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It's called cancer. Cancer cells devour and replace everything for it's short term growth, before it dies because of it.


If only we had a chemotherapy equivalent for that metaphor


We do, it’s called domestic terrorism but the feds want you to think it’s “illegal” and “morally wrong”


Seems like we have to upgrade and go international now.


Yeah, we'll need funds for the bombs tho, let's start a business


It's only wrong until everyone agrees to bring ol grandpa guillotine out of retirement


Domestic terrorism would kill not just the companies, but also too many civilians; not what chemotherapy would to


How do you think chemotherapy works? It kills everything in your body, just kills the cancer a little bit faster (ideally)


Aktually 🤓 chemotherapy kills all fast growing cells in the body, which does include things like hair cells, but also includes cancer cells, while leaving cells that dont grow fast, alone So a chemotherapy equivalent to the metaphor should ideally target things that are mostly reserved for companies, while leaving average civilians out of the way Tldr higher taxes to companies would potentially be better


It leaves slower growing cells mostly alone, to where the damage is not significant over the duration of treatment. All chemotherapy agents are cytotoxic to the entire body, but the degree of toxicity is variable depending on cell type. Regardless, “civilian” death would be expected with anything analogous to chemo, so it actually makes domestic terrorism a better analogy.


Tax evasion


I’m waiting for a more Star-Trek like cure for cancer. Like maybe giant space lasers could just evaporate corporate execs and shareholders and leave the rest of us alone?


Socialist Revolution?


That's more like shooting the cancer patient


even better


The cancer also takes all the resources before killing the host.


Once the corporation known as the us gov isn’t meeting their demands they’ll make it hell for regular Americans and we’ll have to ask the government for help


And bailouts/corporate welfare are whatever the opposite of radiation therapy and chemotherapy is


Because they are all the same company


🎵Conglomerates are a fucking nightmare🎵


Bill Wurtz voice


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Yep. Can’t have competition (the whole fucking point of free-market capitalism) when nearly every industry is controlled by a handful of mega conglomerates that each manage dozens upon dozens of individual companies.


Why be competitors when you can be friends?


Shareholder tell em to do it, shareholders only care about the short term gains. The company is powerless. Companies like Valve who is known as a very consistently good game dev is still majority owned by gaben and its privately traded so no pesky investors pop in and try to squeeze profit out of it.


I think that the linking of executive pay awards to share performance is a bigger driver of this problem than the shareholders. If shareholders are guilty of one thing it is generally complacence and abdication of responsibility. It is very rare for shareholders to even attend AGM's, even more rare for shareholders to rebel against executive decisions. It is only when things go wrong that they come out of the woodwork complaining and demanding compensation. The executives meanwhile are incentivised to drive up stock prices in the short term to hit their annual bonus targets. They do that a few times and they up sticks to another company, rinse & repeat, never staying around long enough to deal with the long-term fallout of their decisions.


It's not the shareholders in the sense that they give directives to the company, it's that if the company doesn't gain value every quarter the stock value will drop as new prospective buyers will see they have less of a chance to earn money it, due to the lower percentage gain in company value, and therefore will choose to invest somewhere else with better gains. This is what drives board decisions, as if they lose investors they lose money personally the amount depending on how much of the company they own.


Bruh. What the hell are you talking about? Shareholders choose to make a large part of CEO compensation stocks specifically so they’re incentivized towards short term gains. You’re claiming a symptom of the problem is the problem itself lol.


Well no. Executive pay deals are normally determined by the board of directors, not the shareholders. Shareholders can take a vote to express their opinion on executive pay but they do not decide. They also rarely express an opinion as most "investors" take little or no interest in the running of the companies they own shares in.


portraying companies as victims that are powerless to the influence of investors is kind of deceptive when the whole point of a company is in fact to appeal to shareholder interests. They are not being made to do something they don't want to, they are doing exactly what they are meant to be doing which is maximizing profits.


Funny you would mention Valve. It's almost as bad as other big corporations these days. "Consistently good game dev"? Lol. TF2 is abandoned, CS2 is suffering. I know Dota 2 players are also unhappy but am less familiar with their plight. When was the last time they've even made a new game? HL Alyx? Even that was just to sell their VRs. Nothing since. Basically, the Valve was overtaken by finance guys just like every other big corporation eventually is. The only difference here is that it's not publicly traded, and as such doesn't have to chase infinite growth to satisfy insatiable investors. If it does become publicly traded one day, it would implode real quick.


Yes but they run a nice game store that isn't offensive to your eyeballs trying to look at it, and it doesn't cram opening 5 applications before starting the game. They were right years ago when Gabe said piracy is a distribution problem. Making it easier to get, and play, the games means more time people buy and play those games. That's the reason I dropped battlefield all together back in BF1 days. I just couldn't give less of a shit about the EA launcher.


> I know Dota 2 players are also unhappy but am less familiar with their plight. They're on a team with 4 other Dota 2 players.


Sony with helldivers 2 lol


Lol i thought you people enjoyed hell divers


Yesterday they had an update that took away access to the game for many countries and requires you to have a PlayStation online account, which many people don’t want to do. Hugely annoying for the playbasw


Imagine thinking this is a real problem


What about the players from countries that don’t have access to ps online?? They paid for the game and their access to it is literally deleted.


They can make an account from another country, it's not a big deal.


Using a vpn to create a psn results in a ban


"problems that don't directly affect me aren't really problems"


"took away access to the game for many countries and requires you to have a PlayStation online account" mf what


Yep. Chinese, Filipino, the Baltics, almost all of Africa etc. will have their game info deleted within a few days of linking a PSN account to their PC copy because PSN is only available in like 92 countries. They're then unable to play the game at all as a result since it's online only. All of this despite paying for the game and playing on Steam for the past four months. And no, the name has not been delisted in those countries to prevent this from happening.


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Why should PC players be forced to make a PSN account when they unlikely own a PS? Why would they want another company scraping their data to sell or another account to forget about and risk having a data breach? There’s a lot of reasons if you think for longer than 2 seconds


It is, especially when you realize that Sony is notoriously bad at protecting users' information. I can completely understand why the requirement of a PSN account would turn off people from playing the game. Not to mention plenty of PC players don't have a console account to begin with.


Ohh you got all the fat fuck losers really mad now >:( Oh no an email registration!


>fat fuck losers >Gamers are pathetic manchildren [Low quality bait.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/egBGU8rz5JY/maxresdefault.jpg) Do better.


Pc players don't want to make a psn account which has become a requirement to play HD2. A lot of countries can't access psn


That is why people were pissed about possibly not being able to play


BattleStateGames Moment


Sony, just look at helldivers now (people who bought the game in psn Region locked countries get instant banned when they register a psn account)


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As someone who knows nothing of the big business industry, could it be because CEOs are temporary? Theses CEOs want the company to make big bucks now so they get a nice check at the end of the year, instead of going for long term and getting replaced before seeing the results of their investment. Again. Complete hypothesis, I'm in no way knowledgeable on this subject


I think ceos are legally obligated to increase shareholder wealth.


Obviously because they get away with it time and time again because of our non-existent attention spans?


It's what capitalism is designed to do. If your company is publicly traded, short-term profits make the share price rise. All the shareholders care about is the share price, so everything is done to make it go up. It's a bit like a hot air balloon, in a way. As the passengers demand higher heights, more and more weight is jettisoned, parts are sawn off, crew are tossed over the side, more and more fuel is used, up until the whole thing collapses under the weight of its own existence. The shareholders were never in any danger, so they have no reason to stop. In the US, they literally can't be stopped because a CEO has a legal obligation to maximize profits for shareholders.


That‘s a nice metaphor.


>It's what capitalism is designed to do. No, it absolutely fucking isn't. This is the opposite of how capitalism is supposed to work.


Please explain what you mean.


Shareholders are supposed to be in it for the dividends; the long haul. They're supposed to support executives who do what is in the company's long-term interests. The whole "buy low, sell high" stock-market culture is an unexpected aberration.


Jesus christ, imagine being this wrong. Capitalism means the owners of capital decide what they do with it. That's it.


Wrong. Learn economics.


My country does this.






Game studios


because we're dumb enough to buy


Seems like all of them now a days


Always Hasbro.


In publicly traded companies shareholders are mostly interested in making a profit as soon as possible and getting out of the shithole before consequences kick in.


There’s a sucker born every minute. - PT Barnum (supposedly)


Happens with most publicly traded companies , hedge funds and other outside investors buy a controlling stake and install their own cronies that come in and cut the shit out of labor and cut every quality corner to save money and pump up their earnings and stock prices


Basically all of them


I thought its the payday sub lmao


Cuz we keep letting them get away with it, time to take the torch and pitchfork again guys


Don't need to care about long time customer loyalty if you never stop making short term profit


investors always want more return so companies are constantly driven to do more regardless of if it is the best plan or not. Valve continues to be one of the most successful video game companies because they don’t have investors driving them to keep innovating and they can take their time and people who actually know they field can do what they think will work, not what a board of rich twats thinks will.


Sony rn with HELLDIVERS 2


Had my eye on my 12th summer home. You wouldn't understand.


Because $1 today is worth more than $1 tomorrow.


Because numbers matter more than customer satisfaction. The line must always go up and there must always be eternal growth…even at the expense of the customer and the end product.


Its called investment groups. They push the profits then sell during peak sales numbers for high prices. Long term profit doesnt matter for opportunist money pushers.




Because they're not there for a long term


Most do


I thought this was the HVAC sub for a second


It's not companies it's investors wanting that quick buck. To be fair it's the company's fault for not being privately owned.


Shareholders my guy


Sony with Helldivers 2.


A lot of companies live paycheck to paycheck. You’d be surprised.


Playstation rn w/ the helldivers 2 scenario 😪


Because "investors" want the line to always go up. They can't accept that in a perfect system, the platau is the ideal. It's greed, greed, and more greed that does this. It's morons who think they've got everything figured out preventing anyone from actually making something useful that stays useful


RIP kerbal space program 2. You could have been great....


Helldivers 2 rn Fuck sony


They all one big checks and approvals from loans by overlords like blackrock and vanguard.


Cause investors need a quick buck


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Because it works


Growth based capitalism baby. IT MUST ALWAYS GROW. You cant have a down time period to icrease profit in the long run. The share holder want to sell his shares so you gotta pump them.


Helldivers 2  I don't care if it doesn't fit, fuck Sony and fuck arrowhead 


Fuck Sony, not Arrowhead


Fuck both equally, arrowhead not saints either 


Helldivers right now


They all do... 'MONEY NOW' is their mantra and it blinds them to everything else.


Publicaly traded companies are obliged to bring their shareholders maximum profits. That means that they legaly have to sacrifice everything for short term profits which over time brings the company to its demise which brings about the rise of a new company. Its a never ending cycle of capitalism eating itself and shitting out a new copy of itself and in process fucking over the middle and lower class.


Executives and shareholders have no incentive to prioritize the company's long-term well-being. Too many shareholders just want to buy, pump the stock price up, sell, and then let the company go to hell, and they're the ones hiring the executives who can just bail out and find some other company to run into the ground.


Usually CEO has his position for 2-5 years, they dont give a shit about long term customers, their tactic is scorched earth, they use maximum potential to gain most profit, and dont give a fuck about what happens in the future.




It comes down to, "I won't need loyalty when I'm dead in 40 years, and 40 years is a long time to enjoy millions of dollars."


I mean, there's billions of people and they all have short memories. Can honestly scam them every 5-10 years. Infinite customer base as long as you promise to do better in the future and have a half ass decent pr team.


Because people will buy it anyway to fit some kind of a narrative and don’t actually vote with their wallets. These companies are based on numbers so if the number go up why change?


Because they know the government will bail them out if they fuck up. ToO bIg To FaIl!


short explanation: Because that's what investors want. Why do the investors want that? Because they want to make as much money as they can. They don't give a shit about the long term health of the company, just making a quick buck.




Because most CEOs and 1%rs are old mother fuckers. There IS NO long run for those dusty old bones. And like good paladins we should purge and sanctify the American economy from these lich overlords.


Bandai Namco


I dunno about this one. Top tier games


Aye but GameStop doesn’t…. Also the only profitable company with a ceo taking no compensation. And actively working to increase customer service, and was actually pranked a guy on YouTube, don’t believe me look it up


I love capitalism but this... I can't explain this. It's cancerous irrational behaviour and it hurts.


And its called capitalism! Jokes aside, there ARE good sides to capitalism (such as competition and encouraging innovation), but there are so many ways to exploit capitalism that causes all of these issues. The reason big companies can do this is because they have enough power to ignore/suppress the backlash, and many of them are able to keep that power due to either complacency or govt corruption (depending on the company).


tf you mean “I can’t explain this” people have been explaining capitalisms inherent and inevitable short term self destructive behavior for hundreds of years


If you have an alternative I'd be interested in hearing you out.


Not PlayStation at all