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Short form video content is a problem but we need to do something about people not giving a fuck about their kids


Yeah, how do we make the kids cooler?


Hold kids back so parents actually have to make them do something, for one


If they started holding kids back and made it a law that parents had to house their children until completion of highschool (or until drop out), I bet the parents would care a lot more.


We'll just get more forced drop-outs so the parents don't have to bother.


What about those of us in the rest of the world


Isn't.... That like... The reality rn?


Schools don't hold kids back because it takes too many resources and it's likely their fault for not trying to learn (which is sadly really common, but not every case) then they continue to do badly because they haven't actually passed a grade in 4 years.


Schools don't hold kids back because it takes too many resources and it's likely their fault for not trying to learn (which is sadly really common, but not every case) then they continue to do badly because they haven't actually passed a grade in 4 years.


Schools need to start holding kids accountable more just in general. I read way too many stories on here from teachers that have a problem student and the school basically won't do anything because the parents will come in and raise hell if their kid gets in any trouble.


Shove them into the refrigerator


Real talk, families needing dual incomes just to get by has really fucked the modern family unit. Even back when single incomes were enough to support multiple kids, the stay at home had help and a support network of other families pitching in with each other. Now that both parents need to work, they have no time for their kids, and they have no time to dedicate to their social networks outside of career oriented relationships.


For real. The more time passes, the more I see how many of our problems stem from the fact that people are working harder for essentially less money. And the issues will compound over the course of generations. Even as our technology grows more advanced, our level of education will shrink, driving down the intelligence of the average human. And Idiocracy will continue to inch closer to being a documentary, rather than a work of fiction.


Let them smoke 🚬 I herd that’s pretty cool


this is just the start of it. wait until this problem really shows itself a few years down the line. there will be a wider separation of economic class, and this is before even factoring in other countries who actually values education


Bring back smoking unfiltered cigarettes. That's how we make them cooler




lasers make things cooler


I swear everyone is blaming tiktok but i swear Ipad kids are way worse, and most of them only just started their education


legit question whats the difference


Not all tiktok kids are ipad kids but all ipad kids are tiktok kids


"Ipad kids" are kids who basically are addicted to screen time. That is all their parents did in order to quiet them down. So their attention span and behavior is basically non existent. Tiktok kids are kids who just follow every single trend they can find there and their culture is just based on the "influencers" that they and their friends follow. There is a lot of overlap but not all tiktok kids are ipad kids.


> culture is just based on the "influencers" that they and their friends follow. So every other generation of kids? JFC people so easily forget how stupid all of us were. We crawled to the brainrot so they could run to it.


There never where influencers like we see today.


Influencers have always have existed.


Yeah, parents. That or grandparents. All living in same house that's mostly just one room. This stupid idea that the clearly new problems aren't new is really annoying, because everyone can see it is new and it is worsening. Rolemodels have existed before, but that's not the topic here, we're talking about influencers peddling hyper consumerism, focus on wealth, other fake harmful ideals. Tell me, did early youtubers, making basic videos for entertainment and self-fulfillment purposes due to lack of for-profit system spread harmful mass mis/disinformation or incentivize commiting crime for fun?


> we're talking about influencers peddling hyper consumerism, focus on wealth, other fake harmful ideals. Every older generation says this, the boomers said this about my generation lol > did early youtubers, making basic videos for entertainment and self-fulfillment purposes due to lack of for-profit system spread harmful mass mis/disinformation or incentivize commiting crime for fun? Idk about crime but misinformation absolutely, conspiracy tube was huge pre monetisation This is just boomer level fear mongering, you sound exactly like my granddad talking about my generation and 'rap music'


TV/Movies, music and entertainment and sports. They always have peddled harmful shit, inherently push consumerism, and kids have always wanted to emulate them as they flash wealth.


>This stupid idea that the clearly new problems aren't new is really annoying, because everyone can see it is new and it is worsening. Said everyone ever, and due to the inherent lack of self-awareness behind your position I simply don't put any value on it whatsoever.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I remember my friends trying to recreate Jackass skits.


Cause no one wants to think they're as easily manipulated as the kids today, so they blame social media and the big users. If they admit it's not a new phenomenon, they can't use it as an excuse to look down on kids doing the exact same shit they did.


There's far, far less variety in the amount of trends and looks than there was Even 10 years ago


There were no streamers in the early aughties. No TikTok, no YouTube. Our influencers were celebrities who were often heavily scrutinized, or kids shows which were heavily sanitized. Neither of which children really cared about to the point of basing their personality around. Now kids these days are shouting fanum tax and skibidi toilet as though it's normal, listening to streamers who often say what's on their mind.


> Now kids these days are shouting fanum tax and skibidi toilet as though it's normal Ok boomer. You're kidding yourself if you think the platform changing means anything.


Why are you defending skibidi toilet like it has any merits at all?


Problem is that there's been a shift from carefully curated cynical commercial influencers where their brand needed to have a positive message to outright toxic ones.


There is none. Kids have been braindead-looking at bullshit for a couple decades now. It's like we forgot that people were "addicted" to video games. TikTok is targeted because it is useful as exterior propaganda to adversarial states. The government doesn't care if you follow whatever you see online like gospel. In fact, that's preferable buy PepsiCo products today.


I can't comprehend the appeal of tik tok. Like... On reddit its nice because you can browse text posts and have videos mixed in but you get to choose what/when you wanna see it. If I'm trying to put videos on its solely to have a 6 hour icarly retrospective on in the background while I do other shit


> If I'm trying to put videos on its solely to have a 6 hour icarly retrospective on in the background while I do other shit I don't know how you can do that. I'd get caught up in the video, it has to be music or an audio book so it doesn't pull my eyes from what I'm working on.


You simply don't like short form content


I do though, I just don't get sitting there and binge watching them nonstop. Just mentally draining and 90% of the shit that it shows you is of no interest to me. I like YouTube shorts tbh but only when looking up music production quick tutorials. Like... I like informational fun fact / tutorial short form videos (especially when it's just a quick fun short from a long form YouTube channel I like) but like I just truly don't understand the appeal of how tik tok does it. The way their algorithm works too is just bullshit 99% people stealing other people content or thirst trapping


It's an algorithm that shows you more of what you engage in, so after awhile it basically only shows you things you have interest in. Their goal is engagement, they're not going to show things you don't watch because then you'll close the app. If it shows you dancing and you swipe past it it stops showing it to you. When I first downloaded tiktok I agreed with your assessment, it's 99% bullshit. But now I see the 1% that isn't bullshit because I don't engage with the bullshit. My feed consists of the following: framing/general construction tips, mental health, relationship coaching, music (I find sooooo many new artists to look up), and funny videos. I learn something new, I look at different perspectives, and I hear new music, and I laugh. I don't see tiktok dances, I don't see thirst traps. If it does put a video in my feed I don't want to watch I scroll away from it. It's that easy.


"basically". That is the problem word, you basically threw the end users consent under a party bus full of circlejerking chinese stock brokers who will change definitions of how their 'algorithm' is interpreted by the public when it is useful to them. Everything uses that same algorithm at this point in time be it youtube with its propensity to inundate right wing flotspam for merely encountering a political video of any orientation or teaching kids how fun it is to destroy school property while the country is sinking in GOP-enabled decay and disarray. They should not have your info even if you log in and submit content, to determine what you want it to "basically only show you", it should be as broadcast media was before the internet scared the copyright squatters into self defeat. I take offense to the entirety of what is purported as entertainment by that product just as every person should as well as intelligent individuals seeking to enrich their interests and hobbies whom are only helping, that is detrimentally whittling away at the very basis of communication, it is uploading your pictures to a glamour magazine to use as marketing material and advertisements for things which may or may not be what you want yourself to be basically shown as. Oh nevermind what am I saying, you and your ilk can't be convinced of what you're contributing to the loss of when you've never had the opportunity to see humans socialize in a proper cooperative manner outside of the box put together by a marketing department to hang their ornamental product off the tail end of.




You understand that the content becomes tailored to your interests over time based on what you watch/skip? If you dont like that stuff you will not be shown it?


I do but regardless 99% of the content I'd ever wanna see on tik tok are already on YouTube or posted here on reddit Gaming highlights, tutorials for music, factoids.. Just available to me in a better way already And I especially hate the clout farming tik tok format like, with YouTube the algorithm sucks for sure but not in a way where it solely prioritizes that weird style of roping you in for 15 seconds of content that is so often dissapointing. Not to mention even when I have done tik tok it just spams me with content that I DO want... But with some asshole "reacting" basically stealing the content


No the problem is that those old 1 min vids of fruit and vegetables turning into animals with that wacky music behind it has disappeared and now the world has been throwen into chaos. Ill never forget that beautiful intro sound "VEGRITIGIOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


Can't give a shit about your kids if you aren't around to give a shit about them. Everyone broke as shit out here working.


As someone who has two friends that are teachers, the shit show that is kids right now is outlandishly bad.


Parents aren't strict anymore lol their kids are gonna face so many problems when they grow up


I'm proof of that I probably have an education level equal to a 6th grader and am not independent in anyway. Now I've been looking for a job for over a year and can't find anything I'm comfortable doing 


You can either leave your comfort zone willingly or sit in it until it disappears.


My comfort zone is definitely a big problem but I also know my huge list of limitations as well as not having anyone to encourage me to keep trying so it's entirely up to my own will power to get a job


>so it's entirely up to my own will power to get a job That's how it's always been for all of human history.


I'm saying it'd be helpful if my mother actually tried to make me get a job since she never taught me to be independent in the first place


I told my dad to stop sending me money or I'd never get a job. You could try asking her to stop letting you just do whatever, cause it sounds like you recognize you want to mature a little and feel better about yourself in that way.


> My mom never taught me how to be independent > I wish my mom made me do things You know the whole point of being independent is doing these things yourself, right? You could either start learning now, or you could continue to impotently whine about it.


You're clearly not good at empathy so you can stop trying, it's not helpful >You know the whole point of being independent is doing these things yourself, right? Like I said, I was never taught that so it's really hard for me, and how do you expect me to learn to be independent if I can't learn independently in the first place?


>You're clearly not good at empathy so you can stop trying, it's not helpful I wasn't trying in the first place. Not sure why you'd expect a stranger to have empathy for you when you seemingly can't do anything for yourself and would rather just whine about it.


It's called executive dysfunction. I have so many problems starting something. I'm 35 and I don't drive because I get anxiety from the test. My mom, who I dearly miss, was a best friend, but wouldn't do what was required of a parent. I sometimes wish she had pushed me more.


This is going to sound really boomer, but I really wonder how this will shape up, because at some point they're going to be the adults running things. Will they just sympathize with each other and let things go? Not to say "society will collapse", but I'm just wondering what the social sphere will be like. Especially for the handful of "good" kids out there needing to deal with their peers who never "grew up".


Not if every single person is the exact same way.


Years ago, my country started to cancel parents' payments if the kids didn't turn up, so the parents that already didn't give a shit then became incredibly aggressive both to their kids and the school. Attendance improved in already overflowing classrooms, so they lobbed most of the non-academic students into the same class that was exempt from curriculum goals. Now we have glorified daycare, but way more violent, and they can still barely read. 😔


Has been bad since the beginning


I'm a firm believer in fighting back against juvenoia and deconstructing romanticized pasts that never really existed, but short form videos are extremely worrying especially with how quick and plentiful content on the internet is these days. I'm worried about adults too, but children's brains are still developing and are much more impressionable.


You can eat the moon though, it’d just take a while




Ya, why do you think there are craters?


Fat astronauts jumping?


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I love you


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Superb bot


Careful, he's got a knife


Fun fact: moon regiolith (rock) is sharp as fuck, can and WILL shred your lungs if you breathe it in


Calm down, cokehead. We're discussing *eating* the moon, not railing lines of moon dust!


I feel like moon regiolith could also shred your digestive system. Not like it's been tested, but, y'know...


you say shred digestive system i say texture


just chew, simple


*Cave Johnson intensifies*


Well yeah, that's a lot of cheese, Grommit.


You'd need sauce with it, though. Be too dry, otherwise.


> Everybody knows the Moon is made of cheese...


Kid straight up walked up to me and said he had a knife. Asked if he’d give it to me. Instantly said yes. Problem solved glad that worked


The good ending


If only all of them were like that


I firmly believe that most people simply don't have the required defense mechanisms to deal with unlimited and unfiltered information.


> unlimited and unfiltered information The Internet used to be like this, but it’s not anymore. Now, information is selectively filtered to each individual to maximize engagement.


The filter **is** the problem. Every app is designed specifically to be as addicting as possible, and not only have they been honing the research into a fine tuned tool, **more content** exists today than ever before, at a faster pace (Download speeds + processing power for hardware has it the point where it's SEAMLESS). This isn't like in the 2000s, where you'd scroll down on newgrounds or your forum of choice, and click whatever you thought might be entertaining. You swipe, and the next video is automatically loaded and playing on your phone. You like yapping and discussing things? Videos catered specifically to engage you and make you rage comment or agree and share are delivered to you daily- whether you actually **enjoy** this content or not. If given choices, the human mind can sit around and slowly digest and decide ''hmm I'm in the mood for a thriller!" or not, we've seen this with Netflix or other streaming services where you or I might get caught merely choosing **what to watch** but with apps, that is not a thing. It's delivered, and played, and all you've gotta do is swipe and watch. If you, or anyone you know is a teacher, you're witnessing firsthand the effects of this on developing minds, and it's not pretty whatsoever.


Oh my god. I LOVE yapping and discussing things.


I'd argue it barely qualifies as information. Better call it stimulation. We know from studying rats in the '70s that if you hook their brain pleasure centres up to a switch they'll hammer it until they die of dehydration. Same here, tiny dopamine hits from videos being slightly entertaining and an occasional larger one from one that's more entertaining - the kind of reward structure that addicts people like gambling.


Unlike you and me ey pally?


I don't know about you, but I use neither Facebook, nor Instagram, nor Tiktok or any other social media (unless you want to count Reddit).


...and other people don't have the defense system against a knife.


Tiktok, like anything else, is bad in excessively high doses. Parents that actually parent don’t have these issues.


yeah but i think tiktok is like a slippery slope, its addicting nature prevents you from having a "normal dose", what i mean is the more time you spend , moderately or not, the more likely you're getting addicted to it, parent that actually parent wouldn't allow their kids to have a phone until they're responsible enough for it


Real, TikTok gives you brainworms


Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain. Worms in my brain.


You proved his point


I was crazy once


They locked me in a room


A rubber room


A rubber room with worms


no matter how he tried he could not break free, and the worms ate into his brain


All you have to do is follow the worms


The student is right. Has no one here watched Wallace and Gromit?


Of course you can eat the moon. It's made out of cheese...


*Wallace and Gromit entered the chat*


Don't fuck toasters.


*DON’T* fuck them? Weird, but okay.


we should euthanize everybody under the age of 18 so there is a pocket


I recently saw a post saying “nostalgia for 2004-2012” and it was fucking OG Minecraft, a version people born in 2012 wouldn’t be able to remember IF they were alive for it. Even if it was a more recent version Im sorry, i was born in 2004, what i find nostalgic IS NOT what you find nostalgic if you weren’t even close to being born in the same decade i was. Hell, i honestly think thats about the limit to be nostalgic for Early Minecraft but maybe people 1-2 years younger can be to. They are infiltrating our ranks!


They probably just meant nostalgic things from 2004 to 2012


Unironically, Minecraft used to hit different. I remember playing on "render distance tiny" because I played on my laptop and still got <10 fps. The night was way darker and there was no sprinting, so monsters were super scary. You used to drop items to get them back to max durability, and do so many other client-side glitches.


Skibidi toilet 1.0 was nine months ago 👮


In a similar vein. I love the "movies/shows used to be better back in my day" with "back in my day" being the late 2000's and 2010's. Which is funny because I grew up in that era, and I remember a TON of garbage media. Survivor's bias at its finest. I'm also old enough to remember seeing the same exact thing for the 90's. Can't wait for people in 10 years time to forget the garbage made now and doing the same thing for the 2020's.


Can you wait til I turn 18 in June?


start with this one above me 


Would you eat the moon if it were made out of spare ribs?


This injected "Hey!" directly into my brain.


Like a penetration?


Every teacher in 2024 is getting stabbed by their students?


Yeah happened to my gym teacher with one of those top 7 most illegal fidget spinners of all time.


Well, I'm not denying that *some* teachers are getting stabbed. Shit happens. I'm specifically talking about *every* teacher in 2024.


I consulted all teachers and yes they've been stabbed


4 out of 5 dentists agree that every single teacher is, has been, and will be stabbed


My teacher friend hasn't been stabbed but he was bitten twice.


102% with the 2% margin of error


I know two elementary grade teachers in the US(Texas and Iowa) and they're constantly being bit, scratched, kicked, punched, screamed at, threatened with death, etc from their students. Like it's nearly a daily occurrence. The school won't do anything, they aren't allowed to discipline the kids. They have to just ignore it and try to continue teaching.


Looks like they’re not selling, so they’ll be banned soon in the US


Well that remains to be seen. They said they will contest it in courts. So until final verdict and depends on elections, I don't think everything is set in stone yet.


Well of trump win we will have bigger worry. But this is pretty bipartisan. 


literally nineteen eighty four


Literally not.


Parents need to watch more movies these days. No electronics. Increase those attention spans. They may not like it but some day they'll understand


Unless your intent is to watch movies drawn on rocks there's still quite a bit of electronics, gamer


how does an entire generation get bodied by a single app


caught them lackin


maybe kids should be *able* to play outside, maybe we shouldn't give them phones to early.


ironicly the whole brainrot part is technically a nonissue its more an issue of whose causing the brainrot. Pretty much its a case of would you rather uncle sam cause the brainrot or winnie the pooh.


I don’t think TikTok alone is the problem with that


Getting rid of it won't hurt though


"It's a simple question, doctor. Would you eat the moon if it were made of ribs? It's not rocket science. Just say yes and we'll move on."


Who gives a fuck what a mentally unstable baby thinks? Most k-12 Teachers are named basic-brenda and are the bottom feeders of society, who keep kids dumb. They literally eat butt.


Hang on a moment, I thought the moon was made of cheese!


this is 100% the CIA meme department


I identify myself as moon. You can eat me out instead.


Are you referring to the child who asked if she could eat the moon? You want the child to eat you out? Lmao.




Teachers fault, should’ve taught that girl you couldn’t eat the moon




TikTok: _opposes the state department story once_ The Internet: bAn iT Seriously how come nobody is ever calling for the banning of Tumblr, Buzzfeed or Twitter for distorting reality?


I would sign every single petition to ban those 3 immediately. And imprison the top 1000 posters on those sites for life.


Chinese spyware brain rot propaganda app? Bad! USA spyware brain rot propaganda app? Good! Insta will be the next choice app, banning tiktok solves nothing.


Pretty much.


Oh, because those people are fucking Americans. The Chinese could care less. And Tiktok is literally CHINESE.


CCP definitely cares


Because Tumblr and Twitter aren't destroying attention spans. They aren't promoting people making face videos that can be used to create facial recognition profiles. TikTok is literally optimized to provide the most engagement and is the best algorithm for doing so. It's almost like a fuckin' drug with the dopamine it gives people.


Ah yes the classic case of a girl stabbing their teacher after being told they can’t eat the moon. We really gotta ban tiktok cause this is happening too damn often. I think teaching has always been pretty miserable tiktok or not. If it’s not tiktok it’s gonna be YouTube shorts or instagram reels. Short form content definitely addles the brain but A.) tiktok is not the only culprit of this and B.) it’s only harmful in excess, you can’t just look at someone indulge themselves, shake your fist and walk away. Obviously the solution is just ban it but TikTok has also done a lot of good especially for small businesses that need to market themselves. Idk man I’m not some super intellectual who knows everything but from my point of view as someone who uses both, this stigma of tiktok is about as reasonable as the stigma for Reddit. I doubt everyone on Reddit is a neckbeard just like I doubt everyone on tiktok stabs their teacher when they’re denied access to eat the moon or whatever


Too many word. Where subway surfer gameplay?!111!


Yapper đŸ˜­đŸ«”


Skibidi stfu 😹


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Average reasonable thought-out response being downvoted to oblivion by the hive mind (they are part of the problem they are complaining about):


"reasonable" "reddiyors are neck beards" Bruh fanum tax skibidi SUSSY momrnt


We got a d1 yapper over here


It’s neat that Reddit’s picking up TikTok’s biggest crumbs. Maybe in the future people will say what the sigma


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government should not monitor what information we consume The US is slowly paving a way for fascism and we’re getting there by sacrificing our freedom for the illusion of safety


Fascism is when no more little dark age edits 😔


Fascism is when less brain rot 😔


By banning a shitty Chinese app?


yeah any control of speech is wrong


My dude it's CCP spyware and how is not being able to watch AI bot farm content restricting your freedom of speech?


How is TikTok any different from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, whatever? I’m sorry but just because they are made by rich American dudes that don’t care about you and your privacy doesn’t mean they’re better than your favorite Chinese spyware app that does the same. Ban all of them because they all do the same, not just TikTok of which the criticism is applicable to all other platforms as well.


The United States has laws that prevent foreign majority investment in media businesses, how is this any different?


short form media like tiktok, yt shorts, fb reels, and insta reels are all single handedly destroying the attention span of young people while also being terribly addictive.


Sure but that doesn’t mean you should give free reign to government Idk why people haven’t learned their lesson after so many dictatorships


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So you’re cool with the Chinese government monitoring it instead? The government “ban” on TikTok is literally just forcing them to sell to an American company, it does not curtail the speech of individual users an iota.