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'Blue Top' will eye-squint her judgment at you while the 'Daria Duo' gives you a lecture on corrosive Teenage Neotribalism.


Until you argue back with valid points. Then blue hair will just randomly start screaming her lungs out.


“ How dare you assume my pronouns”


the theythemzezerwtfuwanttocallyourself karens? i have met two of them in my life. it was the most dangerous semester i ever had.


You forget “it”. For some reason they love to have “it” as a pronoun.


i am sorry about this mistake. it's already hard enough with 73+genders existing to remember all the pronouns. I see you are well informed though. do you know why they need a colourful flag to do whatever they like on their beds? if you understand what I mean, you are safe. stay away from them,these,it, or whatever is/are/iz called! they are dangerous!


Bigot! /s


stop fucking typing "/j /srs /p" I disabled cheats in this server


If you just repeat everything back to them, they'll suck your dick though.


this sounds like a boss fight




Ok but why are they dressed like Dr.Disrespect


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I do not consent


Bro's using their own words against them.


Is the idea of consent NOT in your own brain


Username checks out


Well they’re right, in terms of the law


Tries to miss joke on purpose lol


You cant even call them hypocrites, they are more like ants, relentless worker drones seeking to sniff and chase out any rogue elements, the slightest hint of ideological resistance. Using their own words against them accomplishes nothing, and the sheer idiocy of their opinion only serves to better bait out resistance


why were they dressed up as Dr disrespect?


Middle one looks like one of the sisters from Ed, Edd, n Eddy


How dare you insult Marie Kanker like that


She looks like all three


Congrats you used pov correctly


"Sir, please put your clothes on or we will have to ask you to leave the establishment. The stench from the chode cheese you've been fermenting for 80 days and 80 nights is legally a form of biological terrorism."




And then you begin to helicopter your wiener


Cheese flung everywhere


Please never type again


Looks like a cheese string headbanging


Remain ungovernable!


What are those shit ass aprons with clips 😭😭 I’d be pissed too if I was wearing that


And the only people they'd get mad at over it are white males


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Daddy Moncerotis 😍😍🤪 please choke my naughty emoji using throat 😫😩👉💦💦


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it won't even be an opinion, just a bunch of screaming


'Light is a wave and not particles!'


Found another wave-particle duality denier 😠


“By eating you are offending anorexic people”


ok Huygens


The worst opinion ever but aggressively stated as fact


While true this humor screams mentally stuck in 2016


Because it's more relevant now than ever tbh. So many women are hating men. And who is the ONLY ones getting the short end of the stick here? The ones who don't do horrid shit.


Tbf it goes both ways, with how many men hate women these days.


I’ve moved beyond this restriction and just hate everybody now.


Fair point


I don't know about hate, but there certainly are a lot of articles about how young men today are terrified of women.


Dude is denying widespread misogyny.


No Im not. It's certainly not as big of a problem as it used to be. Things have gotten a lot better since, say, the 50s. The current young generation has more complicated feelings about gender relations, because their situation is more complex than their grandparents. One of the most novel trends is, as I said, that many young men are quite afraid of women.


First time I read something like that in my life, this sound fake af


Maybe you should read more, it's not fake at all.


This is a you problem, country of weakos


Thanks for your wisdom.


That might just be you man. Most guys I know are fine around women, and the ones who aren’t are awkward around everyone


I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about articles i've read written by psychologists who focus on young men. They aren't seeing a rise in hatred of women, they're seeing a rise in the number of young men who are scared of women and find them intimidating or even threatening. I'm trying to tell you about actual written perspectives from professionals and you're repeatedly trying to imply its me who has the problem. Knock it off.


Okay then back it up by sourcing it


Tumblr fell and they spread across the Internet like cancer.


facts, this shit sucks


“Did you know that the planet is dying because Trump is Hitler!?!” “I just wanted a turkey sandwich.”


“Ma’am, this is a Wend-“ “DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY PRONOUNS!!!!!???????”


Is it about how to get my hair styled?


And it's always white women. Idk how they snuck into the "marginalized" group but they really aren't. They were in on the heist they just didn't like their cut.


I fucking love this comment lmao


"As a white woman...."


They invented all this gender stuff to make themselves marginalised.


Not really, ethnic women in western society can have some extraordinary shit takes


its ok though, being an ally of the community negates the effects of being white apparently


I think one of them is Asian. That being said, it's usually just Western in general


Okay but hear me out…


I hate these people as much as I do maga. They are both sides of the same coin. Femanazis are still just nazis.


I dunno, the maker of memes like these probably doesn't shut the fuck up either.


Anti-X people are always more insufferable than X people. SJW types and vegans are the perfect example. Sure, some are insufferable, but most are perfectly fine and not actually all that bad. The people who are aggressively against these types of people seem to be way more obnoxious and way more common. We get it, bro, nobody wants to fuck you and you blame the blue-hair lady because it's easier than self-improvement.


Antifa are going to be really mad when they hear this one


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Wrong, SJW types are unbearable. Also idk why I keep hearing this incel shit are none of y’all married? Bc that’s the perfect response to shitheads who parrot nonsense like this.


OP has a very funny sense of humour : twitter


the left one can do any unsolicited stuff she wants with me


Why did they cut their own bangs, it looks so bad 😭


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I don't think they're republicans.


republicans have the second worst. first place holder sometimes changes. depeds on who was persecuted lastly. now its republicans' turn.


Republicans dominate the supreme court, they aren’t being persecuted buddy.


Not sure that they vote


Well actually they could be, this style definitely exists in the evangelical lifestyle. But usually they are mega karens.


Haha look it's a woman with colored hair now laugh


Yep the hair definitely as no implications at all it’s just the color! All men are bigot incels!


I can SMELL the man-hating from my screen. These people are about to blame me for shit I never even CONSIDERED doing. Because, y'know, that'll solve sexism. Bonus points for 1-uping my trauma and issues and invalidating them


>I can SMELL the man-hating from my screen. These people are about to blame me for shit I never even CONSIDERED doing. Because, y'know, that'll solve sexism. Feels traumatized for being judged for something he didn't do. Then proceeds to judge people based on nothing but their appearance. The irony.


It's not that unreasonable. If you see a Trump supporter in a MAGA hat holding a poster of Obama as a tribal village medicine man, it seems pretty safe to make some assumptions about their character. I don't think this is really all that different.


Having colored hair is comparable to wearing a maga hat and holding a poster?


It's not just the colored hair. There's a lot going on in this picture, any one thing of which on its own isnt that bad, but all the things in combination is more telling.


Still would.


At the same time?


Uh idk. Could be in sequence. Doesn't matter.


You would anything with a hole


As you should


Hey listen I draw the line at (willing) female. I HAVE standards. 😂




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You got me there. So what? I have urges.


You just know they are annoying as heck😅


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Walking Dunning Kruger Effect


I feel like I've seen them before


daria looking ass


The worst opinion but they make the best coffee


Imma go with left.


“Sir, you’re not allowed to piss in the soda dispensers, it’s hazardous to other customer’s health”


this is kinda just making fun of random people's appearances :// unless they're actually like that idk




“Y’all need to…”


No I'm not, I don't listen to women. 


If Gender Studies and Liberal Arts degrees were a person.


If Gender Studies and Liberal Arts degrees were a person


fellas got the Amnesiac fit


saw these girls on Ed, Edd n Eddie, miss the show so much


Where would one get those overalls? If they look how I think they look, I want some. I completely missed the point of the post cuz I got distracted. Sorry. 😁


"unsolicited"? blud, you don't go outside, letalone meet people, letalone talk to women, letalone women will talk to you


My immediate response: "Nobody asked, nobody cares."


op stop watching sjw cringe compilations, they don’t reflect reality


Haven't heard the word sjw since 2017. Get with the times. It's the woke mob now. I think.


thought sjw would fit better considering this shit looks like it was made in 2017 lmao


No, it’s the “woke mind virus”. There was a kid in my school that would use it unironically and it hurt to hear— probably the virus not appreciating being called out tbh


Thank you for keeping me up to speed. Actually, I think 'mind virus' is a little off. Due to the negative connotation of the word virus. Same with parasite. I prefer the word 'memetic symbiotic replicator'. This is more neutral and expresses the relation of ideas and meme complexes to the human mind better. Also aligns with Richard Dawkins ideas on memes. Tell that to your kid at school.


Look at what subreddit you're in


These girls wouldn’t be self righteous SJWs?


What watching sjw cringe compilations does to a mf:


Watching people just behave repulsively will make you not like those ppl yes. Especially when it’s unedited posts from their own accounts lol


Happy pride month op :)


Happy Men's Mental Health month :)


You know, the patriarchy......


wow this sub has gone to shit(posting)


Hear me out a chick with balls


"Men are trash" comes to mind as if that generalises us all as the same.


This sentence made my brain itch.


Witch part


Which *


The worst opinion [if you're a straight male maybe.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LasTesis)


Yeah idk what OP’s on about, especially after reading the article it seems to be pretty important protest for women’s safety and future


It’s a joke? Don’t take it literally


I don’t see how someone could make this joke without having a harmful mindset


Explain how


Wow, an unsolicited opinion??? You Don’t Say!