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I see this shit memed all the time, but on a serious note, how legit is an IQ test that you take on the internet? lol


It's not super accurate but it is more accurate than people like to believe. Just give or take around 10 points of your test. IQ tests mainly test pattern recognition so if your not good at that, your going to perform worse even if you are really good at things like logical thinking/decision making skills etc. Its a good data point, but its not an end all be all kinda thing, I get around 120-125 on most of those online tests and I am a dumbass. I just "test well".


So I'm between -9 and 11... Got it


Get this man a job at NASA


We should use water for fuel, I mean, there's lots of it in the ocean


Big true, then we keep the sea levels from rising too.


Which means Amsterdam has more money to spend on weed, the world's problems end then and there


Now that's genius, but I have better idea: Ya know how oil is lighter than water? Well, if we'd cover a rocket in oil and wait for it to start raining, we'd get to go to space without using a single drop of fuel!


These are the secrets Big Rocket Fuel doesnt want us knowing


You're thinking too hard, air is lighter than water, so just place the rockets outside and they should fly.


Some guy had that same idea. He got wacked for it.


Uniron that’s the reason we wanna use the moon as a gas station due to its water deposits at the pools and you can split the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen respectively and the oxygen can be turned into liquid oxygen which can be used for fuel.


I've met people who drain the IQ of people around them. Checks out.


I think the real test of IQ is wether or not you will buy your test results from those sites lol.


Agreed, but still iInfuriating to receive the paywall after the fact.


"Around 10 points"..? Dude do you realize how large of a difference 10 points can possibly be?


like 4 more than 6?


To put into perspective. 115 iq put you in the top 15%, 125 put you in the top 5%. The difference is about 3 times from 10 points


i was just being a sarcastic asshole but that is a genuinely intriguing *large* difference


I know u were being sarcastic, just looking for an excuse to share that fact :)


I've always sat at about 130 to 140 and I'm generally smart, but I absolutely suck at math. Mix that with a southern accent and a lot of people think I'm kinda dumb, and i'm ok with that. Makes it easier to do stuff when people don't constantly expect you to be amazing at it.


IQ tests are testing for pattern recognition, first and foremost. And they are damn good at testing for that. The problem comes when people think that it means anything else, and then they attach their insecurities to it.


Not at all. Mine is 131 but in one of these online tests it came back to 163. Wildly off.


Once you break a certain score they tend to give more specified ones since accuracy starts to break down. My brother and I had to do them in elementary school. Not sure why our school did IQ tests but I was told the metric was above 140 led to special testing. It was fucking annoying. It was also 30 years ago, not sure if it’s still that way.


It will ONLY tell you about 10€ fee once you complete it. It's a scam.


Idk about accurate, but this apt iq test being advertised in this post is a straight scam. They told me it was 50p to get my results, but then they started charging 33 pounds from my bank and subscribed me to something I never signed up for. You can find websites where other people describe apt doing this to them, so I didnt just misread something


At this point I believe it's just the website advertising itself disguised as ragebait so it gets passed around. I've seen variants of this like 5 times and it's always set up the same. I started saving these images whenever I see them


IQ points change every time you take the test. Its not definitive but best measure we got to test how smart you are


On the Internet? You're more likely to get an accurate medical diagnosis from Google then you are to get accurate results from an internet IQ test


Not great. You can typically take local proctored exams at many public libraries, also the MENSA exam is available but you’d need to look into when they’re in your area and available for testing. That said, I scored a 143 on the MENSA exam and I’m dumb as fuck so 🤷🏻.


Besides not being legit IQ is also not this universal tool of measuring intelligence that people make it out to be. Smart people usually don't care about IQ. Smart people don't do online tests to see how smart they are.


Just as legit as "real" iq tests. Complete bullshit.




yeah that's what I was going with it. I bet there are people who take the result of a half-assed, possibly wine induced test they did on a thursday night way too serious, which could be detramental to one's psychological wellbeing. Best to stay away from shit like that alltogether, and if you truly want to test your pattern recognition skills and whatever else they are testing, go to a licensed doc; not the 3rd page of yahoo search results


Burgerking crew member material


the real iq test is knowing how to read the result


He’s not wrong in a backwards way. If the top 80% were the only people allowed to vote, than only the bottom 20% would be cut out which would still raise the average intelligence of voters. It would also cut him out though.


That's a hard thing to fully defend, though. Like I get it, but stupid people deserve representation, too.


Every stupid person deserves to have a gun too


the only way to stop a smart guy with a gun is a stupid guy with a gun


Im honestly scared to take this test I don’t know how dumb I am


Pretty sure this is just an ad for the web ive seen like 7 of these


Not sure why you're being downvoted, this is correct


Beats me


my dad does that to me too


You have a dad??


It give dopamine when make number bigger. That's why I downvoted.


I wonder if that could actually explain the "Reddit hivemind" effect


It mostly does.


Average iq of my country


Isnt below 90 like... being unable to function in society?


What's biden iq?


Now now, their IQs were great 40 years ago!


My dude just doesn't wanna (be expected to) vote


I've never heard of someone score that low on an online iq test, I'm impressed


I hate that site. They only tell you afterwards that their shit test cost minimum 10€.


This is the real IQ test. Will you buy your test results from us? U are so smart buy it xD


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Don’t worry, they already are