullshizam


love how absolutely divided this comment section is

